Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie

The Revolutionary Girl Utena movie was made to be like a retelling of the whole RGU story, with a few changes and twists. But when I talked with TB about it, I found that she saw the movie in a whole different way than I did. I watched it keeping in mind that it was a retelling, but she saw it as somewhat of a continuation. I was delighted to see that it can be viewed that way. Here's what she had to say:

"First of all I believe that this is the continuation of the story from the very end of the series. Remember that the swords fall on Utena and pierce her through, or so we are led to believe. This means that Anthy is no longer the "living corpse" pierced with the swords that her brother should have allowed to pierce him. She is free to go anywhere she likes and at the end of the series remember we see her walking away from the school with a picture of herself and the half with her brother cut out. It is right before this scene that I think she might have had the nerve to actually murder him and bury his body, then she walks away in search of Utena. Since her brother was her prince, and says so in the movie, she has to replace him with someone and that someone is Utena. So therefore, I think the movie is the RGU story from Anthy's point of view and not from Utena's; in other words, Anthy is the main character and not Utena. If this is true, I believe that Utena is now trapped in the world that Anthy and her brother made for themselves.

Anthy finds Utena in that world; it is the same school and is populated by the same people but their roles are somewhat different. Utena has to relive the life that was taken from her and find the truth about herself. It seems she discovers that she has been deceiving herself, that her prince was Touga and she caused his death; by accepting his death she accepts her role as his killer, just as Anthy has to accept her role as the murderer of her brother. Once they do this they are free find their true loves, which seem to be each other.

Anthy is no longer the Witch who kills her brother, because she never was - her brother was supposed to die, that is his role as the prince, he was supposed to die to protect his princess but she never allowed him to play his role. She tried to play it for him (in the series) by accepting the swords. When Utena took her place and accepted the swords, Anthy had to save her. Neither woman was playing their correct role. The only way that Anthy could save Utena was to kill her own brother; in that way the prince was dead as he should have been.

Ok, so now both women are free and must escape what they believe to be a false world. But in reality, I truly believe that the world they are in is the only world for them. Remember (at the end of the movie) when Anthy encountered her brother; she shot right through him with Utena literally as her vehicle of escape. Both women thought that they had escaped the vicious cycle and found each other. But it seems that it was not to be. Utena cannot be the prince; she is a woman. Women can't be the prince (at least in this series they can't). So just as they are traveling down the road making out and having a grand old time, the castle appears in the background (and they don't notice because they are too in love with each other to see the truth). It suggests that they are headed right back to where they started. The journey must begin again until these two princesses find real (male) princes. If this is the case they could make a zillion movies with all the characters replaying their roles in a zillion combinations.

The most telling line about Touga is when he actually asks the question at one point in the movie ("Who is Touga?"). Touga exists only in Utena's heart, as far as she was concerned every male was Touga until she could come to terms with his death. That was a really touching scene when she realized that he really had drowned, just as she allowed herself to remember the truth she had to let his memory and her love for go and she did.

Now remember, this is just my interpretation of the movie, it could be wrong, but it makes sense to me."

And that was TB's take on the movie.
