A fan fiction based on the works of Rumiko Takahashi, creator of Ranma 1/2, and, Masaki Kajishima, who I've been told is the creator of Tenchi Muyo. Hitoshi Okuda, is the artist and creator of the Tenchi Manga, which continues the original Tenchi series, more or less.^_^ I have no rights to these characters. Which should come as no surprise to anyone. Previous chapters can be found at these fine locations. All of these sites have many other good stories, check them out, even if you have all my previous chapters. T.H. Tiger schell@interlog.com Tenchi and Ranma, Together Forever!? Chapter Eight Clothes make the Girl? This is an alternative universe story in which Ranma was trapped as a girl from day one, due to a foggy encounter with the Musk Dynasty. Unable to engage his now permanently female son to one of Soun Tendo's daughters, Genma was deeply depressed. Until he came across an old agreement between himself and Nobuyuki Masaki, agreeing that if he should ever have a daughter, she would marry Nobuyuki's son, Tenchi. Well, as noted, Genma has recently acquired a daughter. ^_^ Tenchi Masaki was in hell! This fact would have come as a large surprise to his father, or any other male observer of his current situation, and some females as well. From all appearances, the direct opposite should have been the case. After all, how many seventeen-year-old boys wake up in bed to find two gorgeous girls cuddling up to him on either side? Of course, Tenchi was privy to some facts regarding those girls that the casual observer might not be aware of. For instance, the tall, well-built, cyan-haired lady on his right was known as Ryouko, a former class 'A' galactic criminal, aka, the demon of destruction. At least according to Princess Ayeka, but then she seemed to be biased on the subject. Tenchi had seen Ryouko shatter the foot-thick reinforced concrete roof of his late school with one casual gesture. The school was late because besides shattering the roof, Ryouko had also caused, and walked through, a massive gas explosion that had reduced it to rubble. She had done all this while doing her level best to reduce Tenchi to a smear of grease. Of course, she now claimed that she had only been playing. Tenchi had doubts, big doubts. The girl on Tenchi's left had the advantage of being human, or at least no more inhuman than Tenchi himself. Unlike Ryouko she was short, less than five feet in height. Where Ryouko's hair was a wild uncontrolled mane, her crimson hair was pulled back in a heavy French braid, that at the moment coiled around her shoulder and lay across Tenchi's stomach. Though both girls' eyes were closed in sleep, they too were different. Ryouko possessed slitted yellow eyes, which tended to shift color when she was aroused, in one fashion or another. The red-haired girl's eyes were a deep maroon, very much like those of her aunt, Ayeka, and Tenchi's grandfather. They also differed slightly in behavior, if not quite as much as they did in appearance. The redhead, for instance, did not make a habit of tossing around energy bolts, flying, or walking through walls. Instead, she had a tendency toward going insane while in the presence of cats, and of coping by becoming a cat herself, in mind if not in body. Tenchi had seen her reduce the lower story of his home to so much sawdust the evening before. Only the quick action of Princess Ayeka and her guardians had kept the upper story supported and in one piece long enough to lower it to the ground. None of that was obvious at the moment. Ranma looked cute as a kitten curled up beside him, her head on his chest and one arm curled up so her fist was tucked under her chin. In the crook of her other arm was what looked like a small stuffed animal, but was, in fact, according to Ryouko, a living creature who would one day grow up to become a spaceship. Oh, and one final thing about the redhead. Despite a body that screamed out its female nature, she insisted that she was, in fact, a boy, and she tended to take serious exception to anyone trying to treat her as a girl. This put Tenchi in a bit of a difficulty due to her rather casual way with clothes, the lack of them that is. Her typical attitude of, "Hey! We're all boys here right?" tended to force home the fact that despite her claim to former boyhood, her body was one-hundred, and then some, percent female. To tell the truth, after the initial panic of waking up to find himself bracketed by two sleeping wildcats, possibly literally true in the case of Ranma, he'd started to enjoy the sensation of the two of them pressed against him. He was a healthy male teenager, after all. They were, despite Ranma's claim to the contrary, very female, no matter what other characteristics they had. But then, he had spotted it, the final element that turned the current situation into a hell of anticipation. A thing that currently terminated inches below Ranma's face, a sunbeam. He had been laying there, still drowsy, enjoying the warmth of his bed and the unusual sensation of being trapped between two girls when he'd first noticed it. He had initially attached no significance to it. It had appeared on the wall, and in the manner of sunbeams, it had moved as the sun rose, first down the wall to the floor and then across that. It was half way across the room before his mind really started to take note of it and where it was headed. Its path was undeviating and, therefore, easy to predict. In just a little while, it was going to end its journey by shining directly into Ranma's face. Ever since he had taken note of that fact, Tenchi's imagination had been supplying him with a vivid series of the likely consequences of Ranma waking to find herself in her present situation. This, of course, was in between episodes of his life flashing before his eyes. One: she would still be in cat mode, and he was smack dab between her and her favorite cat toy. Two: she would be normal, more or less, and if that were the case, he had a feeling she was not going to react well to her current situation. In either case, Tenchi was looking at a world of hurt. For a brief moment he had entertained thoughts of waking Princess Ayeka, the one person Ranma seemed to pay any heed to. The princess and her sister were currently sleeping a few feet away, the damage done to the house having left little remaining of their and Ranma's bedroom. He had given up the idea after a few casual whispers had done nothing other than to cause Ranma to mumble something about letting her sleep a few more minutes Pop. After his heart had stopped racing, he had concentrated on being as quiet as he could. Since then, he had come to the inescapable conclusion that there was no escape from this fate. Any action he took toward freeing himself would only awaken one or both of the girls, and merely hasten the inevitable result. Slowly the spot of light on the floor had moved nearer and nearer to its goal. It reached Ranma's torso and crept up and over the arm she was holding Ryo-oh-ki with. The little cabbit had shifted slightly as the warmth penetrated her fur, but had not wakened. She'd merely snuggled deeper into the crook of Ranma's arm and settled down with a small contented mewl, which drew a twitch from Ranma but, fortunately, did not waken her. The sunbeam left Ryo-oh-ki and moved across Tenchi's chest, the warmth a distinct contrast to the chill Tenchi felt as the bright blot finally reached the destination he had been anticipating; Ranma's face. Ranma's features screwed up slightly as the bright light fell across her closed eyes. Tenchi's mind started to chant a liturgy, "I'm going to die. I'm going to die." Despite that, the part of his mind that was not focused on his soon-to-be demise could not help noticing how cute Ranma's scrunched up face was. Tenchi was a teenage boy. The insignificant prospect of his impending death could not keep him from appreciating certain things. Ranma's eyes opened, and then shut immediately against the glare of the sun. The hand not currently involved in holding Ryo- oh-ki slid out from between her head and Tenchi's chest and was used as a screen to protect her vision from the brilliance of the early morning sun. For a second, she lay there, a blank look on her face, but then a look of horror settled on her features, and Tenchi felt his stomach lurch with dread. "Shit!" Ranma yelled, jumping to her feet. "What the heck is the time?" She dashed across the room to where Tenchi's bedroom clock lay, ignoring the chaos of the room. "Shit, shit, shit!" Ranma cursed when she saw the face of the clock. "Damn, I'm late!" Sasami, who had been in that pleasurable daze between sleep and waking, was pushed into full awareness by Ranma's activity. She sat up with a wide yawn and sat there blinking before asking, "Ranma-oneechan, what's wrong?" Ayeka snorted softly and blinked her eyes blearily as she woke to greet the new day. Ayeka was not a morning person. "No time! Here! Look after the squirt! Got to go! Late for training!" Ranma blurted out. She thrust a still drowsy Ryo-oh-ki into a befuddled Sasami's hands and then literally dove out the window. A second later, an impact was heard, followed by an expression of pain from Ranma. A few choice curse words followed. Tenchi jumped out of bed and rushed to the window, leaving Ryouko's head hanging in the air for a second before it thumped down on the futon. Reaching the window, Tenchi looked out to see Ranma rubbing her backside and staring at the house with an expression of puzzlement. The fact that the second story window was now at ground level had taken her by surprise, Tenchi surmised. However, Ranma had no time for mysteries this morning, she was already late, and she had a lot to learn, and a short time to do it in. She took off. Tenchi watched Ranma go with a dazed expression. Then a happy smile crossed his face. He had lucked out. He was still alive. He'd dodged the bullet. What a great start to a beautiful day. Then, a pair of velvet-covered cables snaked around his neck and a breathy voice whispered in his ear. "Mmmmm, morning Tenchi." Tenchi flinched as he felt Ryouko start nibbling on his ear. "You know, Tenchi," Ryouko whispered around her morning snack. "They say that the morning is the best time for romance, ne? And the bed is so cold when you're alone. Why don't you come back to bed and keep me warm?" "You hussy! Release Tenchi-sama this instant! He is promised to Ranma-sama!" Sasami yawned widely and exited the room as mayhem erupted behind her. "Let's see if we can find something to make breakfast out of, Ryo-oh-ki," she said. Ryo-oh-ki mewled enthusiastically at the idea of food. She hopped out of Sasami's arms and began a thorough search of the remains of the lower story of the house. She was sure there had been a bushel basket of carrots around here somewhere. Sasami giggled and joined her search, looking for the remains of the kitchen and any foodstuffs that might have survived the events of the night before. Tenchi