Disclaimer: A word to the wise, the first time you write something keep it. If it needs revising, do it as you type. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken. Anyway, this story is mine and I apologize to Naoko for not asking her if I could use her characters, but from what I know, she'd have said yes. Anyway, Jamie, Candy, Marack, and Trachtemis, Angel, Puck, Sybil, and all the other negaverse villains (not Beryl of course) are my Characters. See ya. Episode 1: The Past Returns! Luna has a Sister! "Jamie! Jamie! Girl, get up! You'll miss the bus again!" The girl's long red hair spilled over the edge of the bed. "Jamie!" the voice yelled again. It was getting closer and in the girl's opinion, more annoying. The door opened to the pretty much boxed room. It had still not been unpacked thanks to a heart-broken girl who had never wanted to move in the first place. "Get up!" The voice bellowed almost directly in her ear. He began to walk away toward the door to the room, when the girl, Jamie tossed a pillow in his direction. "In a moment, Daddy.." she yawned. Her father fumed. "NOW!" She nearly fell out of the bed. "Cool it. God, I'm up!" "I called you half an hour ago and you said 'I'm up'," he sneered. As she crawled out of bed, he slammed the door so hard, her mirror, the only thing unpacked, fell off the wall with a sickening crash. "What's his problem? Doesn't he know that if you break a mirror, it's seven years of bad luck?" Jamie muttered, adjusting her pajamas slightly. Now out of bed, Jamie looked around the room for the school uniform she had discarded on the floor yesterday after buying it. It wasn't the same as her old school's uniform. Her old school uniform had been quite simple with a white shirt and a black skirt. It had two black bows on it: one at the breast, and the other at the top of her skirt. For some odd reason, she had loved it. She loved the color black. It was a sad and mystifying color that told the truths of life. The new uniform was a white shirt with a deep blue skirt. It also had two bows, though they were red and blue: the red bow was set at the breast of the shirt, and the blue one at the top of her blue skirt. She found it near her desk and quickly dressed. "Merow???" Candy said quite loudly. Jamie turned from her new search of looking for her bookbag to the orange tabby cat on the bed. The cat jumped off the bed, onto the floor, and began to rub against her legs. Jamie had found Candy on the side of the road. On her neck, a black crescent moon bag hung, dangling as she walked. She bit Jamie, when she had tried to ease it off the cat's neck. So she let her keep it and took her home. Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud honk. Jamie ran to the window just to see the last bus drive by. "Jamie!" her father yelled. "Oh, I'll just walk to school," she muttered. As she finally got down the stairs, she found that her father had given up on her and had left for work. He had been nice enough to back her lunch for her though. She grabbed it, holding her bookbag with her mouth. She ran out the door and began her small walk to her new school with Candy taking the rear. "And that is the reason why summer vacation was extra....Serena!" Jamie looked at the desk behind her. A girl with blonde pigtails and buns occupied the desk. She was asleep on her desk. 'What a loser!' Jamie thought bitterly. 'That idiot was later than me and then ate her lunch behind her English book during math. I think that girl is a hopeless idiot.' "Whaa?" the girl stuttered as Miss. Patricia Haruna brought her pointer stick down on the girl's desk. "Hey girl with the buns. Were in English class listening to Miss. H's summer story," Jamie whispered as Miss. H stomped back to the front of the class room. "Class is in recess till after lunch," Miss H. fumed. "My name is Serena and I happen to like my hair," the girl murmured sleepily. A guy with glasses, who sat behind Serena, began to talk to Jamie in a nasally voice. "My name is Melvin. Do you like inchworms and the Internet? I'm known as the masked inch...owww!" "Quiet Melvin. Hi I'm Molly. Who are you?" Molly, a short red head on Serena's right, asked. "My name is Jamie," she said boldly. "Who's that?" Melvin asked as he pointed to Candy, who had just entered the room via the window. "That's Candy," Jamie answered. Candy gave a short mew and jumped onto Jamie's desk's top. Serena reached out to pet her but