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DISCLAIMERS-SH and OMG are owned by their respective creators






Neil Mocha



            It was a crappy day in the neighborhood in the town of Nekomi. The rain fell in sheets, making visibility impossible. The thunder roared and serenaded the town and the lightning flashed and crackled, entertaining Nekomi with its lightshow. The slender figure was kneeling at the bottom of the steps that led to the temple, his spiky black hair covering his face as he panted heavily.

            "GODDAMN!" he gasped. "I must've broken the record. I gotta get out of the rain. I hope somebody is home." He collected himself and walked up the stairs and into the temple grounds.

            This was the Sorcerer Hunter Carrot Glace. Would be Casanova. Zoanthrope. Reincarnation of the Destruction God Hakaishin. He was on vacation and had managed to secure a date with a college girl (a rare occasion). They were in her apartment about to indulge in a little passion when the door was torn off its hinges and the ever-jealously possessive Chocolate and Tira Misu stormed in, in full dominatrix mode, and assaulted Carrot. He managed to escape and ran down the street with them on his heels before he ducked in a corner alley and lost them. He walked up to the main building, seeing a light on, and rapped on the door.

            "I'll be right there," a gentle voice called out.

            A moment later, the door opened and Carrot found himself staring at a beautiful face framed by dirty-blonde hair, falling past waist-length in a long ponytail. Crystal-blue eyes looked back into his and a warm gentle smile greeted him.

            "Hello," the voice purred. Carrot noticed that an inverted triangle rested just under each eye and a thin elongated diamond rested in the center of her forehead. "Come in before you catch cold."

            "Why thank you, pretty girl," Carrot smirked devilishly. "Heaven must be missing an angel because you are here with me right now."

            "Thank you. I am Belldandy. Can I offer you some tea?"

            "Carrot Glace, AKA the Love Machine. I would like some, thanks."

            Belldandy led the older Glace to the "living area" where a young girl of about thirteen was reading. Long raven hair framed her adorable cherubic face, which was decorated with blue egg-shape marks on her forehead and under her eyes. She regarded the visitor with an icy stare. Carrot smirked as he patted her on the head.

            "Well, hi, cutie," he cooed. "Who might you be?"

            "Name's Skuld. And I'm not a little girl."

            "Skuld," Belldandy gently scolded. "He is a guest. Please don't be rude."

            "Why, Bell," a seductive throaty alto perked Carrot's ears. "A visitor?"

            Carrot turned at the voice and his jaw dropped at the heavenly vision standing in the doorway, her voluptuous curves straining against the painted-on tube top and denim cutoffs. The light shone off her waist-length snow-white mane and rich bronze skin. Wicked green eyes stared at the older Glace filled with decadent thoughts.

            "MY GAWWWWWWWWDDD!!!" Carrot howled. "HELLO, GORGEOUS!"

            "Hello, yourself," the woman chuckled. "The name is Urd."

            "Carrot Glace, doll-face. But you can call me the Love Machine."

            "Really? I'm the Love Goddess. How good are you?"

            "I'm the King, babe."

            "Let's see whatcha got. Bell, leave the tea outside my room like a good sister."

            "Yes, thank you. And if some people come, saying they're friends, I'm in Cuba."

            Urd led Carrot to her room and both entered, the aroma of orange and jasmine caressed their noses. The demi-goddess did a slow dance removing the little clothing she had, revealing her celestial/demonic splendor. She removed Carrot's clothing, her tongue dancing and caressing every inch of his sparse frame. Jolts of excitement ripped through Carrot as Urd's tongue played with and teased his hardened member. The two melted into each other's embrace onto the floor and gyrated as one sexual entity. Carrot's tongue danced along the demi-goddess' body stopping to indulge her ample succulent sweet breasts.

            Half an hour later, the sounds of moans and screams of unbridled passion echoed throughout the temple, distracting Keiichi from his studies and Skuld from her show. Belldandy was sewing, a look of gentle disapproval on her face. A gentle rapping on the door attracted their attention.

            "I got it," Keiichi stated as he strolled to the door and opened it, revealing four individuals drenched to the skin. "Good evening."

            "Good evening," one of the four spoke, his voice low and quiet. "Forgive us for imposing but the weather is unspeakable. May we come in?"

            "Of course." Keiichi gave a dry smile. "This place is a regular TOKYO MARRIOTT."

            The four visitors chuckled appreciatively as they entered, removing their footwear. The speaker was a tall, slender youth dressed in white. Long raven hair framed a beautiful feminine face and gold eyes sparkled in the light. The other youth was a giant, blonde Adonis, his sculpted muscles straining against his jeans and T-shirt. The other two were girls. One was slender and athletic with long spiky red hair and mischievous blue eyes. Her ensemble comprised of a tank top, leather jacket and miniskirt and leggings. The other girl was about the same height yet her cloak made it difficult to determine her build. Her hair was a pinkish hue and large mirrored glasses his her eyes. Keiichi gave them towels and Belldandy brought more tea and robes.

            "Welcome," she smiled. "I'm Belldandy."

            "Hello," the redhead spoke pleasantly. "I'm Chocolate Misu. This is my sister, Tira. These are Gateau Mocha and Marron Glace." The others nodded as their names were called.

            "How do you do?" Keiichi smiled dryly. Wonderful. Named after food. What the hell drugs were their parents taking? "What brings you here?"

            "We're looking for someone," Gateau put in. "Tira and Chocolate thought they saw him coming this way."

            "What on Spooner is that?" Marron queried, fascinated and disgusted by the moaning that assaulted their ears.

            "I don't know," Keiichi shrugged. "I assume Urd is with someone."

            "Brilliant observation, genius," Skuld interjected acidly. "The name's Skuld."

            Belldandy poured tea for the Sorcerer Hunters as they were chuckling at hearing the moaning and groaning. Suddenly--


            "The term is 'Goddess', dear. You haven't seen anything yet."

            "I don't believe it," Marron sighed shaking his head.

            "AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Chocolate was furious. "DARLING!"

            "Lemme guess," Skuld mused sourly. "Would 'Darling' be a skinny dark-haired guy with a hard-on?"

            "Yes," Gateau sighed. "The pervert's name is Carrot and he is one of us."

            Tira removed a sledgehammer from the folds of her cloak as Belldandy observed this with an alarmed expression on her face. Chocolate noticed the sledgehammer lying across Skuld's back.

            "Excuse me, dear," she smiled. "May I borrow that for a moment?"

            "You're gonna bash that pervert's brains in, right?" Skuld smirked, handing the hammer over. "Be my guest. Give him a whack for me."

            "Skuld!" Belldandy gasped. "Such horrible thoughts!"

            "OHHHH, MAN!" Carrot's voice carried from down the hall.

