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    Why this section?  Well, there are quite a lot of fanfics by either Zelda (Sheik)'s point of view or Link's point of view that involve Sheik saying what she says in the game.  Since Sheik says a lot and nearly all her quotes are important, I placed them here so they'd be easy to find.

    Sheik first speaks to Link in the Temple of Time, just after his awakening after seven years.
"I've been waiting for you, Hero of Time...  When evil rules all, an awakening voice from the Sacred Realm will call those destined to be Sages, who dwell in the five temples.
    One in a deep forest...
    One on a high mountain...
    One under a vast lake...
    One within the house of the dead...
    One inside a goddess of the sand...
    Together with the Hero of Time, the awakened ones will bind the evil and return the light of peace to the world.
    This is the legend of the temples passed down by my people, the Sheikah.  I am Sheik.  Survivor of the Sheikahs...
    As I see you standing there, holding the mythical Master Sword, you really do look like the legendary Hero of Time...  If you believe the legend, you have no choice.  You must look for the five temples and awaken the five Sages....
    One is waiting for the time of awakening in the Forest Temple.  The Sage is a girl I am sure you know...  Because of the evil power in the temple, she cannot hear the awakening call from the Sacred Realm... Unfortuantly, equipped as you currently are, you cannot even enter the temple...  But, if you believe what I'm saying, you should head to Kakariko Village...  Do you understand, Link?
    "To save the forest girl, you need another skill...  Head to Kakariko Village!"

    When Link reaches the Sacred Forest Meadow, he sees the stump Saria sat on when he last saw her as a child... but it's empty.  Sheik jumps down as he walks slowly toward it, and Link turns.
    "The flow of time is always cruel...  Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...  A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days...  In order to come back here again, play the Minuet of Forest."
After teaching Link the song, Sheik again speaks.
    "Link...  I'll see you again..."
    She walks back a pace and disappears by throwing down a deku nut.


    After awakening Saria as a Sage, Link returns to the Forest Temple, where Sheik is waiting on the Pedastal of Time.
"You destroyed the wicked creatures that haunted the temple and awakened the Sage...  But there are still other Sages who need your help.  In order to awaken other sages, you must become more powerful.  You must travel over mountains... under water... and even through time...
    If you want to return to your original time, return the Master Sword to the Pedastal of Time.  By doing this, you will travel back in time seven years...
    The time will come when you will need to return here quickly.  I will teach this to you for when that time comes... the song to return you to the Temple of Time...  The Prelude of Light..."
    Sheik then teaches Link the Prelude of Light.
    "As long as you hold the Ocarina of Time and the Master Sword, you hold time itself in your hands...  Link, we shall meet again!"
    Again, Sheik disappears in her trademark deku nut flash.


    After speaking with Sheik at the Temple of Time and learning the Prelude of Light, Link travels to Goron City.  He gets a Goron Tunic from a Goron named Link and enters Death Mountain Crater.  Sheik drops down in front of him on a bridge.
    "It is something that grows over time... a true friendship.  A feeling in the heart that becomes even stronger over time...  The passion of friendship will soon blossom into a righteous power and through it, you will know which way to go...  This song is dedicated to the power of the heart...  Listen to the Bolero of Fire..."
    Sheik teaches Link the Bolero of Fire on her harp.
    "Link...  I'll see you again..."
    Link tries to walk up to Sheik, but a wall of fire bars his way.  Sheik throws down a deku nut, and when Link can see again, the Sheikah is gone.


    Link defeats the Fire Temple and awakens Darunia as the Sage of Fire, then travels to Zora's Domain.  It's frozen over...  He goes into the Ice Cavern via Zora's Fountain and battles his way through, gaining the Iron Boots.  Sheik jumps down behind him from who knows where.
    "We meet again, Link...  If you came here to meet the Zoras, you wasted your time...  This is all there is...  With one exception, the Zoras are now sealed under this thick ice sheet...  I managed to rescue the water princess from under the ice, but... she left to head for the Water Temple...  This ice is created by an evil curse...  The monster in the Water Temple is the source of the curse.  Unless you shut off the source, this ice will never melt...  If you have courage enough to confront the danger and save the Zoras, I will teach you the melody that leads to the temple.
    "Time passes, people move...  Like a river's flow, it never ends...  A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...  Young love will become deep affection...  The clear water's surface reflects growth...  Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself...."
    Sheik teaches the Serenade of Water to Link.
    "Link... I'll see you again..."
Link walks toward Sheik, but she throws  down a deku nut and is gone.


