Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, but I did write this story. Therefore, please do not take this and say it's yours. (Not like anyone would.) If you want to post this on a page go for it. Just give me credit and email me and tell me. This takes place after The Sailor Moon R movie. Part 1: A Change in Life Chapter 4: Pizza Boy By Trachtemis Lita awoke from a haunting nightmare to the sound of a ringing phone. Tiredly, she reached over and grabbed it, hitting the on button in the process. "Hullo?" She inquired. "Lita? Where are you?" a worried voice asked. "Raye? I'm in bed," Lita grumbled. "But it's five o'clock in the afternoon. How long have you been sleeping?" Lita thought for a moment. "Since about five yesterday." "Wow; why?" "I'm a little.... sick," Lita lied. Silence filled Raye's end of the phone. "Raye?" "Lita, you've been sleeping for over twenty-four hours!" Do the math, "On and off for twenty-four hours," Lita replied. "Are you feeling better now?" I'm seeing my dead parents, "A little. I'm not sure." "What's wrong?" Raye asked worriedly. "It's personal," Lita snapped. "Everything is lately.." "What?" "That's what Mina claims too." "So why did you call?" "Because you missed the scout meeting over an hour ago!" Lita gasped. "Oh I'm so sorry. I forgot all about it. Did you get the fire going yet." "No." "Oh... Any leads on why Rini's here?" "Not yet. There's another scout meeting tomorrow at three. Try not to sleep through it." "Yeah yeah. Bye Raye." "But Lita..." Lita clicked the talk button and leaned against the headboard. 'I know I saw Mom and Dad yesterday. I'm not imagining things, but sleeping for twenty-four hours? Maybe I'm getting the flu.' Deciding to get up, she slipped out of bed and walked downstairs. She was still in the same clothes as yesterday. 'I need a hot bath,' she thought tiredly. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. Raye was extremely confused. Rini was getting hurt from her dreams and wouldn't tell a soul about what they were about; Lita was sleeping for twenty-four hours and was acting really rude; Mina was off on mystery missions. Not to mention, her fire wouldn't relight. Raye sighed and laid down on her bed. She felt horrible vibes ricocheting in her mind. 'What's going on?' She knew Rini, Mina, and Lita were definitely hiding something from the rest of the group. And if it was one thing she knew, secrets could be dangerous when you didn't share them with your team. 'I hate not knowing what's going on!' She sat up and quit the room. She walked down the hall to the training room. Inside, Grandpa was practicing his martial arts. She watched him punch, kick, and do backflips. Usually, she'd nag him not to work so hard and to take it easy. The doctors said it was very unhealthy for his bad heart. Her grandpa and Dad were all she had left and most of the time her father wasn't around. Suddenly Grandpa stopped and looked about painfully. His hand clutched at his heart and he fell to the ground. Raye screamed and ran in and clutched his hands. "Grandpa," she cried. Chad came skidding in at the sound of Raye's scream. Raye looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Call an ambulance," she ordered. Chad nodded and raced out. Raye began CPR. Serena awoke to the sound of Rini screaming. She jumped from her bed and ran to the room Rini was staying in. Rini was clawing at the air above her. Suddenly her arm shot out and she grabbed her alarm clock at Serena. It missed her and hit the wall beside her still flashing 2:15AM. Rini awoke immediately at the sound of the bang of the alarm clock. She was gasping for air. "Serena! It's trying to kill me!" she cried, just as everyone else in the house entered the room. Serena glanced at Lita. Her friend was yawning as she took the math test she had missed yesterday. Miss. H began to pass out the tests that the class has taken the day before. Amy's face glittered. 'An A++,' thought Serena. Miss. H made her rounds to everyone's desk. Lastly, she reached Serena's desk. Miss. H looked exceptionally happy. "Did you study, Serena?" she asked. Serena nodded. 'Never going to do that again,' she added silently. "It shows." Miss. H handed her a paper with a big B and the number 85 on it. Serena stared at the paper for the rest of the day. Artemis stalked the house crankily. For the last two days, he had smelled another cat's scent near Mina's bedroom. He didn't want to mention anything to Mina, because he knew she'd laugh. Mina exited her room with the wooden basket Artemis so detested. She shut the door behind her and started down the stairs. "Mina? Why is your room off limits to me?" he asked. A low meow sounded from inside the room. Artemis looked around. 