Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"Hey Heero, you in there?" Duo called. "I thought I heard someone yell."

Heero and Quatre froze. They looked at each other, and the same thought crossed their minds: What would Duo think?

"Heero!" Duo said, looking into the cockpit. "I sa-Oh, my God!" He scrambled away.

Heero looked at Quatre. "I guess the jig is up." He said.

"Duo," Quatre called, standing up. "Wait while we, uh, get dressed, then we'll talk, ok?"

"Fine, but if I hear you guys kissing, I'll bolt." Duo said.

Soon Heero and Quatre were sitting opposite Duo, waiting to see who would speak first.

"So." Duo said. "When did all this begin?"

"Well," Quatre began, "As it turns out, we've had feelings for each other pretty much since the day we met, and well, things sort of picked up the other day."

"Remember when I ran out of Quatre's room and almost ran you over?" Heero said. "It wasn't because I was afraid someone would steal my Gundam."

Quatre had to laugh at Duo's sheepish look and Heero's smug, if faint smile.

Duo scratched his head. "Okay, lemme get this straight: You guys have liked each other since the beginning, you had your first kiss a few days ago, and I just now walked in on you two doing it Gundam-style. Am I right?"

"If that's how that brain of yours works, yes." Heero said dryly.

Duo glared at him. Then he turned to Quatre. "So, I guess you'll want me to swear not to tell, or your new boyfriend will pull his gun on me, right?"

Quatre smiled. "Um, something like that, I guess."

Duo shrugged. "Er, by the way, when you were, uh, doing your thing with Heero, did you ever happen to figure out where he keeps that gun?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quatre was walking down the hall to his room when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned, expecting to see Heero.

"I heard it all." Noin said.

Quatre stiffened. What's she going to say?

"If I had been able to see Duo before he snuck up on you two, I would've stopped him. But you're both pretty confident that he won't talk, so I guess I trust him, too." She smiled at him. "And you can trust me as well. I'm happy for you both."

Quatre looked after her as she walked away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

He found himself fighting in space once again, but this time Quatre wasn't in his Sandrock. He was floating in space with the others, also not in their Gundams. But they sort of looked like their respective mobile suits. He saw that Heero had the wings and halo of an angel, as well as his light-sword. Duo had bat-wings and his light-scythe, Wufei had the wings and tail of a dragon, and while Trowa had no wings, his arms were machine guns. Quatre had his own curved sabres.

"The enemy's approaching." Wufei said.

Duo started forward. "Let's welcome them, Shinigami-style." Wufei and Trowa followed him.

Heero hung back with Quatre. "I don't want to fight." He said.

Duo, Trowa and Wufei stopped and looked back at the pair.

"If you're not with us, then you're against us!" Wufei said, advancing on Quatre and Heero. Suddenly he struck out with hands that had turned into dragon's claws. The two boys arched back in pain, then exploded. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Aaaahh!" Quatre sat bolt upright in his bed, breathing hard. What's with these nightmares? He thought.

Heero rushed in just then. "Are you alright?" He asked as he went to Quatre's bed and sat by his side.

"Yeah, it was...another bad dream." Quatre said. "We were both destroyed by Wufei."

Heero held Quatre close, burying his face into the Arabian boys' blond hair. "I would rather destroy Wufei than watch him hurt you." He said gently. He tilted Quatre's face se he was looking into his eyes. "I promise."

"Hey Quatre, what-Whoops." Duo said, walking in on the two about to kiss. He averted his eyes. "Well, uh, looks like Heero's got it covered. So I'll just go." Duo turned, muttering, "If I hear any thumping or groaning, I'm sleeping in the hangar with Deathscythe."

Heero chuckled and Quatre laughed softly as Duo left. When the door shut, they kissed again with the passion they felt for each other.

Aware of how late it was, they reluctantly seperated. Quatre thought about asking Heero to stay, but Heero didn't need any persuading. He laid down by Quatre in a spooning position, and soon they were drifting off to sleep. Chapter 7