DISCLAIMER: All the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi and Yukito Kishiro. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: This story takes place in the setting of Battle Angel Alita after Alita is discovered by Doctor Daisuke Ido and after the death of Hugo and Jashugan. If you are not familiar with Battle Angel graphic novel you might have trouble following the story. I'm going to make up a time of Battle Angel's period of time. I'm going to say that the story takes place in about year 2560. I hope you are not going to get angry because of that. Ranma 1/2 and Battle Angel Alita Crossover. Ranma of Battle. Chapter 1 Birth of new battle angel. Doctor Ido was looking down at Alita just after the battle with Jashugan, the undisputed champion of motorball world. He has once again proven to everyone that he was, is, and ever will be the most glorified champion of the motorball world. He fought with Alita, and although Alita came back and fought back against him and seemed like she won, he rose up from the flaming wreckage and defeated her. It was that in the process he was burned so bad that no circuit survived and his brain was burn without a trace. Doctor Ido now held in his arm the sole living relative of Jashugan, his little sister Shumira. He promised Jashugan that he will take care of her and he will. He was just worried about how hard she would take the news about her brother's death. However, he had other things to worry about. His Alita was now back, he could tell from the way her eyes would shine when she looked towards what was remaining of Jashugan. It seems that she learned something while fighting with Jashugan. It was a great battle. It was a good day for all. He got his Alita back, gained a new member of a family and Jashugan proved to everyone that he is champion and became like a god of the motorball world. He looked down on Alita and smiled at her. "Let's go home now Alita" "Let's go home Ido" With that Doctor Ido took the cart that held Alita and headed out of the arena to head home where he had his shop. He would need to repair Alita's body, they should go get the berserker body and reattach her to it. "What? What did you say happened to the berserker body?" "E...Ed sold it so that you won't leave motorball Alita" After searching for the berserker body at the storage area and not finding, Alita and Ido went to the mechanic to find out what they did with her body. Learning that the body was sold without her knowing, specially knowing how dangerous the body can be in the hands of the wrong people, they were in shock. "How can Ed do this? How can he do this to me of all people? Didn't he know how dangerous that thing was?" "Alita you have to understand that Ed didn't want you leaving motorball, he wanted you to reach that goal that he couldn't" The mechanic was trying to explain to Alita why Ed would do such a thing as selling the berserker body of Alita to someone without even telling Alita about it. "I understand why he did it. I guess....... It's ok really. I probably won't need that kind of power anyway. It's just that the body can be really dangerous weapon on the hands of the wrong people" With that Alita said her final good bye and left the room where Ido was waiting outside to take her home. He had Shumira with her. She would be one of them now, one of the little family of Doctor Ido, herself, and now Shumira. Their family was growing and Alita herself was growing up. Learning things and living life. Hopefully, this would continue, she will always have a family, she will always have Ido. It was a dark place, where many tortured souls were. They wanted to leave this tortured place they wanted to die, but they couldn't. Their lives were not theirs anymore. It belongs to a mad man. It belong to a mad man who killed them than would bring them back and do it all over again. This was the lab of Desty Nova the genius mad scientist. He was a citizen of the Tiphares but escaped after they forbid him from doing anymore human experiments. What a pity they didn't recognize true genius when they see one. "Doctor Nova, you seem very happy today, more so than any other day" Ask very attractive and woman with figure that would make any women jealous. "Eelai, it is a great day, I found something that you will not believe. With this new finding I can create something that is incredible. Far more incredible than anything I've done before" It was obvious that Desty Nova was really happy about something. Eelai has never seen her Nova this happy before. "Doctor Nova, what's going on? What did you find?" "What, what what what I found is a body" Eelai was very puzzled. It was very unusual for her Nova to be this happy about finding a body. I mean he find bodies everyday. After all how can you do a human and brain experiment without a body and a brain? So why was he so happy about finding a body? "I don't understand doctor, why are you so happy about finding a body?" "That my Eelai is because it's a body from a very very very long time ago. I would say it's a body from Earth some time around 1990's. This is a great finding, and the brain, the beautiful brain, the brain brain brain is still intact. It isn't damaged at all." Eelai could see that the doctor was just going off on this new body. So what's