Part1 Dr.Goodman was talking with Miss Grey,like usual Flint,Sara,Tony,Pteri and Getalong were there watching. "so who's that shifter we have to find this time?"Ask Tony "He's name is Rapido,take a look."She answer,showing them the picture of a what appear to be a black racer helmet with yellow stripe,the visor was lift and you could see the green head inside, grining,it has wheel instead of feet and a litle antenna like tail. "Who,what's his special power?"Ask Sara. "Rapido have the power to influence the speed of anything he want,also,he is very fast himself, his time for a 100 m is 1.67 second.When he have perfect condition he can reach the speed of sound."Miss Grey answer. "Where is that Time Shifter?"Ask the Dr.Goodman. "In ancient Rome."Answer Miss Grey,as the Time Card escape it's slot. "Com'on guys!"Shout Flint,catching the Time Card and running to the Time Cycle,Rocky came in bouncing. "Wait for me!"He said, "Don't worry Dad,I wouldn'T be able to do a thing without you."Add Flint.The Time Cycle platform lower and Flint insert the Time Card. "Time Cycle activate,ready for departure."Said Pteri,in his usual tchnical tone. "Time Cycle let's go!"Yell FLint as the Time Cycle warp into the time stream.