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Strange human....
The searat had been on many ships and docks in its existence, but it had 
never seen anything like this room's occupant.The rat jumped back into 
hiding as the cocoon engulfing most of the small room pulsed and a weird 
moan escaped it. This human girl, pretty by human standards, it guessed, 
with the long dark hair down her back got on board the ship with this other 
strange group of people two days ago. Even then, the rat could sense 
something wrong with this human, unlike anything it had encountered in it's 
So it had watched her from that point on, with morbid interest....not 
completely understanding what it had seen in that time.....The girl's 
behavior changing from normal to more animal like as day approached. The 
stalking and attacking of random members of the crew unfortunately alone 
and unaware at the time, feeding of some red mist that rose from the victim 
as she grabbed them by the throat until they almost died of strangulation...
always letting go and retreating to her room. Looking more and more like a 
corpse as she spun a cocoon around her and slept within until dusk, 
restored back to her previous beauty.
And the cycle repeated.
Ignoring it's instincts to stay the hell away from the cocoon, the rat 
walked up it's sticky, translucent surface to stare inside.
What are you?
The girl's eyes snapped open, glowing.
The rat barely had time to squeal as it's pondering and short existence was 
extinguished by her hand snapping through the cocoon to crush it as easily 
as paper. The cocoon melted away to reveal a naked Tomoe.
She looked at the crushed rat in her hand, a small wispy cloud of red mist 
rising from it and snaking around her body before she inhaled it with a 
deep sigh, and smiled ferally as she examined herself.
Human again, Thank Kami-sama.
Animals weren't enough anymore. Now she could only get enough of the 
life-force needed to keep her 'alive' from humans. A complication she did 
NOT need.
Damn you, Ashura.
She tried to ignore that little voice in her head as she dressed in one of 
Karou's Kimonos she borrowed. The one telling her that she didn't have to 
live like this....that there was another way to prolong the time she would 
be human and not have to worry about Kenshin seeing the side effects of 
'starving' herself.
Never....She growled. I refuse to murder just to extend my.....'New lease 
on life'....
She ripped off the cocoon slime holding the door shut and walked out into 
the ship.
"To feel the sun and be with you, again, Kenshin....If only......"
Premium Spirit Productions Presents...
A Rurouni Kenshin/Ninja Scroll Crossover
Darkness before Dawn.
By Sentora
Rurouni Kenshin and all it's characters belong to Nobuhiro Watsuki, The 
great guys at Sony and Jump magazine, I'm just borrowing them for this 
crazy fic. The new ones, however, belong to me...So ask nicely if you want 
to use them, Kay? ^_^
Chapter 3: Six-guns and Sakabas
America....Kenshin grinned. Never thought I'd be going there....
Not as if he had a choice, he mused as he leaned on the railing of the ship. 
According to Shuriken, her father was the only one who knew the full legend 
of the swords, so they had to seek his advice.
So the Kenshin-Gumi were going to New York....And so far it wasn't a 
pleasant trip. Yahiko sick as a dog most of the time and arguing with 
Shuriken the little time he wasn't. A moody Sano avoiding Megumi, Megumi 
spending more time with Jubei as a result.
Soujirou taking it all in stride as usual, although Kenshin figured the 
constant training he was doing was so he wouldn't snap and Kill somebody.....
And that didn't even count his problems....
He was so wrapped up in his thinking he didn't know she was there until she 
touched his shoulder, startling him so badly he almost jumped off the boat. 
"K-Karou-dono!" He sighed, willing his heart to slow down. "You scared me."
Karou's eyes flashed dangerously at hearing him calling her dono again, 
Kenshin missing the warning signs.
"Gomensai, Kenshin." She faked a smile. "Enjoying the view?"
It was a lovely night indeed....a clear night lit only by the stars and full
The only thing better was standing beside him.
He gave himself a hard mental shake. Stop that, he berated himself. How can 
you think like that when.....
"Stop it."
Karou looked at him with such anger he took a step back. "You've been 
avoiding me ever since we got on this damn boat, Kenshin, and I'm sick of 
it! What's wrong with you?!"
Kenshin just looked away.
"It's Tomoe, isn't it?" Kenshin not answering was enough for Karou, who 
made an effort not to whack the Baka before she said what she had to say.
"Look at me, Kenshin." She squeezed his shoulder. 
Despite his mind warning him not to, he did....and regretted it when he saw 
the sadness in her eyes. *My fault, as always.... No matter how hard I try 
I still hurt her.*
"Leave me be...."
"And let you drive yourself into the ground over nothing? Is that what you 
want?" Karou was starting to lose her grip on her temper. "Haven't you 
learned that hiding from me doesn't work?"
