"Mystery Science Theater 10,000" (Season 2) Episode 2: Beautiful Dreams By: Terezia Olsson (A Lemon fic) MSTED by Lissa This story is a work of fiction and was made by Terezia Olsson. This is for entertainment only. Mystery Science Theater 3,000 is copyrighted and property of Best Brains, INC. Legend of Lemnear is also not mine and Satoshi Urushihara owns it. Sailor Moon is also not mine. Jamie is Myasuki Masaki though so don't borrow her without her permission. Record of Lodoss War is not mine and I have absolutely no clue who owns it. Iria is not mine either. Wish it was but I'm not that clever. Slayers is not mine. It is owned Hajime Kanzaka, Rui Araizumi, Kodakawa Publishing....or so it says on my TV box. Caravan Kidd is not mine. It belongs to Johji Manabe. Pokemon is not mine, but I love it. Beautiful Dreams is property of Terezia Olsson's and she can keep it. I don't mean to offend Terezia Olsson. If I did there would be a lot more nasty things I could be saying. Begin theme song ( Sung to the MST3K song) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the FAR and distant future Jurusei Empire A.D. Was a girl named P.J. (Jamie: Jamie!) Very different from you and me. (Jamie: Damn right!) She spent all day draining energy For the negaverse! Then a genius name Washu and her kid Ryoko Screwed up and teleported her into space! Jamie: You incompetent idiot! Washu: We'll send her cheesy fanfics. The worst that we can find! (la-la-la) She'll have to read and watch them Until she blows her mind! (la-la-la) Now keep in mind she can't control When the fanfics begin or end. (la-la-la) She'll try to keep the remainder of her sanity With the help of her "friends"! -Zweeeeoooo- ANIME ROLL CALL Lemnear! (I'm going to kill someone!) Iria! (Huh! Where am I?) Deedlit! (Hello!) Naga! (mmmmmm, lemons.) Mian! (Death.) Pikachu! (Pika-Pika.) If you're wonder how she stays alive through all these cheesy fics! Just keep in mind that its an MST And that you should just relax for Mystery Science Theater 10,000!!!!!!!! ____________________________________________________________________________ (On the spaceship "I'm Hell", Washu is pressing buttons on a little T.V. which screams everytime you touch it. Suddenly a picture shows up on the screen. Jamie is in a spacesuit painting over the name of the spaceship. She floats away from the spaceship to admire her work. The new name is painted in large red letters, "Cruel and Unusual Torture in Empty Space". Washu sits back and laughs.) WASHU: At least I know I've broken their spirits. _____________________________________________________________________________ (Back on the spaceship CUTIES, Lemnear and Iria are pulling Jamie back onto the spaceship. Naga, Deedlit, and Mian are vegging out on the couch, eating chips and popcorn. As Jamie takes off her spacesuit, they turn to her.) ALL but Jamie: Did you get it done? (Jamie gives them all a thumbs up.) JAMIE: Oh Yeah. Everyone in space will either get a kick out of it or try to help us. MIAN (looks skeptically at Jamie): They'll probably all get a kick out of it. By the way.....(She stands up and in a flash of speed puts red collars on every ones neck. All look at these strange collars.) JAMIE: What are these? MIAN (smiling): They are collars; whenever you disobey your master, that's me, these will choke you. Go ahead, try to take them off. (Everyone pulls on them. To Mian's horror, they all break.) MIAN: but......... (Naga lets out her hiddeous laugh.) NAGA: HAHA. YOU THINK NAGA THE WHITE SERPENT WOULD LET YOU CONTROL THIS CREW. I SWITCHED THE COLLARS AROUND. JAMIE (looks at Naga skepticaly): You mean you took them from Mian while she was sleeping and used them in a spell. Then you replaced them with fakes. ____________________________________________________________________________ (In a forest near a stream, a young sorceress, Lina Inverse, is laughing. Three people are wearing red collars and are being forced to fish.) Gourry: Lina, do we have to fish? (begins to choke him as Lina collects the fish.) ____________________________________________________________________________ MIAN (yelling): Why the hell did you do th....