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Tenkashi Boudaki

Long ago the earth was made and was made up of four elements: wind, water, fire and earth. There were four gods sent down for each element. The earth was very beautiful and was going great but also very boring. There was a beautiful land but nobody to enjoy it so all four of the gods decided to make humans and animals. They then should of called for another god to watch the humans but they didn’t. This was the biggest mistake they could have made. "Where am I ?" asked a young boy. "What happened ?" "Your on the Balagon Trail. You must have got attacked by some goblins or something. Those goblins sure are bad these days. Attacking innocent helpless people and taking there money" said another young voice. "What do you mean helpless? I’m a brave warrior! Um... would you mind helping me up? By the way, what’s your name ?" "My name is Neo. I am also a brave warrior. Well, I want to become one. What’s your name and where did you come from ?" "I don’t know my real name or where I am originally from. I go by the name of Psuedo. Thats what my adopted parents named me. I was abandoned in the City of Rim Elm when I was two and my adopted parents found me and picked me up. How old are you anyway? You look pretty short." "I’m seventeen years old. The reason why I’m so small is because I’m a dwarf. I’m hoping to become a battle dwarf and go on adventures and help save the world or some dansel in distress. You know the basic hero stuff. What race are you? I mean are you a knight, a mage , or what ? "I’m fourteen and I don’t know what race I am. I’ve never figured that out. I don’t think I’m a knight I’m not built like one. I know I’m not a mage because I’ve studied magic and I still can’t cast any spells." " Gee, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s kind of hard to tell what you are. You have bright blonde hair and you have light blue eyes. There aren’t many of those kinds of people here. Wait, maybe your a..... no, forget it you can’t be that’s just a myth. "What, tell me what might I be?" asked Psuedo urgently. " There was supposedly a race long ago called the Kimta. They looked like regular people but when they got mad they changed into this vicious beast and would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. That was just a myth though don’t believe it. Your probably just a warrior with no race. There are some of those." "Yeah, I guess your right." "Well, it’s getting pretty late and all the goblins and monsters are gonna be coming out soon so I better get home. You should to." "I have no home." said Psuedo in a low voice. "Sure you do it’s in Rim Elm. With your adopted parents." "They were killed two years ago. I have no idea who did it but I’m going to find out. That’s why I started traveling. I haven’t traveled far yet but that’s because I have not got the money yet and I need to train more." "Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know about your parents. Well, you can come home with me for tonight and maybe If it’s ok with you I’ll join you on your quest to find the man that killed your parents. Plus I need some more action in my life. I’m pampered by my dad and we have lots of money. I’ll bring some on the way and we can stock up. Lets go." "Where do you live ?" asked Psuedo. " Not far, about one mile south. You probably heard of it. It’s called Grolsem. You ever here of the place ?" "Grolsem?!, of course I’ve heard of it. Isn’t that the town where the mayors house is made out of pure gold?" "Yes, don’t think I’m a snob now because I’m not. I’m nothing like those people there. I don’t like being pampered and like doing things on my own." "Ok, lets go" Psuedo and his new companion Neo travel from the Baragon trail to Grolsem. Neo noticed that Psuedo had his hand always on his sword. "Thats a nice sword there. Where did you get it?" "It was my dad’s. He told me before he died to take it and protect myself with it so I did. Where’s your weapon?" "Mine is in my pocket pouch. Here, look. It’s not much but Grolsem isn’t a weapon city and doesn’t have much but these. It’s got me through some tough trouble." " It’s nice, I used to have a hunting knife just like it. Watch out!" Then behind them came three goblins. Two of them ganged up on Psuedo. One from the back and one from the front. The other one went after Neo. The two on Psuedo charged for him and Psuedo drew his sword and took a slice at one of the goblins and the goblin blocked it with his sword. Then the other goblin came and took a swipe at Psuedo but Psuedo ducked and the goblin took the other goblins head clean off. As Psuedo and the Goblin were fighting Neo took his knife and threw it at the goblin but missed. Then the goblin ran towards Neo. Neo jumped in the air and jumped over the goblins sword and landed on his shoulder. Then he started punching him in the face