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My Profile!!!

Name: Kitana Chang!

Age: 13

(just so you know I am of the Female species=)

Eye color: Blue

Hair: I'm not blonde!! =P

Ethnic Origin: Canadian

Pastimes: learning Japanese and Drawing!

Dislikes: hmmmm....Heero...

Likes: Many things (Duo, music, anime...and the list goes on...)

Location: CaNaDa

I dunno why I put this here..Boredom?

Fave Gundam Character: DUO!!!!! and Wufei.


Fave Color: AZURE

Webpage: (well i guess you figured the webpage thing, you are here right?!?)

This is chibi Duo!!! he is soo adorable!

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THis is Chibi Heero, Doesn't he have a cute expression? Hiyas chibi Heero!!!

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