            The older Glace walked in, wearing merely his trousers, thus far unaware he had an audience. Keiichi wondered who he was as the other Hunters glared, Tira and Chocolate tapping the sledgehammers against their open hands.

            "I shagged a goddess," he sang gloatingly. "It was heaven. She's better than Ti--" He stopped seeing the other Hunters. "Oh, hi guys. Tira. Chocolate. Marron. Gateau. How's it hangin'?"

            "It seems to be 'hanging' quite well with you, dear brother," Marron mused.

            "There you are, Carrot." Tira smiled acidly. "Chocolate and I were worried about you."

            "Yes, Darling," Chocolate's smile dripped blood. "We didn't know where you were. How was your goddess?"

            "Uh," Carrot gulped. Oh. HELL! I am screwed. "She was quite wonderful. Not as good as you two, though."

            "That's not what you told me, Love Machine," a throaty alto chuckled.

            The group turned and all jaws dropped to the floor and all eyes bugged out six inches from their sockets. Urd waltzed in COMPLETELY NUDE! The two Misus stared at the demi-goddess' ample cleavage while examining their own whimpering in despair. Belldandy and Skuld's faces were masks of shock and disapproval.

            "You told me they were lousy in the sack." Urd chuckled. "Trying to save your ass?"

            "URD!" Belldandy exclaimed. "What are you doing?!"

            "EEEEEWWWW!!" Skuld cried. "HOW GROOOOOSSSS!!!"

            Keiichi was speechless. Urd teasingly fondled him, to Belldandy's consternation. She then locked her lips onto Carrot's, her fingers sliding down his chest and began playing with his rock-hard member. Carrot let out a bestial cry of approval. That did it. Tira and Chocolate lost it as they launched themselves at Carrot, chasing him around the temple and outside around the grounds. Urd observed this, chuckling in cruel amusement.

            "Oh my goodness!" Belldandy exclaimed concerned. "I hope they don't hurt him."

            "That pervert does this all the time," Gateau put in. "He deserves what he gets."

            "I agree," Marron intoned. "I love my brother and would do anything for him, but this nonsense is rather annoying. He needs to be kept in line."

            Suddenly, the temple echoed with the sounds of a whip tearing human flesh and agonized screams, followed by harsh almost abusive scolding. Belldandy gasped, covering her mouth.


            "How horrible!" she gasped. "That poor boy!"

            "Jeez," Keiichi mused. "You think someone's a bit jealous?"

            "This is going to stop now!"  Belldandy's lovely visage set itself into a grim mask of determination as she marched to where the screams and whipping were coming from. She opened the door and saw Carrot hanging from the ceiling by his bound hands, his back laced with welts. The two Misu sisters observed this with amusement.

            Belldandy saw that they looked very different than when they entered. Tira was sporting a leather dominatrix outfit and brandishing a nasty whip, cruel glee shimmering in her scarlet-hued eyes. Chocolate's attire was even more risqué: merely black leather trousers and boots. She was topless save for suspenders covering her nipples. A Nazi Gestapo cap rested on her head. An uncoiled barbed garrote rested in her hand

            "What is the meaning of this?" Belldandy demanded.

            "Hi, Belldandy," Tira purred. "We're merely punishing Carrot for cheating on us."

            "Yes," Chocolate grinned. "Darling's been a naughty boy."

            "Maybe so," the goddess replied. "But that doesn't justify whipping him like an animal."

            "He is an animal. A perverted skirt-chasing animal who needs discipline."

            "Not while you are guests in this temple."

            "What?" Tira raised her pinkish eyebrows in amusement.

            "Carrot does have faults, but he is not an animal. He is a human being. You will not hurt him in anyway while you stay in this temple."

            "Suppose we don't do what you say," Chocolate smiled. Girl's got guts.

            Belldandy simply raised a hand, which began glowing with a bluish light, and an energy ball began forming. Tira and Chocolate quickly got the message.

            "I will have to punish you," the goddess replied softly. "I really don't wish you harm, but continue and I will have no choice. Release him."

            Carrot was observing all this in disbelief. This girl, whoever she was, stood up to Chocolate and Tira and made them stop. Now she was ordering them to cut him down. Thank you, GOD! The two Misus lowered Carrot onto their laps and stroked him gently as Belldandy healed his wounds. Chocolate lowered her face and kissed Carrot's forehead.

            "You are lucky, Darling," she cooed softly. "This doesn't let you off the hook, though."

            "Yes, Carrot," Tira whispered in his other ear. "You still have a beating coming."

            "I do hope that floozy Urd was worth the suffering you're gonna get."

            "My sister Urd is not a floozy," Belldandy gently admonished. "Selfish, childish, compulsive, yes. A floozy, no."

            "We apologize," Tira smiled. "We meant no offense."

            An hour later, the Sorcerer Hunters, Keiichi and the goddesses were enjoying a delightful dinner that Belldandy cooked as Keiichi told them the Hunters how he met the goddesses. Carrot noticed how Belldandy was doting on Keiichi and Skuld's expression of disgust. That lucky sonofabitch. How did he get someone like her?

            "So you wished that Bell stay with you forever?" Carrot queried. "Man, God must really love you."

            "He does," Belldandy smiled. "But he also has a good heart so it was possible for his wish to come true."

            "Sometimes, I'm not so sure," Keiichi smiled. "Urd playing Cupid with her love potions that don't work. Skuld being Ms. Prude butting in. Sometimes I feel like it's Hell."

            "You don't know Hell," Urd smiled. "Hell is a lot worse."

            "Amazing," Marron mused. "I didn't the Norns were so beautiful or that they were related to God."

            "I was wondering," Gateau mused. "Do you three know Big Mama?"

            "Of course," Belldandy replied. "We would visit her when we were younger."

            Carrot felt his member stiffen as he looked down and saw Urd's hand slowly caress it. He glanced over and saw Urd wink wickedly and returned it. Chocolate and Tira stiffened but held their tongue remembering Belldandy's threat. The next morning, Urd entered worried.

            "Oh, dear," she mused. "Carrot's not feeling well."

            "Darling!" Chocolate exclaimed, running to Urd's room. "I hope he's all right!"

            Carrot was lying in Urd's room on her mat, sweating profusely and moaning. Tira and Marron entered concerned. Belldandy brought some tea.

            "How are you feeling?" she asked concerned.

            "Crappy," Carrot moaned.

            "He must've caught a fever from the rain," Urd put in. "I'll keep an eye on him."

            "But I thought we'd give our guests a tour of the city," Belldandy put in, a little disappointed. "Maybe do a little shopping."

            "You guys go ahead. I'll nurse him back to health."

            "I'm sure you will." Tira smiled acidly.

