Star of War. A Ranma 1/2-Fist of the North Star fanfiction. By Dragonlord. C&C welcome! E-mail: Disclaimer: all the characters are copyright of their authors. Ranma 1/2 propriety of Rumiko Takahashi, Hokuto no Ken propriety of Buronson and Tetsuo Hara Thanks to my pre-readers and to Tomas and Tannim to host this story! Tomasīpage (Nighthawkīs Fanfiction) Tannimīs page Chapter 3: Heir of the Fists --------------------------------------------------- He slowly opened his eyes. "Where am I?" Not expecting someone to answer him he rise up still in the bed he was in and looked at is surroundings. He found himself in a room made of stone. The room was spartan: only the strict needed to live; a futon where he was laying, the hot air making any blanket non-useful, a litle necesair, a desk with a chair and few things more. In some way it remained Ranma the kind of cell he found in those monasteries where his father brought him in the ten years long training trip. The memories of those times were rarely happy. He took great pleasure in any teaching the monks or martial arts senseis could give him when he remained time enough to have some instruction that wasnīt martial arts based. But they never stayed too much time for Ranmaīs displaisure (usually their where trow out due to his fatherīs bad habits). For the young Ranma the days he passed doing chores to pay for the food his father eat were the few moments of peace in his life dedicated to be the greatest martial artist in the world. The silence and peace he found in those places, usually in places far away from centers of human activity were deeply sherished by the training martial artist and the help he recived from the monks in the art of meditation where found priceless in the days to come; when the madness of his life in Nerima tratened to drive him insane. In a way those few times helped him to remain himself; Ranma Saotome, not Genmaīs son, born only to fight; born to be the perfect living weapon. But now he was slightly desoriented as looked the room from his sit position upon his futon. The last thing he was aware of was about the attack at Ember Town. He was so sure that he was to die then... but that mysterious man appeared and changed that. He still remembered the pain cursing trought his body after the kick as his ribs, but another pain, way more wreaking, was slowly gaining strenght as his mind cleared form those moments in that frontier town. And as quick as the physical pain was rememeberd, also came the moments that lead to Rea and Yadoīs death. Their deaths and his killing; the first blood he ever took. Now his mind was bringing him chrystal clear memories. He closed his eyes as tears started to appear; to flow bringing him some release yet making his sadness to grow. Was he destined to find pain and suffering even in another world? It seemed so, a tired mind told to a grieving heart, as he looked each memory with his mindīs eye. Yado killed by some raider arrows, while his comforting hand was still upon his more little one; a gesture that brought happines to his heavy heart; an happiness washed away by Yadoīs blood. Rea running to hug the prone body of her mother, alredy dead but still warm while the little girl was driven insane by her pain. Her last smile, a cherished treasure, forever in his heart along more pleasent memories of a starting friendship. But at the end becoming another life taken with a piece of his heart, of his soul as he saw Reaīs beautiful green eyes being veiled by dead. How he hug her as she hug her mother only moments before as pain and sadness flowded in his being. Then the dark emotions. A dark part of his is being brough forth turned to his use. Emotions mastered; dominated. A tool to serve his need of justice. Of revenge. The rage and bloodlust. The bloodlust and the lust for battle. Then it came; it came with his ravaging emotions. Power. Raging... Burning... Changing him. Now memories of how he used that power to excercise that need of revenge. The exultant feeling of crushing oneīs enemy. The pleasure to end a wrong life; an evil one that was an emboiment of destruction and madness in a world were the weak was crushed. How he crushed that manīs skull, how he desintegrated a group of those murderers scum, determinated to kill him. How he used the Hiryu Shoten Ha to kill more of those bastards before they killed more innnocents. Innocents like Rea and Yado. He was so sure of his inminent dead after he unlashed the dragon rising wave. He hadnīt time to look to his acts, as he was sure to have meet his doom after the last attack. He was ready to welcome his own end with the same hounor he had always tryed to keep. He was even impacient to be embraced by the final darkness, as part of his being wanting to end all, yet another part unwiling to surrender, to just wait for a quick dead even if painfull. He knew he was finished after using the Hiryu Shoten ha. It was logical after all. Using new energies that he had only started to use to boost his body back in Nerima, in this new world with a body unprepared to such power level, that display was only good to worn his body; making him weaker. Looking back in time (even if he was ignorant of how much time had really passed since loosing conciousness), back then he marveled of his lack of perspective in the battle. The only ansewer he could came with that in that moment the part wanting to end it all was comanding him. He sighed. Those moments were still too much confusing, even being able to look back at them with so much clarity. He wiped his tears away and trough red rimed eyes looked to his hands. His hands covered in blood. The price for the safety of innocents likes Rea and Yado. He was now a killer. And as strange at it may seem to the part of his mind that was still the Ranma from Nerima, he was unrepeantant. That part checked his own being as if searching for something, anything that could make this new coldness towards killing seem... less cold and undisturbed. He looked and looked again and again to what seemed an eternity and contradictingly was a