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What's an Autozam guy
without his mecha? Here's a
little info about GTO! @.@
Well, for one thing the GTO only shows up once in the
anime, and not at all in the manga ;_; But, hey, Geo did
one heck of a job fighting in it!! No stats are available on
it sadly, and even less photos. The pic above is of
Eagle's mecha, FTO, which is similar in construction to
the GTO. The only difference I see is that the GTO is
green with white trim and has a huge buster rifle as an
accessory *drools* Mechas w/ buster rifles rock!

GTO's only appearence is in Episode 39, when Eagle
makes one last desperate attempt to capture Cephiro
castle, but the only way to get through to the castle is
through the Magic Knights and their mashins. Geo
manages to knock Fuu into oblivion (temporarily of
course), while Eagle blasts the snot out of Selece/Umi.
After Hikaru rushes to Umi's side, Geo reluctantly takes
the opportunity to fight Rayearth, knowing full well that
Hikaru's fighting skills are on par with his own.
Needless to say, her powers had increased the last time
he saw her, and she easily slices off GTO's left leg.
Undaunted, Geo is still able to maneuver just as well as
he was before, but is still shocked at how powerful
Rayearth REALLY is. When Fuu returns and heals
Umi's wounds, he manages to bust through Umi's
Sapphire Whirlwind with ease and continue blasting
with his kick-butt buster rifle. Umi and Fuu fly off to aid
Hikaru with battling Eagle, and Fuu binds the GTO with
her Winds of Abonishment spell for precautionary
measures. This proves futile, as GTO not only busts
through the barrier, but restrains Umi and Fuu from
flying any further with these cool glowing rope
thingeys!! When Eagle is captured and held prisoner in
Cephiro castle in ep. 40, there is a brief 2 seconds
where we see Geo docking the GTO and running like
mad into the NSX, barking orders and explatives
towards whoever's within earshot (he's so cute when
he's frustrated =^^=). And that's all we really see of the
GTO ;_; If I can hook up my VCR to my WinTV, I'll try
and get a screenshot of it to replace the chibi FTO one. I
have a couple of pictures of Geo fighting Rayearth in
the image gallery - so go check those out if you have
the time!

And everybody was KUNG FU FIGHTING!!!