Copy writes. Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Rumiko Takahashi and is owned by Viz video and all that. None of the characters belong to me and I just used them to expand my own creativity. Note: Well, I took a poll and people who answered it was encouraging about me writing a sequel to the Giver of Heart, so I am going to grant that girl her wish and write the sequel to the fic Giver of Heart. Ranma1/2 Return of Love In a dark room, you could just see a outline of a person hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. Even though you couldn't see the person's face and it's expressions you knew that the person was suffering a lot. "Please come back, please come back" The person was whispering those words again and again, like a mantra, or like it was a spell that will make something happen. There was a knock and door opened, spilling the light into the room, and for the first time we got to see the person in the room, clearly. It wasn't a pretty sight, the girl who was in a room covered with a picture of someone looked like she needed to eat, take a bath, brush her hair, and sleep. "Akane, dinner is ready" "I'm not hungry" "Akane, please you have to eat something" "I'm not hungry" Kasumi tried to talk Akane to eat something, to start to live her life again. It has been 6 years since Ranma made his sacrifice, showing everyone that he truly loved Akane. Days following that even was unlike anything Nerima had seen ever since Ranma showed up. There was quite, peace, and sadness. None of the joy, happiness, and laughter, or destructive sounds, that almost became part of everyone's daily lives. There was quite tears, sad sobs, and quite words of love, and promises. Ukyou was devastated, that she disappeared, and later they learned that Ukyou went on top of Mt. Fuji to clear her mind, to clear her head. She came back down as changed person, she was more accepting of Ranma's feelings and his sacrifice for Akane. She, also accepted the fact that she is a woman and started to dress like one. The change was radical, and actually for the better for Ukyou. Shampoo was almost as equally as devastated as Ukyou. One guessed that if given the opportunity she might have ran away like Ukyou too. But, other person who was even more affected by what Ranma did was Mousse. He saw what true love finally meant and decided to beat Shampoo. He went all out against her, and both were sent to hospital after that fight, but Mousse won. However, he didn't accept the kiss of marriage, but he talked with her. He started to talk with her about his feelings, Shampoo, and Ranma. It took almost 2 years, but he finally earned Shampoo's true love for him, and after that, they got married and now, they are happy and expecting their first daughter. Of course they already had a son, but Cologne wanted a daughter, and Shampoo was not about to refuse her great-grandmother, and Mousse was not about to go against his Shampoo. Kodachi, with her already fragile hold on sanity, broke down. She wanted to reach in and rip the heart out of Akane's chest. However, the combine effort of Ryoga, Mousse, Shampoo, and Ukyou put a stop to even her mad berserker attack. She was sent to the mental institution, and go the help she needed. She is as close to becoming normal without her drugs that she used to inhale or put in her and her brother's own food. Another delusional Kuno was in the next padded room next his sister. He was put in there, when he started to go after Akane and babbling about magic, curses, evil and such. However, Kuno was so far gone that even the best medical facility could not help him. He is now living in a mental institution in England, believing himself to be a noble samurai who had been tricked by dead spirit of the evil sorcerer, and had to break through this illusion to once again reclaim his true loves. Nodoka Saotome, was hurt. She, the woman who gave birth to Ranma, thought less of him when in fact he proved beyond the shadow of doubt that he is truly man among men. She was so ashamed that she could not even be present at Ranma's funeral with everybody else. When everyone was gone, she stayed there, all day and all night, crying and asking forgiveness from her dead son. She became changed woman, she was now even gentler and more understanding. She visited the Tendo's everyday, trying to help them with what they are going through because of Ranma's death. Genma became almost completely broken man. If it wasn't for Nodoka and Soun, he would have gone crazy. He lost his son, his reason for living, besides food. He trained his son to be the best, he lived to train his son, but now that son was gone. And even at the end, he proved to everyone that he was better man then Genma ever was, at age 16. For a while, it seem like Soun would have gone worse from where he already was, breaking out to tear for littlest things. However, when he saw how devastated, and how hurt his little Akane, was he felt something in his heart, and he somehow got better, he pulled himself out and once again became a pillar of the family that he was before the death of his wife. Nabiki, for the first time since her mother died, cried a real tear, and