Copy writes. Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Rumiko Takahashi and is owned by Viz video and all that. None of the characters belong to me and I just used them to expand my own creativity. Author's note: Well, I wrote this story because I was getting tired of all those stories where Ranma just had to take it and not get back at people. I was also getting tired of all those stories where people make Ryoga out to be honorable person. If you want to argue with me, send me an email and I will argue with you as how he is one of the most honorless person ever in the story. Even Kuno has more honor than Ryoga. Ranma1/2 Decisions Prologue Ranma was just sitting on the roof thinking about what happened today. It wasn't all that different from what happened yesterday or day before that. His life was getting very predictable that wasn't always a good thing. His life, ever since he left on that trip with his pop to become the best martial artist in the world, has gone down the drain. He was trained in that Cat Fist, and he got cursed and had Amazon chase him all over China in order to kill him. When he got to Japan, he got engaged to a very angry girl who used him for a practice dummy. Although she can be cute, most of the times she was so uncute with her violent behaviors. After that, he got this idiot after him. When he is a guy he wanted to kill him and when he was in his cursed form, he just wanted him. It was sickening just thinking about it. What an idiot, he even transformed when he was hugging him and the moron still didn't get it. After that the Lost Boy showed up. The honorless pig attacked him out of no where without warning and blames him for every little thing that is wrong with his life. So Ranma made him a promise that he won't tell anybody about his cursed form and what does he do, make himself comfortable by becoming his finacee's pet pig and claims that he loves her. The pig calls him honorless when he uses his curse to be a pet, he uses his curse to sleep with innocent unsuspecting girl and stain her honor. He calls him honorless when he attacks him without provocation and without warning. He calls him honorless when he blames him for everything that is wrong with his life when it is his own fault. He calls him honorless when he is the one without honor. It just made him so mad to think about him, he considered him a friend but not anymore. He just gone too far. Ryoga, the pig is now actuallyusing that curse to make him even madder. Purposely staying close to Akane to get him mad, holding onto that promise Ranma made claiming that he can't tell anybody about his cursed form. Well, tough, he is getting tired of Akane calling him a pervert and hitting him for picking on "poor P-Chan" or "poor Ryoga". He thought about it for a long time and now decided that if you keep something from someone and by doing that stains that persons honor, there is no honor in keeping that secret. Also if you made someone a promise, but if that person abuses that promise by using it to gain person gain or advantages and stain other persons honor, than there is no need to keep that promise anymore. So Ranma decided that he was going to tell Akane all about Ryoga next time Ryoga shows up and get's on his nerves. That would be the last time that he keeps quite about little P-Chan and his secret. Of course that might have dire consequences of Ryoga coming after him more seriously, but Ranma decided that he had enough. If Ryoga wants to come after him, fine let him. He won't hold back against him anymore. Things were really getting out of hand and he just couldn't stand it anymore. He would also make a firm stand against the Amazons who showed up. First it was Shampoo, than it was that old ghoul and then finally Moose showed up. They are nothing but pain and they are always trying to drug or manipulate him. He won't stand for it anymore. Moose wasn't any better than Ryoga. He was always blaming things on him. He blames his own idiocy and impotence of not being able to beat and get Shampoo on him. It's about time somebody let him know that it was his own fault that Shampoo things of him like the dirt under her fingernails. For Shampoo, he will put it end to it as well. Shampoo is nothing but trouble and she always got him into trouble. She will have bother him anymore, that was that. For old ghoul, she would be tough. He knew, but she can get caught unaware and when she does, that will be the last mistake that she will ever make. Another one who will be equally tough will be the freak. Well, we all know how we can deal with that. I will use my cursed form to get him for the last time and he will get his too. Ukyou is ok. She seem like his only friend. She listens to him when he comes over after fight with Akane or anybody else. She always welcomes him to her place and provides him with places to day when he can't stay at the Tendos for one reason or the other. Ranma considered her his best friend or actually like a brother. That was one of the reasons why Ranma couldn't marry Ukyou, he just saw her as his brother, and was making that transition to sister. Marrying her would be like marrying your brother/sister. He'll just have to make sure that Ukyou get that and that she won't be hurt by his decision and choice. Of course there are other people in his life that made his life worse that it had to be. There are those Kuno siblings, but they are not major threats, he'll just have to give Kuno the most sever beating of his life that he will never ever forget. Kodachi, he have a feeling that she would most likely enjoy getting hit by him, so he decided to just leave her alone. There are Mr. Tendo and his Pop who decided all on their own to engage their children when they were not even born. Those two have been bothering him about honor and fulfilling the family pact that is based on honor. Well, bull