Disclaimer: A word to the wise, the first time you write something keep it. If it needs revising, do it as you type. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken. Anyway, this story is mine and I apologize to Naoko for not asking her if I could use her characters, but from what I know, she'd have said yes. Anyway, Jamie, Candy, Marack, and Trachtemis, Angel, Puck, Sybil, Sorenzi, and all the other negaverse villains (not Beryl of course) are my Characters. See ya. Episode 3: Who is Marack? Jamie's first battle! Jamie looked around her in wonder. Her father had finally 'given her leave' after a long talk about her place in the negaverse. She still didn't understand the man called Municipal, but what other choice did she have? If she went back to Earth the scouts would come after here, it was much safer to stay in the negaverse. The room was large, even by her standards and the bed had a large canopy above it in colors that didn't seem to make it sissy at all. The bed was in dark colors of red and black and the walls seemed to pulsate with energy. The whole room seemed out of place here. Looking around she noticed with interest that most of her belongings from her room on Earth had been transferred here, all except any article of clothing. A pitch-black mini-skirt was laying out on her bed and a blood red blouse that looked a little too form fitting was beside it. To accompany the whole thing, a matching pitch-black over shirt was draped over the shoulders of the blouse. Municipal paced across his study thinking. He needed some way to keep a control upon his daughters powers until he was absolutely certain of her loyalty, he needed to be certain before her training began. He had to be. "Trachtemis!" Municipal called out to the Nega-prince. With a faint flickering in the air, Trachtemis appeared beside the pacing man. "Yes, Milord?" Municipal smiled at the mans appearance, "Trachtemis, I want you to cook something up for my daughter, I want to keep a hold on her powers and know where she at all times until her loyalty is secured." Trachtemis smirked, "I think I can do just that Milord, you know how I love making 'presents' for people. I'm sure the princess would love a gift of that sort..." Marack walked towards the temple up on Cherry Hill. He walked up the stone steps and came face to face with a girl will long black hair and a broom... She straightened at the sight of him and smiled. "Good morning sir, can I help you?" Marack nodded. "You do fire readings right?" He asked. The woman nodded. "All right. I need your help. I'm trying to find someone. She's been gone for quite a while. Do you think you could help me?" "Of course I can. Come in," she said and gestured into a room with four other girls. Trachtemis smiled at his handy work and added the final touch, with a showy flash of black smoke the energy spell was confined within the delicate piece of jewelry. "And now to make sure she can't take it off..." Trachtemis murmured concentrating for a second as the charm glowed a deep red. "I'm sure the Princess will enjoy this little trinket!" he snickered, "Now to deliver it..." Jamie sat back on the bed, wearing her new outfit when a knock sounded at the door. She stood up and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" "May I enter Milady?" a familiar voice asked. "No you can't." "Milady, your father has given me a gift to present to you," Trachtemis coaxed good naturedly, but inside he was beginning to lose his good nature... Jamie smiled. "Not until you call me by my name. I find it annoying to be called milady." "Ehhem, Jamie, your father has given me a gift to present to you," Trachtemis coaxed from between his teeth on the other side of the door, "it would do me a great honor to be permitted to enter your room instead of standing here." Jamie snickered and opened the door. "Come on in," she said with a smile. Trachtemis stared at her. "What?" She asked. "Umm. I ummm... May I ask you where you umm... got that ehh... outfit?" Trachtemis stammered, he didn't expect her to look like THAT without that stupid school uniform on. Jamie frowned. "It was sitting on the bed," she remarked. "It's very pretty. Like my old school uniform. Now what did you want?" She asked staring into his eyes. "I umm. Yes, your father wanted me to give you this charm as a token of his, ahhem, love for you." Trachtemis said gathering himself together and with a flashy puff made a box appear. The box was of a deep metallic color with a curious symbol on the cover, "Go ahead, open it." Jamie looked at the box. Did she want to open a gift from a guy she had just met... even if he was her father... But in the end curiosity got her. Jamie flipped open the box top and looked in. The charm inside shone literally with an inner light. It was of a dark metallic color and dangling from the design of an upside down crescent moon