felt truly regretful to everything she had done to Ranma. She only saw Ranma as money source, and someday, maybe a brother in law. She also knew that Akane, if not loved him, had strong feelings for him. But, she played those two against each other because she was entertained by him, she was making too much money off of him. Now, Akane will never get the chance to marry him, they will never get the chance to live a happy life together. She blamed herself for this, and she started to help out everything and anything that she can. She wanted to destroy every picture that she ever took of Ranma, but Akane stopped her. Akane wanted it all. Nabiki helped her move into Ranma's old room, and Nabiki helped Akane cover that room, wall to wall, with the picture of Ranma. Although, she didn't have that many picture of Ranma's male side she did have few, she made extra copies of those and put them on Akane's new room walls, along with every female Ranma's pictures. Kasumi was hurt, and she was sad, but she was even more hurt by how this was hurting her little sister Akane. She tried to help her by being there, like how she did it with her when their mother died. However, this time, it didn't seem to help at all. Akane changed when they actually had a funeral for Ranma. When they buried his body. It seems that Akane still had some hope that Ranma wasn't really dead, that they were all playing some kind of prank on her. Then later, she had other hopes that it was only Ranma's girl side that had died, and that Ranma's boy side ok. However, when they were done with the funeral, and Ranma didn't show up to greet, her, something about her changed. She became quite, her eyes were dull, and she was like the walking dead. She came home that day and moved everything she owned to Ranma's old room, and asked Nabiki for all the pictures she had of Ranma. She even had that picture that Ranma gave Akane as Christmas present, the only picture with her and Ranma in the same picture poster sized. Akane barely came out of her room. She stayed there, and she ate only when she had to. Akane actually tried to commit suicide. It was a raining night, and the peace and quite was too much for her. She needed to hear Ranma's voice, she needed to see him again. She went to the dojo, and found a tanto that she will use she sat kneeled down on the ground. Usually, you are to stab yourself, if you are a female, killing yourself, you would stab yourself at your heart, but she didn't wanted to damage Ranma's heart. So, she decided to stab herself little blow her heart. She brought the knife up and stabbed herself, but she didn't feel any pain. She didn't even feel the knife going inside of her. She opened her eyes and looked down to see, Happosai stabbed through with the knife, embedded in her chest with that silly grin on his face. Happosai was completely unaware of the fact that Ranma was dead. He was away stealing panties and such from different city, and just got back to see Akane sitting in the middle of dark dojo dressed in her nightgown. He made a glomp for it, and felt a stinging sensation at the back of his neck. Akane cried for help and when the families came down, saw what was happening, and called an ambulance. Happosai didn't die. The fact that he didn't die was testament to his martial arts abilities, his ki control and his will to live. However, the knife cleanly cut through his spine. It cut the spine from just base of his skull. The old perverted master will never be able to move anything below his neck again. This was to him, the greatest torture ever, and he slowly started to get weaker. And now, he was nothing but an old man. Dying old man. It was now six years later, and Akane was getting worse. The family had seen Akane go through many stages. First was the Akane who would sit in the room, looking out the window expecting to see Ranma come back. She just sat there and waited. Next was Akane who would get up every morning claiming that she had a bad dream where Ranma died, and when hearing the truth, break down. Next was Akane denying that Ranma died, that Ranma was just gone on a training trip and nothing happened. Next was Akane who swore that Ranma came to her the night before. It went on and on, and every time Akane changed her tactics the family suffered because of it. They saw how much the death of Ranma, and the ultimate sacrifice that he made for her was affecting her. They all wished that doctor Tofu was here to help Akane, but he disappeared right after the funeral and no one knew where he went. Now, Akane was in some kind of stage where she started to forget about the world. She will just sit in her room and not come out, do nothing, but mumble all day long or have some kind of imaginary conversation with someone, probably Ranma. The family knew that Akane won't be able to go on for much longer if this kept up. Kasumi tried one more time to get Akane to come down and eat. "Akane, please? Won't you join us for dinner?" "I'm not hungry" Kasumi left the room, closing the door before her. She was about to start crying again when she heard and excited knock on the front door. She wondered who it was, since no one visited her home