shit. There was no honor behind it. His pop has no business mentioning honor and that is the truth. He is the most worthless and honorless man in the history of Japan. No, not just Japan, the whole continent of Asia. Of course Mr. Tendo has slightly more honor than his own pop but he too is honorless for he only cares for his own and no one else. He disregarded the honor of Shampoo when she first came over, and he disregarded the honor of Ukyou when she made her claim. It is funny how two of the most worthless and honorless men claim honor and tries to manipulate him using the concept of honor which they have no idea about. Well, they try that tactic again and he'll show them what an honorable man will do to those without honor and they will remember it as long as they live. Of course the people in his life are not all bad. There is Kasumi who is nice and kind. Although she can be little out of it at times, she is the most reliable and nice person that he had ever met. He hoped that Kasumi got what she deserved and to the fullest. Nabiki, the manipulative mercenary. She thinks that just because she is a girl and that I stay in their house and engaged to her little sister means that she can put me through all that she did. Well, she'll get what she deserves and I will flatten that high and mighty attitude of hers. She will never expect this from me of all people. Akane... she is the one person whom he can't really decided what to do about. It's true that him and her did not start on a good point. However, she automatically labeled him and blamed him for her trouble. She just lashed out at him because he was he. He was mean and hurtful towards him. However, she does have her good points and she is cute sometimes. Well, he can decided what to do about her later, after everything is taken care of problem with her may be solved automatically. For all he knew, she could be in love with Ryoga. She does make lot of comparison between him and Ryoga. "Why can't you be more like Ryoga" "Ranma's not like you Ryoga, mature" "Ryoga is so nice, unlike Ranma". Well, if she still likes that pig after she finds out... perhaps she already knows. Than there is no point, but after everything is cleared up and if it becomes clear that she likes Ryoga then Ranma will leave. Copy writes. Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Rumiko Takahashi and is owned by Viz video and all that. None of the characters belong to me and I just used them to expand my own creativity. ne Fic by Eric Oh. Decision Chapter 1 It was one of those quite moments before really big storm hits. All was dark and quite, truly rare moments since Ranma came to Nerima. Tendo Dojo for the first time in a long time was enjoying the quite and peace that lacked because of certain pig tailed martial artist flying through their roof or walls. Either that or certain mallet hitting them because certain violent girl was trying to hit that pigtailed martial artist. However, right now, that said violent girl was out at a movie theater waiting for that said pigtailed martial artist. It had surprised her greatly when the said pigtailed martial artist invited her to go to a movie she always wanted to see with him, although she'll deny it if you asked her. She was so happy that he actually asked her and given her a ticket that she readily agreed and agreed to meet up with him at the theater. Their fathers, who were both born idiots and the most honorless and clueless people in the world, decided to follow the violent girl and try to help them along. In which case means screw it up beyond repair and ruin any chance the two had in getting closer together. Older sister of the violent girl decided to follow the violent girl as well. Seeing how this was prime moneymaking chance, she wasn't going to miss out. The oldest sister of the violent girl received an invitation to the all Tokyo cook out and she went to that. Although she didn't wanted to leave her family behind, it was the pigtailed martial artist encouragement that made her decided to go to the cookout. The family's unwanted house guest, the one that the idiot fathers feared and one that all the girls in the nation considered the bane of all nation was thankfully out. Upon hearing that there was American swimsuit models here for a photo shoot, he was gone faster than one can say, "Sweeto!" This should have made the house empty except for the koi that swam in the koi pond. However, there was a shadow within the dark household. If one took a closer look at the shadow, one can see the distinct pigtail that the shadow had. Shadow was headed to the room where the bane of all girls were staying. As he got closer to the room, he could feel the perverted energy of the bane, he could feel the evil energy of the bane, he could feel the presence of Happosai even though he was not there. When the figure made it to the room, he his eyes went wide with shock. Although he had been expecting it, he didn't know he would have that many. The room was full of women's underwear. Just from the look he could already see some which belonged to the Tendo daughters and also some that he knew belong to some of the girls of Furinkin High. "I knew he was a pervert..." He really didn't know what else to say. He was shocked into stillness for a moments, however he recovered. He was determined and he had a mission. He was standing the violent girl up to do this mission and this better be worth it or he was going to be in a world of pain later for nothing. He had planned all of this. He planned to get everybody else out of the house so that he can go on with his mission unnoticed and not bothered by the rest of the household. He knew that Akane wanted to watch that movie, so he bought the ticket and asked her to go, he wasn't really sure that she would agree but she did which was great relief on his part. He than knew that the idiot of fathers could not keep their noses out of other people's businesses, being natural idiots and morons. That already took care of three and three more to go. It was rather unexpected to see Nabiki going after Akane as well. He should really have figured that would have happened. Nabiki naturally would want to take pictures of this event so that she can use it to blackmail himself or sell it to others to make money. Well, she will be disappointed. So that took care of 4, and 2 more to go. He didn't really have trouble with Happosai, just tell him something like there are scantly dressed girls somewhere and he was there. 