Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, but I did write this story. Therefore, please do not take this and say it's yours. (Not like anyone would.) If you want to post this on a page go for it. Just give me credit and email me and tell me. This takes place after The Sailor Moon R movie. Part 1: A Change in Life Chapter 1: A Confused Child By Trachtemis A pink cloud formed over Tokyo Harbor and vanished as quickly. A splash of water from the lake echoed through the dusk. "Serena! You're going to be late!" Serena's mother, Ikuko, cried shaking a metal spatula in the direction of the stairs. Up the stairs, the first room on the left, Serena sat up quickly, looked at her clock and screamed, "Ack! I'm late." She jumped from the bed, her long blonde pigtails looking rather ruffled. She quickly shed her bunny print pajamas and slipped into her blue skirt and white shirt with a blue shoulder piece. Across the chest, she wore a red bow and wore another red bow on the back of her skirt. As she noticed it was getting later, she began to whine in a high pitched voice. She quickly ran a soft bristled brush through her hair. With a quick look in the mirror, she raced down the stairs, grabbing her bookbag and lunch, and raced out the door. Ikuko looked after Serena. "When will that girl learn," she muttered as a black cat, carrying a locket in her mouth, bounded out the door after her. "Serena! Stop! Your locket," Luna panted as she chased Serena down main street. "Can't stop now, Luna. I can't be..." Serena's voice trailed off as she crashed into a telephone pole. Serena slid down to her knees and began to cry. "Serena! Quit that hideous screeching and take your locket," Luna ordered. Her voice was taking the usual annoyed tone. Serena's wailing turned to sniffles. "My locket? Why would I need that? The Negamoon has been destroyed, Beryl banished, Alan and Ann healed, and Fiore gone. The negaverse can't possibly have any more twists." "Don't be too sure. As Princess of the Moon, you must protect Earth. Don't drop your guard!" Luna scolded. Serena sighed and picked up her locker. "Okay Luna... Ah! Now I'm even later!" Serena screamed. And with that, she left Luna in a cloud of dust. A small wet child pulled herself onto the docks. A ball, with what looked like Luna's facial features on it, hovered over the child. Her pink hair was down and soaked. She curled up in a ball, shivered, and began to cry. "Detention? But Miss. H..." Serena cried. Teacher and student were in the hall. Miss. Patricia Haruna brushed back her red curly hair with her fingers. "No buts! This is the second time this week. Not to mention you slept and ate in class and you didn't have any of your homework done," Miss. H. yelled Serena lowered her head in defeat. The two entered the class room and Serena took her seat beside Molly and Melvin. "I'll collect Math homework now." Serena cringed. It was beginning to rain. The little girl opened her eyes and sighed. "Oh Mommy, hold on." "All right Serena, you can go home early, but I want you to be here early tomorrow and your homework done," Miss. Haruna giggled girlishly and left the room. Serena blinked, surprised that Miss. Haruna had let her out early. "Must have a date," she muttered and gathered her things. Serena reached home completely drenched. She opened the door to her house and noticed the unusual quiet. A note was taped to the stair wall in front of her. Note: Serena. The three of us went out to dinner. Hope you can feed yourself. Love Mom. "Lovely. My family ditched me," She whined. "Serena, this is a food time to have a meeting. Artemis and I need to address something. Contact the girls and tell them to come straight over," Luna said sternly. "I have a bad feeling about this quiet..." Thunder sounded overhead, cutting Luna's voice off. From the window, they saw a bright light shoot up into the sky. "Lightening?" Luna wondered. Serena bit her lip. "It looks like Rini's moonbeam..." Darien stared at the yellow beam of light coming from McKenna Park. Rini, he thought. Darien took a running jump, pulled out a rose, and transformed into Tuxedo Mask. He sprinted into the park and saw Rini huddled under the slide. "Rini?" He whispered to the trembling body. Rini looked up and screamed again as another round of thunder exploded in the gray sky. Tuxedo Mask walked over to the slide and bent down so he was about the child's height. "Rini?" Rini looked up again and met Tuxedo's eyes behind his mask. "Darien!" she cried and buried her head into his chest. Tuxedo Mask wrapped his cape around her and lifted her up. Mina sighed softly. She rarely thought about the life behind her before she met the Scouts. But today... was just a bad day. She had been late for school and then had failed an English test. And to make things worse, she had got caught in the storm and completely soaked. Thankful to be home, she wrapped her hair in a pink towel and sat down on the couch. Kaitô Ace... "Mina!" Artemis asked in a worried tone. Mina looked up sharply. "Arty? What is it?" The white cat with a crescent shaped bald spot on his forehead jumped onto the couch. "Luna and Serena just spotted what they think to be Rini's moonbeam. They are calling a scout meeting at Serena's immediately." Mina gasped. "Is Rini okay?" Artemis shook his head. "They don't know if it was even Rini and they aren't exactly sure where it came from." "Why would Rini come back? I thought the Negamoon was destroyed." Deep in the heart of the negaverse where Queen Beryl had been banished to, sat Queen Beryl in a twisted and gnarled looking chair. "Since I was banished by that Moon brat, I can't continue my direct attack on earth," she muttered to the darkness. "Ahh...so