flinched as Ayeka administered both medical aid and a lecture. "Really, Tenchi-sama," she chided as she stuck a bandage on his forehead. (with a little more force than was strictly necessary, in his opinion). "You should not encourage that hussy. Poor Ranma-sama has enough problems without you making her wonder about your feelings for her." Tenchi felt rather hard done by. He had hardly had time to encourage Ryouko, either in a positive or negative way, what with Ayeka starting a fight with the demon girl before he even had time to react to her hug. They were currently sitting outside the house, on one of the surviving tatami mats from the lower story. Sasami had started a small fire and laid the kitchen grill over it. She was currently taking an inventory of all the food she had managed to salvage before starting breakfast. Ryouko hovered nearby, a hungry look in her eyes, only occasionally directing sardonic glances Ayeka's way, and glances at Tenchi that were almost as hungry as the ones she was directing at Sasami's efforts. Ryo-oh-ki was slightly off to the side, happily gnawing on a large carrot Sasami had salvaged from the remains of the storage shed. Tenchi was not paying any attention to this. Instead, Ayeka's comment on his feelings for Ranma had started him thinking on a subject that had been much on his mind recently. What were his feelings toward the little redhead? She was violent and crude, so much so that she made Ryouko look feminine at times. She was about as far from Tenchi's idea of a normal girl as you could get. Yet, there was something there. Something about her that made him smile just from being in her presence. Joy, that was it, Tenchi thought with a small smile. Ranma had a joy for life that burned clear for everyone around her to see. She smiled more often than frowned. Laughed more often than cried. If her story of once being a boy was true, then Tenchi was in awe of her. In her position he would have been depressed and withdrawn. He was not sure if he'd have been able to walk down the street if it had happened to him. Ranma on the other hand, despite the occasional grumble, which often seemed more out of reflex than any serious emotion, just got on with her life. Why, right now, she was up on the hill, eager for a lesson from his grandfather, something that Tenchi tended to regard as a chore rather than as something pleasurable. That was one reason why he was sitting here, letting Ayeka tend to him, rather than going up the hill for his own training. Tenchi was suddenly consumed with a desire to watch Ranma practice. He was sure that she took as much joy in that as she did in everything else. He could easily picture her in his mind, laughing and joking, his old shirt clinging to her sweaty body as she twisted through a complicated kata. The morning sun highlighting all the many curves of her body . . . Tenchi wrenched his thoughts away from the direction they had been traveling. Ranma was a boy! He had to remember that! She had said so on numerous occasions. Her father's curse was proof that it was possible. Even if she was delusional like her father claimed, she had made it clear that she had no interest in him, or in any other boys in that way. Even his grandfather had warned him that Ranma needed a friend, not a boyfriend. So even if she had never been a boy, he still had no business thinking such thoughts about her. If he didn't stop, he might turn into his father. Tenchi shuddered at the thought. Besides, in all ways possible, she and he were an unlikely couple. 'So why,' he asked himself, 'when you have a beautiful girl like Ryouko constantly showing her willingness to be with you, do your thoughts keep turning to a girl you do not have the least chance of knowing romantically? One who has not the slightest interest in you, and who, in fact, would likely clean your clock if you even suggested anything of a romantic nature to her?' Tenchi sighed to himself. He would just have to try and think of Ranma the same way he thought of his friends at school. A vision of one such friend appeared in his mind's eye; fat, pimply and male. A vision of Ranma floated up beside him; clear complexion, sleek, well shaped body. Tenchi snorted in derision. Yeah right, he thought to himself with a mental sigh. Just treat her like one of the boys. No problem. "Ouch," Tenchi exclaimed, as a particulary vigorous application of some stinging salve by Ayeka brought him out of his reverie. Ayeka was unrepentant as she finished the last of her nursing. Her expression clearly showed she thought Tenchi was only getting what he deserved. Looking away from her frown, Tenchi sighed again, this time in anticipatory resignation. His glance had taken in the scattered remains of the lower story of the house. His thoughts regarding Ranma had made him forget, briefly, the condition of his home. "I guess I'll have to start cleaning this up," he said in a depressed tone. "I don't know where I'm going to start though." Kamidake, one of Ayeka's guardians, the one with the strange script on his front in crimson, had been hovering nearby, waiting for the princess to finish with Tenchi. Now, as she finished her nursing, he spoke up. "There is no need for that Tenchi-sama." When both Ayeka and Tenchi turned inquiring looks his way, he explained. "I was waiting to inform you, princess. Azaka has managed to locate an undamaged pod of some of Ryuu-oh's self- repair drones. They cannot restore Ryuu-oh itself, unfortunately. They were programmed for the maintenance of the living quarters only, not the flight superstructure, but they can easily repair the damage to Tenchi-sama's dwelling." As he was talking, a small disk-shaped object flew up behind him and blinked its round sensor arrays at Tenchi. The sensors gave it a droll expression, and Tenchi found himself smiling at it. "That is good news," Ayeka said, but then she frowned, and added, "but will their storage cells last? We have no way to recharge them. If I remember correctly, they are imported and are not compatible with Ryuu-oh. I'm sure the auxiliary power modules were destroyed in the crash." "There will be no need, princess. These are the new models with the miniature fusion reactors. No energy cells required. They also have a self-replication ability, so with any luck we will soon have more than adequate help." "Excellent!" Ayeka exclaimed happily. She turned to Tenchi. "You go and keep your iinazuke company. I'm sure she will be most happy to see you." Ayeka made shooing motions with her hands, urging Tenchi toward the stairs leading up to the temple. "Go, go. By the time you get back, Kamidake and Azaka, with the aid of the drones, will be well on the way to restoring the house." "Well, if you're sure?" Tenchi said, as he backed toward the shrine steps. Then as Ayeka renewed her shooing motions, he smiled and headed toward the shrine on the top of the hill, his vow to treat Ranma as one of the boys already forgotten. "Ayeka-san?" Ayeka turned to see Tenchi's father walking toward her. He had a brown paper parcel under one arm and a pair of letters in his free hand. He handed one of the letters to her and held up the parcel for her to see. "Here are the outfits you wanted me to get," he said with a happy smile, and then he winked, and went on. "And I got a little something special for her to impress Tenchi with." Ayeka smiled in return, a bit weakly however, there was something in the way Nobuyuki said . . . No, it was just her imagination. She looked at the envelope in her hand in curiosity. "That's from Genma," Nobuyuki explained. "He's left to see his wife and to try and reason with her. He said he'd call me back if he was successful, but he wanted us to make sure she did not find or meet Ranma until he gives the all clear. If she shows up here without word from him, we're supposed to tell her that he and Ranma continued their training trip and are no longer here." Ayeka frowned. She had noticed Genma's absence, but had merely counted it as a small blessing, expecting him to turn up at any moment. And while it was welcome news that he had left, she was annoyed at him for running off without telling Ranma goodbye. He might be a waste of space shape-shifter, but he was the girl's father and he owed her at least that much consideration. Ayeka was also skeptical of Genma's warning in regards to Ranma's mother. She found it hard to believe that any mother would treat her child the way Genma insisted his wife had, or that any mother could even consider killing her only child for not being a boy when clearly she was a girl. She did not know the woman, but she did know Genma, and if he disapproved of her, that was a ringing endorsement to Ayeka. She carefully ripped open the end of the envelope Nobuyuki had handed her and extracted the rather rumpled and dirty contents. Opening it, she perused the contents for several minutes, while Sasami, who had left her cooking, stood nearby, her face alight with curiosity. "What does it say, Oneechan?" She asked. Instead of replying, Ayeka turned the page around and began looking at it again. After a minute, Ayeka looked up and waved the document in front of Sasami and Nobuyuki. "I have no idea," she said in frustration. "This, this is . . . this isn't writing, this is the scratchings of an imbecile." Ayeka was frustrated and embarrassed. She felt she should have been able to read Genma's missive. After all, handwritten correspondences constituted most of her personal mail. No aristocrat would ever be so crass as to send a machine-generated letter to a member of the royal family. Of course, what she did not consider was the large number of scribes in the capital city who made a good living crafting works of art for their customers to send to the various members of the ruling family. For if the aristocrats of Jurai were not so crass as to send an artificially produced letter, they were not so foolish as to send one that the recipient might have difficulty in reading, or that would reflect badly on their own abilities. Genma's letter bore the same relationship to those documents as a child's mud pie did to the products of the finest French kitchens. "If I may, princess?" Nobuyuki said, taking the letter from Ayeka. He looked at it and frowned. Genma had obviously put a lot of effort and thought into this to judge by the amount of crossed out, smeared, and altered words. It was too bad he hadn't taken the effort to place his final version on a clean sheet of paper, or to write it when he was not eating in the first place. Still, Nobuyuki had far more experience than Ayeka in deciphering documents of this nature. It was not out of the ordinary for a client to hand him something like this, with the expectation that he would turn it into the basis for their dream home. He worked his way through the letter, reading it to himself while Ayeka and Sasami waited for his translation with barely disguised impatience. *Girl! You listen to me. Don't mess with Ranma's training. Let the old man teach her what little he can. If you try to change her into a soft weak girl like yourself, you'll be signing her death warrant. Ranma is a martial artist. She has sworn she will marry Tenchi, and Tenchi's father has agreed he will honor our agreement. That is all that is needed. Ranma is a martial artist. She doesn't need your frippery and fancy ideas. She will do what she has promised. No more is needed. Leave her alone! Let the old man handle her. If you don't, her death will be on your hands!