very small amount of time, and again he came to the same conclusion, to that same fact. He was unrepeantant. Damn, a part of him swore, the part that was rised up to belive in protecting life and that killing was the most shamefull act one could do. And yet... It was something needed to be done. The use of his darker emotions was only circunstancial. In the chaos that was his mind were is ego was being torn apart and reformed as his body once was, "Ranma" was forced to admit that if in Nerima he had been withness of such killing, he would have killed with his bare hands; in a painfull notion, the killer(s). He searched more into himself and still he came with the same conclusion. He would kill again if he could prevent such tragedies as the ones he had seen. Again came the word, the idea. Unrepenting. For the first time since waking up the entire being that was "Ranma" said in the vaults of his mind the question: What was happening to him? It was as if with Reaīs dead something had drastically changed within his mind, within his soul, within his the coree of his being. He wasnīt sure, even if unrepeantant of his acts, that those changes would be good or not. His mind still worked. His face showed a small smile. During months they treated him like a doumb jock and here he was thinking things that surely no sane man should be thinking. Again his mind worked by its own voliation. The memeories flowed with the time of the fight and as the battle became clearer he came to the moment when he was saved. That is after one of those killers broke some of his ribs. He checked then his own body, neglected by his mind maëlstorm. He foud his chest warped in bandages and even if he didnīt feel any pain he knew that he had been wounded. Using the same abilkity as the one he used to check his body once he arrived to this new world he exploredhis chest and more precisely his ribs. Probing he found that his body was almost healed even if his ribs were still cracked. His cheking informned him that almost two of his ribs were broken hin several places, others were simply cracked and hadnīt broken under the kick he had recived. In all he was surprised to see that he was better than he had expected. He would still have problems in the next days but if this body worked as his old one he would heal fast. He groaned. Phisicaly he was more or less sound, mentally he was a wreck. Now he had other matters to consider. He almost wished to be again in Nerima. At least ther the problems were easily clasified. Problem a: fiancees; wanted or not. Problem b: rivals by the dozen this one after a while tottaly unwanted. Problem c: a mercenary would-be-sister-in-law determined to dry him of any money he could have. Problem d: a father that was a complete morron; this being midly. Problem e: a curse also unwanted, but more or less accepted. And more each day. Here he had to face mental problems, emnotions he wasnīt aware he had, powers needed to be controld, new parts of his mind to live with and more. Now that his body was checked he repased the last moments of the battle when he was ready to die. The man that saved him with some amazing martial arts move (and to someone with ranmaīs level of mastery over the arts of fighting that was saying much) also was the memory of the power the man displayed: it was something almost inhuman. He was sure that the man hadnīt used even a fraction of his power. But the most disturbing thing was that... recognition he felt when their eyes met. It was something he hadnīt felt in his now two lifes, and he knew that the man had also felt "it". This added more misteries and questions to the already long list he had. So far he was in a different world or dimention, that was clear to him, almost an understatement. What happened to this world to look like a wastland? Was this destruction focused in a part of this world or was it worldwide? How do men get so big and why were them so aeger to kill some innocents? Who was the man that rescuded him? Why did he felt like if their meeting was something already destined to appear? Where was he now? And the man? So many questions without ansewer that it was begining to give him a headake, but first things first the hole of his mind told him along with the entire of his body: It was not that he was particulary aeger to eat, the pain of loosing Rea and Yado still fresh but he knerw that leting his mind to wander about the posibilities was nothing more than calling depresion upon himself. The last thing he needed right now was starting to act like Ryouga. Maybe what he needed was preciesly that: a break. And food seemed the right thing to lift his spirits. It always had and Ranma seriously doubted that would change. He even alowed to joke. When food would start to loose his interest then he would panic. He looked to his surrounding once more and found the trousers wich he had awake up in this new world clean. He quickly put them, he hadnīt found any shirt but with the heat it was as unnecesary as ther blanquet was, so now he was bare to the waist. As it was dificult to belive that the food was going to appear by itself and as curiosity was begining to sting him he decided to go and explore the place. Surpriselly the door wasnīt closed and exiting the room he saw that he was in a corridor. With a shrug he toook the right way and started to walk noticing in his way other cels that were closed. Some minutes after he arrived to a largest corridor, almost a small road were the darkness was chased by some narrow windows from were the light of the day flowed giving the place some feeling of peace and tranquility. He again took to the right and started walking and, as his sight looked at the walls in search of some details or clues of the place he was in right now, he noticed something that puzzled him. On the walls of the big corridor he could see several of what seemed to be constelation of stars, some of them he recognised thanks to the nights he passed looking to the skies when the inmensity of space and the eternal glimmering of the silvery stars would allow him