the big deal, it's was just really old body and a brain. After all body and a brain was just a body and a brain no matter what time it was from. "Doctor Nova, I still don't understand what makes this one so different from other body and brain that we 'gather'?" "Don't you understand my genius? With this body and intact brain I can go back into the past and see what it was like on Earth during the time when this body was alive. I might even give this brain that new body we bought couple of weeks ago" Eelai was intrigued. Learning about different time and place. It should be very interesting, however she still didn't get why Nova was so excited, well, she'll find out sooner or later. While Eelai was confused with why Nova was so happy, Nova was already envisioning of place where he will fill with stuff from this body's time. He can recreate things and with that ability he will find as much about the past and the origin of the Tiphares. He will learn the true secret of the Tiphares. Oh, he already knew the secret of Tiphares, but didn't know why Tiphares was there to start with. Looking into the past will give him great deal of knowledge and he may finally learn the true secret of Tiphares. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA" Alita suddenly woke up from a dream. It was a bad dream, that much she could tell. She just doesn't remember the dream that well. There was lot of pain and lot of blood. "I wonder what kind of dream it was..." It has been almost 3 weeks since she got back from the motorball world. Ido and her, and Shumira was living happily together. It took some time for Shumira to get over the death of her brother, but with Ido she recovered pretty fast. She seems to have attached herself to Ido like a lost puppy. It was already morning and she got out of her bed and went down stairs. No need for showers or any of those needless human morning rituals. She was after all a cyborg only her brain being human. When she got down stairs, she found Ido already wake and working on a new patient who was suffering from motor malfunction that caused him discomfort. "Good morning Ido" "Good morning Alita, did you sleep well?" It was a good time to be alive and well. Alita enjoyed every minute of this new life after Hugo, after motorball. She won't trade it for the world. "Yes Ido, where is Shumira?" "I think she's still sleeping. Working at the bar as a waitress is tiring her." Shumira started to work at the bar where the hunters hung around. She quickly became very popular there because of her personality. It didn't hurt that she was a cute full human girl. About the same time Shumira became waitress for the bar Kansas, Alita became a singer for that same bar. It seems that she had a real talent for music and she didn't wanted to waste this new talent that was besides fighting. Ido once wondered how come she was such a good singer and had talents in music. She really didn't know, because she didn't have any memory before Ido found her. But she guessed that because of her fighting ability, the music came too easily. Fighting has rhythm and once you have a rhythm music came easy to her. "Ido are you going out again tonight?" "Yea Alita I have to make some more chips to expand the shop and get the necessary equipment" Alita knew that Ido was lying to her. They needed more chips so that they could continue to live rather comfortably. She didn't need to eat but she needed source of power to keep her going. Shumira of course needed things. She was a full human that needed things to keep her going. "Do you want me to come with you Ido?" "No Alita, there is no need. I can handle things out there. Beside you are needed at the bar to sing remember?" "Yes I remember" Just than Shumira came down stair, just having woken up. She had this innocent smile on her face as soon as she saw Ido. "Ido!" With that she launched herself at Ido. Ido learned first couple days after bringing Shumira with him that trying to stop her or make her stop was useless. So he let her do this to him. It's not like he wanted to hurt the girl's feelings or anything like that. Alita looked on with smile, she was content. Yes, her day as fighter, killer, hunter, or any other thing was over. She was now just Alita, member of a family that included Ido and Shumira. She was happy and content. Once again we are at a dark place, however, there is something different. There is a bright light at the end of the dark passageway. The room that the bright light was coming from was a operating room where Nova did his human experiments. "Finally!!!! I have succeeded in reawakening this brain" Nova had abandoned the idea of make the body function. Body after all was not all that important. It was the brain that was important. It was the brain that held information and emotions and such. It was brain that he saved and now it was this brain that he woke. Of course he wasn't getting much out of the brain except few waves and lines that he really couldn't make much sense of, since the brain was on a glass container without a body or anything for that matter. However the brain was awake now, it was alive. Brain that was so old that it was even before the creation of Tiphares. "Now that I have awaken, we need to give you body so that you can give me the information that I