* Nobuyuki frowned and shook his head. This would never do. While Ranma was a real cutey, she had a lot of rough edges. He wanted her to be a good wife to his son. After all, they had to spend sometime out of the bedroom, and Tenchi deserved a partner as wonderful as his mother had been to him. He looked up at Ayeka, who was frowning with impatience. Ayeka stifled her annoyance and politely asked, "Can you read it, Masaki-sama?" "Yes, it's nothing complicated. About what you would expect," Nobuyuki said, as he crumpled the letter behind his back. "Genma asked if you would please teach Ranma to be a real lady, as he has done so poorly at it." Ayeka blinked in surprise. That was unexpected. Who would have thought that the man had that much sense? To Nobuyuki she said, "Of course, I'd be honored to do so. It is my duty, after all. Ranma is family." She looked at the parcel in Nobuyuki's hands. "Those will be a good start. After all, Ranma can hardly feel like a princess when she has to dress like a beggar." Then in curiosity, she asked. "Who is the other letter for? Is that from Ranma's father as well?" "Yes. It's for father." "May I take it to him?" Ayeka asked, while thinking to herself that the sooner she got started on Ranma, the sooner the girl would begin to act as befitting her true status as a princess of Jurai. Ayeka found herself looking forward to the challenge. Before she could start for the shrine stairs, however, Sasami called out to her. "Oneechan, if you are going up to see Tenchi-niichan, could you tell him and Ranma-oneechan and grandfather that breakfast will be ready in an hour?" Ayeka nodded and started toward the stairs, at a much more decorous pace than Tenchi's earlier dash. In her hand she carried the letter from Genma. *************************************************** Tenchi oofed and fell back out of the sparring circle for the fifth time in ten minutes. Still inside the ring of dirt, Ranma watched him with narrowed eyes. She had a bokken clutched in her hands and was currently frozen in the position she had taken during her last strike at Tenchi. Instead of looking happy at her most recent victory, she was scowling, and the expression showing in her eyes was far from pleased. She stepped back, falling out of the stance she had taken, and waited for Tenchi to re-enter the ring. When he did so and took a ready position, she failed to emulate him. Instead, she ran a finger speculatively up and down the side of the bokken that corresponded to the edge on a sword. In an almost casual way, she directed a question at Tenchi. "Say, you do wear a cup, don't you?" Tenchi blinked, but before he could even begin to reply to this sudden, out-of-the-blue comment, Ranma moved. She came in low, swinging her weapon so that the tip of the bokken brushed the ground, moving in an arc that would bring it up with tremendous force. Tenchi had time to blanch as realization hit home, but only just. Ranma's speed was far in excess of what she had been using thus far in their sparring. Before, she had been working her way through the various styles that his grandfather had been showing her when Tenchi had arrived. There was none of those present in this attack. Ranma was holding the weapon as if it were a club, and there was no finesse at all in her attack. There was no time to think, no time to calculate, only time to react. The bokken in his hands seemed to move on its own, just as the Tenchi-ken had during the fight with Ryouko the day before. Only this time, it was Tenchi's own skill that directed it, a skill unencumbered by his mind, which had interfered seriously with his sparring up till now. He just couldn't bring himself to fight against the cute girl across from him. There was nothing cute about the murderous expression on her face now, however. Tenchi's bokken swept down and to the side, brushing Ranma's weapon out of alignment with its intended targets. One of Tenchi's hands released its hold on the hilt of his bokken, while his other hand loosened its grip, allowing the bokken to pivot. The weapon slid alongside Ranma's, using its force to swing itself around until the point was to Tenchi's rear. Bringing his hand forward, Tenchi rammed the butt of his weapon directly into Ranma's diaphragm. With a sudden gasp of expelled air, Ranma folded over Tenchi's arm. Less then a second had elapsed since Ranma started her attack. Tenchi felt horror well up in him as the adrenaline rush left him. Ranma's slight body lay cradled over his arm, the hilt of his bokken still pressed into her body. He hastily dropped his weapon and using both arms eased the wheezing girl over on her back, suddenly aware once again of how small she really was, a fact that was generally hidden by her vitality of spirit. 'How could he have let himself lose control that badly?' Feelings of self-loathing cascaded through him as he looked down into Ranma's flushed face. To his amazement, she looked back up at him with a pleased smile on her face. Gasping between the words, she said, "Now that's more like it. What the heck was you thinking, holding back before? I'd have got more practice sparring with a wooden dummy. Keep this up and you might even get to keep your balls." "Here you go, Ryo-oh-ki," Sasami said, handing the small cabbit a large carrot. Ryo-oh-ki gave a happy mewl and dragged it over to a nice sunny patch of grass, where she happily set to work demolishing it. Meanwhile, Sasami handed an eager Ryouko a bowl of rice and a fried fish. Ranma stopped talking and started concentrating on recovering her breath. As she did so, she became aware of a strange, but comfortable feeling permeating her body. Tenchi's body felt warm against her's, and his arms seemed to fit around her just right. She found herself thinking that this was a heck of a lot better then the way her Pop rattled her around whenever he managed to get a lucky blow in. Ranma closed her eyes for a second and savored the feeling. Then, her whole body jerked, and her eyes flew wide open as she pulled herself out of Tenchi's grasp. Regaining her feet quickly, she looked at the perplexed Tenchi with wide eyes. Her heart beat madly in her chest, and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead. What the heck was she doing? She was a guy. Guy's don't snuggle up to other guys. Ranma felt heat in her cheeks and realized, to her shame, that she was blushing. In an effort to regain her equilibrium, she spoke harshly to Tenchi. "I hope you learned good, Tenchi, cuz if you keep that bullshit, wimp-ass fighting up, I'll be taking that fancy sword from you. It ought to belong to a real man, not some wuss who backs off just cuz the person he's fighting's got a pair of tits." "Ranma-sama, that is no way for a lady to talk! Especially to her fiancee!" a fierce voice said, breaking into Ranma's heated speech. Both Tenchi and Ranma turned around to see a flushed Ayeka standing at the top of the stairs, breathing slightly harder than normal after the effort of climbing up the stairs to the shrine. After taking a moment to catch her breath, Ayeka continued her speech. "It is to Tenchi-sama's credit that he treated you like a lady. It is most unfair of you to chide him for proper behavior. I can see that your father coming to his senses has happened not a minute too soon." Ayeka marched across the stone courtyard of the shrine to where Tenchi and Ranma were frozen in place. Ranma looked at Ayeka with an expression of shock on her face. The princess giving her Pop credit for something! A suspicious expression crossed her face. What had the old man done now? She voiced this question to Ayeka. "Your father has gone to see your mother. He has asked that while he is away, I endeavor to teach you to behave in a manner befitting your gender and status as a princess of Jurai. "He what!" Ranma shouted in outrage, not sure which had her more upset; her Pop leaving without her, or his deciding to have her turned into a lady. After a minute she decided it was the lady thing. She'd been expecting Pop to run off, even if his leaving without her was a bit of a shock. The lady bit, however, that was a surprise. Despite his stupid deal to marry her to Tenchi and the promise he'd extracted from her to guarantee that she'd go through with it, he had never insisted that she act like a girl. Indeed, he had constantly chided her whenever he thought she was acting in an unmanly manner. This about face was a complete shock. Ranma's face suddenly darkened in anger. Pop was abandoning her. Running off was one thing, the old fart did that all the time. Ranma would have put it down to his wanting to get away from a job he hated and away from the danger zone that the Masaki household had become. Eventually, he would have come crawling back when his belly was empty. Asking Ayeka to turn her into a lady, however, that was a different kettle of fish entirely. He might still come back, likely would in fact. That wasn't the problem. Her Pop had made it clear many times that he believed girls were good for only two things, making a man comfortable and providing him with heirs. That was their only duty and responsibility in his mind. By asking Ayeka to train her, he was showing clearly that he had given up on Ranma being his heir. He was as good as saying that her only value to him now was to provide the next generation. She no longer had any value beyond that. Ranma's rage at Genma was so great, she felt like she was going to explode. If she had been paying them any attention, she would have seen Ayeka and Tenchi stepping back as her battle aura flared to unprecedented levels. Katsuhito watched this flare with an quirk of his eyebrow. Her anger finally expressed itself in words. "You can go to hell, Pop!!!" she screamed in the general direction of the bus stop, a mile and a half away. "I'm a guy, damn you to hell!! I'll see you fry before I turn into some weak, useless, brain dead, uncoordinated, soppy girl!!!!" Ranma stood panting, her initial anger somewhat diminished by her outburst. Once again aware of her surroundings, she felt an itching on the back of her neck. Filled suddenly with a strange sense of dread, Ranma turned her head slowly around till she was looking behind herself to where Ayeka was standing. She gulped in fear as she took in the expression on Ayeka's face. "Ahhh, Ayeka-san, I didn't . . . I mean I did, but I . . . I --" Ranma got no further. With a soft hum, several dozen