some detachment from the sensless struggle that was is life in Nerima. There the stars were his friends, telling him of the timeless movement that was the cosmos, that perfect simetry and organization that broug him humility to his soul, not that someone would belive that the great Ranma Saotome could be humbled by something as simple as the stars in the blackness of the night. As he advanced, still lost in memories that smoothed the internal turmoil he was passing by, he started to see several statues at both sides of the corridor. He could see that they were quite new as was part of the place, maybe only some years old but they had a sense that the now young boy couldnīt define. Maybe somethig atemporal as if what they described was older than he could imagine. Slowly he noticed that the statuesīpositions remembered him of battle stances. He stoped and looked closer to both sides of the way, his gaze coming back to the first statue in his left side to the nearest one, in the same place. He could be mistaken, but he was sure that the different poses were parts of some long and incredibly complex kata. As he looked each statue he was surprised and awed of the complexity of the handwork needed to do those satues as well as the feelings showed in them. It was almost as if strenght and power flowed from each statue; from part of the kata. He was sure that if brough to life by a warrior those katas would allow the user to crush any other fighter. Even the katas he had learned form the Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu seemed weak and clumsy if compared. One thing was sure: he wouldnīt be facing the user if he could prevent it as slowly another feeling asaulted him. The fight, if the world "fight" could be used, would be brutal and short. He didnīt knew or could identify the style depicted by the satues even if himself was a master of more than fifteen different fighting styles but he was sure that in that conflict only one of the fighters would remain alive, the other crushed. Folowing an urge he continued to walk unable to look to anything that wasnīt the staues and doing so he began, almost unconsiously, to asimilate each of the fighting potitions that the statues were showing. Eventually, after some time walking, he arrived to a inmense room with two statues like the ones of the hall but of a proportion alomst unable to belive. Ranma had seen once fotos of some statues in a remote island and they were incredibly huge but this two statues, facing each other, were simply inmense. Were these two giants spirits or even gods? Who carved those silent faces and empty eyes but at the same time gaving them that feeling of absolute power and strenght? What was the message that these two gods could give to the one looking at them, an insect standing before the refrained strenght of higher beings? More mysteries. Ranma started to walk towards the space between the two inmense statues as he noticed what looked like a battle arena. He stayed little in the fighting area as he noticed an open door in the oposite wall from where light was coming. He started to walk more quickly towards the door and once he arrived near it slowed down. He looked trough the open door and discovered another corridor or smaller halley this time without any statues at its side; only an area opened to a windy bright blue day. He looked to the blue skies before starting to march it. As he continued walking he noted that in the two fields surrounding the corridor were several instruments for trainning, but unknown to him. Only a group of posts of different size and lenght could remain him some excerise of balance and equilibrium. Yet the smaller of this posts in height was as high as three level house. Even with a ki empowered jump could someone expect to land into the higher ones and even then it would be difficult. Who could do that and for what other training could that posts be used, along with the other training items? This only added more to the mysterious apperence in this place. Only one thing was for sure: this place was saturated by martial arts, but what martial art? If the statues of the former halley where a show of the forms of that art then he was sure that that fighting form was unexistant in his homeworld. After some time he came to the end of the open corridor and found what seemed to be a plain looking temple. Little in comparation to the other buildings that were conected with the one in front of Ranma. The style was chinese but with a hint of japanese. Streaching his senses he could feel a presence behind the wooden door he faced. After some moments of doubt he opened it. The inside was stripped of anything that wasnīt simple. In its simplicity stood its beauty. Only some tatamis, a shrine, some rols hung in the walls in what he belived to recognise old chinese. The light the place could have was dimed by the closed windows but far from giving a feeling of oppression the little light gave him the feeling of peace and privacy. Also a couple of candles upon high metal posts were giving a softer ligh that mixed from the one coming from the closed windows. It reminded him of the hall of satues, but with a feeling of purity that was opposed to the one of power and violence that could be felt coming from the statues. But what caugh his atention was a constelation painted in the wall facing him; he easily recognised the Great Dipper as he had looked at it several times from the roof of the Tendo house. But this time, looking at it he could feel something different within himself as his eyes were drawn to the painitng that was between two of the chinese rols. He was simply unable to look to anything else as... an unknown recognition washing over his being. He was forced to look down of the seven star constelation as his senses warned him of a source of power. There he was. The man that saved him from a sure and waited dead. He was sitting under the constelation painting with the eyes closed as his body was in a lotus position, as if unaware of the outside world with an outfit similar to Ranmaīs; matching