tynk|ccna> MIKE. go to sleep.
Mr_P|afk> shutup q|x.........steal my name and then you go and live in perth!!
Mr_P|afk> PERTH!!!
tynk|ccna> MIKE. go to sleep.
q|x> :<
tynk|ccna> MIKE. go to sleep.
tynk|ccna> MIKE. go to sleep.
q|x> hey i live in perth before i stole your name :P
q|x> and i stole your name before it was yours
Mr_P|afk> no.......you were named 'little unwanted turd' for your first 3 years
q|x> and i cna't type
Mr_P|afk> then you got parents of your own
q|x> :-(
tynk|ccna> mike. fucks sake.