Nothing she says....Kenshin felt a small rush of anger. Why can't she ever 
wake up? If there was ever a sign that two people weren't meant to be, his 
former wife coming back to life was one of them.
And now, I'm not sure I've really let her go in the first place....
Karou swore. Not just swearing, but a full Sano style rant that made 
Kenshin's ears burn. Then after she finally ran out of words she sighed and 
looked him deep in the eyes.
"Tomoe and I had a long talk the other night." Kenshin raised an eyebrow in 
"And to make a long story short, She wanted me to remind you of what she 
told you that night...and you should think for yourself once in a while 
because you deserve to be happy."
Kenshin blinked....Then his surprise turned into a rueful grin. Sly as 
always.... ne, Tomoe? 
"It's unfair for two to team up on me, you know...." Kenshin watched the 
worry and hurt bleed out of her eyes, feeling cleansed himself. Agratou, 
Kami-sama, for blessing me with these two.   
“Although I have a feeling that's not all you two talk about...."The wicked 
grin that slowly appeared confirmed his fears.
"Tomoe did have some...." Her tone was mischevious, "interesting stories to 
Kenshin's complexion rainbowed. "Ooorrrrrrooooo...." 
Karou was so happy to hear him back to normal, she hugged him. From the 
shadows, Tomoe watched with a smile.
"They belong together, ne, Jubei?"
To her amusement, Jubei swore in surprise, slinking out the shadows to 
stand beside her. "Yeah, I guess so." He glanced at her. "And you're ok with
Tomoe chuckled. "Am I jealous, you mean? A little...But Kenshin's happiness 
is more important than anything to me now, and if that girl has healed his 
poor heart then she has my blessing. Besides...." Tomoe flashed him on of 
his trademark sneers. "I had him first.... and I know I will always be a 
part of him, as he is a part of me."
"Oh, I see." Jubei snorted. "Never figured you to be the martyr type. Then 
again, I never understood you anyway, Tomoe." Tomoe sniffed haughtily. 
"Flattery didn't work last time, Kimagami-san, It won't work now." Jubei 
snickered. He remembered that time he came for Battousai while he was still 
married, thinking he could charm his way past Tomoe as an 'old friend.' Not 
only had Tomoe seen past that, but she warned him in a oh so 'conversational'
tone that she wouldn't like someone bothering her husband for a fight today.
He also didn't fail to notice the cooking knife she 'subtlety' waved at him 
while she said it. So he ended up staying for dinner and waiting for another 
day, when she wouldn't be around, hopefully....
And make Battousai pay for that knowing smirk he had to put up with the whole
"As you wish, Tomoe-sama." He said sarcastically. Tomoe sighed. I just hope 
it lasts.....
And while this sweet scene was transpiring....
Megumi tried not to make a face as Yahiko puked his guts out for the 
hundredth time into the bucket in the corner of her room, and failed 
miserably. "I warned you not to eat so much, Yahiko-chan."
A green faced, bleary-eyed Yahiko glared at her briefly, "Don't call 
me..." He started before puking again, Megumi sighing as she stirred the 
medicine. Her mind anywhere but on task.
"Oi, You in there, Fox?"
Sano....She took a deep breath and let it out, fluffing her back into order 
as she glanced in the mirror. That didn't take long.... Men are so 
predictable. She opened the door and looked at him. "Well, look what the cat 
dragged in." Sano didn't rise to the bait, much to her disappointment. After 
all the flirting she had been doing with Jubei, she expected Sano to put his 
fist through the hull with Jealousy. Dirty tactics indeed, but she had enough
cat and mouse games between them so she was taking drastic measures. The 
little voice in her head decided to ask her those two lingering questions 
  *But why not just tell him? And is it just 'flirting?'*  
Shut up, she mentally snapped.
 "Just came to check on Yahiko, that's all." He had a smirk Megumi didn't 
like. "Don't wanna get in the way..."
"Is that all?" *Careful, Megumi, don't sound too suggestive....* Sano's eyes 
narrowed, the smirk widening.
"What, expecting.... company soon and want me out the way?" Megumi's eyes 
narrowed in response.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Like you don't know," He said her nickname like a curse word. 
"Fox...."  Megumi's eyes seemed to glow red hot with that remark.
"I asked you what you meant by that." Sano crossed his arms.  
"What does a smart lady like yourself care what a baka chicken head thinks?" 
He taunted.
An awful lot, Megumi admitted to herself. But you're pushing it....
"Good point, why should I care what you think?" Something flickered briefly 
in his eyes befo