NB: this is the entire, unedited log. Read well, lil homies:)
Session Ident: #gencorp
*** Now talking in #gencorp
Suparmono> hi
Luthien> hey
Suparmono> hi
Suparmono> Luthien
Luthien> wassup
Suparmono> Luthien: do i know you/
Suparmono> Luthien: nothing, just had a girl-guides trivia night
Suparmono> it was so much fun
Suparmono> we raised enough money for new uniforms
Poutremos> Suparmono: just because they were all inbred...AHAHAHAHA...like dobermans...!!
Suparmono> so me and my group can go camping properly this holidays...thank God girl guides are being supported
Suparmono> Poutremos: ick!! /me smiles
Poutremos> hehehe
Suparmono> Luthien: you there sweets?
* Logging #gencorp to 'logs\#gencorp.Openprojects.log'
Luthien> oh, sorry - was distracted - don't know, do i know you?
Suparmono> Luthien: hmm prolly not:) distracted?
* Suparmono undoes the top button on her blouse..
Suparmono> you are now;)
* Suparmono tells Poutremos to put his camera away
Suparmono> nodri boy:>
Suparmono> nordi, soz!
Poutremos> yeah, Luthien...do I know you? :)
Luthien> i thought you were a bloke....?
Luthien> oh
* Suparmono sighs and smiles
* Suparmono checks down her pants
Suparmono> 100% female:)
Suparmono> but i can act like a guy if you want
* Suparmono grabs a beer and watches the footy
Suparmono> ooooooh look at all the buff footy players in their little shorts;)
* Suparmono claps
Luthien> who are you then?
Suparmono> i'm jess
Luthien> nup, i'm suuuuuuuuuuure you're a bloke. 110 %sure
Luthien> jess with the very curly hair?
* Suparmono runs away fast
* Suparmono catches a plane to uganda
* Suparmono eats some corn-paste porridge from a wooden bowl
* Suparmono gets a distended belly and forgets how to tapdance
* Suparmono starts playing basketball for Michael J Fox's team
* Suparmono jumps to slam dunk, thoroughly enjoying the air up there
Luthien> * Suparmono wanks
isen|away> RE LUTHIEN\
isen|away> you still there?
* Suparmono sets a rabid Ugandan on isen|away
isen|away> fuck off supar
Suparmono> isen|away: i didnt really do it, i just typed it in as a joke on irc
isen|away> fuck OFF
Suparmono> yay! phew, did i get you worried too? i'd hate for there to be more ugandans in this country.
Suparmono> especially rabid ones
Suparmono> they're the worst kind
isen|away> fuckk off
Suparmono> frothing like pit-bulls
Suparmono> you want me to fuckk off??
Suparmono> ok
Suparmono> ...
Suparmono> where's off then
Suparmono> is he nice? or is it a she
Suparmono> ?
* Suparmono hunts for off
Luthien> yeah still here isen
Suparmono> oh little Off...isengard told me to fuck you..
Suparmono> IN THE BOTTOM!
Luthien> what the fuck is your problem,
Luthien> you're a racist, sexist, fucking ignorant, irritating little shit
Luthien> and you should FUCK OFF.
Suparmono> Luthien: i'm imaging my balls slapping against your chin as i fuck your face
Poutremos> I just went on ICQ for teh first time in ages and NOONE has sent me anything :(
Suparmono> just shut up and chill
Poutremos> well...maybe because I used Miranda a while ago....
* Poutremos ponders
* Poutremos falls in the pond
Poutremos> AHAHAHA
Suparmono> whats miranda?
Suparmono> LOL
* Suparmono fishes Poutremos out of the pond and puts him in #thefishbowl
Poutremos> hehehee
Poutremos> miranda = the bare ICQ
Suparmono> oh
Poutremos> good, quicker loads etc.etc.
Poutremos> but I think I may have lost some messages sent to me through it...but I doubt it...I'm over-rating myself...
isen|away> back
*** isen|away is now known as isengard
Luthien> wassup?
isengard> not much.
isengard> disliking mtm2.
isengard> that's all
Suparmono> Poutremos: overrating yourself? in company such as this its easy to feel underated...its ok to elevate yourself a bit. kudos
Suparmono> Luthien and isengard are setting moral standards for IRC left, right and centre
Poutremos> isengard: mtm2?
Poutremos> oh. Midtown :)
isengard> Suparmono: no, I just dislike you intensely.
Suparmono> they have ruled that i am an annoying, irritating, sexist, racist, black, jewish dwarf, and that i should 'fuck off'...
Suparmono> BUT I STILL CANT FIND OFF!!!!!!!!!
Suparmono> WHERE IS HE/SHE!??????
Luthien> you are a fuckhead
isengard> Suparmono: you are not liked. At all. Go away.
isengard> Leave
isengard> Suparmono: leave us all alone and spread your inane shit somewhere else.
Poutremos> Suparmono: not a black jewish dwarf?
isengard> Suparmono: I resent the abuse of bandwidth that your crap represents.
isengard> Suparmono: bitch.
Poutremos> I'm playing TA:Kingdoms...
isengard> Total Annihilation?
Poutremos> isengard: what's been / going to be played at LAN?
isengard> that game rocked.
Poutremos> yeah :)
isengard> tribes2, mtm2, like 5 minutes of dungeon siege.
isengard> that's it so far.
Suparmono> Poutremos: i represent with my niggaz at the balaclava synagogue before making big $$ in dwarf-tossing at bars
Poutremos> it's the second one they made...the fantasy one...doesn't rock that much,... :)
Poutremos> well..not as much as TA
Luthien> i've been playing wolfenstein. the original
isengard> played tribes2 for about an hour and a half though.
Poutremos> why only 5min?
Poutremos> hehee
Luthien> my eyes hurt
*** Joins: golgy
isengard> Poutremos: cos other cunts wanted to play other shit.
ark|away> And isen's sulking ;)
isengard> Poutremos: still, most of the TA games rule.
golgy> moo
Luthien> hehe
Poutremos> RAR!
Luthien> quack
Poutremos> isengard: yeah
Poutremos> ark|away: I FINISHED MY FIRST UNIT!!! OF SETI!!!
Poutremos> 62hrs!!
isengard> i dislike mtm2. tis boring.
Luthien> oi bitch?
*** Quits: ark|away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
Poutremos> so how about TA at next LAN? :)
isengard> Poutremos: perhaps... but yeah, dunno.,\
Suparmono> will TA run on my 486?
*** Joins: uewepuep
isengard> back later
Suparmono> yay!
* Suparmono will have a scat-porn story ready upon your return
*** Quits: isengard (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
*** Joins: arknstone
Suparmono> what a tool
Luthien> are you guys getting ma shit for me?
Suparmono> he's probably getting excited about the story already
*** Quits: arknstone (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
*** Joins: arknstone
Suparmono> re
Suparmono> hows the lan?
*** Poutremos is now known as Pout|TA
Suparmono> brb, logging:)
Session Close: Sun Jun 09 02:08:08 2002