and then took the goblins sword and then jumped behind the goblin and shooved the sword through the goblin. Psuedo then walked behind Neo and put his hand on Neo’s shoulder. Neo then jumped back and took a swipe at Psuedo but luckily Psuedo dodged it. "Oh, it’s you. I’m sorry. You shouldn’t sneak up on anybody after a battle." said Neo out of breath. "Sorry, I never had a partner before. Well, lets get going, I’m beat." Then Psuedo and Neo went to Grolsem. When they finally got there Neo took Psuedo to his house and they both laid down and went to sleep. The next morning Psuedo woke up and found Neo digging in the wall. "Hey, what are you doing?" "I’m looking for the money I put in here. There’s about 5,000 zenny’s in here. That should be enough for me and you." When Neo finally got the money out of the wall he and Psuedo went to the item store. They looked around a bit and purchased some healing herbs and some antidotes. "You know what Psuedo? We should get you and me some new clothes. These one’s are blood stained and to tell you the truth I got cut up a bit." Then they both went to the weapon and armor store next door. Psuedo looked at the weapon shop real quick and laughed. "I guess you weren’t lieing Neo. The only thing they have here are those little hunting knives." Then they went to the armor store and looked around. They both bought some leather armor and wooden sheilds. Then they heard a young lady crying outside. They quickly put on their leather armor and equipped themselves with their weapons and sheilds. They ran outside and found a lady on her knees crying with a letter in her hand. Psuedo and Neo both walked up to her. "Whats wrong" asked Psuedo. He could tell there somthing extremely bad has happened and would do anything to help. "My.... my brother and his two kids were attacked by horrible monsters. I think he’s dead because I got this letter and there’s blood stains on it and he didn’t finish a word. Here take a look." said the disturbed woman. Psuedo and Neo both started to look over the note and read it silently. "Where does your brother live?" asked Neo. "They live in Coral and his name is Jack. Why?" "Well, me and Psuedo don’t have any plans right now and were looking for adventures so I think we can help you. We’ll go to Coral and find out if your family is dead and rid Coral of the monsters. By the way, where is Coral?" "Come with me. I’ll give you a map of the world." said the lady. She gave them a map and they looked over it. It wasn’t very hard to find a place then because the world was one giant continent and there was only one ocean. They spotted Coral on the map. They got all their equipment in packs and headed towards Coral. "Thank you so much" cried out the women as Psuedo and Neo went off to Coral. They traveled about half way to Coral before it got dark. They checked on a map to see if there was any towns near and luckily there was. It was the town of Centrum. So they headed towards Centrum hoping to find an Inn or sombody nice enough to let them stay with them. They entered the town of Centrum and noticed all the inhabitents were Centaurs. All there bodies were half horse half man. They walked around the town a while and noticed there was a weapon shop. "We better go there tomorrow morning.This knife isn’t gonna be enough when we get to Coral. The monsters there must be a lot stronger then goblins to run a whole town" said Neo. Psuedo agreed. They kept walking and found a Inn. They walked in and asked how much to stay one night. "It’s 1000 zenny’s for people that aren’t centaurs." said the inn keeper. "1000 zenny’s!? That’s ridiculous!" shouted Neo. "Hey." called out another voice. "You can stay at my place. Don’t mind the old man there. A couple of humans a couple years ago killed his grand kids so he’s hated them ever since." "Sure thanks. I’m Psuedo, and this is my friend Neo." "My name is Chapel. It’s nice to meet you." Chapel started walking so Psuedo and Neo followed. As they were walking to Chapel’s house they noticed that he was very strong and looked very agile. He had long shiny black hair and seemed to be in his early twenty’s. "He must be a knight or somthing" whispered Neo to Psuedo. Psuedo nodded his head and kept walking. When they got to Chapel’s house Neo started to ask Chapel some questions. "So, you look pretty strong you a fighter?" "Yeah, well I used to be. Lately I haven’t had anything to do so I’ve been working out lifting barrles and stones. You know, stuff like that. Why do you ask?" "Well I asked because Psuedo and I are about to go to Coral to help get rid of some monsters." "Really? That sounds great. Well do you think. No, never mind." "What?" asked Psuedo "Do you want to come along?" asked Neo. "Sure! That would be great. Let’s get some rest. I know a shortcut through the woods that will get us to Coral in one hour." Chapel laid out some blankets for Psuedo and