need. I think I should give you a new body, a perfect body, a body that cannot be matched!!!" With that he left the brain on the glass, not knowing what the brain was thinking about, not knowing what the brain was dreaming about. Nova would go and make it a body so that it can function, to tell him the secret that he so long to hear. "Akane quit it, I didn't do nothing with her and you know it!" Ranma was having one of those arguments with her. Shampoo jumped him on his way back from school and she just won't let go of him. Of course Akane got really mad at him and decided to play pound the Ranma. Ranma was not having a good day. He wondered why can't he ever get a break, why can't he ever have one nice and quite day all for himself without any of the craziness. It seemed like after they got back from Mt. Phoenix things were looking better. Especially after that bombed wedding deal. He and Akane got along better for a while. Other fiancees left him alone. It was after quite nice, but that didn't last long. After about a week, the rest of the fiancees decided that a week was long enough time to say I'm sorry and decided to attack him again. Shampoo was coming after him even harder than before. It seems that the failed wedding made her desperate. She now greeted him not only his way to school, but way back from school. "Ranma, I couldn't careless what you do with your other fiancees so leave me alone!" With that Akane once again drew out that mallet of hers and knocked him towards the Tendo home. Akane was angry at Ranma. Well, Akane was angry but not really at Ranma, more like the other fiancees and herself. She knew that Ranma loved her, well liked her... maybe. But she also knew that Ranma had other girls after him and they all did things with him that she wanted to but couldn't. Everytime Ranma was with out girls, she was jealous and angry. That's why she hit Ranma not because she really didn't care about Ranma. She would hit him because she couldn't do anything else. The hitting kind of became her way of expressing her feelings towards him. She wanted to say she loved him but she couldn't Ranma was flying towards Tendo home. He knew he got Akane mad and that he should say he was sorry. He really wanted to get along better with Akane but he just couldn't seem to do that. There were too many distractions and people getting in the way almost as though gods themselves didn't want Ranma to have peaceful time. Ranma almost lost her at China and that made him think about their relationship. If he really lost her it would be just too bad, it would kill him inside. It would almost be too much for him. He once thought that Akane was dead and shut himself off mentally. When he learned that Akane was alive, he was so happy. He just wanted to go to her. He was thinking this when all of sudden he realized that he was floating. He wasn't flying or anything, just floating and that the surrounding has become dark. He couldn't hear anything see anything. Everything was just dark and quite. "What's going on here! Akane!!! What is this!" Ranma was getting worried, something is going on and he had no idea what. He was wondering what was going on, wondering he this was some kind of a new attack one of his enemy figured out how to do. Than her heard a voice. "I think I should give you a new body, a perfect body, a body that cannot be matched!!!" "Who are you? What are you talking about? Where am I? Answer me damn it!!!" Ranma was getting angry, it seems like he has been captured by someone. Although he didn't remember getting captured, he must have been. And this strange voice was telling him that he was going to get him a new body. "Who are you!!!! You better answer me or you are going to be in a world of hurt!!!!" Ranma was yelling at the top of his lungs. He was getting desperate. How knows what this person could have done with Akane or anybody else for that matter. He needed to get out of this place and he needed to do it now. "When I get out of this place, you are going to be in a world of hurt. I swear it!!" It was a nighttime, couple of days has passed and Ido was coming inside of the Kansas the bar where hunters hung around. This was also the bar where Alita worked as a singer and Shumira worked as waitress. As he walked in, Shumira saw him and ran towards him, to give him her usual greeting. "Ido!" "How are you Shumira?" "I missed Ido" Ido looked at the young girl and smile. He felt a tug on his leg and looked down and there was little Koyomi looking up at him asking to be hugged just like Shumira. Those two got along so well, it was really good thing to see. He turned to the owner of the bar "Where is Alita?" Barkeep pointed towards where Alita was preparing herself for a song. He shouldn't have asked, of course Alita was there. Ready to sing to the world, ready with her heart-warming songs. She was really something. Master of Panzer Kunst. The most powerful martial arts for the cyborg. Yet she still has other talents such as creating such a gorgeous music. Alita sung with all her heart. She sang out and reached those who listened. When she was almost done, people were singing after her and following the music. After she was done with her song, she was met with thunderous applause by all who were present. She got down, and walked over