            The Hunters and Belldandy left to get ready for a day in town, unaware that suddenly Carrot was feeling quite well and sharing an evil grin with Urd.

            "They bought it," the demi-goddess grinned. "Damn, we're good."

            "Hell, yeah," Carrot crowed. "Let's wait a little longer then PARTY!"

            "So what's the deal with you and the bimbos?"

            "Well, we grew up together. Chocolate and Tira lost their parents and moved in with us and became my sisters, essentially."

            "So you don't do them because it's like shagging your sister."

            "Right. Plus, I like them both and I don't wanna choose."

            "Me, neither. I think they're gone. Lemme call a few friends."

            Urd used her magic to transform the temple into a party palace and made a few telephone calls while Carrot was using the kitchen for making his mother Apricot's favorite dishes. Belldandy and the others were enjoying the sites of Nekomi and Chocolate and Tira were trying on and purchasing the latest fashions. Keiichi showed Gateau and Marron around NIT and where he studied. The group gathered at TOJIKO'S GRILLE for burgers as Marron told Keiichi, Skuld and Belldandy about the group's exploits and their battle with Zaha Torte.

            "You beat him," Keiichi mused. "Good for you."

            "Thank you." Chocolate slurped her shake. "I hope Darling is all right."

            "He's in good hands," Belldandy smiled. "Urd will take care of him."

            "I don't trust her." Tira glowered.

            "That's not surprising," Keiichi smirked blandly. "I don't trust her any further than I can throw her."

            "Well," Belldandy waved her hand a mini-version of herself appeared, to the amazement of the Hunters. "Not that I don't trust her."

            "Hi everyone," mini-Belldandy squeaked cheerfully.

            "I'd like you to keep an eye on Urd and Carrot."


            The party was in full swing. Orgy would be a more accurate description as the guests-members of The Lady Dragon Wrestling Federation and professional volleyball players-were cavorting around in varying degrees of undress and totally nude. Urd was merely sporting a pair of tiger-skin briefs as she led the other gals in seducing and getting busy with Carrot as the music blared and the sake and food flowed. To say the older Glace was a kid in a candy store would be an understatement. He was in Seventh Heaven as he led his "harem" in boogying to SMOOTH CRIMINAL. Unbeknownst to them, a tiny figure was sitting on the windowsill, shaking her head sadly. Carrot was looking anything but ill and Urd was laughing up a storm, proud that she was in on the deception. Belldandy will be so disappointed.

            "Hey, Morisato!" a familiar voice caught the group's attention. It was Sayoko.

            "Hey, Sayoko," Keiichi smiled. "How's it going?"

            "Is she a friend of yours?" Marron asked.

            "Yes, she is," Belldandy chirped. "She is a classmate at NIT."

            "As well as a rival for my affections," Keiichi smirked dryly as he introduced her to the Sorcerer Hunters.

            "Nice to meet you guys," Sayoko chirped.

            "Likewise," Chocolate smiled. "There is another one of us, but he is ill."

            "Oh?" Sayoko's eyebrows disappeared into her hairline. "Would he perchance be thin, dark-haired and a bit horny?"

            "Yes. That's Darling."

            "Well, girlfriend. Unless it's the wrong temple, I was driving by and I saw a serious orgy going on."

            "What?" Belldandy exclaimed in shock.

            "Sounds like Urd," Keiichi smirked.

            "Well," Sayoko continued, looking directly at Chocolate, "your 'Darling' had thirty or so Lady Wrestlers and volleyball players hanging all over him and he was looking pretty damn good for a sick guy."

            Tira and Chocolate exploded into the vilest language, to the dismay of the restaurant’s other patrons as Marron merely shook his head. A sad and disappointed mini-Belldandy appeared, to Sayoko's shock, and hopped into Belldandy's hand.

            "I have some bad news," she squeaked sadly.

            "I know," Belldandy replied. "They lied to us."

            "Yes. I'm sorry."

            "It's not your fault. I will have to talk to them."

            "That sonofabitch!" Gateau snarled. "He lied to us!"

            "So did that lousy tramp!" Tira growled.

            "What a surprise," Keiichi mused. "That's why Urd is only a Second Class Goddess instead of First Class like Bell and Skuld here. She has no compunction about lying her ass off."

            "My brother is also not shy about lying if it suits him," Marron mused.

            "Let's go home," Belldandy stated. "We have a couple of wayward children to reprimand." She looked at the two very irate Misus. "No violence."

            "Very well," Chocolate struggled to keep calm. "But the minute we leave, his ass is grass."

            The party was still going strong as Keiichi, Belldandy, Skuld and the other four Sorcerer Hunters returned to the temple only to find it resembling a bombsite with semi-clad and nude women everywhere. They found Carrot sporting his trousers and a blue silk robe decorated with gold dragons, looking extremely healthy and his perverted self. Keiichi admired the Hunter's balls as Belldandy sadly shook her head. The other Hunters were, to say the least, pissed off. Chocolate and Tira were struggling to keep from launching themselves at their wayward Carrot and ripping him to shreds as the AUSTIN POWERS theme blared cheerfully from the PA system. Carrot and Urd led the guests in dancing to the music, the demi-goddess' body seemingly had a mind of its own as she strutted and gyrated across the floor.

            "YEAH, BABY! YEAH!" Carrot was imitating the horny agent. "OH, BE-HAAVEE!!"

            "That's good advice, Carrot!" Tira snarled.

            "Yes, DARLING!" Chocolate growled. "Nice to see you feeling better!"

            Carrot paled at hearing those familiar voices and turned, seeing four very pissed off Hunters, especially the Misu sisters. A disgusted young goddess. A sad and disappointed older goddess and a guy who shook his head in respect and amazement.

            "Uh, hi guys!" he chirped. "Wanna join in?"

            "Shameless," Marron sighed. "Positively shameless."

            "You fucking scumbag!" Gateau snarled. "I'll rip your head off!"

            However, a group of semi-nude wrestlers gyrated and ground against the two    Hunters causing stiffness. Marron was speechless and the older Mocha found himself getting aroused. All right, Carrot. I like your taste. I won't kill you when this is over. Urd was giggling wildly as she nonchalantly waved to Skuld and Belldandy. She then grabbed Keiichi's arm and pulled into a group of women who gyrated, ground and teased him, to Belldandy's consternation.

            Later, Belldandy and Urd magically got the temple back to its pristine condition. Carrot was in one of the smaller buildings hiding from his pissed off teammates, especially the two Misu sisters. Belldandy decided the time was right for a heart-to-heart.

            "You trust her with my brother?" Marron asked in amazement as he and Keiichi saw Belldandy go find the Hunter's perverted older brother.