Neo and then he went and laid down in his bed of straw. The next morning Psuedo and Neo woke up and noticed that Chapel was missing. They got up and looked around. They went to the weapons shop and he was standing around looking. Neo was amazed at how many more weapons they had. "Hey guys, finally woke up huh?" "Yeah, we had a hard day yesterday." Psuedo replied. "Lets look at the weapon and armor they have." "We don’t have armor here. If you havn’t notice everybody here except the females have no shirts or anything on there upper bodies. We only have weapons." said Chapel. "Oh....." said Psuedo as he walked away. "Where’s he going?" asked Chapel. "I don’t know. Wait here I’ll be right back." said Neo as he followed Psuedo outside. "Hey, whats wrong?" "Nothing, I just don’t need a new weapon. This is the only weapon I’ll ever use." "I understand, because it was your fathers. Well I’m gonna go inside and pick up a new weapon." Neo said as he walked back inside. Neo saw Chapel walking outside with a brand new bronze lance. Then Neo looked up at the wall. "What to pick, what to pick. I’ll have either a hand axe, short sword, or a hunting knife. Well let’s count out the hunting knife. I think I’ll take the hand axe." Neo said. Then he walked out to flaunt his new axe and he heard Psuedo finish telling Chapel the story with the man who killed his parents and what the sword meant to him. "Ready?" asked Psuedo. "Then lets go." A little while after they left Centrum Neo was complaining about his legs. "Neo, get on my back I can ride you don’t worry." offered Chapel. Neo jumped on the back quickly and sighed with releif. About forty five minutes later Chapel stopped and said "Shhhhh, be quiet. Were real close to Coral. Wait, I hear somthing." Then Chapel turned around and to his surprise he saw Harpies. Harpies were men with wings and feet of a hawk and the head and torso of a man. "What are those things? I’ve never seen anything like that before." asked Neo. "There Harpies." exclaimed Chapel. "Well they look pretty mad." said Psuedo as he took out his sword. Psuedo noticed that Neo and Chapel both took out there weapons as well. "I’m pretty sure we can take them, theres only two of them." said Psuedo quietly. "Think again." said Neo as one more came flying down. "What are you doing here?" asked one of the Harpies. "Leave us be. We have nothing against you men.....yet. So just leave and we won’t harm you." "If we leave you might not harm us but you’ll still harm the people of Coral!" exclaimed Chapel. "Well if you three punks want to try and stop us go ahead. You won’t suceed." said one of the Harpies. The three warrios attacked each one of the Harpies dead on. Psuedo ran and slid right under the Harpy’s leg and grabbed his wings. He started to pull and the Harpy started to scream in agony. "Ahhhhhhhh! What are you doing let go that really hurts!" cried the Harpy. Psuedo kept on pulling and then his wings came right off. "Hey guys. Pull off their wings. If you do they won’t have the flying advantage." said Psuedo. Neo and Chapel then started to try and manauver behind the Harpies and pull off their wings. Psuedo then looked back at his Harpy and he noticed that he was on one knee. Psuedo smiled and ran towards him. "I bet you wished you didn’t pick on the innocent people of Coral now!" screamed Psuedo as he swung his sword and cut the Harpy’s head right off his body. Then Psuedo checked to see how his friends were doing. He noticed that Neo was having some trouble so he started to walk towards them. "No!" exclaimed Neo "This is my battle. Let me handle it." Then Neo hit the Harpy on the head with the bottom of his hand ax and jumped behind him. He started to pull but he couldn’t seem to get the wings off. "Forget this pulling crap" Neo said as he started to chop at the wings. When he finally cut off the wings the Harpy was on his belly helpless. Then Neo jumped on his back and started to hack away at his limp body. Chapel then came over to calm him down. "He’s dead Neo! Get off of him!" pleaded chapel. "You already killed your Harpy?" asked Psuedo. "No, I was ready to jab my lance through him but then I noticed a syble tatooed on his back. It was a royal symble. So I stabbed his legs so he couldn’t get away and I thought we could use him to bribe the other Harpies to leave Coral." Psuedo and Neo both agreed. They started walking towards Coral when they heard the Harpy say somthing. "What? What did you say?" asked Chapel "I said let me live. I have seen my errors in life and I will leave with my clan if you let me live. Please," moaned the royal Harpy. Psuedo, Neo, and Chapel all ignored him and kept on walking. When they finally got to Coral it was a dark place with the smell of death. They saw blood everywhere and bodies laying still on the ground. "You expect to live?!" yelled Neo. "We should just kill you now for doing this to all