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• Album update
04.17.2001 Update by
Drak & Rahvin

We've uploaded four new soundtracks today!! We've added Wild Arms 2, Final Fantasy VI OST, Final Fantasy VI Grand Finale and tracks from Fantasy Reborn a web site making arranged piano tracks from all Final Fantasies. Pretty sweet!

We're also planning on making a theme day this next Saturday. The theme is yet to be decided. So stay tuned!


• Tis me Drak with a new soundtrack!
04.16.2001 Update by

Hey fellow staff members! That's right, i actually did a post update...OMG!!! Well anyway, this here post is to tell yers that the Terranigma soundtrack has been uploaded on the web radio! Ya'll enjoy it now u hear?!


• Image and site update
04.15.2001 Update by

Well I just did our updated on our logo. If you have any comments, I'd be glad to hear them. Angel of Oblivion also decided to change his name to better known Drak, I also added Drak's image down bellow. He guaranteed a minor album update with the addition of the Terranigma OST by the end of the day!

I also got the link working on the radio page, it should start your mp3 player (at least Winamp) and direct you to the radio station. If this link doesn't work, please contact me.


• New logo
04.15.2001 Update by

Well I just did our first logo. It's only the first version, but it's better than nothing!


• Site opening
04.14.2001 Update by

Welcome!! This is our first update for the new RPGClassics RPG Music Radio. We plan on making many more updates regarding addition of new albums or the opening of new broadcasting channels. We hope you will come and listen in great numbers.

We're currently without a logo so the image with an X overhead is normal.



This is a web based radio hosted by live365

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