Moonlight Angel
||| WHO? ||| WHAT? ||| WHERE? ||| WHEN? |||WHY? |||
Image collage by PK'01, 'PK and Yue' Welcome to "Moonlight Angel"! This is one of those many shrines out there to the ever-so-adorable-yet-overly-cranky-Moon-Angel known as Yue!
This site, as many before it, has only begun, and thus will grow up to be great like the others. This site will grow to have Movies, perhaps Music, an large Image gallery, information, links to other wonderful Yue shrines, and much, much more.
I, your friendly-yet-ditzy webmistress, PK Star, invite you to come back again and watch this site grow, so that we may all pay homage to this ever-so-cute Moon Angel.