Nineteen Eighties

Chapter 2



[Trowa’s Truck]


A loud buzzing and screeching sound scatters from the CB and the faint words “bottles of beer on the wall” could be heard.


“You ~had~ to let him entertain us didn’t you?” Quatre sighed heavily leaning against the passenger window while looking out at the tall evergreens whizzing past.


“Well, it was either that or forking out an extra ten to get Hilde to keep him company.”


Quatre leaned to the CB to turn it off or at least the volume down so he wouldn’t have to listen to the noise pollution, but his hand was gently swatted away. “Seriously Trowa.” He paused to cover his ears. “He won’t know if we shut it off.”


The Latino’s lips drew into a quirky smile as he held in a small chuckle. “He’ll quiz us when we get there. He does it all the time just to see if we were listening.”


“No fair.”


“That’s Duo. You’ll get to like him”, he winked a shiny green eye.


[Duo’s Truck]


“If one of those bottles should happen to fall… twenty two bottles of beer on the wall. Twenty two bottles of beer on the wall, twenty two bottles of beer. Take one down, throw it around, twenty one bottles of valium on the wall.”


The genki teen bounced around on his roughly patched bench seat while holding the wheel in one hand and the CB mic in the other, singing to his heart’s content.