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I last updated on: November 4th 2001: This site is complete!
No, I have not abandoned this site, I love it too much! I have simply decided that this site is complete. It's already ridiculously large for an anti-site! It has everything it needs, there's really not much more to do except make sure it stays up, which I will certainly be doing! You'll notice I removed the comment box, from now on send me e-mails only. Sorry I haven't posted the mail I said I would... Oh well... Maybe later.

Anyways, I'd just like to thank you all for visiting... Even if you hate this site, congratulations for coming in anyways, ha ha! And, just to make it clear once again, the site is NOT down, just finished. Complète, finit, finito, completehlito, whatever. Oh, I am sooo good, it's hard to live with myself sometimes! You guys should all read Russian novels! Don't watch Sailor Moon, read books!

Yours almost sincerely,

P.S. Just one more thing to say... I currently TOTALLY hate ALL anime, even Gundam Wing... Okay, that's all. Anime sucks! Maybe I'll make a site about that...