Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma 1/2. Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ. does. The only person I own is Myasuki Nasaki. Do not use her without my permission. Author's Note: This is my second attempt to write this story. I hope you enjoy it. Write to trachtemis@hotmail.com with your comments, flames, and critiques. "Myasuki: Foxy martial arts lady" A Ranma 1/2 fanfiction By Trachtemis Chapter 1: Myasuki. A cheerful giggle invaded Ranma's peaceful lunch. "Oh great," he muttered. "The cheerful chick's back. ACCKKKKK!" Ranma cried out as Akane's mallet hit him full force on his head. "Ow! What'd you do that for!!?" Ranma cried, rubbing his head. "Don't call her that! It's kind of cute that she's so cheerful," Akane growled. "Well at least she's not an uncute tomboy like you," Ranma snapped. "You jerk!" Akane yelled as she kicked him into the gate of the high school. "Oh Akane. You aren't beating on your fiancé again are you?" A soft voice giggled. "What fiancé?" Akane muttered as she turned around. There was Myasuki Nasaki. Her long disheveled red hair, which was usually tied up in a blue bow, was hanging loose today. Her school uniform was wrinkle and stain free like always. What always caught Akane's eye was Myasuki's silver butterfly necklace. It hung delicately around her tan neck. "Oh don't be silly Akane." Myasuki sighed as she walked with Akane. "It's such a beautiful day. Lets take a walk in the park instead of going straight to your house." Akane looked confusingly at Myasuki as lightning ripped across the gray sky. "But it looks like it's going to rain." Myasuki smiled. "So it does. Maybe later." ^1/2^ "That Myasuki girl is nuts! I mean she's always cheerful. It gets awful annoying" Nabikki told Akane. "So is Kasumi, Nabikki. Is she nuts too?" Akane growled. "You didn't let me finish. Not only is she cheerful, she can be a depressing person to be around. I mean she likes rainy days and prefers to hang out at night. Plus she doesn't care about money or material items," she explained. "How would you know?!" Akane snapped." You refuse to talk to her half the time!!!" Nabikki sighed." I knew her last boyfriend. He told me all about her." A sudden silence engulfed the two sisters. Akane looked around. They were in the practice room sitting on the floor. She began to think of something else to say when a loud knock echoed throughout the house. Nabikki and Akane stood up as Kasumi answered the door. In the door way stood a drenched Myasuki. In her arms was girl-Ranma. "Oh you poor dears," Kasumi exclaimed." Come in please." Kasumi ran off to go get Myasuki and Ranma some warm, dry blanket as Akane helped Myasuki carry Ranma into the Dojo. Seeing Ranma's expression, Akane giggled. She helped Myasuki lay Ranma onto the floor. Nabikki stared at Myasuki in shock. Akane watched Ranma twitch then looked at Myasuki to ask what had happen. Akane gasped and nearly screamed." Myasuki!!" Myasuki was covered in mud and blood. Her school dress was torn and had little hairs all over it. Myasuki gave her a shy but cheerful smile. "Oh Myasuki what happened?" Akane asked. "Well I was walking home and saw tons of cats covering something. As I got closer I saw that they were attacking Ranma. I got scratched up pulling the cats off of him. I got muddy because I slipped on the wet pavement when it began to rain," Myasuki explained. Kasumi entered the room with two blankets. She rapped Myasuki in one of them then helped Akane rap Ranma in the other. "Does he always turn into a girl when he gets scared?" Myasuki asked timidly. "Only when he gets cold water spilt on him," Akane told her. " Long story." "Oh," Myasuki said as she sipped some tea Happosai had brought out. Happosai stared at her soaked shirt. Akane followed his gaze then began to radiate with anger. "Pervert!!!" she cried, bringing her mallet down on his partially bald head. "Oh goodness," Myasuki giggled nervously.