small duplicates of Ayeka's two guardians snapped into view around her. There was a crackling of energy, and Ranma suddenly found herself floating up into the air. "Hey . . ." Ranma started to protest, only to choke off her words as Ayeka flashed her a look rife with promises of pain and suffering. Satisfied that Ranma was well caged, Ayeka turned to Tenchi and Katsuhito, her face undergoing a transformation as she did so. She smiled politely at them and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt your training, but as you can see, Ranma is in great need of some lessons." "Hey, I don . . ." Once again, Ranma trailed off as Ayeka whipped her head around, her expression once again fierce. Ranma found herself quailing under that look. "Scary," she whimpered in a small voice. Ayeka once more turned a pleasant countenance toward Tenchi and his grandfather. "Please, have a good day," she said to them, then shouted, "Kamidake, Azaka." With a loud "Hai!" the two guardians appeared in a blur of motion. Ayeka nodded toward the captured Ranma, and the two upright logs took positions on either side of her. "Are the repair drones done?" Ayeka asked. "Yes, princess," Kamidake and Azaka confirmed. "In that case, you may transport Ranma-sama to the bathroom," she told them. She looked at Ranma, and said, "You may wash off the sweat of your training, and when I get there, we will try on your new clothes. Is that all right with you?" Her eyes bored into the redhead's like lasers, making it clear what answer she expected from her captive. Whatever thoughts might have been going through Ranma's head stayed there. She numbly nodded her head in assent and then sent a beseeching glance toward Tenchi. Too late for him to do anything however, as with a flash, she and the guardians were gone. Ayeka gave a polite nod of her head to Tenchi and Katsuhito and started down the stairs at a slow dignified pace. Tenchi stared after her, and as he did so, a vision of Ranma floated up in his mind. Just before she had vanished, it had seemed to him that she had turned a pleading look toward him, one that begged for a rescue. He started to move toward the stairs, intending to plead Ranma's case with Ayeka. He was not sure what, if anything, he could accomplish, but he was unable to resist the entreaty that had been present in those large liquid eyes. A whack across the head from his grandfather's bokken stopped him in his tracks. "Ouch, grandfather!" He protested. "Leave the girls to themselves, Tenchi. You can peak at Ranma in the bath some other time. You lost five out of six matches with an untrained girl. You obviously need a refresher. Let us start with the basic kata. Begin!" Tenchi had no choice in the matter. He didn't even bother protesting his innocence. Instead, he assumed a ready position. But while he appeared outwardly calm, he found he could not help worrying about Ranma. He had never seen the Princess acting so fierce toward anyone except Ryouko, and Ranma was much more fragile than the former space pirate. He hoped she was going to be all right. Ayeka opened the door to the bathroom to hear Ranma remonstrating with the two Guardians. Indeed, she had backed poor Azaka halfway up the wall till his top was pressed firmly against the ceiling, and looking like he would be delighted to keep going, if only he could. "You perverts, how can you stand there and expect a poor innocent girl to take a bath in front of you? Ain't you got no respect? Ain't you gentlemen?" "You may leave now," Ayeka said, and Azaka did so, so fast that Ranma's hair was pulled out straight by the slipstream. Kamidake followed his partner, but at a more decorous pace. Ayeka caught the back of Ranma's shirt as she tried to leave as well. "Where do you think you are going?" "Well, you said we could leave . . ." Ranma trailed off at the look Ayeka gave her. "Okay, okay," she said in a weak voice and, giving in to the inevitable, stripped her clothes off. She shuddered as Ayeka dumped a bucket of cold water over her head and meekly began to scrub down. Ayeka stood nearby, watching to make sure Ranma did not skimp in any way. As she did so, she thought back to the situation she had found when she had arrived at the shrine; Ranma cradled in Tenchi's arms, her face giving every sign of contentment. And then that expression had vanished as Ranma had pushed herself away from Tenchi. It was not the first time Ayeka had seen signs that Ranma was not indifferent to Tenchi. There were the times she pulled that hag, Ryouko away from him, for instance. Ayeka had also seen the small girl reject those feelings before as well. It was clear to Ayeka that no matter how much Ranma protested the fact, she was clearly smitten with Tenchi. It was only the barbaric upbringing by her idiot of a father that kept her from realizing her feelings. Those walls needed to be broken down. She would never dream of forcing Ranma to do anything she truly felt degrading, but this was a case of Ranma not understanding her own heart. For that reason, Ayeka felt justified in taking some very strong steps. If Sasami had been there to see the look on her sisters face, she would have recognized it. Every now and then Ayeka got a notion in her head, and absolutely nothing would stand between herself and realizing it. She had such a look when she decided she was going to find her brother, a task that had eluded the entire Juraian navy. If Sasami had been there in the bathroom, she would have told Ranma to run, run and never look back. But she wasn't. Ayeka thought on what steps to take as Ranma continued to wash off the sweat and grime of her training. Deep in thought, she turned on the tap and began to fill the rinse bucket. As she did she asked in a very serious tone of voice, "Ranma, could I ask you a question?" Ranma looked up, peering at her through soapy lather. "Sure, Ayeka-san. What do you want to know?" "As I understand it, you swore on your honor that you would marry Tenchi and have children to continue your family line. Is that right?" Ranma grimaced. "Yeah, the old man conned me pretty good. Should know better than to believe anything Pop says or does." "You don't think much of your father?" "Why should I?" Ranma said in disgust. She looked at Ayeka and added, "He's as crooked as a snake, and don't even know the meaning of honor." "I see," Ayeka said thoughtfully, an idea firming in her mind as she lifted the bucket up in preparation for rinsing Ranma off. "And tell me. How long after you promised on your honor to marry Tenchi did you start thinking of ways to get out of the agreement?" "Close your mouth, dear. You'll get soap in it," Ayeka said, as she dumped the bucket over Ranma's head. Ranma was still in a daze from Ayeka's question when they arrived at their bedroom. Was she really no better than Pop? That was the sort of thing he would do, skipping out on a vow of honor seconds after making it. Ranma's preoccupation was so great, she didn't really take in the clothes someone had laid out on her futon. Several dresses and various other feminine garb, including panties and bras, were neatly arranged in order of size. Ranma sometimes thought that to her Pop, honor was what you did when someone was watching. That was how he acted, anyway. How he talked was another matter entirely. To hear him talk, honor was all a man had. If he didn't have honor, he had nothing, was nothing. That was the attitude Ranma had been raised with. And even when she had grown up and realized that Genma talked the talk much better than he walked the walk, she had taken pride in the fact that she, unlike him, took her honor with great seriousness. Or so she had thought. Now it looked like somewhere, sometime, she had turned into her Pop. The idea was not a comfortable one. She turned to Ayeka, a worried look on her face. The princess, as far as Ranma could tell, was someone who truly understood honor. "Ayeka-san, do you think I should marry Tenchi? I'm not really a girl. Isn't it lying to him to go through with it?" There was a hopeful tone in her voice, but her worried eyes betrayed her fears of what the answer would be. This was the sort of question Ayeka had been hoping for. Both because it showed Ranma had faith in her, and because it gave her a chance to start repairing the damage Genma had done to Ranma. She looked Ranma straight in the eye, and said, "We both know that whatever you might once have been, you are now a girl. You can have babies. I can think of no purer proof of what you are." Ranma flinched visibly at that, but Ayeka bulled ahead. "That means you can physically carry out your promise, and therefore, I think you should fulfill your vow." Ranma had been halfway expecting the answer she got, but it still sent a shock through her system. Her entire body seemed to slump, and her already small form seemed to shrink in on itself. Her head hung in dejection, but despite all that, she made no protest to Ayeka's pronouncement. She was not her Pop. Her honor meant something to her, and she would keep it, no matter what the cost. To Ayeka, a member of a royal family, arranged marriages for political reasons were the norm. She had loved her brother and had looked forward to the marriage her parents had arranged between the two of them, but even if that had not been the case, she would have done her duty. That did not mean she believed Ranma should marry someone she disliked, or found disgusting. If Ayeka had not believed that Ranma had genuine, if deeply suppressed, feelings for Tenchi, she would never have answered her question the way she did. That did not mean, however, that she thought Ranma was ready to marry Tenchi here and now. Such a course would be a disaster. Ranma was far from being the lady she needed to become in order to properly fulfill her duties toward Tenchi. That was why, after depressing Ranma with her first answer, she set out to ease her mind. Ayeka reached over and lifted Ranma's chin, causing the slumping girl to look at her. "Of course, it's out of the question that you marry Tenchi-sama soon. You are still a child, after all." Mixed emotions surged through Ranma; euphoria at the prospect of putting off marrying Tenchi, and indignation at being called a child. As that was the last thing Ayeka said, that was the first thing she replied to. "I'm not a child!" she protested, and then almost bit her tongue as she realized she was arguing for an early wedding. 