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~*Eternity Realm*~

~*~ Welcome! You have just entered the Eternity Realm where there are no limits to dreams and imaginations. This realm is ruled by Lady Celestia Eternity, Keeper of the Elements and Lady Knight of Eternity. This is my home. I am currently on the lookout for special ones to join my mystical court. If you think you have what it takes to become a Chosen One, e-mail me at the address at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, feel free to explore.
~*~ For updates and news concerning the realm and its people, go to the Moonlight Tavern found in the City of Eternity. ~*~

~*~ 2.28.02 - Special News!!! In the City of Eternity there is now an arcade. Go play games! ~*~

~*~ I have posted up the journals of some of the Royal Court members. So far, Acia, Iliath, and I have journals for your enjoyment. You can get to them through their profiles. Enjoy! ~*~

~*~ I have finished renovating my library so now you are able to access more stories and poems that are currently featured in my Kingdom of Summer. Enjoy! ~*~

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~*What You'll Find in Eternity Realm*~

~*Feel Free to Explore the Realm*~

~*Royal Court*~
~*Archive of Tales*~
~*Dragon & Dragon Keeper Memorial*~
~*Gateway to the Eternity Kingdom*~
~*Hidden & Barriered Gateway to the Kingdom of Darkness~*~
~*Views of the Realm*~
~*City of Eternity*~
~*Emerald Forest*~
~*Guardian Angels of Eternity*~