    After Link defeats the Water Temple and awakens Ruto as a Sage, Sheik watches water fill Lake Hylia on an island.
    "As the water rises, the evil is vanishing from the lake...  Link, you did it!"
    Link lands in blue light on the triforce symbol that is on the island.  When he sees Sheik, an expression of surprise ccomes over his face and he runs to her.  Sheik doesn't turn from the lake.
    "Did Ruto want to thank me?  I see...  We have to return peace to Hyrule for her sake, too.  Don't we?
    "Look at that, Link...  Together, you and Princess Ruto destroyed the evil monster!  Once again, the lake is filled with pure water.  All is as it was here."
    Link walks to a little ways in front of Sheik, looking over the lake.  Sheik looks at Link in silence for a moment, then walks back a few steps.  When Link turns, she's gone...  He doesn't see her watching unobserved on the top of a dead tree on the same island.  She dives behind him, and he turns at the nearly noiseless splash to see only ripples.


    Link goes to Kakariko village, where houses are burning.  He starts at the sight of Sheik in front of the well, looking into it.  She doesn't turn as she speaks.
    "Get back, Link!"
    The wood over the well flies off.  Link turns and looks at it, then turns back to the well as he hears a roaring.  Sheik is tossed into the air and thrown about in midair by an unseen force.  She lands head first at the foot of the stairs.  Link runs to her and kneels by the Sheikah as a gray-purple shadow comes from the well, over a house, over another house, up the cliffside, and back toward Link and Sheik.  Link holds his shield in front of him and angles his sword behind him, but the shadow hits him, and he blacks out with a yell.
    When he comes to, Sheik is kneeling over him.  Link sits up, shakes his head dazedly, and looks at the Sheikah.
    "Looks like you're coming around..."
    They both stand up and look over the village.
    "Link...  A terrible thing has happened!  The evil shadow spirit has been released!  Impa, the leader of Kakariko Village, had sealed the evil shadow spirit in the bottom of the well...  But the force of the evil spirit got so strong, the seal of the well broke, and it escaped into the world!!  I believe Impa has gone to the Shadow Temple to seal it again, but... she will be in danger without any help!
    "Link!  Impa is one of the six Sages.  Destroy the evil shadow spirit and save Impa!  There is an entrance to the Shadow Temple beneath the graveyard behind this village.  The only thing I can do for you is teach you the melody that will lead you to the Shadow Temple...
    "This is the melody that will draw you into the infinite darkness that absorbs even time...  Listen to this, the Nocturne of Shadow!!"
    On her harp, Sheik teaches Link the Nocturne of Shadow.
    "Let me take care of the village!  I'm counting on you, Link!"
    Sheik backs away and throws down a deku nut, disappearing with its flash.


    Link defeats the Shadow Temple and awakens Impa as a Sage.  He then goes to the Gerudo Fortress and frees four carpenters, gaining membership as a Gerudo thief.  The Hero of Time passes through the desert and arrives at the Desert Colossus and the Spirit Temple entrance.  Sheik does not appear.  Link goes into the temple, walks around to no avail- he can not enter any room- and goes outside again.  This time, Sheik leaps down from the archway just outside the temple.  As she speaks, an owl that looks suspiciously like Kaebora Gaebora flies overhead.
    "Past, present, future...  The Master Sword is a ship with which you can sail upstream and downstream through time's river...  The port for that ship is the Temple of Time...
    "To restore the Desert Colossus and enter the Spirit Temple, you must travel back through time's flow...  Listen to this Requiem of Spirit...  This melody will lead a child back to the desert."
    Link and Sheik play the Requiem of Spirit on the ocarina and harp.  When they finish, Link walks toward Sheik as Navi dances up and down behind the Sheikah.  Sand whirls around her, and Link shields his eyes.  When the sand clears, Sheik is gone...