'Stupid, stupid, keep your mouth shut you baka,' she thought to herself. She looked up at Ayeka with dread in her eyes, convinced, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Ayeka would suddenly turn into a wimp and back off on her statement. Ayeka smiled at Ranma's protestation and asked a question, seemingly out of the blue. "Ranma, how old are you?" "Huu? I'm sixteen. I had my birthday about two weeks after I was cursed." "Well, there. You see? On Jurai you would be far too young to get married legally," Ayeka said with a smile, crossing her fingers behind her back. While it was true that sixteen was an unthinkable age to get married on Jurai, it was because at that age the average Juraian girl would not have even reached puberty. Ayeka saw no need to go into that, however. Instead, she pressed home her point with Ranma. "As you are Juraian, you are much too young to even think of marrying Tenchi-sama. I'm afraid I simply could not allow it." Ayeka paused and gave the impression of being deep in thought. Finally, she nodded and said, "There is no choice. You will have to wait till you are older. At least two years." Ranma felt euphoria filling her body, but she managed to keep her wits. "Gee. I don't know. Seems you are right about me still being a kid. After all, this body might only be fourteen or so. Maybe I should wait till I'm as old as you are. I don't mind waiting ten or twelve years hardly at all." Ayeka's expression became slightly strained, but with some effort she kept the smile on her face. "That was not quite what I meant. In relative terms, given the difference in our aging rates, in two years you will be as old as I am. That is more than enough time for you to mature and to learn to adapt to your new situation." Ayeka gave Ranma a stern glance. "That does not mean that you can delay your training in the female arts. Promise me that you will try your best." Ranma nodded her head. While shorter then she might have wished for, the pleasure of a two-year stay of execution would have made here agree to just about anything. A lot could happen in two years. Not, she told herself firmly, that she was still trying to duck her promise. She wasn't her Pop. She'd made that promise, and she'd stick to it. She'd show her stupid father what honor was all about. The stupid old man wanted it both ways. He wanted her to stay a boy in spirit, but still marry some guy so the family line would continue. Well, boys didn't marry boys, she'd given her word, and she was stuck with it, but all that meant was that she was going to have to become a girl in truth. It was a hard thing, but honor was a harsh taskmaster. Ranma felt very noble and self-sacrificing. She made a vow to herself. She could do anything she set her mind to, and she was going to become the best girl in the world. That is, unless she managed to get the cure she needed from the Musk. Then all bets were off. She'd be back to being a boy, and boys don't marry boys. It wouldn't be like she was ducking out on her promise, after all. It just wouldn't be possible to do it was all. She smirked inside. Yep, a lot could happen in two years. She smiled wildly as she hummed a little tune in her head. 'Never going to marry no boy. Never going to marry no boy.' "Now that we have settled that," Ayeka said, oblivious to the thoughts running through Ranma's mind, "let's take a look at the clothes Tenchi-sama's father picked out for you. I think you'll look very nice in this green one." Ranma groaned inwardly, her just-made vow to take her female training seriously wilting under the force of reality, but having won so much, she was prepared to give up a little. And the truth be known, she was starting to find the idea of wearing Tenchi's old clothing a little disturbing. The knowledge that the shirt she had been wearing had once been worn by Tenchi had started to make her feel more than a little weird. Without any further urging from Ayeka, Ranma picked up a bra and slipped it on backwards. Fastening the catch in the back of it, she pulled it around her body till she could tuck herself into it. Only then did Ranma become aware of Ayeka looking at her with surprise. "Ranma-chan?" Ranma flinched. "You've worn a bra before?" Ranma sweated as she realized she'd given herself away. 'Damn, pay attention to what you're doing stupid.' She gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, sort of. A lady near where we were camping a month or so ago gave me one. Said something about her son was bad enough as it was without that sort of temptation around. She was a weird lady. When I asked where her son was so I could keep away from him, she said he was with his girlfriend in her flying saucer. You ever hear anything so silly . . ." Ranma trailed off as she suddenly realized who she was talking to. She gave a small self-conscious laugh and continued. "Anyway, I was curious, and I'd been having a bit of trouble with them, my tit . . . breasts I mean, so I tried it. Took me a while to work out how to put it on, but that's why I know how. Not that I'm no expert or nothing," she hastened to assure Ayeka. "But you weren't wearing one when you came here, and you had none in your bags." "Yeah, Pop caught me wearing it. He burned it and gave me hell about how I was being weak, and giving in to the curse, and that I was a boy, not a girl." Ayeka fumed - how like the man! "Well, you're to wear one of those from now on. Proper ladies do not go without. Now, let's get you dressed. Have you worn a dress before?" "No, that would have felt too strange. I mean the bra helped my martial arts by keeping my tit . . . breasts under control, but a dress would have just got in the way, and anyway, Pop would have caught on too soon. I got away with the bra for two weeks before he found out." As she had been talking, Ranma had been examining the selection of dresses on the bed. They didn't look _ too _ bad. Her eyes fell on something black and lacy, and she picked it up, only to find that it was actually two pieces. She examined them curiously, and then snorted. "Man, I thought Tenchi's dad was supposed to be smart. Looks like he got took. These must have been second-hand or something. Half the material is gone." Ayeka who had been standing beside Ranma, deciding which of the three dresses on the bed to put on her, looked at the objects in Ranma's hands and suddenly blushed crimson. She snatched the matching panties and bra from the surprised redhead and quickly stuffed them in a random drawer. Ranma blinked in surprise at Ayeka's reaction and asked, "What's the matter? Why'd you stuff them in there? It ain't like anyone is going to ever wear them. What with all those holes in them. You might as well trash them." Ayeka just blushed deeper and refused to talk, instead holding up a light green dress and holding it against Ranma. She was going to have to have a talk with Tenchi's father about what was appropriate wear for a young girl. The bra and panties in the drawer were never going to grace Ranma's body. She changed track slightly and rethought her position; well, maybe on her wedding night. **************************************************** It was some time later that Tenchi made his way down the stairs, his body aching in every place it was possible to do so, and in a few places he would have said it was not possible as well. The workout his grandfather had put him through had been as intensive as any he had ever experienced. It had been more than sufficient to drive his worries about Ranma out of his mind for the duration. Now, however, his thoughts had once again turned to the look of entreaty she had sent him at the shrine. Even though he knew in his heart that Ayeka would do Ranma no harm, he could not help but feel guilt over not doing something to help her. He'd grown rather fond of protecting her, he realized. His vision was suddenly obscured by the face of someone else who was clearly in distress. Tenchi pulled back in shock as Sasami looked up at him, her eyes large and luminous with unshed tears. "Tenchi-niichan, you're mean!" The tears that filled Sasami's eyes spilled out and trickled down her cheeks. "Oneechan and Ranma-oneechan didn't eat my breakfast, Nobuyuki-sama was too busy with Azaka and Kamidake to eat, and you and Grandfather didn't come. No one wanted my breakfast but Ryouko- oneechan and Ryo-oh-ki. You're all mean!" "Ahhh," Tenchi murmured, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. He dropped to one knee so his eyes were level with Sasami's. "I'm sorry, Sasami. I was so busy with Grandfather, I forgot." His stomach gave a rumble, causing him to give a small laugh. "But I'm very hungry now, so I'll gladly eat whatever you have, even if it's cold." Sasami's face screwed up in misery, and tears streamed down her face as she cried out, "But there's nothing left. Your father asked me to cook all the food I could find so it wouldn't spoil before the house was fixed. And Ryouko-oneechan ate everything." Sasami's words were punctuated by a load burp from nearby. Tenchi looked over to see a rather bloated Ryouko sprawled on the ground, numerous empty containers surrounding her. His stomach once again rumbled, and it was his cheeks the tears now flowed down. "I see," he said in a weak voice. "I guess I'll have to go into town to get some more supplies, then." He groaned as he thought of the long walk and the even longer bus ride ahead of him. Ayeka's voice came from behind Tenchi. "That sounds like a good idea. Ranma and I need to buy some supplies as well." Tenchi turned, a smile on his face, intending to express the fact he would be happy with the company. His voice died in his throat when he spied Ayeka's companion. Not even the self- conscious expression on her face could detract from the vision Ranma presented. There was nothing spectacular about the pale green dress Ranma was wearing. Or in the way her unbound hair fell in a cascade around her shoulders and down her back. The ribbons that held her hair back from her face could be bought for a dime-a-piece in any store and were in no way unique. The black shoes on her feet were perfectly ordinary, and the white socks with the decorative tops could be seen on thousands of school girls. None of the things she was wearing were in any way out of the ordinary, but somehow, when taken as a whole, along with Ranma's natural beauty, they created an image that could stop traffic. Beside him, Sasami expressed Tenchi's opinion to perfection. "Kawaii." To Tenchi's surprise Ranma blushed slightly, and said, "Yeah, I clean up pretty good, don't I?" "Oooohhhhhhhhh, how beautiful, how wonderful, how lucky you are Tenchi!" Nobuyuki popped up with a camera in his hand, the lens inches from Ranma's cleavage. Ranma reared back in shock. A second later, Nobuyuki was a faint dot in the sky as he headed toward the lake. Ranma stood there panting, her hand still raised in the follow-through to the punch that had sent Tenchi's father sailing. "Geez, what's with that guy?!" Ranma shouted, clearly rattled. Ayeka gave a cough and Ranma wilted. "Ah, I mean, Oh _ he _ startled _ me. I _ was _ so _ scared." Ayeka nodded in satisfaction. Beside Tenchi, Sasami big-sweated and said in a soft voice, "Scary." Tenchi nodded his head in agreement. Out of the corner of his mouth, he asked. "Sasami, do you have pod people on Jurai?" A half-hour walk and a fifteen-minute wait later, they boarded the bus to town. Their party consisted of Tenchi, Ranma, Sasami, Ryo-oh-ki, and somehow, having gotten