'Did I just meow?' He hadn't felt it emerge from his throat. "It's okay Cuddlebunny," Mina said, now stopped on the third stair down. "Don't call me that!" he growled. "Not you," she snapped. Mina walked back up to her room and opened the door. A calico cat ran out to Mina. Mina scooped him up and put him in Artemis's basket. "What! Mina! How could you?" Artemis sniffled. "I stepped on him and he needed a home. Isn't he cute?" she giggled. Tears hung from Artemis's blue eyes. "But Mina..." But Mina was already down the stairs. "Wait. You can't take that thing to the scout meeting!!" Artemis cried. "Oh yeah. He'll be too much of a distraction to Serena." She took Cuddlebunny out of the basket and put him on the couch. Artemis and Cuddlebunny watched Mina leave. "Mina! Wait up!" Artemis called out running after her. The scout meeting was short and brief. Nothing was much discussed since Raye was at the hospital and two of the scouts were hiding things and wouldn't talk about them. They all departed Serena's a half an hour later. Serena sighed. Rini had gone straight to Darien the next morning. Serena kind of hoped she'd stay there. The nightmare thing was way too freaky and she couldn't afford to loose any more sleep over the matter. Not to mention, Darien was much more of a comfort than Serena to Rini. 'No one wants to really talk about the Negaverse. Everything's gone pretty apeshit lately," she thought tiredly. 'I don't know what to do for everyone especially Rini. And what's wrong with Mina and Lita. 'How do I fight this?' Amy got up from her book and answered the door at the sound of the doorbell. Greg smiled at her. "Hey." "Greg!" Amy laughed and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" "Vacation's a week early. So I thought I'd come visit you. That's all right, right? Unless the Negaverse is on a rampant. Then I can go home," he jested. Amy frowned. "Things are strange lately. Hey, I thought you said you were going to go visit your Dad for vacation?" Greg shrugged. "Changed plan last minute." Amy laughed. "That's great." Suddenly a young man with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes walked up behind Greg. He was tall and wearing a red shirt with white pants. A hat covered his blonde hair and he held a box of pizza. "Pizza delivery," he muttered. Amy blinked. "We didn't order a pizza." Mina sat on her bed and pulled out her V-pen. "Boss, have you come up with anything to do with Rini's nightmares?" "Well Mina, I have but I'm still clueless. It all doesn't make sense. Try to find out about the dreams and Lita. Lita worries me. Tell Artemis..." Suddenly the voice got extremely staticy. "Boss?" "You have reached KLBZ. What's you favorite song?" "Boss?" Mina shook her head. She left her room to find Artemis. She found him in the bathroom. He was on a stool ironing her school skirt. "Arty, my pen is... What are you doing?" Artemis looked up. "Ironing! See?" He held up her skirt and looked at her from an iron shaped hole in it, yet oblivious to it. "See?" He noticed the hole. "Uh oh not again..." He then threw it into a big pile of demolished clothes that use to be her wardrobe. Mina stared at Artemis and then blinked. "Never mind," she muttered and ran from the room. 'Psycho cat!' she thought wildly. She threw open the front door and came face to face with a blonde pizza boy. "Um, hello." "Hey good looking. I brought your pizza," He leaned against the door frame. Mina looked him up and down. 'Not bad looking,' she thought, 'But he's not Ace.' "I'm sorry but I didn't order any pizza and there's this person I need to meet.... But I'll get you some yen anyway." She ran over to her purse, got some yen, and turned around. The pizza guy was gone. "I guess it was on the house she murmured just as her mother pulled up the drive in her car. "Mina? Why is there a pizza on the house?" 'Literally,' thought Mina. "No time to explain. Got to go see someone. See ya," she yelled as she ran towards Serena's with her V-pen still in her hand. Mina walked into Serena's house. "Hello? Serena?" Luna looked up from Serena's math book. "Mina?" "Look take this. It's broken and I need you to fix it. And keep it away from Artemis. He's gone absolutely bonkers. He's ruined all my clothes," Mina babbled, giving Luna her pen. Luna blinked. "Now why would he do that?" Mina shrugged.