            "Yes," Keiichi replied,"I do."

            "What if he tries anything?"

            "He won't. Don't let Bell's sweet, gentle nature fool you. She can get REAL nasty when she is pissed off."

            "I don't doubt it."

            Belldandy found Carrot and sat down next to him, her lovely features a mask     of anger and sadness. Carrot saw this and immediately ixnayed any clever pickup lines he might have thought up.

            "Hey, Bell," he greeted casually. "What's up?"

            "Hello, Carrot," Belldandy replied softly. "You weren't ill at all, were you?"

            "Nope. Urd and I planned it last night."

            "If you didn't want to go with us, you could've said so."

            "Yeah. And Chocolate and Tira would've let me stay here with Urd. I don't think so."

            "They are especially hurt. I forbade them to hurt you, but you hurt them as well. What is the problem between you and them?"


            Carrot repeated the story he told Urd of he, Marron and the two Misu sisters growing up together when the girls' parents died and how he became their surrogate brother, thus the idea of any intimate relationship between he and they, especially Chocolate, was not an option.

            "It would be like Urd and Skuld wanting to get it on. Or Urd wanting to shag you. It just is not done. It's too creepy."

            "They still care about you. Though they have an unusual way of showing it."

            "Tell me about it. I care about them too, but not the way they want."

            "Because it would be like making love to a sister."

            "Yes. Plus, the fact that I like them both and really don't like having to choose. If I pick one, the other is disappointed. If she is Chocolate, that disappointed is not healthy."

            Belldandy considered this then held Carrot's hands in her own, warmth flowing throughout the Sorcerer Hunter's body.

            "All right," Belldandy accepted Carrot's explanation. "But the fact remains that you deceived us. You lied about being sick and causing myself and your teammates undue grief."

            "You're right," Carrot smiled. "I was a jerk. I apologize to you and the others if I have hurt anyone."

            "You owe the others an apology as well."

            "I know. Marron and Gateau should be willing to accept."

            "What about Chocolate and Tira?"

            Carrot barked an amused and surprise laugh as he told of Baklava making him a Don Juan and his behavior, especially toward the two sisters.

            "Honey," he stated. "I apologized last time for being a complete asshole and spent four hours being whipped, beaten and anything else up, down and sidewise. They basically tore me a new asshole. Forgiveness is not in their vocabulary. At least not complete forgiveness."

            "You poor dear."

            "No. I suppose a lot of my actions warrant it, but still."

            "It isn't right. Nobody should have to suffer like that."

            "Again I apologize if I took advantage of your hospitality."

            Suddenly, a loud siren blared throughout the temple and holy chanting and music nearly deafened Carrot and Belldandy. They ran to find the source and saw a small bipedal robot with speakers popping out of its head. The target appeared to be an attractive woman, yet red diagonal marks decorated her forehead and her hair was covered with sheets of paper with strange markings on them. The Hunters assumed battle mode.

            "Who're your friends, Urd?" the woman laughed.

            "They're Sorcerer Hunters," the demi-goddess replied blandly.

            "I ain't a Sorcerer. I'm a Demon First Class. Big difference."

            "What do you want, Mara?" Belldandy asked. "We have no quarrel with you."

            "Excuse me? The goody-goody patrol granting wishes in the Name of The Big Guy Upstairs, denying Her Majesty, your mother, Urd, her servants?"

            "Her mother?" Gateau asked from his ready stance. "What mother, Urd?"

            "My mother," Urd smiled tightly, "is Hild. Queen of Nifflheim, or what you would call Hell. I'm only a demi-goddess."


            Mara took the opportunity to fire reddish fire bolts at the goddesses, Keiichi and the Hunters. Tira and Chocolate switched into dominatrix mode and attacked the First-Class Demoness. Yet, their attacks and whippings only inflicted minor damaged. Marron's magic had little success as well. Mara then launched four blasts at Carrot who was launched into the front entrance of the temple. To everyone's surprise, he got up and walked outside, an almost cocky smirk on his face. Suddenly, he morphed into the bull-like Zoanthrope and it was Keiichi, Mara and the goddess' turn to be surprised.

            "What the hell is that?" Mara gasped.

            "The pervert's only really useful function," Gateau smiled blandly.

            "Which is what?"

            "My brother absorbs magic,” Marron intoned, "which gives him the ability to change him into his alternate form. The Zoanthrope."

            "Yes," Chocolate purred. "Darling's Zoanthropic self has several forms, but this is the most common."

            "Wow," Urd whistled. "And I thought he was merely an animal in bed."

            Mara was having a helluva time escaping the Zoanthrope that seemed intent on flattening her, even if it meant destroying the temple in the process. The Demoness' blasts only seemed to increase the bull-like creature's strength and piss it off even more. Finally, vowing to return, Mara hightailed it out of there to the delight of everyone.

            "Ladies," Marron nodded to the two dominatrixes.

            "YEEEEHAHHH!!!" The sisters howled with glee.

            "You can't!" Belldandy exclaimed. "You--"

            "Belldandy," Gateau put in sympathetically. "It's the only way to turn him back. Do it up, guys!"

            Chocolate and Tira laughed with cruel glee as the sound of whip and garrote slashing fur and flesh and yowls of pain filled the air. Slash after slash fell rapid-fire like rain as Keiichi cringed at each yelp of pain while Belldandy gasped, holding her hand over her mouth. Yet, Urd and Skuld seemed to take an almost perverse amount of pleasure in watching Carrot suffer. The next morning, the Hunters were preparing to return to Spooner. Carrot was already at the front entrance to say goodbye to Keiichi and Belldandy.

            "Well," Carrot put out his hand which Keiici shook. "Take care. You got a sweet setup, Kei. I envy you."

            "Thanks," Keiichi smiled. "We enjoyed having you guys."

            "Yes," Belldandy smiled. "Please come again."

            "We'll see what Big Mama says," Carrot smiled as he gallantly kissed the goddess on the cheek. "And you take care of yourself, little angel. Thank you again for our talk and I'm sorry if I took advantage of your hospitality."

            "Forget it. It was nothing."

            Keiichi gave him a backpack filled with souvenirs and food as the other Hunters exited the temple also carrying souvenirs. While they were saying goodbyes, Carrot was quietly stealthing his way to the temple entrance. Urd caught his eye, but nodded as he gestured her to keep quiet. The older Glace was able to make it down the temple stairs and partway up the street before--


            Carrot knew he was in for a serious hurting for the orgy, lying about being sick and screwing Urd. Yet, he figured the faster he ran and the more distance he put between himself and two certain jealous sisters, the longer he could hold off getting whipped. He succeeded in record time. Six hours and forty minutes before feeling the garrote and whip tear his back.




