Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, but I did write this story. Therefore, please do not take this and say it's yours. (Not like anyone would.) If you want to post this on a page go for it. Just give me credit and email me and tell me. This takes place after The Sailor Moon R movie. Part 1: A Change in Life Chapter 2: A Pretty Kitty Named Ace. By Trachtemis Mina awoke to the sound of Arty putting - and licking - in her ear. She smiled and hugged the fluffy white cat. "Is that my Cuddle Bunny?" Mina asked, kissing his little ears. Artemis grumbled, "Don't call me that." Mina sat up with a huff. "Maybe another cat would like it better," she snapped. Artemis sat on his back haunches, "Is that a threat?" Mina laughed, "You never know...klutz the cat." And with that, she left for the shower. Mina emerged from the shower about ten minutes later, refreshed and wrapped in a pink towel. Her long blonde hair lay flat against her shoulder blades and towel and dripped across the orange carpet. "Mina Aino! You march yourself back into that bathroom and dry off properly. I just had the new carpet put in..." Mina rolled her eyes and went back into the bathroom as her mother continued to nag - reprimand - her. Before she slammed the door, she grabbed the cordless phone. Serena put down the latest 'Sailor V' comic as the phone began to ring. She sighed and answered on the second ring. "Hello?" "Hi Serena." "Hey Mina. Fancy you called." "Uh...okay. Hey there's this..thing I wanted to do privately today, without Artemis and I don't think he'd understand. Can you send Luna over to keep him company?" "Sure. What do you have to do? Is everything okay?" "It's private, but everything's okay." "Promise?" "Promise." "Okay. I'll send Luna right over." "Thank you Serena... By the way, How's Rini?" "Rini's all right. She's calmed down now. I think she's eating pancakes right now or something." Mina let out a little laugh and then got serious again. "Well that's all good. Don't forget to send Luna as soon as possible." "All right." "Okay. Bye." "Bye." Serena hung up the phone and sighed. Mina had sounded so serious. She almost sounded sad. Serena never got a moment to wonder what Mina had to do before Luna entered the room. "Reading comics again Serena? What about your math homework? Don't you have a big math test tomorrow?" Luna began. Serena looked at the black cat with the crescent shaped baldspot on her forehead. "Yeah Yeah, I know. Mina just called. She want you to go stay with Artemis while she goes out." Luna licked a paw and pushed back her whiskers. "Okay," then more seriously, she asked, "Is everything all right with Mina?" Serena shrugged, "She swore she was fine so she probably is. I mean everyone needs sometime alone, even Mina. Well I told her I'd send you as soon as possible, so..." Luna got the message, "Fine Serena, but please try to study. I don't need a grounded scout." Serena laughed. Luna scowled. "It's not a joke! Serena, as the Moon Princess, you must be available to fight evil. You can't be sneaking out and getting into more.." "Artemis is waiting," Serena interrupted. No more than five minutes later, Luna was outside on her way to Mina's. It was only a couple blocks away; only a ten minute walk. It wasn't usually a busy street or sidewalk that Luna used but it, sometimes, was filled with rumbling, uncaring, unseeing, trampling feet or baby strollers since it was near a park of some kind. That particular day it was extremely busy. Some kind of festival was being held at the park. Therefore, she forced to take the 'alternate' but quicker route, through the allies. Not more than two minutes later, poor Luna was encircled by two dozen ally cats. "Now...Can't we talk about this?" Luna pleaded with them as they closed in on her, pushing her against a dead end. Frightened that they had her trapped and weren't going to let her go, Luna crouched down and hid her head with her paws. Just as the ally cats were about to jump, a neatly cleaned fish carcass appeared between Luna and the ally cats. All the cats looked up to see a big fat gray cat on top of the wall, that made the dead end, and above some trash cans. He gave a weak pathetic meow, causing the cats to scatter and scramble back into the shadows of the ally. Feeling no longer threatened, Luna lifted her head and saw the fish carcass. 