to where Ido and Shumira was. Of course Shumira was attached to Ido's arms like she grew from there. "That was beautiful Alita. That was really something" "Thanks Ido" Ido was proud of her and he could see that Alita has grown up a lot since he first found her and fixed her gave her the name Alita. He knew that she was happy now. However, Alita's expression was dark somehow. She looked happy, but looking at her eyes, he knew that Alita had something on her mind. "Alita what's wrong?" "It's nothing Ido" Alita didn't wanted to trouble Ido with her little problems. She was having nightmares and she just couldn't get over it. She knew something was going to happen and she didn't want it to. She was happy, content and something was going to ruin it and she knew it. "Alita, are you sure? You know you can always talk to me" "I'm sure Ido, it's nothing." Alita just hoped that she was right and for once, her battle sense was wrong. "YES!!!" Desty Nova has been working night and day preparing the body for the brain that was still in the glass container. He has now finished creating the most perfect body that he created. "This is perfect, a body that is based on the body that we bought off of that idiot. A body that surpasses every other ones that I or anybody else ever created." Desty Nova was happy, no he was beyond happy. He couldn't wait till get the brain inside of the body that he created. He made the face and body structure to match that of the original body that the brain had. "Doctor Nova, are you sure that you are doing the right thing? The brain might act very hostile and it might attack us" Eelai was worried about it. Doctor Nova created some super cyborg body for the brain but what if the brain was some kind of deranged killer? She wasn't really worried about herself. She after all was turned on by those kind of things. But what if the thing killed Doctor Nova? She can't let that happen. "Don't worry about that Eelai, even if the brain should turn against us and harm us, we do have the restorer nanobots inside of us so that we can't easily be killed" That was true, but Eelai was still worried. From what the doctor told her the body will posses incredible powers and it might just be able to kill her doctor. "Well, doctor Nova, if you say so" She told her doctor, but she was making her own preparation just in case that the brain should turn against her. She had supersonic water pressure wave equipped to her left arm. She'll be ready for anything that might be inside of that brain. "It is time!" Ranma was getting angry. It seems that everytime he dreams he would come to this same dark and quite place. He would come to this place where he had no idea where it was. This time he was actually having a nice quite date with Akane when it happened. Things just turned dark and he was once again trapped in this place. "What is this place? I'm getting really tired of coming here without knowing where this exactly is" He was thinking of how long it will be before he woke up in his bed in Tendo Dojo again when he felt sick. He felt really sick and he almost felt like someone was tearing him apart. He felt as though he whole being was being ripped apart and being put together again and someone hit reply button. "Arg!!!" He wanted to yell out to stop the pain, pain unlike anything he ever felt, but that was all that he could have gotten out. He couldn't even say anything before the might of the pain that he was feeling. He didn't know how long he was feeling that pain all of a sudden a white light hit his eyes and opened his eyes. "That's it, open you eyes and look around. You are now reborn!" Desty Nova, the genius mad scientist has done it. The brain now inside of his super body was now truly alive. He had made the body to be almost exactly like human down to every detail. And now his greatest creation has opened his eyes. "What the!?!?! Who the hell are you!?" Ranma had no idea who this man was that was looking at him through some weird looking glasses. As far as he was concerned this could be the guy that kept bringing him to that dark place. "Well, I'm the one who created you, I'm the one who found your brain, I'm the one you made you what you are!!" Nova could sing if he actually knew a single tune. He could now find out about the past and perhaps get the secret of Tiphares. This was great! "What are you talking about you crazy idiot! Where is Akane?! What have you done with her?" With that Ranma rose and grabbed the man that was in front of him. Ranma didn't care who he was, he had to find Akane. He looked around and saw very unfamiliar surrounding. This place looked really weird. There was weird stuff all over the place. There were arms and legs and stuff that looked like other body parts. Now Ranma was about to panic. He didn't know if they were real body parts or not. Some of them looked like they were made out of metal and some of them looked very real. Than he saw brains. Not just one brain but many brains. This made him sick. Than he got angry, one of those could be Akane's someone he know. "Ok, what have you done with Akane you freak!?!?!?" Desty Nova was actually having fun. The brain, they didn't know the name of the boy yet, was acting very hostile against him. As long as he didn't act too hostile he won't have to use the