(suddenly a yellow and brown animal crawls out from under the couch. It has a zigzaged tail, like a lightning bolt.) ANIMAL: Pikachu? (Jamie looks at it.)JAMIE: A pokemon? LEMNEAR: What's a POKEMON? JAMIE: It's a mouse pokemon. A Pikachu. ALL: OH.... PIKACHU: PIKA? (Klazons blair) ALL: TORTURE SIGN! PIKACHU: PIKA PIKA? (ALL walk through the seven doors and into the theater. They take their usual seats up front. Pikachu jumps on Jamie's lap.) NAGA: Isn't Washu gonna bug us about the fanfic? WASHU'S VOICE: No, I feel bad enough about putting you through this horrid story. JAMIE: Thanks for the pity. > >Hi and welcome to my first lemon! JAMIE: Is that suppose to be an invitation? LEMNEAR (Being most horrible authors): I guess your wondering why I wrote this lemon.... > >Warning: This is a lemon story and >no one under 18 should read it MIAN: Why? >and >neither should anyone who are >disgusted by it. ALL: See ya. > >I hope you'll like it (^.^)!!! ALL: Not in hell! >--------------------------- >By Terezia Olsson: JAMIE: There's a new name. > >Beautiful dreams... ALL: Uh oh..... PIKACHU (looks nervously around) PIKA? > >Deed: Parn? DEEDLIT:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Deedlit pulls out her sword and throws it at the screen; it stops inches from the screen and falls) >Deed turned around and yes, it was Parn that was standing there. >Parn ha JAMIE: ha? NAGA: HAHAHAHHAHA! PIKACHU:(looks at Naga and gets a sweat drop,) PIKA? >a silly grin on his face and walked forward to Deed. JAMIE: a duh. My name is Parn... Huck, huck. (Deedlit, very calmly, back hands Jamie. Jamie goes fling and hits a wall. Deedlit smiles to herself and rubs her hand.) JAMIE: I thought Elves were nice. >Deed: Hmm...? >Parn: Deedlit...You are so beautiful... >Deed locked shocked MIAN: LOCKED SHOCKED! DEEDLIT: What ever that means? >and then she smiled and said: Awkors I'm an elf. DEEDLIT: AWKORS? I don't say AWKORS! IRIA: Then again, who does? JAMIE: (crawls into her seat) Obviously the author. >Parn shocked his head JAMIE: OW! Why did he shock his head? >and the looked straight into Deed's eyes. MIAN: (singing) Look into my eyes..... IRIA: Your eyes are so.... green and elfie. JAMIE: This sucks. DEEDLIT: Washu! You're gonna die! >Parn: No I really mean it... you are really beautiful... DEEDLIT: (blushing) Oh how sweet! PIKACHU: (sighs) Pika. >Deed: Hm! You know what? ALL: (They look happy for once:) What! (Pika.) >Parn: Hmm? >Deed: I don't think you're the real Parn... You are probably someone in a >disguise spell. DEEDLIT: I'd never say that! >Parn lifted Deed's chin a little with his hand s and calmly said: And why >do you think that? >Deed looked deep into Parn's eyes. JAMIE: You're right. They do have little green circles around them. DEEDLIT: If you ruin this for me, I'll kill you. (pats Jamie on the head.) >Deed: You... You really are Parn. >Parn lowered his face to hers and drifted her into a soft kiss. MIAN: I'm drifting!!!!!!!! JAMIE:(singing) SAIL A WAY!!!!! >Deed gasped but then she thought" Who knows it might be fun..." JAMIE:EWWWW. DEEDLIT: Who knows it might be fun? MIAN: When did you do this? DEEDLIT: Must of been the night I got drunk... >Deed kissed Parn back and he pulled her tighter against him. IRIAL: Oh how lovey dovey. >After a while Parn broke the kiss NAGA:(Kiss) OW. >and said: Finally I can tell you how >much I love you... JAMIE: This isn't half bad..... LEMNEAR: It isn't half good either.......... PIKACHU: PIKA! >Deed giggled and looked into his eyes again, true it really