DISCLAIMERS-SH and OMG are owned by their respective creators





by Neil Mocha



            It was a crappy day in the neighborhood in the town of Nekomi. The rain fell in sheets, making visibility impossible. The thunder roared and serenaded the town and the lightning flashed and crackled, entertaining Nekomi with its lightshow. The slender figure was kneeling at the bottom of the steps that led to the temple, his spiky black hair covering his face as he panted heavily.

            "GODDAMN!" he gasped. "I must've broken the record. I gotta get out of the rain. I hope somebody is home." He collected himself and walked up the stairs and into the temple grounds.

            This was the Sorcerer Hunter Carrot Glace. Would be Casanova. Zoanthrope. Reincarnation of the Destruction God Hakaishin. He was on vacation and had managed to secure a date with a college girl (a rare occasion). They were in her apartment about to indulge in a little passion when the door was torn off its hinges and the ever-jealously possessive Chocolate and Tira Misu stormed in, in full dominatrix mode, and assaulted Carrot. He managed to escape and ran down the street with them on his heels before he ducked in a corner alley and lost them. He walked up to the main building, seeing a light on, and rapped on the door.

            "I'll be right there," a gentle voice called out.

            A moment later, the door opened and Carrot found himself staring at a beautiful face framed by dirty-blonde hair, falling past waist-length in a long ponytail. Crystal-blue eyes looked back into his and a warm gentle smile greeted him.

            "Hello," the voice purred. Carrot noticed that an inverted triangle rested just under each eye and a thin elongated diamond rested in the center of her forehead. "Come in before you catch cold."

            "Why thank you, pretty girl," Carrot smirked devilishly. "Heaven must be missing an angel because you are here with me right now."

            "Thank you. I am Belldandy. Can I offer you some tea?"

            "Carrot Glace, AKA the Love Machine. I would like some, thanks."

            Belldandy led the older Glace to the "living area" where a young girl of about thirteen was reading. Long raven hair framed her adorable cherubic face, which was decorated with blue egg-shape marks on her forehead and under her eyes. She regarded the visitor with an icy stare. Carrot smirked as he patted her on the head.

            "Well, hi, cutie," he cooed. "Who might you be?"

            "Name's Skuld. And I'm not a little girl."

            "Skuld," Belldandy gently scolded. "He is a guest. Please don't be rude."

            "Why, Bell," a seductive throaty alto perked Carrot's ears. "A visitor?"

            Carrot turned at the voice and his jaw dropped at the heavenly vision standing in the doorway, her voluptuous curves straining against the painted-on tube top and denim cutoffs. The light shone off her waist-length snow-white mane and rich bronze skin. Wicked green eyes stared at the older Glace filled with decadent thoughts.

            "MY GAWWWWWWWWDDD!!!" Carrot howled. "HELLO, GORGEOUS!"

            "Hello, yourself," the woman chuckled. "The name is Urd."

            "Carrot Glace, doll-face. But you can call me the Love Machine."

            "Really? I'm the Love Goddess. How good are you?"

            "I'm the King, babe."

            "Let's see whatcha got. Bell, leave the tea outside my room like a good sister."

            "Yes, thank you. And if some people come, saying they're friends, I'm in Cuba."

            Urd led Carrot to her room and both entered, the aroma of orange and jasmine caressed their noses. The demi-goddess did a slow dance removing the little clothing she had, revealing her celestial/demonic splendor. She removed Carrot's clothing, her tongue dancing and caressing every inch of his sparse frame. Jolts of excitement ripped through Carrot as Urd's tongue played with and teased his hardened member. The two melted into each other's embrace onto the floor and gyrated as one sexual entity. Carrot's tongue danced along the demi-goddess' body stopping to indulge her ample succulent sweet breasts.

            Half an hour later, the sounds of moans and screams of unbridled passion echoed throughout the temple, distracting Keiichi from his studies and Skuld from her show. Belldandy was sewing, a look of gentle disapproval on her face. A gentle rapping on the door attracted their attention.

            "I got it," Keiichi stated as he strolled to the door and opened it, revealing four individuals drenched to the skin. "Good evening."

            "Good evening," one of the four spoke, his voice low and quiet. "Forgive us for imposing but the weather is unspeakable. May we come in?"

            "Of course." Keiichi gave a dry smile. "This place is a regular TOKYO MARRIOTT."

            The four visitors chuckled appreciatively as they entered, removing their footwear. The speaker was a tall, slender youth dressed in white. Long raven hair framed a beautiful feminine face and gold eyes sparkled in the light. The other youth was a giant, blonde Adonis, his sculpted muscles straining against his jeans and T-shirt. The other two were girls. One was slender and athletic with long spiky red hair and mischievous blue eyes. Her ensemble comprised of a tank top, leather jacket and miniskirt and leggings. The other girl was about the same height yet her cloak made it difficult to determine her build. Her hair was a pinkish hue and large mirrored glasses his her eyes. Keiichi gave them towels and Belldandy brought more tea and robes.

            "Welcome," she smiled. "I'm Belldandy."

            "Hello," the redhead spoke pleasantly. "I'm Chocolate Misu. This is my sister, Tira. These are Gateau Mocha and Marron Glace." The others nodded as their names were called.

            "How do you do?" Keiichi smiled dryly. Wonderful. Named after food. What the hell drugs were their parents taking? "What brings you here?"

            "We're looking for someone," Gateau put in. "Tira and Chocolate thought they saw him coming this way."

            "What on Spooner is that?" Marron queried, fascinated and disgusted by the moaning that assaulted their ears.

            "I don't know," Keiichi shrugged. "I assume Urd is with someone."

            "Brilliant observation, genius," Skuld interjected acidly. "The name's Skuld."

            Belldandy poured tea for the Sorcerer Hunters as they were chuckling at hearing the moaning and groaning. Suddenly--


            "The term is 'Goddess', dear. You haven't seen anything yet."

            "I don't believe it," Marron sighed shaking his head.

            "AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Chocolate was furious. "DARLING!"

            "Lemme guess," Skuld mused sourly. "Would 'Darling' be a skinny dark-haired guy with a hard-on?"

            "Yes," Gateau sighed. "The pervert's name is Carrot and he is one of us."

            Tira removed a sledgehammer from the folds of her cloak as Belldandy observed this with an alarmed expression on her face. Chocolate noticed the sledgehammer lying across Skuld's back.

            "Excuse me, dear," she smiled. "May I borrow that for a moment?"

            "You're gonna bash that pervert's brains in, right?" Skuld smirked, handing the hammer over. "Be my guest. Give him a whack for me."

            "Skuld!" Belldandy gasped. "Such horrible thoughts!"

            "OHHHH, MAN!" Carrot's voice carried from down the hall.