those people. What did they ever do to you?" "Nothing, we just wanted to....stay there..... for a while...... but they refused and thought we were going to take over the town and attacked us. We had no choice but.... to fight back." said the royal Harpy quietly. Suddenly a half dozen Harpies flew down. "You must leave Coral or we will kill your leader!" screamed Psuedo. "Yes, do what..... they say.... we will leave." said the royal Harpy. Chapel then threw the royal Harpy to all the other Harpies and then they all flew off. "Thank you for sparing my life, and I’m sorry for destroying Coral. Goodbye." said the royal Harpy. "Now to look for Jack." said Psuedo. "What, what just happened? The wind, it just......stopped!" The wind that was blowing only seconds ago had just stopped and left everybody stunned. "I have no idea whats going on but we better find out. First lets find Jack." As they walked in they so two little children run up to them and grabbed Psuedo. One was about thirteen and the other one was about seven. "Whats wrong?" asked Psuedo. "Our dad, he’s hurt. Weird stuff’s going on. The wind just stopped." said the seven year old. "Yes please help our dad. I know why the wind has stopped and I’ll tell you why if you just help our dad. My name is Nina and this is my little sister Reina" said the older girl. "What!? You know why the wind stopped? Don’t worry we’ll help your dad where is he?" asked Psuedo. "He’s behind that statue. We hid him there so nothing could attack him." said Reina. They all walked over behind the statue to find a man. " Ple...ase hel...p me." said the man in a deathly voice. "Don’t worry, that cut is pretty deep but we can heal it. Neo, get a healing herb and an antidote out." demanded Psuedo. Neo handed the healing herb and the antidote to Psuedo and Psuedo cleaned it up with a rag first. "This might sting a little" said Psuedo. He rubbed the healing herb on it to stop the bleeding and then the antidote to prevent infection. When he was done he took a peice of cloth from his pants and wrapped it around his stomach where the cut was. "There it should heal with in a week. Just don’t do any hard work ok." "Thank you so much. My name is Jack, and I guess you’ve already met my daughters." said the man in a reliefed voice. "Your Jack?" asked Psuedo. "Your sister in Centrum sent us here to see if you were ok. You should go there and stay with her for a while until this town gets cleaned up. Neo give me your hunting knife." Neo handed the hunting knife to Psuedo and Psuedo gave it to Jack "Here, use this for protection in case anything happens." "Daddy, I want to go with them three. I know why the wind stopped and if I’m right the water will evaporate, the fire will burn out, and the earth will split in half killing us all." said Nina to her father softly. "No honey, you’ll just get in the way." "No she won’t sir. We’ll take good care of her. We really need her" said Chapel. Jack agreed and gave Nina a kiss on the cheek. "You be careful. Come back soon ok." said her father in a sad shaky voice. "I will daddy. Please don’t cry. You just go to Centrum and heal ok. Oh yeah, what are your three names?" "My name is Psuedo, his is Neo, and this is Chapel." said Psuedo. "Ok, it’s nice to meet you. Wait here, I have to go get some stuff. Bye daddy, I love you." said Nina as she walked behind a tree and grabbed a wooden staff. "Lets go" Then the group all left Coral. "Wait, where are we going?" asked Neo. "What about the wind?" "Oh yeah, here let me explain. There are four gods on this planet that protect the four elements, wind, water, fire, and earth. Sombody must have stole the power from the wind god so the wind has stopped. We must head to the wind temple." "The wind temple? Where’s that? Let me look on the map" said Chapel "It won’t be on the map. It’s a sacred place that not many people know about. The only way we can get there is by air." said Nina as she whistled loudly. "We don’t have any flying devices or anything how are we going to get there?" asked Neo. "My pet will take us there. His name is Spot" "Spot? How is a dog gonna get us there?" asked Neo. "Who said he was a dog? Look behind you he’s right there." said Nina. The whole group turned around and they all screamed. "Stand back Nina. We’ll take this dragon out." shrieked Neo. "No, thats my pet. I call him Spot because he has that burn mark on his side from another dragon. You ready?" asked Nina. They all looked at each other and took a big gulp and jumped on. "Finally here," yawned Chapel. "That was a long flight." "No time for chit chat. We have to see what’s going on hurry!" exclaimed Psuedo. As the group ran in the temple they saw a body sprawled out on the floor. They ran over to it. It was an old bald man with a long white beard. He was dressed in a all white toga. "What happened?" "A man came. He came with a crystal and took my power to make