was a dark, tear shaped pearl that was almost black, but not quite. The chain it hung on was the most delicate one she had ever seen. In other words, it was beautiful, but something made her almost wary of it. Jamie reached out and touched it. "It's beautiful." "Your father had me design it for you specially." Trachtemis murmured. He lifted it from the box and unclasped the chain and held it out toward her, "May I?" Jamie nodded and pulled back her long red hair for Trachtemis. Her heart was beating really fast. She blushed. What the hell... Trachtemis stifled a chuckle, she looked so... innocent. Gliding behind her he lifted it over her head and rested the pendant across her neck. Touching her soft neck as he finished clasping the necklace around her throat he found himself admiring her for the first time. What the hell? he thought to himself, shaking the thought from his mind as he added the last spell to the charm to make it irremovable until Municipal was positive of his daughter. "How does it feel?" Trachtemis murmured into the back of Jamie's head, "Your father asked for some protection spells to be added on just in case" he finished. 'I wonder who the protection is for though?' Trachtemis thought, backing away from the redheaded girl. Jamie shivered. His touch sent goosebumps up her flesh. "It feels wonderful. Something seems so familiar about it." Trachtemis felt a small smile on his lips "That's how all jewelry should feel, like it belongs there, that is what a true jeweler always strives to achieve." "Then you are a true jeweler," she whispered. "Thank you." "'Twas a pleasure Princess Jamie of the Negaverse, I enjoy displaying my talent on such a lovely display." Trachtemis answered, pleased at her appreciation. "Now if you may excuse me, I must pay attention to other matters." Jamie nodded. "yes of course." Trachtemis nodded, "Until we meet again dear Princess." Raye knelt before a large flame as the heat bared down on her. Behind her, the other girls and the mysterious young man were following her example. "Great Flame," she murmured, "show me the reason for this mans distress." A faint picture appeared before her. A young, strangely familiar red hared girl formed. An older, blond hared man stood behind her lightly clasping a delicate chain around her throat. The scene, although oddly familiar, was clearly taking place in the Negaverse, although past or present timing could not be determined. Serena jumped to her feet. "Her again! This is horrible!" Marack watched with wonder. "It's the princess... But why.. why is she there?" With these simple words the scouts turned to Marack. "What do you mean 'Princess'? You know this girl?" Lita accused suspiciously. "Try me..." Lita prodded, "We'd probably believe more than you'd think." Marack shrugged. "It's from a time long ago... A time forgotten..." "The silver millennium," whispered Amy. Marack stared at her. "How do you know...?" "You might say we have some first hand experience on the matter." Raye offered. He shook his head in disbelief. "Excuse me?" "Um," Raye started, biting his lip, "do you think we should tell him?" Serena looked at quiet Mina. "What do you guys think?" "He knows something already," said Amy. "Well, why don't we, what damage could he do, he already must know some of it. Why don't you explain Serena." Mina said, finally speaking. Serena took a deep breath. "We are the Sailor scouts." Marack blinked. These five half competent women were the ones he'd been searching for.. they were the ones who could help him fine the Spectralite Princess. He blinked again and stared at them. How could they be so strong... "So, what do you want with this Princess?" Lita questioned. Marack blushed. "It's personal." Mina perked up, romance was in the air!! "Oooh. I got to hear this, you got us involved, know you need to inform us, I need details!!!" Marack stared at them. "There's nothing to really know. I'm the sworn protector of the Spectralite Princess." Mina's face fell. At that moment, Candy entered and her face fell as soon as her eyes took in the blushing young man. "You!" Marack turned to see the cat. "If there was one thing I hoped to never see again, it was you Miss. Furball." "Why I never, I though you'd learned your lesson with Johnathan and everything!" Candy scoffed. "Johnathan is gone. He died in the fight against the negaverse. Mystikal, returned the right of the princess back to me." "How do you know he wasn't reborn with everyone else?" Candy taunted, seeing how uncomfortable it made the Prince. "The princess turned him down!" he growled. "But she turned you down first!" Candy yelled. Marack growled. "Listen furball.. why don't you go back to your litter box and leave me alone." Serena and the scouts watched the two fight with sweatdrops. "Listen you too, stop it!" Lita growled. Candy hissed, "No one calls me furball and gets away with