anymore. Ryoga stopped coming around about a year after Ranma's death. It seems that Ryoga was trying to get Akane to fall for him, but he had to give up when Akane showed no feelings for him, or P-chan. She actually gave P-Chan the cold shoulder, and sometimes actually hit him. It seems that she blamed Ryoga and P-Chan as one of the major sources at Ranma and her not being together now. When Kasumi went to the door, rest of the family, Nabiki, Soun, Genma, and Nodoka was there with her. When she open the door, everyone was surprised to find doctor Tofu standing there, along with Cologne who went back to China. "Oh my!" Almost everyone expected doctor Tofu to go insane seeing Kasumi, but he didn't do that. He actually reached her gave her a hug and a kiss, which surprised everyone once again, and causing Kasumi to faint. Who had never been kissed like that ever before. Later... Kasumi opened her eyes to looking to the eyes of doctor Tofu and knew that she didn't dream what happened. "OH MY!" That got everybody's attention, and now the explanation that doctor Tofu was putting off till when Kasumi wakes up could be heard. "So, doctor Tofu, where have you been, and how come you don't go crazy seeing Kasumi anymore?" It was Nabiki who asked the question. "I see that Akane is doing much worse" It was puzzling how doctor Tofu just changed topic, and Nabiki didn't like that. She was no longer the Ice Queen but she still didn't like it when someone didn't answer her questions. "Doctor Tofu" "I found it" "You found what?" "Way to bring back Ranma" "WHAT!!!!!" The whole entire family yelled so loud the house shook. "Of course I couldn't have done it with out Cologne's help" "HOW?!?!?!" "That was what I went to look for, way to bring Ranma back" "HOW?" "I've read somewhere, that those who are cursed are tied to the cursed springs. I also read somewhere that those who are cursed, if they die of unnatural causes, their spirits are sent to the cursed springs" Now doctor Tofu had everyone's attention. "I needed to make sure if that was really the case and if it was, there might have been a way to bring Ranma back. So I left for China. And I visited the cursed springs, and I felt the souls of many people there. Then I knew that Ranma's soul must be there as well. Then I started to look for a way to bring him back" He paused there to look around the room and to see the expression on everyone's face. They all either had excited, disbelieving, or rather shocked expressions on their faces. "Well, I traveled through all the lands of China, the Musk kingdom, the Mt. Phoenix, and I even went to lands of India, and lastly I ended up in the Amazon village. During these times I learned many things, and I learned self control" "That's how you were able to kiss Kasumi" Nabiki deducted it. "Yes, it was. But I also learned that when Ranma died, his spirit was defiantly sent to the springs, and because of it, he is now magical being as well as spiritual being" "What does that mean?" "If we use a magical means, we can bring him back, but he will not be the same Ranma we knew, he would be changed. I don't know how much and just how he will be changed, but he will not be the same Ranma we knew" That silenced everyone. They started think what it would be like to have Ranma back, to have him again in their lives. But mostly they had to wonder what Akane would do. "So, you can bring Ranma back?" Asked Nodoka, who now had hope. "Yes, Mrs. Saotome, with doctor Tofu's findings, and my knowledge, we can bring him back" Cologne stated, and as soon as she said it, they were greeted with a yell. "HOW!!!!" They all turn to look at where the yell had come from it was Akane. She heard the loud commotion, and came down, hoping that perhaps, it was Ranma, but she heard that they can bring Ranma back from the dead. "I can have him back, HOW!?!" "Akane, are you sure about this?" Asked doctor Tofu, but he already knew the answer by looking at her eyes. "YES!!!" "Ok then. But we need two things" "What are those?" "We need a holy bird, and we need you Akane" "Holy bird?" Nabiki asked, and it was Cologne who answered. "It is something that is necessary and I know where to get it, do not worry about it" "LET'S GO!!" It was Akane and she started to drag doctor Tofu out side. He had to push her sleep point and knock her out. "Sleep Akane, sleep. And when you wake up, will be ready to start" China, valley of cursed springs... The gang was standing in front of one particular spring. It was the spring of drown girl. This was the pool where Ranma got his girl curse, and this is the pool where they will get Ranma back. They were now waiting for Akane to wake up and Cologne to show up with that holy bird. Akane slowly opened her eyes, and saw that she was surrounded by her family and also she was in rather unfamiliar place. She looked around and knew that this was the cursed springs. She got up, and looked at the pool that the family was gathered in front of. "Is that?" "Yes it is Akane" "Then what are we waiting for?" "It's not that simple Akane, we need the holy bird" Just then, they felt a breeze and also wings flapping. They all looked up to see, people with wings, coming down, and