was Parn... >Parn: I have never told you... and I don't know why... JAMIE: Because you are shyer then BRENTON!!!!!!! MIAN: Who? JAMIE: UH... Scratch that name PIKACHU: PIKA????? >Deed: You humans don't make any sence... but I guess It's that what makes >you are so charming. >Parn smiled and drifted her into another kiss. >Deed kissed him back with all her passion. (DEEDLIT's eyes are sparkiling.) IRIA: Can I put her out of her misery? >Parnbroke the kiss and smiled wickedly and said: I real knight wouldn't do >this to a woman he wasn't married to but... >Deed's eyes widened JAMIE: Could they get any bigger. She's an anime character! >"Did he mean? No she had never done it with a human >before! Only with elves!" (DEEDLIT flushes angrilly) JAMIE: So the regular slut in the Elven world. IRIA: Oh yeah you're one to talk... JAMIE: WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN! >Parn: I know what you're thinking about... but that can't stop me... >Deed: What stops you then? JAMIE: STOP! IN THE NAME..... PIKACHU: PIKACHU (a thunderbolt hits jamie who falls over fried.) IRIA: Thank you >Parn: Nothing! >Deed: Good, I hate when it gets interuppted. DEEDLIT: I WOULDN'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! LEMNEAR: Sure.. >Parn smiles and said: I take that as a yes. NAGA: Actually that was a no but hey... >Parn moved his hands to her breasts and began to caress them. (DEEDLIT has smoke billowing from her ears.) DEEDLIT: I feel quite violated! >Deed: Oh... wait let me... >Parn: Hmm? >Deed: ...Take off this first. LEMNEAR: That sounds sensible. DEEDLIT: I'm leaving! (Walks to the door.) WASHU's VOICE: BACK! (DEEDLIT walks back angrilly) >Parn: Let me. DEEDLIT: DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!!!! IRIA: This is definately not the Deed I share a room with..... I hope. >Deed: Well I guess it's allright. >Parn moved his hands to take of her dress. >Deed "I hate the uncloding part" DEEDLIT: uncloding????? (Everyone shrugs. JAMIE (burnt) pulls herself off the ground.) JAMIE: Uncloding what??????? >she got a wicked smile on her face and >started speaking: >Godess of love and passion... JAMIE: That is definately a new one. DEEDLIT: There is a spell that starts like that.... >She continues speaking something but she speaks so quiet so we cannot hear >it. Suddenly a wind appears and when it's gone both Parn and Deed are >standing there todally naked. DEEDLIT: But that definately does not happen (turns red at the site of the sight of the screen) NAGA: Todally man. JAMIE: Who wrote this? LEMNEAR: Todally? That dude from Oh my goddess!!!! IRIA: Tamiya? LEMNEAR: Yeah! The guy who says da and well you know! JAMIE & IRIA: Yeah....... >Deed: There. >Parn: Well I didn't know you could do that. DEEDLIT: Neither did I! >Deed: Do never think an elf has limits. JAMIE: I thought they did have limits???? >Parn drifted her into another passionate kiss and caressed her smoth ass JAMIE: Smoth? DEEDLIT: I'M GOING TO KILL HIM WHEN I GET HOME! IRIA: It isn't his fault. >at the same time. >Deed "Is this really Parn? DEEDLIT: NO! >Yes it is, but he's acting like a man like he >had done this before" NAGA: He seems quite handsome... JAMIE: Don't forget that chick he saved in the woods while she was bathing. Quite the peeping tom. DEEDLIT: SHUT UP! >Parn broke the kiss and cupped Deed's breasts. >Deed smiled. LEMNEAR: Seems to be frowning now. >He began to caress her breast and Deed relised a quiet moan. IRIA: How can you relize a moan? MIAN: Must be an elf thing. >Parn loweredhis head to her breasts and took the left nipple into his >mouth and begun >sucking at it. At the sam time he caressed the right breast with his right >hand. MIAN: He can do all that at once???????? NAGA: Which head?? (DEEDLIT attacks NAGA.) NAGA: AHHHHHHHHHHHH. >He started to move down her body with his left hand until he