it!" she cried, launching herself at the angry human, claws bared. Marack blocks the cat. "Stupid furball." Angel smiled at the large table. Trachtemis, Puck, Municipal, Sybil, and someone next to Trachtemis watched him as he switched on the computer. "As you can see, from the past accounts of the scouts attacks, I was able to create a program that can pinpoint where they are. With this information, we can ambush them and get rid of them." Sybil smiled lovingly at Angel, who took a deep breath and continued. "It's a fairly simple program and might even help us find out whom the scouts really are." Puck laughed. "For once, my young brother, you've done something right." Angel scowled at Puck and turned to Municipal. "My lord." "I wish for you to make contact with the scouts," Municipal smirked, "and, why don't you take my daughter with you? I'm sure the experience will be greatly appreciated." Puck shook his head. "Should we three brothers take her?" Trachtemis sighed, "I'm sure it couldn't do to much damage, they're only sailor brats, what harm can they do? "Besides," Trachtemis continued, "Municipal is right, she needs all the practice she can get, and as quickly as she can." Puck smiled. "So, we shall collect the princess and take her with us. Trachtemis? Will you go get her ready?" Municipal smiled, "That has already been taken care of, her negaverse uniform is hanging in her closet, I will notify her." Trachtemis nodded, "Yes milord, we will wait at your word to attack." Jamie sat back on the bed in the room and looked at her nails. This was absolutely boring. There was nothing for her to do here. But at least it was safe... and she'd only been here for a couple hours. She took a deep breath and watched the pulsating walls. A loud noise suddenly caught her off guard as a slightly familiar voice echoed off the walls, "Daughter, the negaverse brothers have been ordered to attack the sailor scouts. Your presence is requested as soon as you change to more, appropriate garments." Municipal finished as the closet doors began to open. Jamie stared as the doors opened, and her father's voice stopped. Inside the closet was a long ankle length black dress with red roses around the breast. It was hanging lightly on a satin hanger. Jamie stood up and removed it from the hanger, and quickly got changed. "I'm ready." A black portal appeared even as the words left her mouth. Somehow she was becoming use to it. Jamie stepped forward into the portal and found herself standing next to Trachtemis, Angel, and Puck in a meeting room. Two females and Municipal stood in front of them. "I expect, my daughter, you remember enough of your past life to know what is expected of you?" Municipal questioned. Jamie blinked. "Um.. kill the scouts?" Municipal smiled, almost evilly, "Why, what else do you think we strive to accomplish here?" Jamie frowned. "I really don't know about anything you really do... I just remember the scouts... and a woman with long red hair telling me not to ever talk to you." Puck started at her words nervously. "Ah, the slut who was unfortunately your mother, that is another story altogether and will be told at another time." Municipal spoke calmly. "Why doesn't it surprise me that that is the only memory you have recovered so far." "What's that suppose to mean, Father?" Jamie asked timidly. Municipal's smile faded, "I didn't want to tell you at first, but, your mother was not someone you would approve of. She was manipulative and silly, trying to turn my loving daughter against me in hopes you would assist her in taking over the... negaverse. She was finally confronted and sent to an asylum." Municipal whispered, his face downcast. Jamie frowned. "Poor Mama..." "I had hoped to put off telling you my daughter, because I believed it would upset you." Jamie nodded. "It's all right. I understand." Trachtemis hid a smirk, Municipal was lying between the skin of his teeth and the girl was eating up every word. "Milord, may we take our leave?" "Be on your way..." Municipal ordered turning from the small group of people before him. Jamie smiled. "I think I'll enjoy this." Trachtemis reached for her hand, "Shall we go now? What do you think the brats will think of the new you?" Jamie took his hand. "I think they'll be surprised..." Angel and Puck exchanged funny looks at Trachtemis. Trachtemis shrugged. Yet another black portal appeared in the air, rippling with power. Marack stood up suddenly as he felt a sudden pang in his mind. Something was here. Lita stiffened, "Does anyone else feel that?" Raye nodded, "It's almost, pure...." Artemis jumped from Mina's lap and hissed. Serena frowned. "What? I don't feel anything but my stomach growling." Raye scoffed, "You're always hungry Moon-face!!" Candy scanned the temple, "I'd know that power anywhere, Jamie's coming, and she's not alone." Amy pulled out her computer and