Candy hissed and flicked her tail at the sight of her. "She doesn't really like attention from many people. I think she's probably only a one person cat," Jamie apologized for Candy's rudeness. "Weird cat," Serena whispered, noticing the crescent moon bag. The sound of a bell echoed through the school for about the third time. "Yummy! It's lunch time!" Serena said, happily, "I love lunch." "Serena, all you think about is food. If you stopped eating so much, maybe you'd keep your mind on school more often," a serene voice said from the doorway. Jamie turned towards the doorway to see two girls standing in the doorway. The girl who had made the remark had short blue hair. She was holding at least two books under one arm and holding her bookbag in the other hand. She looked awfully shy. The other girl was a tall girl with long brown hair tied up in a green ball elastic. She wasn't wearing the same uniform as everyone else either. She was wearing a white string tie-up shirt with a long pleated brown skirt. She was carrying a good size bow of what appeared to be food. She was smiling. "Amy," the girl with brown hair said, "Serena would have better marks if she tried to study more. It has nothing to do with food." "Amy? Lita? What are you guys doing up here? I thought we were going to meet for lunch under the big apple tree," Serena wondered. "Serena, that bell was the second bell for lunch. You were late to lunch and we got a little worried." Jamie yawned tiredly and wondered if she could slip out to lunch before Melvin finished his little lecture about inchworms he was giving her. Serena suddenly remembered Jamie. "Oh! Amy. Lita. This is Jamie. She's new," Serena said, pointing at Jamie. Jamie waved and begged to God that they weren't going to start giving her lectures about weird stuff. "Hi, do you want to sit with us?" Amy asked politely. "Sure! I'd love too if no one else minds," Jamie replied with a smile. "Do you like the Sailor V games?" Serena inquired excitedly. "Never heard of them," Jamie answered smugly. Amy smiled. "See Serena. Not everyone revolves their time around video games and boys." The four left the room giggling and talking while Molly stared at Melvin who was now talking about praying mantises. "Melvin?" "Yes Molly, my dear?" "You are so weird!" Candy shook her head and quit the room through the window. Luna sat up in the tree where Serena, Amy, Lita, and some other girl. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. Something very evil radiated from this girl. Of course Luna immediately thought of the negaverse. The girl suddenly began to laugh wildly about something and the three scouts joined her. 'She doesn't look evil,' Luna thought, 'She actually looks kind of sad.' She quickly shook her head. 'I can't pity someone from the negaverse,' she scolded herself. The girl took a bite of her lunch and leaned against the tree. She looked up and saw Luna's green eyes. The girl stared back, her violet eyes glittering. Luna stared intently at the girl's forehead. A huge red mark resembling a star. That looks so fa... Lita's voice drifted up to Luna. "What are you staring at, Jamie?" Jamie looked away from Luna. "A black cat with a really weird bald spot on her forehead." The three girls exchanged expressions. Lita noticed the mark on Jamie's forehead. "Hey Jamie, what's that on your forehead?" "Oh the red spot?" Jamie asked, touching it gently. "It's my birth mark." "So do you like it here?" Lita asked. "How can she like it here? Melvin's in all her classes!" Serena laughed. Jamie giggled. "It's okay...a little different than my old school, but I'm hanging in." Lita smiled. "I remember when I was new... why did you move here?" Jamie grimaced. "My mom died and my dad couldn't take the pain of our old house." "I'm sorry I asked," Lita said sorrowfully. Jamie smiled. "It's okay. I really don't mind at all." Deep in the heart of the negaverse, King Municipal listened to the hologram of Queen Beryl growl obscenities. "You are as I said a complete and utter failure!" she growled. Municipal rolled his eyes. "Hold your tongue woman. Remember whom destroyed the Moon's most powerful ally?" Beryl laughed. "Spectra? Had I once been married to the Queen and had a daughter and a son with her, I'd have been able to destroy it too. Seriously, your daughter was in charge of that, accidentally. She was just too curious." Municipal scowled. So she was right. The Spectra Princess had