            The older Glace walked in, wearing merely his trousers, thus far unaware he had an audience. Keiichi wondered who he was as the other Hunters glared, Tira and Chocolate tapping the sledgehammers against their open hands.

            "I shagged a goddess," he sang gloatingly. "It was heaven. She's better than Ti--" He stopped seeing the other Hunters. "Oh, hi guys. Tira. Chocolate. Marron. Gateau. How's it hangin'?"

            "It seems to be 'hanging' quite well with you, dear brother," Marron mused.

            "There you are, Carrot." Tira smiled acidly. "Chocolate and I were worried about you."

            "Yes, Darling," Chocolate's smile dripped blood. "We didn't know where you were. How was your goddess?"

            "Uh," Carrot gulped. Oh. HELL! I am screwed. "She was quite wonderful. Not as good as you two, though."

            "That's not what you told me, Love Machine," a throaty alto chuckled.

            The group turned and all jaws dropped to the floor and all eyes bugged out six inches from their sockets. Urd waltzed in COMPLETELY NUDE! The two Misus stared at the demi-goddess' ample cleavage while examining their own whimpering in despair. Belldandy and Skuld's faces were masks of shock and disapproval.

            "You told me they were lousy in the sack." Urd chuckled. "Trying to save your ass?"

            "URD!" Belldandy exclaimed. "What are you doing?!"

            "EEEEEWWWW!!" Skuld cried. "HOW GROOOOOSSSS!!!"

            Keiichi was speechless. Urd teasingly fondled him, to Belldandy's consternation. She then locked her lips onto Carrot's, her fingers sliding down his chest and began playing with his rock-hard member. Carrot let out a bestial cry of approval. That did it. Tira and Chocolate lost it as they launched themselves at Carrot, chasing him around the temple and outside around the grounds. Urd observed this, chuckling in cruel amusement.

            "Oh my goodness!" Belldandy exclaimed concerned. "I hope they don't hurt him."

            "That pervert does this all the time," Gateau put in. "He deserves what he gets."

            "I agree," Marron intoned. "I love my brother and would do anything for him, but this nonsense is rather annoying. He needs to be kept in line."

            Suddenly, the temple echoed with the sounds of a whip tearing human flesh and agonized screams, followed by harsh almost abusive scolding. Belldandy gasped, covering her mouth.


            "How horrible!" she gasped. "That poor boy!"

            "Jeez," Keiichi mused. "You think someone's a bit jealous?"

            "This is going to stop now!"  Belldandy's lovely visage set itself into a grim mask of determination as she marched to where the screams and whipping were coming from. She opened the door and saw Carrot hanging from the ceiling by his bound hands, his back laced with welts. The two Misu sisters observed this with amusement.

            Belldandy saw that they looked very different than when they entered. Tira was sporting a leather dominatrix outfit and brandishing a nasty whip, cruel glee shimmering in her scarlet-hued eyes. Chocolate's attire was even more risqué: merely black leather trousers and boots. She was topless save for suspenders covering her nipples. A Nazi Gestapo cap rested on her head. An uncoiled barbed garrote rested in her hand

            "What is the meaning of this?" Belldandy demanded.

            "Hi, Belldandy," Tira purred. "We're merely punishing Carrot for cheating on us."

            "Yes," Chocolate grinned. "Darling's been a naughty boy."

            "Maybe so," the goddess replied. "But that doesn't justify whipping him like an animal."

            "He is an animal. A perverted skirt-chasing animal who needs discipline."

            "Not while you are guests in this temple."

            "What?" Tira raised her pinkish eyebrows in amusement.

            "Carrot does have faults, but he is not an animal. He is a human being. You will not hurt him in anyway while you stay in this temple."

            "Suppose we don't do what you say," Chocolate smiled. Girl's got guts.

            Belldandy simply raised a hand, which began glowing with a bluish light, and an energy ball began forming. Tira and Chocolate quickly got the message.

            "I will have to punish you," the goddess replied softly. "I really don't wish you harm, but continue and I will have no choice. Release him."

            Carrot was observing all this in disbelief. This girl, whoever she was, stood up to Chocolate and Tira and made them stop. Now she was ordering them to cut him down. Thank you, GOD! The two Misus lowered Carrot onto their laps and stroked him gently as Belldandy healed his wounds. Chocolate lowered her face and kissed Carrot's forehead.

            "You are lucky, Darling," she cooed softly. "This doesn't let you off the hook, though."

            "Yes, Carrot," Tira whispered in his other ear. "You still have a beating coming."

            "I do hope that floozy Urd was worth the suffering you're gonna get."

            "My sister Urd is not a floozy," Belldandy gently admonished. "Selfish, childish, compulsive, yes. A floozy, no."

            "We apologize," Tira smiled. "We meant no offense."

            An hour later, the Sorcerer Hunters, Keiichi and the goddesses were enjoying a delightful dinner that Belldandy cooked as Keiichi told them the Hunters how he met the goddesses. Carrot noticed how Belldandy was doting on Keiichi and Skuld's expression of disgust. That lucky sonofabitch. How did he get someone like her?

            "So you wished that Bell stay with you forever?" Carrot queried. "Man, God must really love you."

            "He does," Belldandy smiled. "But he also has a good heart so it was possible for his wish to come true."

            "Sometimes, I'm not so sure," Keiichi smiled. "Urd playing Cupid with her love potions that don't work. Skuld being Ms. Prude butting in. Sometimes I feel like it's Hell."

            "You don't know Hell," Urd smiled. "Hell is a lot worse."

            "Amazing," Marron mused. "I didn't the Norns were so beautiful or that they were related to God."

            "I was wondering," Gateau mused. "Do you three know Big Mama?"

            "Of course," Belldandy replied. "We would visit her when we were younger."

            Carrot felt his member stiffen as he looked down and saw Urd's hand slowly caress it. He glanced over and saw Urd wink wickedly and returned it. Chocolate and Tira stiffened but held their tongue remembering Belldandy's threat. The next morning, Urd entered worried.

            "Oh, dear," she mused. "Carrot's not feeling well."

            "Darling!" Chocolate exclaimed, running to Urd's room. "I hope he's all right!"

            Carrot was lying in Urd's room on her mat, sweating profusely and moaning. Tira and Marron entered concerned. Belldandy brought some tea.

            "How are you feeling?" she asked concerned.

            "Crappy," Carrot moaned.

            "He must've caught a fever from the rain," Urd put in. "I'll keep an eye on him."

            "But I thought we'd give our guests a tour of the city," Belldandy put in, a little disappointed. "Maybe do a little shopping."

            "You guys go ahead. I'll nurse him back to health."

