Boy In The Photo

Police Roster

Photograph Name Age Title & Duties
Mueller 22 Police Officer I

Been on the force 10 months with best friend, Alex. Is assigned to a geographic patrol division within the City, is considered a probationary officer (rookie) and is placed under the supervision of a higher ranking officer. In this case, Treize.

Alex 22 Police Officer I

Been on the force 10 months with best friend, Mueller. Is assigned to a geographic patrol division within the City, is considered a probationary officer (rookie) and is placed under the supervision of a higher ranking officer. In this case, Treize.

Dorothy Catalonia 24 Police Officer II

1 year on force and just finished probation with a perfect score. Works on black and white patrol, mostly issuing traffic violations, which she enjoys VERY much. Treize's cousin. Is under other officer's supervision in traffic.

Walker 25 Police Officer II

Been on the force almost 2 years. Specializes in a K-9 unit, using both drug dogs and cadaver dogs. Does not work under Treize.

Meizer 26 Police Officer II

4 years on the force. Not a sworn officer. He is a photographic specialist. Takes photos of crime scenes, espeically homicides. Good friends with Zechs. Works for the PD, but isn't under any supervision.

Lucrezia Noin 28 Police Officer II

Been on the force for 4 years. Is Dorothy's partner, also working black and white patrol. Is preparing to be promoted to officer III and dectective trainee. Has the hots for Zechs, as usual, but is not as intense as Une. Under another officer's supervision in traffic.

Nichol 28 Police Officer II

Been on the force 6 years. Motocycle patrol. Because of insubordination problems, is still in the officer II grade. Duties include responding to scene of crime or accident, traffic (like at funerals), and maintaining good relations with neighboring businesses. Under Treize's supervision as well.

Otto 27 Police Officer III

6 years on the force. Works in Air Support as a pilot. Former lover of Zechs. Deep down, he loves him but is content to be his friend.

Milliardo "Zechs" Peacecraft 29 Police Detective I

Been on the force for 6 years, and is detective traninee under Treize's supervision. Zechs wants to do good, but joined the force to also be near Treize. Has had past romantic relationship with Otto, but remains friends with him. Downplays Noin's interest in him.

Treize Khushrenada 35 Police Detective III

Been on the force 10 years, 3 months. Handles mostly Missing Persons cases, investigates theft and homicide crimes, performs survelliance, and maintains contact with informants. Good friends with Sedici and Howard, and politely ignores Une's interest in him. Is in love with Zechs, but doesn't know how to go about it.

Sedici 38 Police Sergeant I

Been on the force 15 1/2 years. On the S.W.A.T. team. Very gruff in his manner, but a very good guy. Good friends with Treize and Howard.

Howard 65 Police Lieutenant II

Started in his late 30's, he's been on the force over 30 years. His duties include supervision of detectives, sergeants and police officers, routine scheduling, and some detective work. Seen alot of bad stuff that he hasn't gotten over, so he plans to retire when this case is closed. Good friends with Treize and Sedici.

Lady Une 34 Police Captain I

Been on the force 13 years. Duties include acting as a Commanding Officer of a patrol or detective division, inspecting and overseeing the functions of the patrol officers and detectives to ensure compliance with the Department policies, procedures, regulations and standards. Thinks she may be in love with Treize, but she could see his feelings for Zechs.

Marshal Noventa 72 Chief of Police (COP)

Highest rank. Been on the force for over forty years. Is responsible for the entire police station and all of its personnel. Loves being a cop, and wants to be one until the day he dies.

Sally Po 33 Forensic Pathologist

Has worked in forensics for 4 years now. Mostly deciphers cause of death and means of death for the police department Treize works for. Loves her job, hates the people. Likes Treize, Sedici and Howard because they genuinely care.

Relena Peacecraft 26 Mental Health Counselor

Works with police officers in groups and individually to promote optimum mental health because of the stresses of their jobs. Been with the force for just over 2 years. Worries about her brother Zechs, and his "friend" Treize.

Title Explanation

Police Officer Rank:

The Police Officer rank is divided into three paygrade advancement ranks: Police Officer I, II and III. A Police Officer I is a probationary officer who automatically advances to Police Officer II upon successful completion of his/her probationary period.

Detective Rank:

There are three Detective ranks within the Police Department: Detective I, II and III. The Detective II and III are supervisory positions and are responsible for training and overseeing the activities of Detectives I and Police Officers.

Sergeant Rank:

The class title of Sergeant is broken down into two ranks: Sergeant I and II, and the Sergeant II rank performs a higher and more complex level of duties.

Lieutenant Rank:

The Police Lieutenant rank within the Police Department is assigned as Officer-in-Charge of various law enforcement and administrative functions and is broken down into two ranks: Lieutenant I and II.

Police Captain Rank:

The class title of a Police Captain is divided into three paygrade advancements: Captain I, II and III. Each higher level of a Police Captain assumes a more complex and difficult level of responsibility within his/her assignment.