5 down 1 more to go. This one, however was the toughest. He really didn't feel like lying to Kasumi. So he searched and looked for a good reason to get her out of the house and found it. There was some sort of cook out or cooking contest or some such, and he request them send them a invitation. Of course they readily did, even there they have heard the reputation of Ranma Saotome and Kasumi Tendo. Kasumi at first was reluctant to go, however, with just the right amount of encouragement, and also mentioning of how proud Mrs. Tendo would be that Kasumi was doing things, she was ready to go. Now that he had the house to himself for at least an hour, which he figured Akane and others would come back angry. Akane for being stood up, Nabiki for being fooled and wasting time, and the idiot fathers for whatever idiot reasons they come up with, he had to move fast. He immediately went through the room, searching for something. He wanted to find some secret technique or some secret move that he can use against Happosai. Of course he could always use his girl side to beat him, however, he wanted to beat him fair and square without the girl side so that Happosai will remember the defeat and he will remember the humiliation and he will know that he lost. Ranma searched for a long time, but still found nothing but women's underwear and was getting very frustrated. Time was running out and he didn't find any. This whole thing was going to waste and he worked hard at it. With that thought, he let the anger consume him and he lashed out at a wall. The wall broke down and out came more underwear, however with this pile of underwear, there was something in it. Ranma took a closer look and there were two scrolls. He took a look at first and was shocked. It was a scroll of summon. This was what Happosai used to summon demons and stuff, but it was different. This has never been used. Ranma read it and knew why. Happosai was a pervert and evil one at that, he can only summon evil beings, this scroll was used to summon a holy being, such as angels or gods and such. Ranma put it away knowing that it will come in handy. He took a look at the second scroll, and he knew he found Happosai's secret. The scroll held an ancient martial arts technique of drawing power or energy from other sources beside yourself. It held the technique as to how Happosai is able to draw energy from touching women or women's things. He started to read the scroll studying it hard. The scroll indicates that all being in the world has certain connections to other beings. If one knows the way, one can bring out that nature from within one's self and better connect themselves with the other. They can than draw power from that other sources. This means that Happosai was pervert in nature and being pervert and coming in contact with women or women's stuff gave him power. Interesting, than all Ranma had to do was find out what he is connected to or what his inner nature is more attuned to and than he can draw forth power from that source. Ranma was thinking hard about it that he missed the huge noise that the Tendo family was making. With angry and steaming Akane in the lead with Nabiki close behind and the two idiot fathers following, the Tendo and Saotome was looking for Ranma. Akane could not believe that she was fooled by Ranma, or that Ranma dared to stand her up. However, she hoped that Ranma had a good reason and didn't really mean to stand her up. Nabiki was angry that she wasted such a valuable time, and also that she was fooled by Ranma. She also knew that Ranma must have done something during this time that he had by himself and she was angry she missed what it was and missing a chance at blackmailing. Two angry fathers were angry at Ranma for well, who knows what these idiots were angry about and who really cares. They came into the house and noticed the light that was on in Happosai's room. They knew that Happosai won't be back for a while. With that in mind, they all headed to that room, only to find Ranma in the middle of women's underwear. Ranma was sitting in the middle of it, and he had somehow managed to get some on him, and he even had one on his head. This made the family go into shock. Akane, who had always called him pervert saw that Ranma is really a pervert, Nabiki was angry that she didn't have her camera to take the picture of this, and the fathers because they thought that Ranma was becoming like their master. Akane went into automatic mode, which was hurt Ranma mode. "RANMA YOU PERVERT!!!!" Ranma, only hearing this at the last moment, looked up only to get punted by Akane very hard and out the roof. However, this time, he didn't care that he was punted. He needed time alone to study the scroll and master the scroll. Akane by punting him out gave him the perfect opportunity. He can just stay out for a while and not come back claiming that Akane punted him into place that he didn't recognize and that he had trouble coming back. He was sure that it would only take him a few days to master the scroll, and when he come back he will take care of everything. Author's Note: Next chapters will hold real action. Please give comments and advice as to make the fic better. Send C&C to My web page is