            "I'm sure you will." Tira smiled acidly.

            The Hunters and Belldandy left to get ready for a day in town, unaware that suddenly Carrot was feeling quite well and sharing an evil grin with Urd.

            "They bought it," the demi-goddess grinned. "Damn, we're good."

            "Hell, yeah," Carrot crowed. "Let's wait a little longer then PARTY!"

            "So what's the deal with you and the bimbos?"

            "Well, we grew up together. Chocolate and Tira lost their parents and moved in with us and became my sisters, essentially."

            "So you don't do them because it's like shagging your sister."

            "Right. Plus, I like them both and I don't wanna choose."

            "Me, neither. I think they're gone. Lemme call a few friends."

            Urd used her magic to transform the temple into a party palace and made a few telephone calls while Carrot was using the kitchen for making his mother Apricot's favorite dishes. Belldandy and the others were enjoying the sites of Nekomi and Chocolate and Tira were trying on and purchasing the latest fashions. Keiichi showed Gateau and Marron around NIT and where he studied. The group gathered at TOJIKO'S GRILLE for burgers as Marron told Keiichi, Skuld and Belldandy about the group's exploits and their battle with Zaha Torte.

            "You beat him," Keiichi mused. "Good for you."

            "Thank you." Chocolate slurped her shake. "I hope Darling is all right."

            "He's in good hands," Belldandy smiled. "Urd will take care of him."

            "I don't trust her." Tira glowered.

            "That's not surprising," Keiichi smirked blandly. "I don't trust her any further than I can throw her."

            "Well," Belldandy waved her hand a mini-version of herself appeared, to the amazement of the Hunters. "Not that I don't trust her."

            "Hi everyone," mini-Belldandy squeaked cheerfully.

            "I'd like you to keep an eye on Urd and Carrot."


            The party was in full swing. Orgy would be a more accurate description as the guests-members of The Lady Dragon Wrestling Federation and professional volleyball players-were cavorting around in varying degrees of undress and totally nude. Urd was merely sporting a pair of tiger-skin briefs as she led the other gals in seducing and getting busy with Carrot as the music blared and the sake and food flowed. To say the older Glace was a kid in a candy store would be an understatement. He was in Seventh Heaven as he led his "harem" in boogying to SMOOTH CRIMINAL. Unbeknownst to them, a tiny figure was sitting on the windowsill, shaking her head sadly. Carrot was looking anything but ill and Urd was laughing up a storm, proud that she was in on the deception. Belldandy will be so disappointed.

            "Hey, Morisato!" a familiar voice caught the group's attention. It was Sayoko.

            "Hey, Sayoko," Keiichi smiled. "How's it going?"

            "Is she a friend of yours?" Marron asked.

            "Yes, she is," Belldandy chirped. "She is a classmate at NIT."

            "As well as a rival for my affections," Keiichi smirked dryly as he introduced her to the Sorcerer Hunters.

            "Nice to meet you guys," Sayoko chirped.

            "Likewise," Chocolate smiled. "There is another one of us, but he is ill."

            "Oh?" Sayoko's eyebrows disappeared into her hairline. "Would he perchance be thin, dark-haired and a bit horny?"

            "Yes. That's Darling."

            "Well, girlfriend. Unless it's the wrong temple, I was driving by and I saw a serious orgy going on."

            "What?" Belldandy exclaimed in shock.

            "Sounds like Urd," Keiichi smirked.

            "Well," Sayoko continued, looking directly at Chocolate, "your 'Darling' had thirty or so Lady Wrestlers and volleyball players hanging all over him and he was looking pretty damn good for a sick guy."

            Tira and Chocolate exploded into the vilest language, to the dismay of the restaurant’s other patrons as Marron merely shook his head. A sad and disappointed mini-Belldandy appeared, to Sayoko's shock, and hopped into Belldandy's hand.

            "I have some bad news," she squeaked sadly.

            "I know," Belldandy replied. "They lied to us."

            "Yes. I'm sorry."

            "It's not your fault. I will have to talk to them."

            "That sonofabitch!" Gateau snarled. "He lied to us!"

            "So did that lousy tramp!" Tira growled.

            "What a surprise," Keiichi mused. "That's why Urd is only a Second Class Goddess instead of First Class like Bell and Skuld here. She has no compunction about lying her ass off."

            "My brother is also not shy about lying if it suits him," Marron mused.

            "Let's go home," Belldandy stated. "We have a couple of wayward children to reprimand." She looked at the two very irate Misus. "No violence."

            "Very well," Chocolate struggled to keep calm. "But the minute we leave, his ass is grass."

            The party was still going strong as Keiichi, Belldandy, Skuld and the other four Sorcerer Hunters returned to the temple only to find it resembling a bombsite with semi-clad and nude women everywhere. They found Carrot sporting his trousers and a blue silk robe decorated with gold dragons, looking extremely healthy and his perverted self. Keiichi admired the Hunter's balls as Belldandy sadly shook her head. The other Hunters were, to say the least, pissed off. Chocolate and Tira were struggling to keep from launching themselves at their wayward Carrot and ripping him to shreds as the AUSTIN POWERS theme blared cheerfully from the PA system. Carrot and Urd led the guests in dancing to the music, the demi-goddess' body seemingly had a mind of its own as she strutted and gyrated across the floor.

            "YEAH, BABY! YEAH!" Carrot was imitating the horny agent. "OH, BE-HAAVEE!!"

            "That's good advice, Carrot!" Tira snarled.

            "Yes, DARLING!" Chocolate growled. "Nice to see you feeling better!"

            Carrot paled at hearing those familiar voices and turned, seeing four very pissed off Hunters, especially the Misu sisters. A disgusted young goddess. A sad and disappointed older goddess and a guy who shook his head in respect and amazement.

            "Uh, hi guys!" he chirped. "Wanna join in?"

            "Shameless," Marron sighed. "Positively shameless."

            "You fucking scumbag!" Gateau snarled. "I'll rip your head off!"

            However, a group of semi-nude wrestlers gyrated and ground against the two    Hunters causing stiffness. Marron was speechless and the older Mocha found himself getting aroused. All right, Carrot. I like your taste. I won't kill you when this is over. Urd was giggling wildly as she nonchalantly waved to Skuld and Belldandy. She then grabbed Keiichi's arm and pulled into a group of women who gyrated, ground and teased him, to Belldandy's consternation.

            Later, Belldandy and Urd magically got the temple back to its pristine condition. Carrot was in one of the smaller buildings hiding from his pissed off teammates, especially the two Misu sisters. Belldandy decided the time was right for a heart-to-heart.

            "You trust her with my brother?" Marron asked in amazement as he and Keiichi saw Belldandy go find the Hunter's perverted older brother.

