title> Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy VIII Review

Alright, here's my review of the game. I'm gonna review the aspects of the game, then give it a grade, I'll average (ack, math word!) it out in the end, seeing it's overall grade.
The grades are:

A - Amazing in this area! It doesn't get much better than this.

B - It's pretty damn good, it could be a tiny bit better, but not by much.

C - Eh...it's average. It didn't fail, it passed in this catagory.

D/F - It sucks here, one of the games worst aspects.


Alright, I'll say it right now. I worship some of the fmvs in this movie. They're gorgeous!! I'm also a fan of life-size characters. The graphics are a little sloppy in some areas, looking slightly blocky, but nothing hideous.

Grade: A


They're pretty good. None of them stand out too much though, well except Irvine, but that's personal opinion. Squall...eh he's an alright hero, a little too dicky at times, but he was a fairly good (gorgeous) character. Riona, truthfully, I have nothing against. I think she was crapped over in the translation, making her look much more childish than she was meant to be. "Meany" is a prominent one, but in most other translations she is saying something along the lines of "How can you be so cold-hearted". So she's alright in my book. Zell and Selphie are on the same page, they're cute, a little annoying at times, but not bad. Quistis, I like her, my favorite girl in the game. Irvine...well I think you all know what I think by now.

Grade: B


Eh, frankly, they suck. Seifer, despite the fact that he is amazingly handsome, is a laughable exscuse for a villain. Edea, eh she sucks too. Ah, yes and my favorite, Ultimacia. She was the suckiest villain that every graced the FF scene. What the hell was Square thinking?!

Grade: C-/D+


I liked FF8 storyline, basically because I'm a hopeless romantic :). I also liked the underlying orphanage thing, it's cute.

Grade: A/A-


First, I'll start with the money system. Love it, positively love it. I *never* ran out of money once. I just crapped my way through thirty of those SeeD tests, and I was pissing moola! Now, for the weapon system. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What the hell was Square thinking once again! If I ever have to fight another of those damn Marbolos or Ochu's I will scream!! Those god damned Energy Crystals and falling stars or something...ahh!! Hated it!

Grade: B-/C


Love it! I love it!! You don't even hear the word MP in this game. You draw a spell, you cast a summon, you don't have to bother with those over expensive Ethers. Life is good.

Grade: A

Random Encounters/Difficulty

The random encounters is fine, no problems here. I was happy with the difficulty level in FF8, I actually found myself dying sometimes. But, this junction system, no likey at all. Too damn confusing, I still don't fully understand it.

Grade: B


Love it!! I *LOVE* THIS ENDING!! Oh, it made me so happy after wasting half my winter vacation playing this. It is *so* worth beating the game. Yes, some things were unanswered, but that video camera made my life. And Squall smiling. Ahhh! I love it!!

Grade: A+


Overall it's just like FF7: B/C. I think it deserves an A for effort though. It is slightly different from all the others, and well I LOVED the ending. :). It is a must play for all FF fans, and non-FF fans as well.

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