himself out of the lake and into dry clothes in time, Nobuyuki. This far out on the route, the bus was mostly empty, only a few dozing boys heading into the city for a night on the town. Ayeka had arranged, in a not-too-subtle manner, for Ranma and Tenchi to sit on the rear bench, while everyone else sat at the front, with the exception of Ryo-oh-ki, who was currently curled up on Ranma's lap sleeping off her heavy breakfast. Ayeka was taking nothing for granted, as Nobuyuki found out as he tried to get a little closer to the couple. Tenchi winced at the discharge of energy as his father ran smack into one of Ayeka's force fields. The bus driver, understandably startled by a lightning strike inside his bus, jerked his head around to see what had happened. This caused him to swerve the bus from side to side as he spotted Nobuyuki's slightly charred form standing in the middle of the bus. As he watched in shock, Nobuyuki puffed out a cloud of black smoke and shakily made his way back to his seat, holding onto the seat backs in order to avoid being tossed about by the bus as it continued to swerve. The bus's gyrations caused the unprepared Ranma, her hands filled with sleeping cabbit, to slide across the seat and firmly up against Tenchi. Sitting together, Sasami and Ayeka were also tossed about, but they managed to stay in their seat, bracketed as they were on three sides, and having their hands free. Tenchi, braced in the corner, was able to get his hands up in time to catch Ranma. Once again, Ranma suddenly found herself pressed against Tenchi, his arms partially wrapped around her. She suppressed her first urge, which was to deck him. Girls did not deck boys for things that weren't their fault. Besides, she had her hands full of cabbit. That prevented her from acting on her first instinct. Her initial response having been suppressed, she had to think, which delayed any further action from her for several minutes. During that time she became aware of the same pleasant, warm, and safe sensation she had felt at the shrine. She flinched as if Tenchi's hands had suddenly become red hot and she practically levitated away from him. Her face twisted up in a scowl, and one hand closed into a fist. Tenchi flinched, closing his eyes in anticipation. Nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw that Ranma had lowered her hand. It was still clenched into a white-knuckled fist, however. The bus driver began to slow the bus, intending to get to the bottom of this. It would be his head if one of his passengers were electrocuted by a short in the bus' wiring. Ayeka, pleased with the way things were going, did not want the two in the back interrupted. She called out to the bus driver, "Keep going!" He ignored her and kept braking. "I said, keep _ going _ !" This time Ayeka spoke in a tone of voice that the servants at the palace had long ago learned meant, 'take cover'. The bus driver did not know Ayeka that well, but the tone of her voice caused him to look toward her. Ayeka glared daggers at him. Suddenly, several small objects appeared out of nowhere. He looked at them in shock, which turned to outright panic as small bolts of lighting arced between them. Remembering the charred figure in the middle of the bus, he suddenly lost all inclination to stop. Facing front, he got the bus back up to speed, and sighed with relief when a look in the rear view mirror showed that they, whatever they were, were gone. Soon, he was once again cruising at eighty kilometers-an-hour, glad that he'd escaped the explosion. Ranma seemed to be having an argument with herself, speaking softly, but in intense tones. After a few moments, she looked up at Tenchi with a strained smile on her face. "Tenchan, you really shouldn't be so forward. After all, we're not married yet." She gave a high-pitched giggle and lowered her eyes back down to the slumbering Ryo-oh-ki. Tenchi sweated; this was starting to get very scary. It was time to finally follow his grandfather's instructions about being a friend to Ranma. Maybe he could find out what the heck was wrong with her. To that end he cleared his throat and said, "I enjoyed sparring with you this afternoon. I hope I didn't disappoint you too much." "Oh Tenchan. You could never disappoint me. It was so nice of you to let me win all those times. Being a poor weak girl and all. I hope you weren't too mad at me when I got all angry and unladylike. Tee hee." Tenchi stared at her in shock. Had she just said Tee hee? Yes, she had. Tenchi's face hardened, and he took Ranma by the shoulders. "Ranma, stop this!" he ordered. Holding Ranma firmly in place, he looked around the bus and called out at the top of his voice, "Ryouko, I don't know how you did this, but I want you to stop right now! Bring back the real Ranma this instant!" Several miles away, Ryouko gave a powerful sneeze that woke her from her after-banquet nap. Sitting up and rubbing her eyes she looked around. "Tenchi! Sasami! Red! . . . Sourface? Where the heck is everyone?" Back on the bus, Tenchi was still yelling, which was drawing looks from the few other passengers and a large sweat drop from the bus driver, who wanted nothing more than to make it the last few miles to his final stop of the day. He pressed down on the gas, sending the large bus rocketing down the back road with predictable results. Sasami and Ayeka grabbed the seat in front of them as they bounced higher and higher. The other passengers did similarly, several crying out to the bus driver to slow down. Tenchi, gripping Ranma by the shoulders and looking around wildly for a certain space pirate he knew had to be here, was, like Ranma earlier, caught off guard by the bus's sudden gyrations. He lost his balance and fell forward, pushing Ranma flat against the bus seat and settling firmly down on top of her. Ryo-oh-ki, who had finally woken, gave a startled mewl and just barely escaped being crushed as she leapt from Ranma's arms. Ranma had been surprised by Tenchi's sudden shouting and had wondered if Ryouko had maybe done something to the boy while she had not been around to protect him, when he lurched forward. Tenchi's actions were very similar to certain male type behavior that Ranma had become far too familiar with for her liking. For some reason, perverted boys, and men, seemed to consider her the perfect target. Up till now one of the things she most liked about Tenchi was that he had never once tried to grab a cheap feel. Now suddenly, out of the blue, he seemed to be making up for lost time. She had time for just one quick thought. 'Geez, if I'd know acting like a perfect girl was going to do this to the poor guy, I'd never have agreed to go along with Ayeka.' The combination of him suddenly pressing her down on the seat and then falling on top of her, joined with the sudden jolt of fear that Ryo-oh-ki's mewl sent through her, was more than adequate to stop her from even thinking of continuing her version of girl-like behavior. With a scream of, "Get the heck off of me, you pervert!" she laid a lovely right cross to his chin. Tenchi was thrown across the bus and against the wall. For a second he lay there, eyes glazed, then they focused and he gave a shout of joy. "Ranma, you're back!!" Ranma eeped in dismay as Tenchi suddenly rocketed across the bus and picked her up in a bone-cracking hug. At the same moment, Ryouko, who had homed in on the group via her link with Ryo-oh-ki, suddenly phased through the back of the bus with a cry of, "Tenchi, you're so mean. How could you . . . What the hell is going on here?!! Red, what the hell do you think you're doing?!!" "What's it look like, you old mummy? I'm trying to get this pervert off of me. What's it to you?" "Oh Ranma! I'm so glad you're back!" "What? Tenchi! You let her go right now. She's not even interested in you. Come hug me like that." "What do you mean I'm not interested in him? He's my fiancee. You keep your grubby paws off him you mummy." "How dare you! What right do you have to keep Tenchi, when you'll never give him the love he needs?" "Ha! Shows how much you know. I got honor, you hear? I said I'd marry him and that's just what I'm going to do. Hey! Tenchi, you pervert! Watch the hands!" "Oh, Ranma. I'm so glad you're all right." The rest of the conversation was mercifully drowned out as the rear of the bus became ground zero. Ayeka, who was being crushed by the small mass of humanity trying to get as far away from the rear as possible, sweated and muttered to herself, "I guess it's going to take a lot more than clothes to make Ranma a girl." The bus driver tried his level best to push the gas pedal through the floor. Much later, after a rather eventful, if predictable, day of shopping, they got back home. After bandaging up their exteriors and getting some food in their interiors, they gathered in the living room to relax in whatever manner appealed to them. Tenchi slumped on the couch, his legs stretched out in front of him and English textbook in his hands. It was only a matter of time before he would have to begin attending school again. He didn't want to be too far behind when he did. He was dressed in his usual black pants and white shirt. Ranma sat cross-legged on the couch beside Tenchi, a bundle of martial art mangas between them. Ranma had changed from her dress into an outfit she had bought while shopping with Ayeka. A blouse with wooden ties that was so green, it might as well have been flourescent was tucked into a pair of baggy black pants that were also unique, color-wise. They were not one shade of black but rather were smeared haphazardly with several; from a dusty pale gray, to one that was so dark, hints of purple were present. Ranma had found them in a bargain bin, along with several hundred others, all exactly the same. She had reacted with something close to glee at the discovery they were cheap enough that she could buy three sets with her limited pocket money. It had taken a bit of effort on her part to convince Ayeka, but by pointing out that she needed clothes she did not have to worry about damaging during her training sessions, she had gotten the princess to agree with her choice. Both garments were loose fitting, and while they could not hide Ranma's figure, they did work quite well in minimizing it. Ryo-oh-ki was laying in the nest provided by Ranma's crossed legs. While perusing the latest adventures of the Dragonball gang with one hand, Ranma evoked pleasurable murmurs by stroking Ryo-oh- ki's tummy with the other. Ayeka was sitting in one of the large easy chairs combing Sasami's hair, the younger girl was perched on a footstool in front of her older sister. Ayeka occasionally glanced at Ranma's clothes with some vexation. She was not sure which she found more annoying: the fact that she had not been able to argue successfully against buying them; that the outfits might as well have been sacks for all the good they did Ranma's figure, or that Ranma had selected three of the outfits, all