fail-safe. "Let the doctor go!" Both Desty Nova and Ranma turn to look at very scantly clothed Eelai. As soon as Ranma started his yelling and stuff, she got out of her assistant clothes and revealed the very skimpy looking outfit that was connected to the high-pressure water wave. "I said let the doctor go now!" Ranma at first was just staring at this woman who was dressed in so little. But after more than a year of seeing himself naked and other girls naked it did nothing for him. He had nothing for contempt for this woman. She was involved with this guy who took Akane and she is going to pay. With that in mind Ranma moved to grab the woman. What really surprised him was that he moved faster than he ever had. He moved so fast that even he had trouble following his own movements. He ran right passed the girl and slammed into the wall hard destroying it in the process. "What the hell?" Ranma was getting up from the wreckage. He didn't hurt at all, normally he would be hurting after going through a wall like that, but he didn't feel any pain at all. "What's going on here!!!!!" Ranma couldn't take it anymore. This was really strange and he wanted some answers. So he turned his head towards the woman and the man she called doctor. He knew that the woman couldn't possibly know anything dressing in that silly outfit, so he turns to the man. "What's going on here? Where am I and where's Akane!!!!" Desty Nova took all that just happened with calm and smile. "Well, you are in my lab where I created your new body that you are in right now and as to Akane, I have no idea who you are talking about." Ranma was getting angry and confused. He couldn't tell if the guy was lying or not. He had that funny thing on his face. "I'm going to ask you one more time, where is Akane..." That was when the part about new body hit him. "What the hell are you talking about new body?" Desty Nova was waiting for that question. He actually expected it earlier, but he was now ready to give an answer to it. "The new body that you are wearing right now. Didn't you just notice how fast you moved? It should have gave you some idea. If you don't believe me, there is a little button just below your bellybutton push it" Ranma had no idea what this man was talking about but decided to do what he said. Finding what he was talking about, it being there itself was a surprise, he pushed it. When he pushed it, something strange happened which freaked him out. His lower abdomen just opened up! "What the hell!?? What's going on here? What have you done to me!!!!?" Ranma was getting freaked out, this man has obviously turned him into some kind of a freak! "That is your new body, after I was sure that you were compatible with that body I was going to get rid of that feature" "What are you talking about? Get me back to normal now!!" With that he charged the man, but was not successful at all. He was frozen in place and couldn't even move a muscle. "What have you done!" Desty Nova was holding up a little control panel that looked like a remote control for television. "I have anticipated something like this, so I built a fail safe on your new body." Eelai was relieved. So that super body wasn't just running around without a fail-safe. If the doctor wanted to he could easily stopped the body. That was why he wasn't worried at all. Eelai was glad that the doctor was such as genius. "Now, let's see what we can do about that anger of yours. I'm sure you have many questions so ask them and I will answer" Ranma was angry. This man has taken his control away. People did that to him like his pop, Soun, the old ghoul and the pervert and he never liked it. This time it was no differences. "What have you done to me? Where am I and where is Akane?" Ranma wanted some answers and as soon as he got out of whatever this was, he was going to make this guy pay. "Well, as to what I've done to you, I've found your body and brain intact from 1990's and decided to bring you back. I've built you that new body which I modeled after a berserker body. As to where this Akane is she had probably been dead for over thousands of years." When Ranma heard this, he knew the guy was crazy. He was talking nonsense and he wasn't making sense. But it somehow the man seemed to be telling the truth. "What are you talking about? That can't be possible, I was just out on a date with Akane not more than hour or so ago!" Ranma wanted to get out of this nightmare, which it was a nightmare. Trapped in some weird place and being told of such a strange things. "That was your brain functioning, neurological feedback. You were basically having continuous life like dream because your lack of body and consciousness. You are now awake because you now have a body and full awareness of your surrounding" Nova was explaining everything to him. After all explaining things specially his genius was the fun part of it all. What good is doing things and such if no one understands it? What good is doing things when there is no one who knows what he has done? "That's not possible!!!! You are lying!!!!" Ranma did not wanted to believe, but all he had to do was looked down on his stomach and he can see the open stomach, which should not be possible. "This has to be some strange magic or something that the old ghoul is doing to get me back