Solar Eclypse
BETA Version 0.48
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  1. Download it.
  2. Open it.
  3. Click on "Unzip".
  4. Find where you unzipped it, if you didn't change the default unzipping location then you can click here to open it.
  5. Click on . If you have winzip wizard on it should bring you to the installation page. If not double click on SETUP.exe or download the unregistered version here.
  6. Once in the setup, click "NEXT>". Do not change the location of the game for safety's sake, and the sake that you might not be able to go on with the rest of the steps.
  7. Go on the "start" menu on the task bar. Go to "Programs" then "RM95 RPG Game" and click on "Solar Eclypse".
  8. Take the game tutorial to learn how to play the game and what the storyline is.