accidentally helped the negaverse destroy Spectra. "That was something I had been thinking about..." Municipal muttered. Beryl smirked. "You've been thinking that you're a failure and the Spectra Princess's success for us?" "No. Not exactly. More in the line of the princess helping us. Of my two children with Mystical, she was the only one who was born negaverse. Therefore, she should be here." Beryl nodded. "And you think she'd join us? She's a cousin of the Moon brat." Municipal smiled. "She's my daughter and as long as the Scouts haven't gotten to her I believe she'll come." "Just to make sure, I'm sending my nephews to you. They are more capable of getting your daughter than you." Municipal growled. "I can take care of my daughter thank you." A voice whispered from behind him. "Well it really doesn't matter. We're here now." Municipal turned to see three men standing at attention behind him. The one that had talked bowed. He was tall as the others and equally muscular. He had long white hair that was wild and unkept. He had gray eyes. "My name is Puck and I'm the oldest and ruler of the NegaEarth." The one beside him also bowed. He had long blonde hair neatly tied with a black hair tie. He had eyes that were a deep green. "I am Trachtemis ruler of the NegaPlanet." The last one obvious the youngest didn't bow. He had long green hair that came to his shoulders. His eyes were a sharp blue and he looked very unhappy. "My name's Angel and I'm the ruler of absolutely nothing." Luna jumped on Serena's bed and watched (absolutely shocked) as Serena worked on something that looked like her homework. "Serena! I can't believe you are doing your homework!!" Luna said impressed. "I'm not," she said as she concentrated on what she was doing. She turned the paper towards Luna. The paper showed a picture of yellow eyes glowing from a bunch of trees. Luna stared at the paper and then at Serena. "What's this!?" She asked "I saw these eyes staring out from some trees when I was with Jamie and now I can't get them out of my head," Serena explained. Luna pondered this for a moment. 'At least she's becoming more observant.' "Serena, your friend was releasing some powerful negative vibes. I think we should keep and eye on this girl." Serena looked at Luna thoughtfully. "She is very odd, especially that big red star on her forehead. It doesn't make much sense though," she sighed, "I guess it's off to Raye's for a fire reading, huh Luna?" "That's a very good idea. You go to Raye's and I'll contact the girls and send them right over." Serena grabbed her jacket. "Are you going to come too?" "I'm going to follow this girl and see if I can find out about these eyes that are following her. I think the negaverse may be involved." Municipal watched the crystal glow as a picture of a beautiful girl appeared. He smiled. "You look just like your mother," he whispered. Serena headed up the steps of Cherry Hill Temple in quite a hurry. 'If anything is after Jamie, Luna could be in trouble,' Serena's mind whispered. Just as she was clearing the last step, her foot caught the bottom of of the step causing her to trip and fall flat on her face. "Ahhhh!" Serena cried as she collided with the pavement. Hearing her scream, Raye came out of the temple to investigate. "Serena? What on earth are you doing?" She asked with her normal attitude. Serena sat up and rubbed her nose. "I don't remember there being more than nineteen steps," She muttered. "We didn't add an extra step last night, Serena! There's always been twenty steps," Raye snapped. She shifted her weight onto her broom. "Now what do you want?" Serena stood up and stretched. "Luna, thinks she's onto something. You see there's this new girl at school and she is being followed by these weird yellow eyes and..." "Slow down, Serena! Don't you think the others should be here?" Luna traipsed down the streets of Tokyo searching for the red-haired girl with the strange green eyes and the even odder red birthmark. Luna had lost her shortly after Molly's mother's store, OSAP. Luna was quite certain the girl was heading in the direction of Crossroad's. 