            "Yes," Keiichi replied,"I do."

            "What if he tries anything?"

            "He won't. Don't let Bell's sweet, gentle nature fool you. She can get REAL nasty when she is pissed off."

            "I don't doubt it."

            Belldandy found Carrot and sat down next to him, her lovely features a mask     of anger and sadness. Carrot saw this and immediately ixnayed any clever pickup lines he might have thought up.

            "Hey, Bell," he greeted casually. "What's up?"

            "Hello, Carrot," Belldandy replied softly. "You weren't ill at all, were you?"

            "Nope. Urd and I planned it last night."

            "If you didn't want to go with us, you could've said so."

            "Yeah. And Chocolate and Tira would've let me stay here with Urd. I don't think so."

            "They are especially hurt. I forbade them to hurt you, but you hurt them as well. What is the problem between you and them?"


            Carrot repeated the story he told Urd of he, Marron and the two Misu sisters growing up together when the girls' parents died and how he became their surrogate brother, thus the idea of any intimate relationship between he and they, especially Chocolate, was not an option.

            "It would be like Urd and Skuld wanting to get it on. Or Urd wanting to shag you. It just is not done. It's too creepy."

            "They still care about you. Though they have an unusual way of showing it."

            "Tell me about it. I care about them too, but not the way they want."

            "Because it would be like making love to a sister."

            "Yes. Plus, the fact that I like them both and really don't like having to choose. If I pick one, the other is disappointed. If she is Chocolate, that disappointed is not healthy."

            Belldandy considered this then held Carrot's hands in her own, warmth flowing throughout the Sorcerer Hunter's body.

            "All right," Belldandy accepted Carrot's explanation. "But the fact remains that you deceived us. You lied about being sick and causing myself and your teammates undue grief."

            "You're right," Carrot smiled. "I was a jerk. I apologize to you and the others if I have hurt anyone."

            "You owe the others an apology as well."

            "I know. Marron and Gateau should be willing to accept."

            "What about Chocolate and Tira?"

            Carrot barked an amused and surprise laugh as he told of Baklava making him a Don Juan and his behavior, especially toward the two sisters.

            "Honey," he stated. "I apologized last time for being a complete asshole and spent four hours being whipped, beaten and anything else up, down and sidewise. They basically tore me a new asshole. Forgiveness is not in their vocabulary. At least not complete forgiveness."

            "You poor dear."

            "No. I suppose a lot of my actions warrant it, but still."

            "It isn't right. Nobody should have to suffer like that."

            "Again I apologize if I took advantage of your hospitality."

            Suddenly, a loud siren blared throughout the temple and holy chanting and music nearly deafened Carrot and Belldandy. They ran to find the source and saw a small bipedal robot with speakers popping out of its head. The target appeared to be an attractive woman, yet red diagonal marks decorated her forehead and her hair was covered with sheets of paper with strange markings on them. The Hunters assumed battle mode.

            "Who're your friends, Urd?" the woman laughed.

            "They're Sorcerer Hunters," the demi-goddess replied blandly.

            "I ain't a Sorcerer. I'm a Demon First Class. Big difference."

            "What do you want, Mara?" Belldandy asked. "We have no quarrel with you."

            "Excuse me? The goody-goody patrol granting wishes in the Name of The Big Guy Upstairs, denying Her Majesty, your mother, Urd, her servants?"

            "Her mother?" Gateau asked from his ready stance. "What mother, Urd?"

            "My mother," Urd smiled tightly, "is Hild. Queen of Nifflheim, or what you would call Hell. I'm only a demi-goddess."


            Mara took the opportunity to fire reddish fire bolts at the goddesses, Keiichi and the Hunters. Tira and Chocolate switched into dominatrix mode and attacked the First-Class Demoness. Yet, their attacks and whippings only inflicted minor damaged. Marron's magic had little success as well. Mara then launched four blasts at Carrot who was launched into the front entrance of the temple. To everyone's surprise, he got up and walked outside, an almost cocky smirk on his face. Suddenly, he morphed into the bull-like Zoanthrope and it was Keiichi, Mara and the goddess' turn to be surprised.

            "What the hell is that?" Mara gasped.

            "The pervert's only really useful function," Gateau smiled blandly.

            "Which is what?"

            "My brother absorbs magic,” Marron intoned, "which gives him the ability to change him into his alternate form. The Zoanthrope."

            "Yes," Chocolate purred. "Darling's Zoanthropic self has several forms, but this is the most common."

            "Wow," Urd whistled. "And I thought he was merely an animal in bed."

            Mara was having a helluva time escaping the Zoanthrope that seemed intent on flattening her, even if it meant destroying the temple in the process. The Demoness' blasts only seemed to increase the bull-like creature's strength and piss it off even more. Finally, vowing to return, Mara hightailed it out of there to the delight of everyone.

            "Ladies," Marron nodded to the two dominatrixes.

            "YEEEEHAHHH!!!" The sisters howled with glee.

            "You can't!" Belldandy exclaimed. "You--"

            "Belldandy," Gateau put in sympathetically. "It's the only way to turn him back. Do it up, guys!"

            Chocolate and Tira laughed with cruel glee as the sound of whip and garrote slashing fur and flesh and yowls of pain filled the air. Slash after slash fell rapid-fire like rain as Keiichi cringed at each yelp of pain while Belldandy gasped, holding her hand over her mouth. Yet, Urd and Skuld seemed to take an almost perverse amount of pleasure in watching Carrot suffer. The next morning, the Hunters were preparing to return to Spooner. Carrot was already at the front entrance to say goodbye to Keiichi and Belldandy.

            "Well," Carrot put out his hand which Keiici shook. "Take care. You got a sweet setup, Kei. I envy you."

            "Thanks," Keiichi smiled. "We enjoyed having you guys."

            "Yes," Belldandy smiled. "Please come again."

            "We'll see what Big Mama says," Carrot smiled as he gallantly kissed the goddess on the cheek. "And you take care of yourself, little angel. Thank you again for our talk and I'm sorry if I took advantage of your hospitality."

            "Forget it. It was nothing."

            Keiichi gave him a backpack filled with souvenirs and food as the other Hunters exited the temple also carrying souvenirs. While they were saying goodbyes, Carrot was quietly stealthing his way to the temple entrance. Urd caught his eye, but nodded as he gestured her to keep quiet. The older Glace was able to make it down the temple stairs and partway up the street before--


            Carrot knew he was in for a serious hurting for the orgy, lying about being sick and screwing Urd. Yet, he figured the faster he ran and the more distance he put between himself and two certain jealous sisters, the longer he could hold off getting whipped. He succeeded in record time. Six hours and forty minutes before feeling the garrote and whip tear his back.