to China" Nova was interested to that last part. "Magic? China? What are those?" "Huh?" That question really confused Ranma. This guy was asking him what magic and China was? "What are you talking about?" "I asked you what magic and China was" "Magic is stuff the old ghoul try to use to get me to marry her great granddaughter. Potions and stuff to make me fall in love with her and China is where the ghoul is from." Nova wasn't all that impressed with magic, it didn't sound more than a some biochemistry altering drug or a brain manipulative method. However China was what interested him the most. "Tell me more about this China" "China? Well, it's where the ghoul and Shampoo is from. It's a country that is West from Japan. It's a big land" Nova was very interested now. He mentioned another land that he was unfamiliar with. Land of the different time and place. "Japan? Tell me more about Japan" Ranma was now truly confused and when Ranma is confused he either gets hurt or he hurts someone. This time he wanted to hurt this guy in front of him. His body is somehow not his, and he lost Akane and he had to find her. "Japan is where we are at!!" "No we are not, we are at a scrapyard below Tiphares" Nova was interested and China and Japan place where he has never been to and before today, never heard about. He could learn a great deal from this brain. "What are you talking about? Who are you?!" "I'm doctor Desty Nova, and that is my assistant and lover Eelai" Ranma would have blushed when he heard doctor Desty Nova mention that Eelai was his lover. But he was beyond blushing. He just wanted to get out of here and find Akane. "What who might you be? Or don't you remember your name?" "I'm Ranma Saotome of Anything Goes school of martial arts. Of course I remember my name why won't I?" Nova was thinking again. The brain remembered things, completely, well not exactly completely but he remembered things from so long ago like it was an hour ago. He also had a strange name but lot of people had strange names these days so that wasn't a big deal. "Well, Ranma Saotome of Anything Goes school of martial arts, let me tell you basically what happened. You have died, but somehow your body was frozen solid and ended up here in mars. You are from about 1990's on Earth. We are in year 2560 years after your death and if you think about it, your friends and families are dead. Somehow I found you with your brain and your body intact. It seems that you were so deeply frozen that your brain was intact and by my genius I was able to bring you back to life!" Ranma didn't wanted to believe him, but it seems like he was telling the truth and that open stomach of his wasn't helping him any. He couldn't believe so much time as passed. He don't even remember dying. He don't even remember anything about that. He can't remember anything past what he saw before the dark place took him. He can remember past the date that he was having with Akane. Akane! If what the man in front of him is saying is true than she's been dead for a long time. This was just too unbelievable. "I can't believe this!!!!! You have to be lying!!!!" With that he started to struggle against the body that didn't want to move. No matter how hard he struggled he just couldn't move a muscle, or whatever. "It looks like you need some time to cool down." With that Desty Nova pushed another button on his control and Ranma was knocked unconscious. "Doctor, what are you going to do with him?" Eelai asked the doctor, it seems that the brain now known as Ranma Saotome of Anything Goes school of martial arts was very unwilling to believe in the doctor and probably unwilling to help. "Well, I'm going to finalized the body, get rid of that stomach switch and after I'm done wake him up again and find out about the past" With that Nova set up the body that now belonged to Ranma Saotome to finish the work. 3 weeks later... Doctor Ido was in front of a building that looked really rundown. This was however the place that the man told him that the person who bought the berserker body was at. He just hoped that he could buy back the berserker body. (If you are familiar with what follows next, familiar with the manga than the events that fellows are exactly the same with Nova bringing back the brain of Zapan and the lab being trashed by Zapan whom now possess the berserker body. The lab was trashed during the process and Ido killed. Alita finds Nova and learns that Ido is dead but Nova tells her that he can bring Ido back to life and she goes on to fight Zapan's berserker state. She of course wins but Nova leaves the place while Alita was fighting Zapan. The following events take place after that. If you are not familiar with those events place let me know and I will write it into the fic) Ranma woke up, having gone to bed late last night talking to doctor Nova and Eelai. They have finally settled things after the first meeting. They have shown him things that he never knew were possible and things that were scary at times. They have convinced him that what they were saying were true and that he was indeed where they said he was at. He had many questions, such as how did I get here? What am I doing here? How did I survive or my body survive for such a long time? However he didn't have any of the answers that he