exactly alike. Looking at the eye- straining color of the shirt and the blotchy black of the pants, Ayeka had no problem guessing why they had been so cheap. She was just glad that Ranma had only been able to afford three pairs. The way she went through clothes, they would not last long. Ayeka was also mildly annoyed that Ranma had rejected her advice on which outfits to buy. There had been tops available in several different colors, if not as cheap, or garish as the ones Ranma had bought. But, when Ayeka had suggested several different tops, or maybe some outfits of a different style altogether, the redhead had looked at her as if she were speaking an alien language. Even when she had offered to pay for them herself and pointed out the advantages of mixing and matching, Ranma had declined. In Ranma's own words, the outfits were comfortable, cheap, and easy to move in. What difference did it make what color they were? Ayeka sighed. Ranma had made such a good start this morning but she had rapidly backslid after the incident on the bus. Ayeka's jaw firmed as she vowed to continue the fight. She was not going to give up. Ranma would become a lady! She vowed this on her honor as a princess of Jurai. Ayeka took one more look at Ranma and added a rider to her vow. Ranma would also learn fashion sense, no matter how painful the acquiring was. Behind Tenchi and Ranma, Ryouko was half laying, half floating, atop the back of the couch. Every now and then she would reach down a hand, intending to twirl a finger in Tenchi's hair. Curiously, every time she attempted this, Ranma would apparently reach a particularly exciting part in her manga, causing her to shoot her hands out in imitation of the action inside. Somehow, her upthrust hands always managed to strike Ryouko's hand, knocking it away from Tenchi. Ranma would apologize and go back to petting Ryo-oh-ki and reading her manga, while Ryouko would go back to waiting for Ranma's guard to drop. They both seemed to be enjoying the impromptu sparring match. If this behavior seemed a bit mild for the two of them, Tenchi and Ayeka had, speaking to the person they each had the most influence on, laid down the law. They had expressed in no uncertain terms how unhappy they would be if the newly refurbished home was destroyed. Any fighting in the house would be met with the most extreme displeasure. Neither Ryouko nor Ranma wished to annoy their respective lecturers, so they had promised to be good. It was, however, possibly too much to expect them to live in perfect peace, hence their current activity. No doubt they would start making faces at each other soon. The final members of the group, Nobuyuki and Katsuhito, were each seated in an easy chair. Nobuyuki had his favorite camcorder on the floor beside his chair, ready to snatch up if either Tenchi or Ranma looked like doing anything romantic. At the moment, this seemed unlikely and so most of his attention was on the TV, which was turned down low so as not to distract Tenchi from his studying. Katsuhito was reading a letter, the one Genma had written, and that Ayeka had finally remembered to deliver. Genma had been a bit more certain of the tone he wanted to take with Katsuhito, and as a result, this effort was a great deal more legible then Ayeka's had been. Also, a lot longer. *Master, I beseech you, take Ranma under your wing. I know she's only a girl, but she has some small talent and is currently the repository for all I have managed to teach her. Till I can pass that knowledge on to her son she is the sole repository of the hopes and dreams of the Saotome School of Anything-Goes Martial Arts. She is lazy I admit, but I'm sure a master of your stature can drive some small amount of knowledge into her. Don't be afraid to be hard on her. She needs to be tough. Is it not said that the lot of a martial artist is not an easy one? I ask only that you keep her away from her mother. It gives me great pain to speak ill of a member of your family, but I fear Nodoka's reaction when she discovers Ranma is not the son Nodoka supposes her to be. Please give me time to work on my wife. If she should show up without me, hide Ranma from her. It could very well save the girl's life. On the subject of Ranma's life, I would also ask that you do all you can to keep Ranma from going back to China. She has told me of your tale, but even if the so-called cure existed, it would do her little good as she is not cursed as I am, but merely suffering from a delusion. If she goes back to China she is as good as dead. I know I can trust you to keep her from throwing her life away. She is still young and foolish. She must bear the heir to the Saotome school before she can take such a risk. I realize this is a great deal to ask of someone as important as you are, but I remind you that Ranma is family and will sometime in the future be the mother of the child that will carry on your family style as well as mine. In her lies the hopes of both our clans. Protect that legacy. Keep her alive and healthy.* Katsuhito shook his head in dismay. Some things just never seemed to change. Genma was still able to shovel it with the best of them. One fact, however did distress him. Even with knowing the man as he did, Genma had still managed to get through his guard and touch a tender spot. Katsuhito had outlived the many children he had fathered. While he still had their descendants such as Tenchi and Ranma around, the loss of each one had hurt him deeply. Ranma, with her resemblance to Xian Pu, had opened old wounds. The thought of her going off to face the Musk, to try and attain something that might not even exist filled his heart with sorrow. He had learned the hard way that his children had to grow up and make their own decisions, but that did not make it any easier. He was more tempted then he cared to admit to keep Ranma here until she grew reconciled with her new body. It would be easy enough. He could simply tell her that she would not be ready to leave until she performed some obscure feat to prove her skill. It would be child's play for him to come up with something that looked simple, but was in reality incredibly difficult. Hmm, maybe that trick he'd played on little Po, 'snatch the pebble from my hand and you will be ready to become a great warrior.' The last he'd heard of the youngster, he'd entered a monastery. Katsuhito shook his head in regret. No. It would not do. Just as it would not do for him to accompany Ranma to the Musk empire. While in this day and age he was unlikely to become a god, as his Aunt Amaterasu had become a goddess, he could still do irreparable harm to human development if he interfered too much. His just living on this planet was risk enough. Taking part in Ranma's adventure could have consequences up to and including a war between China and Japan. Lord knows he had seen wars start over smaller, and sillier, things. No, difficult as it was, he would have to let Ranma find her own destiny. For his part, he would have to be content with training her as best he was able. Turning slightly in his chair, he called out, "Ranma." When the redhead looked his way he flicked his wrist and sent the letter spinning across the room to where she was seated. Ranma caught the document between two fingers and looked at it curiously. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw it was from her father. For the next several minutes she read, pausing every now and then to deflect a new move by Ryouko or to snort a derisive comment about her father. Ranma, with one last expression of disdain, laid the letter down and addressed Katsuhito. "The old fart never changes. You watch. He'll be crawling back here with an empty belly any day now." Ranma then directed a challenging look at Katsuhito. "So, you going to do like the old man asked? Keep me all safe and secure so I can be a baby factory?" Beside Ranma, Tenchi blushed. Katsuhito returned Ranma's look with one of mildness. "I promised to train you," he said, and then just looked at Ranma expectantly, as if that statement covered everything. Ranma looked at him skeptically. "So, you ain't going to string me along, telling me I'm not good enough yet?" Nearly a millennium of training enabled Katsuhito to keep a perfectly straight face as he said, "Of course not, when you think you're ready, you may go." The skepticism did not fade from Ranma's face. "Oh, and what if you don't think I'm ready? You're just going to wave bye I suppose?" Katsuhito rubbed his chin, as if puzzling out this conundrum. "That is a hard question. I do have a certain obligation as your master to make sure you don't do anything too stupid." "Stupid?!" Ranma growled, but before she could say anything else, Katsuhito continued in his matter of fact voice. "I suppose, in that case, I'll just have to break your leg." The rest of the people in the room joined Ranma in a facefault. Ranma was the first to regain her feet. She looked at Katsuhito with anger in her eyes, which slowly faded, till she was smirking at him. "All right. I guess if I let an old fart like you break my leg, I ain't ready." "That's right." Katsuhito nodded in agreement. "A frail old man like me should be no match for a healthy young girl like you." He gave a mock cough into his hand and thumped his chest. "As a matter of fact, lately the chill night air has been giving me some problems." He leered at Ranma in a very close mimicry of Nobuyuki's lecherous look. "I don't suppose you'd like to start sleeping up at the temple? An old priest needs a nice young shrine maiden to keep him warm at night and to rub mustard on his chest. I'd be happy to give you extra training as payment." "Grandfather!" Ayeka protested, blushing red. She reached out and covered Sasami's ears with her hand. Ryouko chortled at Ayeka's reaction, she'd been enjoying the byplay, especially as Ranma's distraction had let her finally get her hand close enough to run her fingers through Tenchi's hair. Annoyed, Sasami pulled herself free. Giving Ayeka an annoyed look, she turned to Katsuhito and asked, "Can I be a Shrine Maiden, too? I promise I'll look after you very well." This time, only Sasami remained standing as everyone else in the room collapsed. Even Katsuhito was not immune. Ayeka bounced back to her feet, her face so red it glowed. She grabbed Sasami by the hand. "Is that the time? Oh my goodness! You should have been in bed ages ago, Sasami! You've had a long hard day! Come along, no arguments, a young girl needs her rest!" "But I want to be a shrine maiden," floated back to the remaining people as Sasami and Ayeka disappeared up the stairs. Ranma continued looking in the direction they had gone for some time before turning back to Katsuhito. "Too bad, old man. Looks like you miss out. Pity. Would have been a good match. She's just a kid, and you're in your second childhood." Behind Ranma, Ryouko had taken advantage of all the face- faulting to somehow end up in Tenchi's lap, much to his