wind. Without it there will be no wind. He said somthing aboug going after the water god, fire god, and then the earth god. If he does this he’ll control the world for himself and we will all perish." said the wind god. "Thank you sir. Do you know where the water temple is?" asked Chapel. The wind god told them how to get to the water temple and to ask the water god how to get to the fire temple if necessary. "Are you going to be ok?" "Yes, I will be fine. Just go and save the world." The group then left on the dragon and headed for the water temple. "It’s getting pretty dark. We better head for a town and get some sleep." said Psuedo. "Yeah, your right. Psuedo, I was meaning to ask you. You guys seem to be a heroic group. Do you have a name?" asked Nina. "No, I haven’t really thought about a group name. That sounds like a good idea though. We should head to that town down there first." When they got to town the first thing Neo and Chapel did was run to the weapon and armor shop. Psuedo and Nina went to the inn and got a room. They went up to the room and waited for Neo and Chapel. When they finally got back they walked in with some new weapons and some armor for everybody. Neo bought a battle ax and Chapel bought an iron trident. They also bought three pairs of iron armor and a sild dress for Nina. "We bought you this stuff. The silk dress is light but very tough. It will block blows very good." said Neo. "Did you guys think of a name yet?" "Nope, not yet" said Nina "How about the Proponent Force" said Chapel. "It means one who supports a cause. We are supporting the cause of saving the world, so I thought it was a good name." "Ok, sounds good." said everybody simultaneously. "Lets get some rest now. We have a big day tomorrow" said Psuedo. The next morning Psuedo woke everybody up at dawn. He had a very serious look on his face that everybody saw so they jumped right up. They all left for the water temple hoping they would get there in time. They looked below to check the ocean. They saw the waves crash up against the rocks and the white foam fly up. The sound cracked but then got softer and softer. They looked back down and they saw the water was lowering. "The water gods in trouble. We still have time though. He has his power but the evil force behind it is trying to suck it out slowly." said Nina. "Step on it Spot, we must get there in time!" Then the dragon started to fly so fast Neo almost fell off. Everybody jumped off the dragon as soon as they landed near the water temple. "We’re here. Let’s hope were not too late." whispered Nina. "Lets move in" said Psuedo. Then they all took out their weapons and walked towards the temple. When they got inside they saw a man holding a crystal towards the water god. He was very tall with big muscles. His hair black as night. His eyes were as red as a rose. He turned to them, and smiled. His teeth were razor sharp and his face was a pukish greenish color. "Who are you?" asked Psuedo. "I am the darkness of death, the king of all evil. You can just call me Vent." said the demon in a horrid voice. "Why are you doing this to the gods. You have to live here too you know. You will perish with no water,fire,wind or earth." said Psuedo. "What are you talking about. There will be all of those things. I will control it with my faithful companions. I must go, but it’s nice talking to you. This will be the last time though. You will now perish by my little friend here. Good bye chumps" said Vent. As Vent disappeared a monster appeared. It was a monster with three heads. One head was the head of a lion, the other was a head of a goat, and the last was the head of a dragon. "What is that thing? It has three heads and three tails! Do you know what it is Chapel?" asked Psuedo. Chapel shook his head. "Well, if we all attack we can get it. I want you to stay back Nina. It’s to dangerous. No questions." said Psuedo as he pushed Nina to the side. The force then charged at the three headed monster but the dragon blew fire at Neo and Neo dodged it but the dragon wipped him with his tail. Neo flew against the wall bleeding from the mouth. "You go for the front and I’ll take out the tails." whispered Psuedo to Chapel. Chapel galloped to the front of the monsters and started to jab at their heads with his trident. While he was destracting them Psuedo snuck behind them and cut off the dragons tail. The dragon squealed in pain and kicked Psuedo in the gut with its hind legs. Chapel then threw his trident at the monster and it stuck right in the back but it didn’t seem to affect them. The monster charged and the goat hit Chapel across the room and Chapel landed right on Neo. Then the monster turned to Psuedo. Then lion’s head was about to take a bite out of his head until it heard somthing behind it. "I call upon the power of the earth. Give me your strength to help defend your honor. Lightning!" screamed Nina