*** geoffwa has quit IRC (fractal 1.0.8b59 - cleaning up teh lan)
arknstone> Thanks for the correction geoff.
arknstone> Really appreciate it
Suparmono> i wish i was geoff
Clodd> he doesn't really...
Gumpy> Suparmono: no you dont :)
Suparmono> if i was geoff i would instantly change my name to David and shut the fuck up.
Mr_Psych0> LOL!!
Mr_Psych0> good call dave
Suparmono> :)
Mr_Psych0> DAMMIT!
Mr_Psych0> you are still doing it wrong
arknstone> I'm in the mood for icecream oddly enough
* Mr_Psych0 offers arknstone a cone of MrChoc
Mr_Psych0> mrchoc will allow one inhalation only
Mr_Psych0> make it a good one
Suparmono> lol
* Suparmono snatches the icecream and throws it at MeaDSeaW
Mr_Psych0> what is DS?
Mr_Psych0> dog sex?
Mr_Psych0> danish sauce?
Mr_Psych0> doing shit?
Clodd> deep sucking
Mr_Psych0> draining saucers?
Mr_Psych0> drinking sarsparilla?
Mr_Psych0> drowning salmon?
Eeyore> deep space?
Mr_Psych0> donning superman-outfit
Gumpy> doing sheep.
Mr_Psych0> driving slowly?
Eeyore> dung smelling
Mr_Psych0> aww
Suparmono> Damn Sudanese
Mr_Psych0> i guess it's disconnecting
Mr_Psych0> :)
Mr_Psych0> sudanese lol
*** Z sets mode: +b *!*royRubins@*.comindico.com.au
*** Mr_Psych0 was kicked by Z ((arknstone) Do i really need a reason?)
arknstone> sigh
* Eeyore licks ark
Gumpy> ha ha
arknstone> Howdy Eeyore.
Eeyore> how goes it?
Eeyore> I gotta go to work in the morning
Clodd> arknstone: Everybody was involved in that......why'd yo only ban him?
Clodd> arknstone: Chris? Why?
*** Z sets mode: -b *!*royRubins@*.comindico.com.au
*** Mr_Psych0 has joined #gencorp
Eeyore> *grin*
arknstone> Clodd: When i typed it (i'm overly lagged. Noone was talking but he'd done about 20 lines of it.)
Mr_Psych0> had he now
arknstone> and he's annoying.
*** Z sets mode: -b *!*dandaman@*.optusnet.com.au
arknstone> Mr_Psych0/Suparmono Don't get warnings anymore.
Mr_Psych0> we havnt gotten warnings for ages
Suparmono> futchoonignog
Mr_Psych0> you just bust a nut and we are gone
arknstone> The channel is just full of spam and mindless bullshit.
* arknstone pats z on the back. "Good job remembering mate, i'd forgotton"
Eeyore> arknstone: can I play too?
arknstone> And it's crap.
Clodd> arknstone: Fair enough. I still think you're trigger happy though.
Mr_Psych0> to you maybe
arknstone> All the good worthy users are too busy/have too little patience to put up with the shit
Suparmono> arknstone: but nobody is talking
Suparmono> you want people talking in here
Mr_Psych0> are you some sort of scholar ark?
arknstone> Now we either give ops to more intelligent people, and let them choose they like/don't like
*** Poutremos has joined #gencorp
arknstone> Which would most likely cause chaos
arknstone> OR
arknstone> we tighten things up a bit
arknstone> which is what i'm trying to do
Mr_Psych0> lol
Isengard> cheer ark!
Clodd> arknstone: If you tighten all you'll have is silence 80% of the time
Mr_Psych0> god your reasoning is hilarious
Isengard> Mr_Psych0: fuck up, full fee payer.
Mr_Psych0> Isengard obviously wants ops by the way he hangs from your lapels all the time
Mr_Psych0> Isengard: you failed vca subject. NEXT!
Suparmono> lol
arknstone> Stevo
arknstone> Welcome
arknstone> Laugh! ;)
arknstone> I think isen's actually second on the list ;)
Eeyore> Clodd: why is silence a problem?
arknstone> Mr_Psych0: Actually he was 'forcably removed' ;)
Poutremos> hellow
Mr_Psych0> Isengard: ha ha ark made fun of yoy
Suparmono> silence is not a problem. the problem FOR ME is that talking is a problem!!!!
* Mr_Psych0 sticks his tongue out
Clodd> Eeyore: I don't care about the silence.....I talk on *other* channels. But ark often cares that nobdy talks in here,
Mr_Psych0> i talked once.....true story
*** Isengard is now known as isen|afk
* Mr_Psych0 snickers
Mr_Psych0> that sums it up
arknstone> isen|afk: ?
* Suparmono snickety snicks
Mr_Psych0> heh
* Suparmono sniggers loudly and obnoxiously while staring curtis in the browneye
Gumpy> arknstone: what is isen second on the list for?
Gumpy> Mr_Psych0: what are you on about?
* Suparmono cries loudly as he jams his gloved-fist inside his unwilling...
Gumpy> ear.
Clodd> anus
Suparmono> peehole
Gumpy> enough
Eeyore> Night
Clodd> Night IRC wife!
Eeyore> what is with that clodd?
arknstone> night Eeyore
Clodd> Eeyore: You're the only person here who is married (almost)
arknstone> Gumpy: Ops.
Eeyore> Clodd: that's at least 2 years away yet..
arknstone> 2 years?
arknstone> Wasn't it planned for april next yr?
Eeyore> finances dictate...postponed for a year
Clodd> Eeyore: Still....sooner than anyone else.....so you'll be Wendy to #Gencorps Lost boys.
Mr_Psych0> but until then you are living in sin
Eeyore> and?
Mr_Psych0> the lord shall SMITE you
arknstone> hang on
arknstone> WHY is it postponed?
Suparmono> Eeyore: yes, sinner. why dont you ever come in the 'other' channel with MidWay?
Gumpy> Eeyore: you only a dress a cake some rings some flowers and a church dude...you can get alllll of those at an op-shop
Mr_Psych0> god midway is enough in there
Mr_Psych0> lol @ Gumpy
Eeyore> Suparmono: 'cos I haven't been invited
Suparmono> Eeyore: either was midway
arknstone> Eeyore: DON'T GO IN THERE!
Suparmono> hehehe
Suparmono> :)
Eeyore> Suparmono: are you sure about that?
Suparmono> arknstone: your ops seem to approve!
Suparmono> Eeyore: DO NOT JOIN THEFISHBOWL!!!
Mr_Psych0> it;s nice in there. if the gencorp ops stayed away
Mr_Psych0> well we wouldn't mind colin
Mr_Psych0> he's ok
Suparmono> Eeyore: DO NOT! we have MidWay in there, he's plenty (as mike said).
Clodd> :)
Mr_Psych0> its absurd...in my day such a thing would never have happened
*** Z sets mode: +b *!*hole@*.latrobe.edu.au
*** You were kicked from #gencorp by Z ((MidWay) Ponder the Zen of Mu Mu.)
Session Close: Mon Apr 22 00:38:50 2002
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#gencorp version of this log, equally hilarious.