I've heard of this mere child who gives so much trouble to the negaverse. I even heard that she destroyed the Xenian flower too," a voice 'tsked, tsked'. Beryl listened to the mocking voice. "Do not underestimate them or it'll be your death. If you want to earn a place in history, we will lend you the energy needed to begin your attack. But heed my warning..." "Must be a handful, but I now will go against them along with my siblings: Amethystia, Jade, Garnet, and Opal." Five creatures emerged from the darkness. They were human in most ways except for the three horns on their heads. Two horns protruded from the forehead and another in the back. They were a series of different colors: Black, Green, Red, Purple, and white. They also had a large tail with a three spiked weapon at the tip of each tail. The tail curled around their bodies much like a cats. We are strong and need the energy. Once those mere children are dead and we have the energy we need, surely you won't still be stuck here. The crystal can't keep you here if the princess is dead." Darien knocked twice on Serena's door and held Rini a little tighter to his chest. To his surprise, Mina answered. "Darien! You found Rini! So it was the beam. Is she okay?" At the sound of Rini's name all the scouts came to the door including Artemis and Luna. "Darien, what happened to her? Why is she here?" Serena asked worriedly. Darien shrugged, "How should I know. She fell asleep before I could question her. I think we can assume that she didn't drop by to say hi." The scouts moved aside so Darien and the sleeping Rini could come in out of the rain. "Would the negaverse be being so calm if it was attacking the future?" Raye inquired. "Doubtful that would be happening so soon again. Maybe it's something attacking us now to change something then," Amy replied. "Mina, do you think she came back because of something that may attack Serena?" Artemis asked. "We should ask the Boss?" Mina asked quizzically. "BOSS?" Artemis and Mina stared at the scouts and Luna. "Yes, Boss. Where do you think I got central commands orders?" Artemis asked. When no one answered, he continued, "See, when you accessed the Sailor V machine for a while before I found you got orders from boss. Then when I found you I gave you the orders that Boss gave me," he explained to a wide eyed confused Luna. Mina pulled out a small pen from her mini backpack. "Yo boss. What do you think of the situation?" A voice comes from the pen, "Mina, it's odd. Very odd. I'm not sure why Rini's here. She may be here because of the future. She could be here about the present. Scouts, you may want to stay ready. Don't let your guard down!" "Understood," Mina answered. Serena scratched the back of her head. "Why didn't you ever tell us about that pen?" Mina shrugged. "That's not important." Artemis nodded, "Yes, Mina's right. The important thing right now is to find out why Rini's here." Darien yawned. "Rini wouldn't be sent to us unless what happens now affects the future greatly or something like that." Serena smiled. "But it's nice to see her again. I mean she maybe a little fungus but I kind of missed her. "It's not good if she came here on the same terms as last time," Lita scolded. "Mmm. We won't get anywhere if she's sleeping. She must be awoken," Luna announced. The black cat jumped onto Darien's shoulder and onto Rini. "Rini, wake up!" Luna yelled as everyone else facefaulted. Rini stirred and batted Luna away. Luna shot Serena an angry look. "What do I have to do with it?" Serena cried apprehensively. Luna shook her head and turned back to the sleeping child. An idea popped into her mind. She had seen Rini once do it to Serena. She took her paws and covered Rini's nose. Rini began to cough and wheeze. After about ten seconds, she woke up with a gasp of breath. Rini pushed back a patch of matted pink hair from her face. She acknowledged everyone with a forced smile, but the smile died at the sight of Serena. "Mommy, she sent me here!" she cried, with tears suddenly flowing from her eyes. Serena blinked, "Who Rini? Who did?" "Plu did. She said something was about to strike. Something big." Serena glanced at Darien and then to the other scouts. They had nothing to offer her to say this time. After awhile, Mina looked at the pen. "What do you think boss?" She asked softly. "Mina, it's hard to say. Rini did Pluto give you any orders?" Boss asked. Rini stared at the pen and then looked around the room. "Where's that voice coming from?" Everyone facefaulted. Mina looked at the pen and then at Rini. "It's central control compacted." Rini "ohed" and shook her head. "Plu just told me to go and not ask questions. She said there was no time." Everyone pondered this for a moment and then Boss spoke up. "It looks like you girls are on your own on this one..." "As usual," interrupted Mina. "Try to keep focused and be ready for danger." And with that Boss was quiet. Mina put the pen back in her mini bookbag and looked back to the scouts. "Well, I guess we can consult the fire," Raye said helpfully. Amy nodded, "With the negaverse not attacking, that's all we can do." An hour later, the group were entering the temple's fire reading room. The first thing that they noticed was that the room was extremely dark. "What the heck!?" Raye growled. A voice spoke from the darkness. "Um...Hi Raye," it trembled. A sudden light lit up the room. Grandpa Hino set the lantern he had just brought in on the floor. From the light, they saw Chad on the ground with a mop beside him and an empty pail of water in his right hand. The fire was out and water dripped down the fire stage. Grampa lowered his head as Raye dropped to her knees and began the ritual of spirit lighting.