Cologne on one of their back. They landed, and Cologne hopped off the one's back, holding onto a cage that is nearly has big as herself, containing a pure white bird of some kind. When Cologne was on the ground, the people with wings, flew up again and was gone. "Is that it?" "Yes child this is it" Doctor Tofu, decided to ask Cologne something. "Cologne, the holy bird is rare bird of Phoenix people how did you get one?" "Ranma is my heir in the art of martial and now, he might even be able to be my heir in magical arts" "That's not an answer Cologne" "Promise of alliance to destroy the Musk and also one of our woman as bride to the king Saffron" Although it sounded like a good deal to Nabiki, doctor Tofu knew what it must have felt like for the Amazon. Amazons does not abandon their own, and they don't allow slaves. However, this was what they were doing abandoning one of their own, and giving one of them as basically a slave. "Cologne" Tofu was about to say he was sorry, but Cologne raised her hand to stop him. "We should get started now" They were ready to start, and Tofu had the bird next to him in the cage, and he held a knife, and also there was a barrel on the other side of him. He walked towards Akane, and looked her in the eyes. "Akane, do you know why you had to be here?" "To bring back Ranma" Answer was simple, and it was said with all her heart. She wanted nothing more then to bring back Ranma, to see him again, to hear his voice, and to feel him. "Akane, the reason I needed you here was that I needed your blood" "What?" "Akane, it seems that some of his spirit is inside you" "It is?" "It stayed with you, with his heart, I needed your blood, to release his spirit into the water, I need you to spill your blood into that pool. Can you do that?" Akane looked at him, and looked at the pool and made up her mind. Before anybody can stop her, she took the knife from his hand grabbed the blade part of it in her left palm, and made a cut in her hand and started to bleed on the water. As she was bleeding on the water, water started to change color to red, but it started to swirl as well. It was strange sight, but it everyone there felt like something magical was about to happen, and it was. Tofu then, grabbed the bird out of the cage and lowered it to the spring. When the bird was completely submerged under the water, something strange happened. There was bright light and no one could see anything. Except Akane. Akane heard a voice. It was a deep voice. It was the voice of the cursed spring. "What do you want?" "I want my Ranma back!" "Why?" "Because I love him!" "Why?" "What do you mean why?" "We have seen the spirit of this one you call Ranma. We have seen how you and he was like. We have seen what you have done to him and how you have mistreated him" "No!" "Why should we let his spirit go?" "I LOVE HIM!!" With that Akane poured all her soul and spirit into whatever was keeping Ranma there. The spirit of the cursed springs felt her pain, felt her loss and it saw how it was for Akane for the past 6 years. It understood and it let one of it's spirit go. "I understand" With that everything became normal again, everybody could see again, but something had changed. The water which was red because of Akane's blood was back to it's original color and Akane was no longer bleeding or was she cut. They were staring at Akane and her hand when something made it's way out of the water. It was a female version of Ranma, except the hair was not in it's pig-tailed style and it was also white, not red. She just stood there looking around, and finally saw Akane. Their eyes met and they just stared at each other. Akane with tears in her eyes, and Ranma with slow recognition dawning upon him when she felt a splash and changed. She was now a he, with black hair, and looked exactly like how Ranma did before he died, except for pigtails Akane didn't even care now, she grabbed him and pulled him out. She gave him strong hug and surpassed the strongest glomp Shampoo ever did. Everyone was happy that Ranma was back and they were all crying. Ranma just looked at Akane. He too felt her love for him when he was part of the spirit of cursed springs. "Akane, you really love me?" "Oh, Ranma, I love you lots!" Ranma was about to say something more, when Akane kissed him. As kiss got deeper, one part of Ranma made itself known about few facts. That he was a guy, and that he was naked. Akane felt the same thing and pulled out and looked at him. Ranma now cringed, expecting a mallet blow, which never came. He looked up to meet a tearful eyes of Akane. "Akane?" "Ranma...did you really think I will hit you?" "Um...yeah?" When he answered she hugged him hard again. "Never again Ranma, I will never hit you again" "Um...ok" He looked around to see everybody, the Tendo Family, his pop and mom, Cologne, and doctor Tofu holding onto and empty barrel of water of spring of drown man. The end Note: This I didn't send it to pre-readers. I didn't wanted to bother them with a oneshot fic. This was a sequel to the Giver of Heart. Someone asked me to write a sequel and I decided to write it. Hope you all enjoy it. 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