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Welcome to the DBZ-Store. you may buy any item below as long as you have the money.

Battle Utilities

1. Chains-$200-Use chain on opponent's weapons to prevent them from using it that battle
2. Chain cutters-$300-Cuts the chains off your weapon
3. Thief Clothes-$2000-Lets you steal an item (up to $500 value) or $1000 from your opponent; lasts forever but only once a battle.
4. Ultimate Thief Clothes-$5000-Lets you steal an item (up to $1000 value) or $2000 from your opponent; lasts forever but only once a battle.
5. Safe-$500-Protects you from Thief Clothes; lasts forever(unless is stolen)
6. Safe Shield-$1,000-protects safe from being stolen; lasts forever
7. Disable-$500-Disabls a move specified by the openent. can only be use 2 times a batte
8. Smoke bomb-$600- creates a massive smoke screen allowing you to escape from battle

Energy Regenerators

1. potion 50$- restores 1000 pl in battle
2.Super Potion $200- Restores 5,000 pl in a battle.
3.Ultra Potion $400- Restores 10,000PL in battle
4.Senzu Bean -$500 Restores 15,000PL in battle
5.Ultimate Senzu Bean $700 Restores 20,000PL in battle
6.Mega senzu bean-$1,000 Restores-35000pl in a battle, and gives 400 pl To keep
7.Yammah Fruit-$4000-Restores 80,000pl in a battle and adds an extra 2000pl to keep
8.Evil Seed- $20,000 Restores your PL in a battle and gives you 10,000 PL to keep
9.Tree of Might Fruit-$40,000-Completely restores pl in a battle and adds an extra 25,000 pl to keep


1.Light Saiyan Armor-$300-Protects you from 250d a turn, Lasts 3 battles
2.Sayin Armor-$700 Protects you from 500d a turn and last 3 battles or spars.
3.Heavy Saiyan Armor-$900-Protects you from 800d a turn, Lasts 4 battles
4.Light Human Armor-$500 Protects you from 500 damage a turn and lasts 3 battles or spars.
5.Heavy Human Armor-$2000 Protects you from 1000 damage a turn and lasts for 3 battles or spars.
6.Android Armor-$2,500 Protects you from 2000 damage a turn and lasts for 2 battles or spars.
7.White Diamond Armor-$3500-Opponents attacks can't hurt you, Lasts 3 turns, Twice a battle, For 1 Battle.


1. Dagger-$100- Does 400 damage, counts as a move. One time use.
2. Small sword-$200- Does 650 damage. counts as a move. One time use.
3. Janemba's Sword-$2,500-Does 1,000d, counts as move.
4. Bright Sword-$3,000-Does 2,500d and makes opponent lose a turn, Limited to one, Lasts forever, but only once a fight.
5.Trunks Sword-$4,000-Does 3,000 damage. counts as a move.
6 Mystic Sword-$5,000-Does 4,000 dagame. counts as move, once per battle or spar.
7. Broad Sword-$5,500-Does 4,500 damage and makes opponent lose 2 turns, Limited to one, Lasts forever, but only once a fight or spar.
8. Laser Cannon-$7,500-does 5,000d counts as move. only once per battle or spar. Must go to resting spot after using for 24 hours
9. Ray Beam Cannon-$8,000-7,500d and Melts a d-ball detector and counts as move. Once per battle or spar.
10. Spirit Bomb Charger-$10,000-Does 10,000 damage must wait 2 days after use to use it again.Once a fight or spar.
11. Dooms Day Gun-$15,000-Does 17,000d damage, once per battle or spar.

Training material
1. Weights x1 -$500-adds 75 to your pl after training
2. Weights x2-$700-adds 150 to you pl after training
3. Weights x3-900-adds 200 to you pl after training
4. Weights x4-1100-adds 225 to you pl after training
5. Weights x5-1300-adds 275 to you pl after training
6. Weights x6-1500-adds 325 to you pl after training
7. Weights x7-1700-adds 375 to you pl after training
8. Weights x8-2900-adds 400 to you pl after training
9. Weights x9-3000-adds 450 to you pl after training
10. Weights x10-3100-adds 500 to you pl after training
12. Kai Pass-$700-Allows you to train with kai when you die
13. Kai Eternal Pass-$2000-allows you to train with kai anytime you want

Space Travel
1. Space Pod-$500-room for one person to travel through space
2. Space ship-$1200 Room for 5 people to travel through space with build in gravitrn
3.Space Upgrade-$1000-allows you to reach a planet 1 day faster
4.Super upgrade-$1500-allows you to reach a planet 2 days faster
5. Mega advance-$2000-allows you to instantly teleport a planet

1.low power radar-200-allows you to find 1 ball in 5 days
2.Medium powered radar-400-allows you to find a ball in 4 days
3. High powered radar-600-allows you to find 1 ball in 3 days
4. Super powered radar-800-allows you find 4 ballz a day