with her hand in the air and her staff pointed at the three headed beast. Out of the staff came a bolt of lightning electricuting the monster to death. Chapel got up and walked over the the beast and took his trident out of the monster and started to stab it all over making sure it was dead. "Yup, it’s dead. Why didn’t you tell us you were a Sorceress?" asked Chapel. "You never asked. Why do you think I carry this staff around? Anyways, we better check on the water god." said Nina. The Force ran towards the water god. "Thank you. Vent is a evil man with evil ambitions. You have now destroyed one of his companions. Now it will be harder for him to control the elements. You must go to the fire temple and make sure he doesn’t get hold of the fire god. Let me tell you how you get there." said the old water god. The water god then gave them directions to the fire temple. Running out they all prayed that they could get to the fire god in time to save him. They jumped on the dragon and rode off into the sunlight. "I hope we get there in time." said Chapel. "We have to save the world from that evil demon Vent. We have a while until we get to the fire cave. We should take a nap." then they all went to sleep on the dragons back. "Were here." said Nina. "Lets go." They all ran inside. Of course they saw Vent. "You again? My monster should have killed you. No matter. This one won’t be as easy." said Vent. He then put his hand up and a cloud of smoke came up. When the smoke cleared they saw a huge stone monster named Golem. "You keep them busy Golem while I get the power from the god." shreiked Vent. The monster looked at Vent nodded his head and grunted. They he walked towards them very slowly. Psuedo ran towards him and swung at him. He hit him strait in the neck but nothing happened except for a few rocks crumbled. "Nina, use your magic on him." yelled Psuedo. Nina then cast a fire spell on him but it didn’t affect him. "Use your lightning." Nina then tried lightning but yet again it had no affect on him. She tried using her water magic but she couldn’t because Vent had control of the water and when she cast it he made it just fall to the ground. "My magic is usless against this thing. You guys can destroy it though. He’s very slow. All you need to do is keep moving and chop at his feet. It doesn’t do much with one blow but a lot will crack it and he will fall and shatter." adviced Nina. Then Psuedo started to run around the Golem and chop at his feet every once and a while. Neo and Chapel started to do the same thing. After a while his legs gave and his feet and shattered. They looked at Vent and saw that he had just finished draining the fire god from his power. "Very good, I’m impressed. You will never defeat me though" chuckled Vent. Psuedo then charged at him and swung his sword right at him but Vent dissapeared right in thin air. They turned to the fire god and asked him directions to the earth god. He gave it to them and told them that if they don’t succeed the earth will shatter and Vent will control everybody. They ran straight outside and jumped on the dragon and told him to hurry and go to the earth cave. They arrived at the earth cave in about ten minutes. "You rest now Spot, you did very good. Stay here." said Nina. They all walked in and sure enough Vent was already there sucking the powers away from the earth god. "You again? Who are you anyways?" asked Vent. "Were the Proponent Force," answered Psuedo. "And you will die by the hands of us for meddling with the gods." "I don’t think so punk. I have all the powers now. I control all elements. I would love to kill you myself, but I’d have more fun watching my friend kill you." said Vent as he whistled. The earth started to shake. The walls started to rattle. Then the earth temple started to raise. "Everybody out!" screamed Psuedo. Then they looked up and saw a giant. It was about twenty feet tall with metal armor and a sword. "It’s a giant!" screamed Psuedo. "Actually, it’s a Titan. There much more powerful then giants." chuckled Vent. "We can’t beat this thing. There’s know way." said Chapel. Right after he got done saying that the Titan scooped all four of them up with on hand. Everybody started chopping at his hand and kicking. "Ahhhhhhhhh, let us go you over grown bully." screamed Nina. Then Spot lifted his head. He got up from his nap and saw the Titan. His eyes glew red with fury. He roared so loud even the Titan started to shake. Spot then flew up and flew right at the Titan. The Titan saw the dragon and he dropped the force. The dragon landed right on his chest pounding him into the ground. The dragon started to bite and claw at him until the Titan was dead. When the Titan was finally dead the dragon started to eat on his body. "Thank you Spot. I love you so much. If it wasn’t for you we would have been done for." said Nina happily as she hugged Spot. Psuedo turned