reached her >sex. >He circled around her public MIAN: How much have you been around it's now property of the Public......... (Everyone cringes as MIAN is hit with DEEDLIT's sword.) JAMIE: OW. NAGA: (huff) At least (huff) I got away. >har a few times and then he gently brushed it >aside. >He started to move his fingers on the outside of her lips and then he >carefully parted them. >Deed mouned delighfully and said: Yes that's good Parn. JAMIE: Moun? IRIA: Just a spelling error. >Parn smiled and got down on his knees. >Deed looked down and wondered what he was doing. JAMIE: Isn't it obvious? (MIAN climbs into chair) DEEDLIT: (looks up) What's going AHHHHHHHHHHHH! >Parn licked his lips and then he moved his face closer to her sex. >Just before he touched it with his lips he stopped and looked up at >Deed's face, she were smiling. DEEDLIT: KICK HIM!!!!!!!!! JAMIE: MST: definition to make fun of errors and make fun of stupid stuff. This is just torture. >Parn smiled and kissed her sex, she mouned JAMIE: Didn't she spell it right earlier? IRIA: Yeah. >he layed a couple of more >kisses on it and she >mouned lauder. >Suddenly he partet her pussy JAMIE: Meow. MIAN: That's way over used. >lips with his tounge and pushed it inside of >her. >Deed mouned highly. DEEDLIT: Can you even moan highly? LEMNEAR: When you're a high elf, I guess you can do everything. >He kept on licking inside of her, thrusting his tounge in and out of her >and tasting her sweet taste. MIAN: (homer) HMMM SWEET. >Suddenly a warm liquid splashed into his face Parn smiled and licked DEEDLIT: This is beyond embarressment... >around his mouth and >then he started cleaning up her juices with his tongue. >Parn stood up again and they began to kiss eachother passionatly, Deed >could feel his hard >manhood pressing against her and she knew what he wanted. JAMIE: It's not over yet????????? MIAN: I want what Sasami has! (Cut to Sasami. She has ear plugs and special censor goggles on. She's still video taping everyone) IRIA: Me too! >Parn gasped as she grasped his big swollen manhood. She bent down and >moved her hands back >and forth on it. PIKACHU: PIKA??????????? (The quiet pokemon looks suddenly sick as if it is just now getting what this is.) DEEDLIT: Parn is not that big! (Everyone looks at her. ) DEEDLIT: Well he isn't! >She licked the shaft a few times and then she took his great manhood into >her mouth and >began sucking on it. JAMIE: That's so confusing! Can't they just call it one thing! >Parn mouned highly and looked at the beautiful girl MIAN: I thought she was an Elf? >that were giving him >this great >pleasure. >Deed kept on moving her hands back and forth and sucking on his manhood. DEEDLIT: I would not have oral sex! JAMIE: She's right that's like Snow White and Prince Charming! IRIA: Is that really his name? >Parn suddenly realised he couldn't hold back any longer and he came in her >mouth, Deed >swallowed all of his cum an then she took his penis out of her mouth. DEEDLIT: I need a trash can! (JAMIE hands her one.) >She caressed it a little before starting to kiss Parn passionatly on the >lips again. LEMNEAR: ANd it's the neverending Lemon!!!!! >She could feel him getting hard again and kissed him even more passionatly >as he pressed >her tighter against his strong body. JAMIE: Can they be ready to have another orgasm so quick?????? MIAN: (as DEED) You're squishing me! >Parn layed Deed down and began to kiss her again he began to fondle on of >her briests IRIA: Briests? NAGA: What the hell are Briests? >as he were doing it. >Then Parn broke the kiss and gently spread Deed's legs, he looked into >her eyes MIAN: ????????????? IRIA: She has eyes down there? DEEDLIT: (looking up from trash can) What? EWW! >and kissed her again before entering her. >Deed mouned loudly as he entered her "He is so big" she thought. LEMNEAR: Obviously the author has a thing for big men or maybe just for Parn. >Parn began to pump in and out of Deed and she mouned louder and louder. >"Man how good this feels" Parn thought and kissed Deed passionatly on her >lips again. DEEDLIT: This is sad. JAMIE: It's not horrid....... LEMNEAR: Yes it is. >"He's good at this" Deed thought "i wonder if he have done this before". NAGA: I think she's a little too concerned about this after she said she did it with other elves. DEEDLIT: VIRGIN!! In order for me to be a high elf I need to be one! >Deed could feel that Parn had started to move faster and she moved her >hips so her movements would match with his. IRIA: Why does it matter? >Parn could feel that he couldn't hold on mych longer but he wanted her to >come first. NAGA: Why must it always be the woman? JAMIE: YEAH! >Suddenly Deed came and shortly afterward Parn too. DEEDLIT: Is it over? Please say it's over....... >He collapsed onto Deed MIAN: Oh My goddess! Parn squished DEED! You bastard! >and started to kiss her again. >Deed closed her eyes and said: I love you Parn... thank you... it was >beautiful. ALL: Not Really! (Pika!) >Parn: I love you too deedlit... >Then they both fell asleep. ALL: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >--------------------------- ALL: BEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIAN: If you'd like to make a call, Please hang up and try again. If you need help contact your local operator. >Suddenly Deed awoke by a bird singing it's lovely song. ALL: (mouth's wide open) WHAT! >Deed: Hm... that was. >She opened her eyes and saw that she had fallen asleep near a big tree. DEEDLIT: NO WAY! >"Was that only a dream?" She asked herself. JAMIE: well that sucked. All: UGH! PIKACHU: PIKACHU!!!! (another thunderbolt hits Jamie) >She got up and stretched. >"Of course Parn and I would never do anything like that, he's just >thinking about becoming >a knight all the time" Deed thought. >Then a smile appeared an her face and she said: Then again, maybe not. > >The End ALL: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pika) >--------------------------- >By Terezia Olsson > >Well what did you think of it? ALL: HORRID! (pikachuuu) >E-mail me and tell me what you thought about it at: terezolss@hotmail.com >Ja ne! (See ya on japanese). JAMIE: MAILBOMBS READY!!!!!!!!!!! > (Everyone jumps up and runs for the door!) ___________________________________________________________________________ (Deedlit and Naga are sitting over a fire in the kitchen. They are whispering something soft when Iria comes in.) IRIA: Hey guys! (She looks incredibly happy) (They look up.) NAGA: WHAT! DEEDLIT: Yes Iria? (A beep sounds outside of the craft. Iria graps their hands and drags them to the door. She opens it and you see Fujikoro and Kei.) IRIA: It's my ticket and your ticket out! (Naga and Deedlit look at each other and smile.) DEEDLIT: What about Mian, Jamie, and Lemnear???? (Iria shruggs) IRIA: Are you coming or what? (They hop in just as the three other companions come out.) JAMIE: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a sudden locking meccanizium sounds and everything is locked instantly.) WASHU'S VOICE: You three aren't going anywhere! JAMIE, MIAN, LEMNEAR: BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sasami comes around the corner holding Pikachu.) WASHU: Someone could use a bath.............. JAMIE: This is the lamest ending! MIAN: Ever created! LISSA'S VOICE: But I got stuck! LEMNEAR: Actually if you watch my movie.... that has the lamest ending. (Everyone nodds.) _________________________________________________________________ So much for my first MST taking over for Mya! If you have any Comments, flames, critiques, send them to aunt_lissa@hotmail.com Until then hears the stinger: "Deed mouned louder as he entered her, "He's so big!" she thought."