began to punch in random buttons. "Candy's right. Three full negaverse beings travel with her." Candy scoffed, "I'd bet anything I know who those three forces are!" "Why Candy, dear, did you miss me?" an icy voice echoed in the background. Marack turned quickly, as did all the other scouts. A young man stood there with pale blonde hair and icy blue eyes that matched his voice. "Why, I do believe you recognize me, Trachtemis, Prince of the Nega-planet at your service." Trachtemis bowed mockingly from several feet off the floor. Jamie floated beside him, maintained by Angel. "And I'm Princess.. HEY my cat's talking..." Puck rolled his eyes. "I am Puck, Prince of the Nega-earth, and definitely not at your service. Angel bowed. "And I'm Angel, Prince of... never mind." Raye shook her head, "Serena, don't you need to ahemm," she cleared her throat nudging the blond girl, "do something?" Serena looked back at the girls and screamed. "Oh my god.. what are those people doing in the air!" Marack glared at her. "We don't have time for that." He looked up at the terrified Princess. "Galaxy cosmic power!" A flash of light engulfed Marack and transformed his clothing into silver armor and a long black cape. He flicked his wrist and pulled out his astro sword from thin air. "Spectralite Princess, I have found you!" Jamie frowned. "Spectralite what?" Serena looked to the scouts. "What do we do?" Anger flashed across Trachtemis's face, "What right do you have to address the Negaverse Princess in such a manor?" he demanded as a dark ball of electricity formed in his hands. With an elegant flick of his wrist he sent it cutting through the air towards the newly transformed man. Serena thrusted her hand into the air. "Moon crystal power!" Pink ribbons formed around Serena leaving in its place feathers and her scout uniform. She stepped back and readied herself. As if on cue an echo followed. "Mars Star Power." "Jupiter Star Power." "Venus Star Power." "Mercury Star Power." Fire twisted around Raye, leaving in its wake her usual red skirt and her red high heels. Lightening crashed around Lita. As it crackled around her body, her scout uniform formed around her body. A chain of hearts completely surrounded Mina. In a flash of light, Mina stepped forth in her scout uniform. Water splashed over Amy leaving behind Sailor Mercury. "We are the sailor scouts!" They cried in unison. Trachtemis smirked, "Wow, neat parlor trick, but can't you do anything better than that?" Puck smiled. "How do you think you... little human girls can defeat us?" Angel laughed. "Well, for one thing, our fashion sense is totally better!" Venus said, tossing her long, straw colored hair over her shoulder. "Sailor Venus, I don't think that's what he meant!" Sailor Jupiter muttered. Jamie laughed. "Are you guys super heroes, or are you just walking billboards?" "Some of us may appear to be ditsy super hero's in short skirts, but I can promise you I'll put up one heck of a fight!" Sailor Mars challenged, shooting Sailor Venus a glare. Sailor moon ignored the feuding scouts. "Jamie! Leave these three and join with us! You can't let yourself turn evil!" Trachtemis looked surprised, "You can't expect her to join you after you attempted to kill her! How naive do you think she is?" "Naive enough for her to follow you!" Candy yelled. "Enough with the chit chat, let's get on to the fight, that's what were all here for isn't it?" Trachtemis interrupted, sending a death glance at the mouthy feline. Sailor Mercury thrusted her hands out in front of her. "Mercury bubbles blast!" she cried sending an array of bubbles around the four. "Venus Love-Chain Encircle!" Sailor Venus cried as a long, whip like yellow light followed the fog of bubbles. Trachtemis dodged the combined attack as best as possible, creating a powerful black nega-energy ball in his hands in the process. Puck ignored the two attacks and threw out his hand. "Enough with these childish tricks," he muttered. Trachtemis smiled at his brother, "Should we finish them quickly?" Puck and Angel smiled. "Now where's the fun in that," smirked Angel. "I don't know, just thought we'd get this over with, go home, I don't know, taunt or torture Sybil or something." Trachtemis suggested, cracking a smile. "I have better things to do with my time than chase brats in short skirts." Sailor Mercury gasped. These were very powerful villains indeed... "Mercury ice bubbles blast!" Ice surrounded the three men. Jamie pulled back. Jupiter's eyes lit up as a plan came upon her, "Jupiter Thunder Crash!!" she cried, aiming for the spot separating the three men from the red hared girl. Puck hissed. "Princess move aside. We'll take care of them. Watch and learn." Jamie nodded. Jupiter noticed the sudden exchange and whispered over to Mars, "Mars, do you think you can surround her and block her from the rest of them?" Mars nodded, "Mars Fire