his head and looked at Vent. "You bastard. You almost had me and all my friends killed. Now I will kill you. Just you and me. None of your little friends, and none of mine." said Psuedo angrily. "I agree, and you don’t have to worry about my monsters. You killed them all. Now I will kill you!" screamed Vent as he ran towards Psuedo. Vent pulled out his huge blade that was about seven feet long. Psuedo looked at it but it didn’t intimidate him at all. He pulled out his sword and ran right at him also. They started swinging at each other. Each one blocked another. Then Vent kicked Psuedo’s legs and then swung his sword and Psuedo put his sword up to block but the blow was so powerful the sword flew out of his hands. Vent stood over Psuedo with a evil smile on his face. "It ends now." said Vent. He raised his sword about to stab him in the stomach when Neo jumped on Vents back. "No, get off of him Neo. He’ll kill you!" screamed Psuedo. Vent then took his hand behind his back and threw Neo off. Neo hit the wall and was dazzed. Vent walked up to him and stabbed him right in the stomach. "Nooooooooooo! Neo, why.....why? You were my best friend." sobbed Psuedo. "You...were....mine......t...." said Neo before he died. Psuedo stood up and his eyes went red. His muscles started to bulge. His voice got very deep. "You! I will kill you for killing my friend." growled Psuedo. Psuedo started to grow enormous. He became hairy and his teeth started to grow sharp. Vent started to back away. "It can’t be. I killed that last remaining two. Wait, you were their baby. I didn’t kill you. You got away by the river. I was sure you would drown." said Vent in a horrid voice. "What? You killed my parents. Your the reason I have no past. I will kill you!" Then Psuedo ran right at him. He grabbed him and picked him up. "Give me those crystals." demanded Psuedo. Psuedo threw him at the wall and Chapel went over to him grabbing the four crystals. " will die" said Psuedo slowly. He picked up Vent and carried him over to Spot. "What are you going to do to me?" asked Vent. "I’m gonna feed you to our little pet here. He’s done such a good job and he just had dinner. I think he’s ready for desert." said Psuedo laughing. Psuedo then threw Vent at Spot and Spot caught him in his mouth and started to munch away. Psuedo walked towards Neo’s dead body and then Psuedo got on his knees and put his head on his stomach. Psuedo turned back into his regular body now that he was relaxed. "I’m gonna miss you. I’ll bury you right here. Believe me, you have made it to a battle dwarf. You are the bravest warrior I’ve ever known. I will visit you often." cried Psuedo. Psuedo then walked to the rest of the group. "Let’s bury him here." said Psuedo. The Force started to dig. When they put him in the grave they put in a wooden stake and Psuedo carved in it with Neo’s hunting knife this: Here lies Neo, the Bravest Battle Dwarf alive. Part of the Proponent Force. "We better start giving the gods their powers back." said Nina. "Yeah, your right." said Psuedo. They walked towards the earth god and gave him the crystal. "Here, take your power back." "Thank you so much. Give me the rest of the crystals. I can restore the other gods powers from here." said the earth god. They handed all the crystals to the god and walked away. "So, what are you going to do now?" asked Chapel. "I’ve had a great time with this adventure. I wouldn’t mind doing some more with you, what do you say?" "Yeah, I’m gonna be traveling alot. I’ll probably need some company. Thanks Chapel. What about you Nina? What are you going to do?" said Psuedo. "I don’t know. I was wondering if I could come with you."said Nina. "Sure, lets go." answered Psuedo. "But where?" asked Chapel. "Wherever theres an adventure." said Psuedo as he went and picked up his sword. Then they all got on Spot and rode off. They all had many more adventures after that and they came back every year to the earth temple with a hunting knife and set it on the brave Neo’s grave. The Proponent Force by: Troy Beardslee

July 23,2000

Hey, I am the new webmaster now... I will NOT be resetting the rpg unless in popular demand. E-mail me herefor any questions or concerns! Also check out the message boar for full details of the RPG

Hello Iam trying to repair this site im not giving my email away cuz i don't want anyone buggin me so as soon as the repairs are done this site can start back up and a suitable webmaster will be chosen

Thanks to for letting me use some of his ideas and too Piccolo(masterl85) for helping me find some people, aslo to nappa (neo chapel) for letting me pretty much copy my old site (now his that he doesn't use). Be sure to visit Lambdiab96's and Nappa's sites they're awesome !!!!!!A special thanks to Captain Ginyu (IXIVentlXl) for inventing the first kaioken chart but stop being such a bi*ch and telling me to change more stuff !!!