sought. He woke up and opened his eyes to see nothing. He was in the basement of the lab and usually there was a light or two on, but there was no light. Only darkness, he saw nothing because of it. It didn't matter he knew the place pretty well anyway and he could get out no problem. If he needed, he could just blast a hole through the top and go to the next floor. He did that once, he jumped to hard and next thing he knew he went through the floor above and was on the next floor. He found out the hard way how much his body has changed from what he knew. He started to walk around but he didn't get far he almost tripped over something and fell over. "What's going on here? Nova? Eelai? Anybody here?" He couldn't hear anybody and he decided to just jump and go through the next floor. When he did that, he was greeted with the lab that was totally trashed and gone. He just came up to the surface. "What the hell happened here? What happened to the doctor? What happen to the place?" What Ranma didn't know was when he was asleep, doctor Ido visited and was killed by Zapan's berserker body and Alita came and went. Doctor Nova in his haste to leave the place couldn't get Ranma out of the basement, which was blocked off and couldn't get to. So now Ranma was alone, he learned about this time and the culture but he was still unsure of if he could survive in this world. It seems that he was alone in the big unfamiliar place, which was very true. "Oh man, this sucks. I have no idea what's going on and now I'm alone. I'll just have to find out what happened and try to survive by myself" So Ranma set off on a journey to find out what happened and also to survive in this unfamiliar world which was now his home. Armed with the most perfect, which Nova claimed, body that has ever created and powers some that even himself was not sure about and Anything Goes martial arts and some amazon martial arts. "Well, I'm Ranma Saotome of the Anything Goes martial arts and I will survive this world!" With that he started walking towards the busy place of the scrapyard. The Barjacks were hurting the farm line and Vector was worried. He was getting hurt and factories were putting pressure into him to do a better job at protecting those trains and goods that they transfer up to Tiphares. "Raise the pay for those mercenaries!" With that Vector looked out side the window to see someone who was familiar to him. But he couldn't have possibly seen her, she died. She was executed for firing a handgun in scrapyard after that Zapan Incident. That could not have been Alita... "Mr. Vector, are you all right?" "Yes, I'm ok, just thought I saw someone" "It pays 30,000 credits and meals. It is the easiest job in the world, just step right up and sign your name to be the rail mercenaries, we have 10 more spots left so you better hurry!" With that 10 people lined up to sign up for this job. 10 those who were not scared of the rumor of Barjack and Den hitting the rail train. "Out of the way" One of the big cyborg pushed the one who was the last one on the line of 10 to sign up for the rail mercenary after being told that they had the 10 people needed. "Now there is a spot for me right?" He was about to step up to the place when the guy he threw stood up from the broken boxes and wreckage. "Hey you big buffoon. What did you think you were doing? Do I need to teach you some manners?" This offended the big cyborg. Apparently he hadn't thrown this human hard enough and now he was annoying him. "Do you have death wish human? I can crush you easily so beat it!" "We'll just have to see that you moron" The big cyborg was angry, this human was annoying him. "How about your taste my atomic fist!" With that he attacked the human and expected him to die from the hit but the human didn't. He wasn't there when his fist reached, instead he was already behind him. "Talk about slow and boring, was that your best?" The big cyborg just turned around and attempted to hit him again when a fist hit him squarely between the eyes and passed out from the hit. "These big cyborgs, just because they are bigger doesn't mean that they can bully the smaller or weaker. Beside just because I look human doesn't mean that I'm human" While he was talking the man in charge of sign up of the mercenary came up to him and started to talk to him. "Wow, you were really great, just sign here and you'll be all set" He just looked at him funny and didn't moved to sign the thing. "Oh, can't read huh? That's ok, what's your name?" "Ranma, Ranma Saotome" End of Chapter 1 Next Chapter Ranma meets the Angel of Death of Tiphares. Rail Train gets attacked, and it is up to our hero Ranma to save the day. "What? If I try to take this thing off or get too far from the train I'll blow up!?!?!" Note. I don't know, I just bought the whole collection of Battle Angel Alita graphic novel and I read it. I like it and I have been Ranma fan for as long as I can remember. So I decided to do a crossover fic with Ranma1/2 and Battle Angel. Although it doesn't have many Ranma stuff, I'm sure I can bring them in, that's the beauty of fanfics. I can do whatever I want to do with it. Also if you can think of a better title for the fic please let me know. Please send comments and suggestions to Jjang13977@aol.com Thank you for reading the fic.