    After finally defeating the Spirit Temple and awakening Nabooru as a Sage, Link is told by Rauru to return to the Temple of Time.  He does so, and Sheik again meets with him...
    "Link, the Hero of Time...  You have overcome many hardships and awakened six Sages, and now you have a final challenge, a showdown with Ganondorf, the King of Evil...
    "Before that, I have things I want to tell only to you.  Please listen.  Another unknown legend of the Triforce passed down by the shadow folk, the Sheikahs...
    "If you would seek the sacred triangle, listen well...
    "The resting place of the sacred triangle, the Sacred Realm, is a mirror that reflects what is in the heart... the heart of one who enters it...  If an evil heart... the Realm will become full of evil; if pure, the Realm will become a paradise.
    "The Triforce... the sacred triangles... it is a paradise that weighs the three forces: Power, Wisdom, and Courage.  If the heart of the one who holds the sacred triangles has all three forces in balance, that one will gain the True Force to govern all.  But, if that one's heart is not in balance, the Triforce will seperate into three parts: Power, Wisdom, and Courage.  Only one part will remain for the one who touched the Triforce... the part representing the force that one most believes in.  If that one seeks the True Force, that one must acquire the two lost parts.  Those two parts will be held within others chosen by destiny, who will bear the Triforce mark on the backs of their hands."
    Link walks toward Sheik as she finishes the legend.  The Sheikah resumes her long dialogue.
    "Seven years ago, Ganondorf, the King of Evil, used the door you opened in the Temple of Time and entered the Sacred Realm.  But when he laid his hands on the Triforce, the legend became true.  The Triforce seperated into three parts.  Only the Triforce of Power remained in Ganondorf's hand.  The strength of the Triforce of Power enabled him to become a mighty evil king, but his dark ambitions were not satisfied.
    "To gain complete mastery of the world, Ganondorf started looking for those chosen by destiny to hold the other Triforce parts.  The one who holds the Triforce of Courage is... you, Link!  And the other, who holds the Triforce of Wisdom... is the seventh Sage, who is destined to be the leader of them all..."
    Sheik brings her hands in front of her.  The Triforce symbol appears in the Sheikah's left hand, and the bottom left Triforce part glows.  There is a flash of white light, and in Sheik's place now stands a seventeen year old Princess Zelda, in full royal regalia.
    "It is I, the Princess of Hyrule, Zelda.  I apologize for meeting you in disguise, but it was necessary to hide from the King of Evil.  Please forgive me...  On that day, seven years ago, Ganondorf attacked Hyrule Castle.
    "I saw you as I was escaping from the castle with my attendant, Impa...  I thought I should entrust the Ocarina to you...  I thought that would be our best chance...  As long as you had the Ocarina in your possession, I thought Ganondorf could never enter the Sacred Realm, but... something I could never expect happened...
    "After you opened the Door of Time, the Master Sword sealed you away in the Sacred Realm...  Your spirit remained in the Sacred Realm... and then the Triforce fell into Ganondorf's hands.  He went on to invade the Sacred Realm...  Ganondorf had become the Evil King, and the Sacred Realm became a world of evil.
    "All this is an unfortunate coincidence.  I passed myself off as a Sheikah and hoped that you would return.  I waited for seven years...  And... now you are back.  The dark age ruled by Ganondorf the Evil King will end.  The six Sages will open the sealed door and lure Ganondorf back into the Sacred Realm.  I will then seal the door to the Sacred Realm from this world.  Thus, Ganondorf the Evil King will vanish from Hyrule."

    I hope you don't need any more Sheik quotes, 'cause the rest are all Zelda quotes!  Read the LBL (once I finish it) for the rest of the story!