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Realm of Chaos

Welcome to my world

Welcome to the Realm of Chaos. I am the ruler, Chaos-hime, but you can call me Chaos-chan ^_~! The currency of my country? Gundam Wing, and lots of it!! You are welcome to look around. Treat my country as you would your own. My country was last updated on August 13, 2k: posted a teaser to the fanfic "Reunion". Read it in Fanfiction.

Ah, Gundam Wing. We of chaos consider this a delicacy. It has everything! Angst, action, war, the pursuit of peace, death, friendship, romance (sorta)...

Not to mention a yummy shounen cast *drool*.

Oh yes, you know who I mean. Those five boys who steal our hearts and trap them in cages of gundanium. THE PILOTS!!!

Quatre Raberba Winner -- Our light-haired angel.
Duo Maxwell -- Shinigami himself!
Chang Wufei -- All justice, all Chinese, all hottie.
Heero Yuy -- Mr. Perfect Soldier.
Trowa Barton -- Mysterious, stoic, and tall, dark and handsome.

Fanfiction--- All kinds of fanfiction are allowed, as long as it involves Gundam Wing. No PWP's please.

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This Ring of Wufei site is owned by Chaos-hime.
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