'I swear. Serena meets the weirdest people. Alan, Ann, and now she's met some girl who's being chased.' "Luna!" A voice called from the many people behind her. She turned to see Mina and Artemis running towards her. "MEROW!" Luna mewed cattily. "There you are. I'm headed to the temple now. Artemis, keep her company." Artemis walked to Luna's side. "Merow!" "Bye now," Mina said waving bye and running off. "Artemis," Luna whispered. "This girl sounds too strange. You may need some help." "Trachtemis!" Municipal called into the darkness. Trachtemis came forth and bowed. "Yes milord," he muttered snidely. "I want you to retrieve my daughter. Do it swiftly," Municipal growled and turned away. 'Definitely related to that bitch.' Trachtemis nodded and walked to Municipal's crystal. "Show me the girl." Jamie smiled. It was beautiful in Tokyo, much prettier than Okinawa. And the people were so kind. The stores were brimmed with the latest fashions from Paris along with all the other new designer items. "Merow!" Jamie turned around quickly. "Can...Oh hello." A black and a white cat stood directly behind her. They both had odd crescent moon bald spots on their foreheads. "Merow," they chorused. Jamie giggled. "Hello to you too." Jamie turned around and began on her walk again. "Sacred fire. Tell me what haunts this girl," Raye chanted. The rest of the girls sat patiently behind her awaiting for some kind of sign. Suddenly the fire exploded lifting the flames to directly under the sacred charms. Jamie appeared in the fire. Her features were a bit changed. Her lips were a dark red and her eyes were a bright green. She laughed and pulled back her arm that was engulfed in a red light. A large fireball exploded from her hand and attacked an unseen foe. Serena jumped up. "She's from the negaverse!" Raye looked confusingly at the fire. "But I asked what was haunting her, not what she was." Lita stood up. "Either way the answer was given. Jamie is evil." "But she was such a nice girl," Amy sighed. "Most likely a ploy. Ann and Alan weren't mean," Mina retorted. "Ann was!" Serena protested. Raye got to her feet. "She needs to be dealt with before she does anything to Artemis and Luna." Jamie sighed. 'I wish those two cats would just go away,' she thought as she neared the old ally's of Tokyo. 'Maybe they'll go away if they see some other cats.' Luna watched Jamie as she neared the allies. 'Why in dear god does she want to go there? Those are dangerous.' Jamie turned around. "Why are you following me!" she asked as her frustration reached its peak. "Merow," they answered. "OOH that's so annoying!" Jamie said throwing her hands into the air. "Hold it right there Nega-sleeze!" A voice shouted. "How dare you attack defenseless animals!" Jamie looked away from the cats and targeted five young girls behind the cats. "Where did you guys come from?" she asked, "And what did you call me?" "You can't fool us. In the name of Mars...." "And the name of Venus..." "Mercury..." "Jupiter..." "And the Moon.." "We will punish you!" They ended. Jamie stepped back. "What?" "I'll take care of her," Jupiter told the scouts, "Jupiter thunder crash!" An antenna sprouted from her tiara. At the antenna, electricity formed and then came screaming towards Jamie. Jamie screamed and jumped backwards. "DUCK!" a voice cried. Jamie hit the ground just in time for the bolt to hit the wall behind her. A flash of light appeared from her and she stood up quickly. Her forehead glowed with the image of a small star inside her birthmark. As quickly as it had appeared a black light changed it into the negaverse symbol. The scouts watched, shocked, as Jamie began to run off in the opposite direction. "Well if it isn't the Sailor Scouts. You know you just messed up my mission!" a voice growled from behind them. Everyone turned to see an orange tabby licking her paws. A yellow star was present on her forehead as well as a crescent moon black bag at her neck. "Excuse me?" asked Sailor Moon. "You just scared her to death of you guys. Now how will I get her to join you?" The cat growled. Artemis shook his head. "She's negaverse, and who are you to say she can join us or not?" The cat smiled, "No wonder these girls acted so irrationally. Being led by..." The cat began to laugh. "...by Artemis the king of klutz. It's been so long. Don't Tell me you don't recognize me?" Artemis blushed. "I'm not a klutz!" Luna stepped forth. "HE ONLY TRAINED VENUS. DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY SKILLS AS A GUARDIAN?" The orange cat stepped back at Luna's outburst. "Luna, I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." Luna glared at the tabby. "Who are you?" The tabby put her paw back on the ground. "You don't remember me? I'm your sister, Luna. I'm Candy."