Surround!!!!" Jamie cried out as the fire surrounded her. Galaxy smiled. "I'll take care of her." Venus smiled at him, "I'm glad someone is." Trachtemis growled; things were not going well. Galaxy ran towards the fire-surrounded girl. "Galaxy meteor storm!" A thin rain of meteors hit Jamie, knocking her unconscious and causing her to fall from the fire dome. Galaxy caught her. Candy sighed, at least now the Princess was safe so they could deal with the sleaze bags without fear of hurting her. Puck cursed. Why weren't things going in their favor? "Jupiter Thunder Clash!!" "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" "Mars Fire Surround!!!" Trachtemis ducked as a mixture of attacks attempted to hit them. He sighed as he finally let the dark ball of power in his hands that had been gaining a tremendous amount of power go, hitting all of the nearby scouts in a blast of dark power. Sailor Moon and Mercury flew back wards with a cry. During this time, Galaxy had taken the time to carefully escape with the fallen princess. Jupiter crumpled to the ground beside the other two as Venus and Mars found themselves leaning back on the wall for support. Trachtemis chuckled, "You're not as strong as you pretend you are." Puck spat. "They underestimated us. Just because we don't throw the first punch," he smiled, "does not make us the weak ones." Jupiter muttered, "Egotistical Nega Dweebs! Talk about kicking a girl when she's down." Angel growled. "Watch who you're calling a dweeb." Another nega blast lit the air from where Angel stood. Mars chuckled to the other scouts, "And you know he'd probably be even more mad if he knew what egotistical means." Puck shook his head. "They really aren't worth the energy." Trachtemis nodded, "What's more important is rescuing the Princess from that guy before he does something we'll all regret." Puck and Angel cringed. Galaxy laid Jamie down on the ground, letting her black dress flow out around her. He watched her, wondering what they could have let her become negaverse. Jamie twisted in her unconscious state. Galaxy touched her forehead with his index finger. "Awaken... Spectra calls you." Jamie's eye opened instantly. She looked at Galaxy and scrambled backwards. "Who.. who are you?" Galaxy sat back on his heels. "I am Galaxy, a friend to Spectra..." Before he could answer, Jamie had gotten to her feet. The necklace at her throat blazed. "You were with those scouts... You're on their side," Her hand swung back as if on routine. "I won't allow you to harm me." Galaxy growled and grabbed her arm, yanking her towards him. "Don't you see who's in the wrong! You're mother would be ashamed to see you on the side of the negaverse!" Jamie pulled her arm away. "My mother was crazed and power-hungry. My father explained how she tried to take over the negaverse..." Galaxy cut her off. "WHAT?! You're mother was a fair and noble lady whom your father ditched after you showed your negaverse powers. He only came back to use you to take over Spectra!" Jamie turned away, "I don't believe you." Galaxy frowned. "One so strong... I'd think you'd be able to tell the difference between fact and..." A swift slap across the face caught him off guard. Jamie growled. Galaxy grabbed her arm, pulled her close, and kissed her. An icy voice cut in, "What the hell do you think your doing to our Princess, taking advantage of the poor girl when she's so confused?" Trachtemis barked angrily, immediately pulling Galaxy away from Jamie, incidentally slamming him into the nearby wall. Puck and Angel appeared next to Jamie. "Are you ok, Princess?" Puck asked, taking hold of her arm. Jamie nodded and looked to Trachtemis. "What the hell was that for!?" Trachtemis looked shocked, "He tried to...." "He said my father lied!" Galaxy shook off the pain of being thrown into a wall. "It's true!" "Silence, why do you think this.. man.. would tell you that. He hoped to turn you against us in the hopes of following your mother's path. You heard how he admired her!" Trachtemis bellowed. Angel nodded. "Sweetheart, it's true. He's trying to make you join with the very people who wanted your head till they found out how powerful you were." "Now do you realize why it's important that we keep you safe in the Negaverse away from crazed people like this poor man that you see?" Trachtemis asked gently. Jamie watched Galaxy for a minute and then nodded. "I understand." She bowed her head and smiled. "Now what shall we do to the misguided man?" "That is all up to you Princess." Trachtemis said, watching her intently. "After all, it was you he..." Trachtemis started to add, but was interrupted by a deep, obviously male voice. "Stop Negaverse Slime before you poison this girls mind with anymore of your lies!" the voice commanded, as a dark hared man stepped from the shadows, "As protector of the Spectralite Princess, I demand you to stop!!"