* Suparmono cries
* Suparmono eyes his garden hose
Suparmono> more enema?
* Suparmono worms the garden hose into his rectum and turns it on full blast
Maugan> oooh, yes please :p
* Suparmono runs the reservoir dry
* Suparmono holds it in with a cork while eating prunes and icecream
Maugan> ahahhahahhaa
* Suparmono drinks a quart of castor oil
Maugan> you have quite an imagination
* Suparmono runs around the block
* Suparmono walks to the store and shows everyone his distended belly, telling the customers that they can't feel it kick
Poutremos> heeee
* Suparmono rolls home in agony
Suparmono> need
Suparmono> too
Suparmono> poo
Suparmono> poop
* Suparmono twists his face into a grimace
* Suparmono bends over
Maugan> so how much have you smoked tonight???
Maugan> the whole plant?
Maugan> :p
* Suparmono sprays sloppy poo and bowel mucus and undigested food all over the channel
Maugan> ewwwww
* Suparmono waddles over to Maugan, stretches his anus over Maugan's head and poops for 5 minutes, coating Maugan with a thin film of watery shit
Maugan> riiiiiiiight
Maugan> strange, this one
* Suparmono stands up straight, looks satisfied and smiles
Suparmono> erk
* Suparmono winces as his ass makes a 'put put put put put' sound and expels more of the sloppy brown bowel content
* Suparmono feels disgusted as a centipede that had been living in the garden hose worms out of his anus
* Suparmono sighs as he feels the castor oil and prunes and ice cream kick in and does a big continuous sloppy poop right in Maugan's cheesecake
Suparmono> ahhh much better
* Suparmono wipes his bottom on his underwear then pulls his pants up
Maugan> good thing i don't have ne cheesecak
Maugan> *cake
* Suparmono farts and browns his trousers
* Suparmono sits on Maugan's favourite chair
Maugan> great
Suparmono> poop
Maugan> yes, poop indeed
Suparmono> poop
Maugan> u need to add some words to your vocabulary
Suparmono> poopy
Maugan> and also leave the toilet humour stage of your life :p
Suparmono> poopies
Maugan> well, it's a start
Suparmono> socrates?
Maugan> better
Suparmono> scrot-rates?
Poutremos> FANNNNY FAN!
* Suparmono tapdances solemnly