'Oh no. I know that meow and fish carcass.' Slowly Luna turned to see Hercules on the wall behind her. She gave him a weak smile. Hercules jumped and landed beside her unexpectedly. "Uh...hello Hercules." "Meow," he responded simply. "Um, thank you. See you later." And with that, Luna took of running in the direction of Mina's house. Mina crept towards the small stone shrine in the back woods of Tokyo. The shrine consisted of three stones: two set up vertically about ten inches apart with another slab of stone set up horizontally across the top. A little brown wicker door kept a secret ritual of mourning closed away from prying eyes. Three long sticks held up the string decorations of a death shrine Mina knelt in front of the shrine and laid a yellow rose in front of the wooden door. She then gently kissed the gold ring on her engagement finger. "Kaitô...I mean Adonis. Please rest safely. A dear friend you are and a greater lover. You aren't forgotten." She sighed as the tears began to flow down her cheeks. Helplessly, she put her head to her knees and cried. "I miss you..." Amethystia watched the weeping scout and smiled as a wicked thought entered her mind. About and hour later, Mina was walking home with puffy cheek bones. She sincerely missed her love Ace. He had helped her out a couple times and she had learned that he was her mysterious lover, Adonis, from the Moon Millennium. The bad thing was that she never noticed him because he had not been born with a high rank so he had not been let near the princess. The Princess had noticed a different man: Malachite. This enraged Adonis and when he was reborn on the Earth, he started to work for Malachite in hopes to one day pay Malachite and Princess Venus for his broken heart. So when Mina went to China to shoot a movie as a Chinese Princess with Kaitô Ace, Adonis, he took that time to help her fall in love with him. But she wasn't sure if she really loved him because Mina always put things before love, like her job. Also she was always flirting with another guy. The enraged Adonis decided that if he couldn't have her to himself no one would so he tried to kill her. Sailor V ended up winning after V-beaming Adonis. He then told her her final love fortune. That she would never find true love. And with Adonis dead, he was right. She only had two things to remember him by: his ace of hearts card, his final fortune, and the twenty-four Karat gold band that she wore on her 'engagement' finger. He would never be far from her mind. 'What I wouldn't do to have him back in my arms or at least in sight again,' she thought sadly. "Why did I have to kill him!?" She cried out. Suddenly she stopped walking and looked around. Everyone was staring at her. A light blush crossed her face. Embarrassed, she smiled and took off running. 'Oh man! How humiliating!' A perturbed meow sounded under her. Mina stopped in mid-stride and saw that she had stepped on a little cat. The cat was a calico cat of tan, white, and black. He had a bump on his head from Mina's shoe. Mina bent down and scooped him up. "Oh poor..." she quickly checked his forehead. It was completely white. "Kitty," she finished. She wrapped him in her jacket and ran all the way home. As she threw open the front door, she called, "Mom, I'm home!" Finding the house empty except for two cute kitty lovers curled around each other a sleep, she brought the calico into the kitchen. It was still out cold. She placed him on the table and got some ice from the freezer. She wrapped the ice in a towel and placed it on the cat's head. The cat slept and once Mina was sure that his bump had gone down, she took him upstairs. As she was placing the cat in Artemis's wicker basket, she heard the door bell ring. She ran her hand down the cat's back and then ran down the stairs and answered the door. A tall young man with short blonde hair stood there. He was wearing dirty stone wash jeans and a white muscle T-shirt. His eyes were hidden by some strange shadow. "Um...hello?" Mina asked. "Plumber," he murmured. "Um...but there's nothing wrong with our plumbing." "Well you never know. It's always good to have it checked." Mina nodded and stepped out of the way. "Okay then, come on in." The young man entered the house and went straight to the kitchen. He opened the cupboards under the sink and looked at the pipes. "Um...don't you need some tools?" Mina wondered aloud. He looked up at her. "Not really. So what's a pretty girl like you doing this Friday night? Got a boyfriend?" He inquired. Mina blushed. "A boyfriend? Um...no...well yes. Our love is forever. He's quite nice though he has done some things I don't appreciate. He's blonde haired, blue eyed....gorgeous...." Mina began to daze off as she thought of Ace. The plumber's cheeks turned red and he slammed the cupboard doors and began to walk out of the house. Mina snapped out of it and asked, "So how are my pipes?" "Fine," he growled and exited the house. Mina watched him leave and wondered, 'What ticked him off?'