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Hmm... one of the major reason why I love Anime so much is because of all the bishounens (a.k.a. beautiful men) *drool*. Anyway, here's a little section dedicated to the great bishounens of Anime to satisfy all the Anime fans out there (hopefully... okay maybe not). 

Note: everything in the bishounen section are my opinion and may contains some spoilers

Last update on 13, January 2003

  • Updated Shuuichi's info so be sure to check them out.
  • Bored and have nothing better to do?? Why don't you test yourself by taking the Bishounen Quiz

Know a bishounen that isn't on here? Feel free to suggest him by emailing me. Because I'm lacking in time at the moment so PLEASE do email me the bishounen's details such as: who he is, what Anime is he from, and a picture of him (be even better if you follow the format that I use on this site) and I'll be more than happy to add him to my site. No info and pic will result in me not adding the bishounen on the site at all or me taking half a year to get him posted up.

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