apparent discomfort. Katsuhito seemed to be giving Ranma's comments serious thought, but after a moment, he shook his head. "Sasami is kind and makes a good meal, but she's too skinny. When you get to my age, you want something soft and cushy to lay your head on. A nice plump girl like you is just the ticket." "Plump? Plump!?" Ranma said in outrage. "What do you take me for? Ryouko?" Behind Ranma, Ryouko's head whipped around in indignation. From where she sat, she couldn't see the sly grin on Ranma's face or the wink the redhead directed toward Katsuhito. "I don't lay around on my butt all day like her, eating all the food in the house. If you want a girl who's plump, you ought to take her on." "Hey!" Ryouko protested. She was ignored as Katsuhito nodded his head thoughtfully and said, "That is true. I have noticed she's been getting a bit broad across the beam." "HEY!!" This time Ryouko's protest was much more pronounced. She was half-way across the room to Ranma and Katsuhito when she belatedly remembered her promise to Tenchi regarding fighting in the house. She hovered in the air fuming. Ryouko's feelings were not improved when Ranma turned to her and said, "Wow, I'm impressed!" She directed her next words to Tenchi, who was watching the proceedings with more than a hint of trepidation. "Ain't you impressed, Tenchi? It's really something how she can still fly with all that weight holding her down." Ryouko turned stricken eyes toward Tenchi. "Tenchi, you don't think I'm fat, do you?" she asked in a pleading voice. This time it was Ranma who failed to detect the sly look on Ryouko's face. "Ranma's bottom is much bigger than mine, isn't it?" "HEY!?" It was Ranma's turn to protest this time. "I don't got no fat ass." Ranma strode across the room and positioned herself beside Ryouko, only a foot or so away from Tenchi's seated position on the couch. She turned her back to him and bent over slightly. "Here. Look. Isn't my bottom in better shape then fatso here?" Ryouko duplicated Ranma's move, and also shoved her derriere in Tenchi's face. "No. Tell her Tenchi. I've got the best bottom." Tenchi was not sure which was going to kill him the sight before him, or the consequences of any answer he might make. His life was saved by a surprising source. "Uncle Genma," he blurted out. Ranma and Ryouko looked over their shoulders at him. "Huh?" they both inquired intelligently. Wordlessly, Tenchi pointed at the TV screen, causing all present to look that way. A general murmur of recognition ran around the room as everyone recognized the well-padded form of Genma's cursed body legging it across some sort of sports field. "What the hell!?" Ranma blurted out. She looked around the room. "Who has the remote? Someone turn it up." Nobuyuki held up the object in question and soon the TV set, which had been set on low volume, was blaring forth the story on the screen. " . . .anda has been avoiding capture for over an hour now, but it looks like his luck has run out. The combined forces of the local police and the Zoo, as well as various volunteers, have managed to trap him inside the grounds of the local high school. You can clearly see the students observing this strange activity from the windows of their classes. I doubt the residents of Furinken have ever seen anything this bizarre. Unless I miss my guess, we will soon be seeing an end to this chase. With all the gates blocked and a high wall surrounding the grounds it's only a matter of time . . . Did you see that!? The panda climbed over one of the walls. Well, that was unexpected, to say the least. Looks like the speculation that the Panda is an escapee from some circus might be the case after all. He certainly is nimble for such a big, fat, fellow." "Not bad," Ryouko commented as she looked at the screen avidly. Her former profession had left her somewhat of a connoisseur in regards to fleeing the authorities. "He's got them rooked good." "Yeah, if there is one thing the old man is good at, it's running away," Ranma said sardonically, but underneath the derision in her voice, there was something else, and it did not escape Katsuhito's attention that she was watching the screen just as avidly as Ryouko. Tenchi looked at the two girls, puzzlement clear on his face. "I don't understand. He barely made it over that wall." He asked Ranma, "Don't you feel at all worried?" "Huh? Nah. The old man's running a scam. Don't you see? He could hop over a wall like that in his sleep. He's got them thinking he's a lot less quick than he is. You watch. He'll give them the slip, find some hot water, and the legend of the wandering Panda will go up a notch." Ryouko nodded in confirmation of this. "Broken wing, oldest trick in the book. Let them think you're easy prey and they'll be so busy chasing you, they won't notice your partner sneaking around behind . . ." Ryouko trailed off as she suddenly noticed everyone staring at her. "Ah, ha, ha," she half laughed, half coughed, then suddenly pointed at the screen. "See, what did I say about overconfidence?" Eyes shifted from her back to the TV, and she heaved a sigh of relief. She was having enough trouble with Tenchi without rubbing his face in her larcenous past. Ranma gave a guffaw, no longer even trying to maintain a look of disdain. In the foreground two zoo keepers were tangled up in a cargo net that they had apparently tried to snag Genma with. Meanwhile, in the background, Genma was free and clear and, true to Ranma's prediction, heading toward a ramen shop, a very likely source of hot water. By all indications, it looked like Genma was about to once again get away scot free. Ranma's chuckles suddenly choked off. She gave a gasp. A figure in dark clothes and glasses had just stepped into the camera's view. In his hands was a heavy rifle. Even Ryouko reacted as he raised the gun and pointed it at the rapidly retreating panda. Her reason for objecting, was along the lines of not wanting to see an end to some interesting entertainment. Ranma's reaction was a bit stronger. "No, you bastards! Who the hell shoots pandas? Are you crazy?" She grabbed the side of the TV and gave it a shake, as if that would distract the man with the gun. "Stop it! Stop it!" she screamed at the TV. Katsuhito was suddenly there, folding her into his arms and trying to force her eyes away from the screen. Ranma would not let him. She could not win free of his arms, but neither could he force her eyes away from the screen. The man with the gun squeezed the trigger, and he rocked back slightly as his weapon discharged. Many yards away, Genma suddenly arched his back and went up on the tips of his hind paws. He stumbled forward a few steps, his front paws reaching around behind him in a vain effort to reach the injury, and then fell forward, raising a visible cloud of dust. "NO!!!!" Ranma cried out in despair, and finally giving in to Katsuhito's urging she turned her head and buried her face against his chest. She cried out, "You stupid old man!" then her voice was muffled by Katsuhito's robe. The three men continued to stare at the TV, the picture bouncing as the cameraman ran toward the downed panda. A start went thorough Katsuhito, and a gasp of relief rose from Tenchi and Nobuyuki. The unexpected reactions caused Ranma to lift her tear-stained face away from Katsuhito's chest and look once more toward the screen. Katsuhito made no effort to stop her this time. Ranma stared for a moment, and then a choking sound rose up from deep in her chest. "Huh, ha, Ha, BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!" Tenchi and the others joined her in relieved laughter. On the screen the dark-clad man reached forward and pulled the large tranquilizer dart from Genma's backside. Epilogue: Ryouko and Ranma had moved to the floor and were sitting close to the TV, a bucket of popcorn between them. In between mouthfuls, they exchanged slightly ribald suggestions as to Genma's eventual fate. On the screen, the man with the tranquilizer gun was being interviewed by a _ very _ attractive lady anchorwoman, while numerous disgruntled members of the print media took what pictures they could. A commotion in the front lines of the cameramen announced the arrival of a brown-haired school girl. She had a small camera in one hand and was using both elbows to clear herself a space among the professionals. "Nice work there," Ranma commented. "Not bad, but if she wanted to be really effective, she should be aiming a bit lower," Ryouko said. Behind her, Tenchi and Nobuyuki winced slightly and crossed their legs. "Oops, there she goes. Too bad, she was sort of cute," Ranma said, as the girl was dragged away by the pair of men Genma had tangled in the cargo net. They were more then slightly disgruntled, believing rather strongly that it should have been them being interviewed by the babe. Instead they were stuck doing crowd control. The girl kept clicking her camera till she was out of sight. Unfortunately, she'd picked a bad location, and the only shots it looked like she'd managed to get were of the newscaster. "Oh, is that the sort you like?" Ryouko chortled, giving Ranma a nudge in the ribs. "Well. I do sort of like a girl who ain't afraid to go for what she wants," Ranma replied with a distracted air, as she watched her Pop being loaded into a cargo truck. A second later, she realized what she'd said and started to backtrack, "that is . . .I mean . . ." It was too little, too late. "Oh really. You like aggressive girls?" Ryouko asked, in a voice that had more then a hint of a growl to it. Ranma leaned over backward in fear as Ryouko suddenly loomed over her. Then, with a yelp of terror, she scooted out from under the descending Ryouko and made tracks for the great outdoors. Nobuyuki looked at Tenchi, tears in his eyes. "Oh Tenchi! You're so lucky!" he cried out, before dragging Tenchi into a rib- cracking hug. And that wraps up another chapter. I'm sorry I missed getting to Mihoshi as promised this chapter. But it's been so long since wrote that I needed to do a fun stand alone chapter just to get back into it. Next chapter we rejoin Nodoka and the girls and several groups who are also heading in the same direction, Nerima, figures eh? After that, we will rejoin Tenchi and Ranma, and finally, Mihoshi. I'd like to thank all the fine people who went about and beyond in pre-reading for me, still hanging in there even after months with no new chapter. I'd also like to thank the people who took the time to write me that they enjoyed the story, and when the heck was the next chapter coming out. Believe me, there is a very good chance you would not be looking at this chapter now if not for them. One final note. I skipped the Shopping trip because I wanted to get this story out, and I thought I could for the most part skip it. If you are so inclined, give me a post, and if no one has already taken the task up, I'll be happy to let you write a side story covering that episode. T.H. Tiger. schell@interlog.com