Disclaimer: Slayers, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, Caravan Kidd, and All purpose Cultural Cat-Girl: Nuku Nuku do not belong to me. Jamie, Marack, and Trachtemis do. Please do not use them without my consent. This fanfic is copyrighted by Trachtemis. Demonic Dimensions The Infamous Cowgirl: Lina Inverse Babo sulked in the bar. "Have to give up (hic) all my (hic) sup (hic) plies," he muttered. "That's too bad, sir," A blonde waitress, with a name tag that said 'Mihoshi' on it, commented, "Oh and here's your bill." She handed the bill to Babo and walked off to tend another customer. Babo looked at the bill. "100,000 d.d! That's outrageous This in an outrage! No one said..." The green haired bar tender, who was called Kiyone, pointed to a big sign that said '4,000 d.d. per drink'. Not much alcohol anymore and you did have 25 drinks. Do the math, Akogi. It comes to 100,000 without tax...." Kiyone remarked, pulling out a piece of paper. "But I don't have that kind of mon- I mean, I um...." Kiyone looked at him angrily. "You can't pay the bill?" "Uh...got to go," he mumbled and scrambled off in the direction of the door. He slammed into Mihoshi's leg causing her to fall on top of him. "Good catch, Mihoshi," Kiyone mused. She bent down next to the squished Akogi under Mihoshi. "You aren't going anywhere till you pay me for the drinks." Babo began to cry. "But I'm poor!!!!!!!!!!" Suddenly Mian stuck her head into the bar. "Come on Babo." She looked at the blonde who was laying on top of the Akogi and the grinning bar keeper. "Babo.....you didn't!" Kiyone looked up at Mian. "You're one of those rebels from the damn rebellion against Shion and Beryl aren't you?" Mian watched Kiyone suspiciously. "Yeah so?" "All right! If you let us join with you we'll take 50,000 d.d off the bill. This... thing... can work off the rest on the way..." she looked sinisterly at Babo, "Or after." "No way will I be anyone's servant!" Babo yelled. "Well I could just leave you with them...." Mian told him. Kiyone advanced on Babo. "Okay! I yield!" he cried, "Now get this big blond broad off me!" Mihoshi jumped off Babo and did a little cheer. "Yeah I'm a rebel!" Kiyone and Mian rolled their eyes. "Where do I meet these people?" Mian groaned. "Nabiki! Kasumi! Take care of the bar until I get back." Two young women waved her off and began to finish Mihoshi's and Kiyone's job for them. Kiyone smiled and walked out the bar's doors. Mihoshi, Babo, and Mian hurried after her. "Behold! The cow who breathes fire!!" A blonde youth in a knight's garb announced. The four companions directed their attention towards the huge crowd outside of the bar. There, in the middle of the huge crowd was a black haired young man in a squire's garb standing next to a pure white cow. The cow had fire shooting out of it's mouth. In the man's hand was a bundle of cash. Mian raised an eyebrow. "A fire breathing cow?" Babo's eye's glittered. "Do you see all that money?" Kiyone scoffed, "What a gimmick!" Mihoshi clapped. "Bravo! Bravo!" Suddenly the cow sneezed causing the detachable head to pop off, revealing a red haired girl. "Shit! Gourry and Ranma to me!" The red head yelled. "Hey, this is a gimmick!" Someone yelled. "Get them!" another person cried out. "Run!" The red head ordered. The three turned and ran as half the town chased after them. "Do you know how much that sorceress's head is probably worth?" Babo asked, his voice starting to sound very misty. Mian rolled her eyes. "Do you know how much our heads are probably worth? Especially yours you little...." "Thief," Kiyone supplied. "Conartist," Mihoshi grumbled. Darien handed Raye a wash rag. "Do you ever wonder?" Raye asked as she scrubbed dirty pots. "About what?" Darien inquired, looking at the remains of last night's dinner. "Where the rest of us: Lita, Amy, Marack, Jamie, Serena, Luna, and Artemis, are?" she replied. Darien looked extremely shocked. "Raye! Of course I do! I just," he sighed, "gave up when we couldn't find them." "But isn't that why we joined Akane's rebellion? Because of the..." "Rumors! I know Raye, but are there any truth in them? Maybe Serena and all them are in Beryl's and Shion's dungeon, but we aren't positive. Just don't get your hopes up!" Darien scolded. There was silence between the two as they finished scrubbing the pots. The red-head, otherwise known as Lina Inverse, and her companions emerged slowly from their sanctuary in the cave. "You think they left?" Gourry asked. Lina shrugged. "Who knows? But I sure hope so," she replied, "See, I told you we should have used Ranma's girl side as a prostitute." "Hey!" Ranma cried. "No way. I'm looking for some people and I'm only working for you guys so I can have foods and companions. Remember, we're suppose to find Akane's Rebellion? Lina rolled her eyes. "And what's so great about this rebellion?" Ranma opened his mouth and shut it. Lina looked at him suspiciously, "What?" "Did you hear that?" Ranma asked. "No," Lina and Gourry chorused. Suddenly a big black fireball hurled across the sky. As the companions watched, the fireball landed on a dark island in the mist. "That's where Shion's and Beryl's castle is," Ranma whispered. ________________________________________________________________________ Part 2. Well finally that's done and over with. Stay tuned to Part 3 coming soon. write me at trachtemis@hotmail.com for flames, C&C, anything.