pants but black while Ranmaīs one was soft grey. Neeedles to say the fact that he was floating two feets from the ground didnīt pass unoticed for the awed otherworlder. There was a feeling of power but not so massive as the one he reminded to have felt when he had seen that man launch that ki-blast. But the power was there. He could feel it pulsating as if too vast to be canceled. Another thing drew Ranmaīs attention, something upon the muscular chest of that misterious man, but with the dim light he couldnīt be sure. What he was lookiong at was at a number of round scars in his chest. For a moment he wondered what kind of weapon could have make those scars but he could easily imagine that the pain endured when he recived them had been masive. His other senses as well as his body relaxed as he picked the soft aroma of incense was floating in the room. It was smoothing not as other odors more overhelming. This one as complex and refreshing as a summerīs breeze in the wilderness he grew up in what seemed a life time ago. That complex and yet strangely subtle fragrance achieved to relax both his body and mind. As the man made no move to aknowledge his presence he silently entered the room trying to respect the meditation of the man. Closing the door swiftlly but slowly, he approached the floating figure from wich emanated a feeling of peace such that Ranma felt comforted as he aproched the man. It could have been his imagnation but he was aware of what was almost an invitation to join him in his meditation. Maybe it wasnīt so a foolish idea as Ranma was conscious that the man must be aware of the intrusion but as he paid no heed to the presence of the youthfull ex-nerimian. This only added more determination in the boyīs mind. He was aware that the man was deep inside of his mind but he knew also that his savior was conscious of his surrounding. Such level was unheard even in the comunity of superpowered martial artist way back in Nerima and there _was_ an invitation to share the moment. A feeling was starting to grew in his younger body and in his significantly older mind, a feeling he once had for his father, way before Jusenkyo or the Cat Fist training: Respect. Slowly Ranma adopted the same position as the man and sat in front of him, trying to emulate him somehow, releasing his ki after a few moments without any clear intention, only to feel it while driffting inside of his own chaotic mind. As if the ki of the man was indicating how to do it, guiding him from a subconsious level. As he felt the energies flowing from his being he realised that once his ki had been taped in that battle the flowing of power was much more easy, the use of emotions almost unnecesary. Of this Ranma was gratefull as he understood since the moment he used his energy in that battle, that this power needed a conductive feeling and untill he found ohters righ now it was easier to use darker emotions such as anger or hate. For now and for his own mental sanity he decided to put aside the struggle of using or not those emotions... somehow they didnīt seemed right. With a soundless sigh he again entered his mind, trying to find his center and bring order to his being. Strangelly after a few momonts he could feel his mind to calm as if the raging sea that it was when awawkening had calmed. Slowly as the calming waves of energy coming from the man washed over him, ranma found his center the outside world closed to him. Some time after (he wasnīt sure of how much) he opened his eyes, feeling refreshed. Strangely he wasnīt hungry anymore and his mind was as one. No conflict. The man was still in front of him yet this time he was on the ground even if the position remained the same. Now his eyes were opened, dark eyes that seemed to be weighing him, almost testing him. For a moment Ranma remained unmoving as those disturbing dark eyes looked him up and down. He then started himself to look nore closely to his once savior. Short dark hair that was starting to show the first hint of grey in the temples and a tanned skin that showed muscles that seeemd to burst with strenght as if he was a youth. Yet Ranma estimated his age to be arround forty or fifty but the only mark of age were some wrinkles near the eyes and corner of his mouth. He wasnīt a very handsome man but he had an air arround him that made him look almost fair but with an edge to it. Looking into the manīs eyes Ranma saw a great deal of emotions and experiences along with a overhelming sadness. Undoubtly this man had his share of burdens and pains as if he had lived times that no one should have, and with that insight Ranma understood that this man had the beauty that only people that had suffered can have. More than beauty, a sense of command and authority that was under the hard facade of a unmatched warrior. Ranma was still examinating the man in front of him when he spoke. "I suppose that we must present to each other, donīt you think so? After that we will ansewer each other questions, deal?" Ranma looked to the man and saw a new emotion in those sad eyes; he could be mistaken but he belived it to be curiousity. There was also this strange feeling that himself was having; a compulsion to trust that man. Ranma slowlly presented himself but omiting his true origins, only his name. "Iīm Ranma Sao... now just Ranma" he added with a small and sad sigh as a in a flash he saw again the moment of his banishment. "Ranma... Wild Horse?" Asked the man as if amused by something even if sensing the emotions behind Ranmaīs voice. "Yeah something like that..." Said Ranma without noticing that hint of amusement as again unpleasant memories flashed in his mind. The man noded as he understood the emotions behind that bleak voice. "Well Ranma, my name is Kenshiro. My friends call me Ken." "Hai, Kenshiro-san" said Ranma bowing slightly. "Only Ken, please." He tried to smile but Ranma noticed that Kenshiro or Ken wasnīt used to smile. He looked to the man, waiting him to continue. To his eye Kenshiro seemed doubtfull of how to continue or say some thought. For a moment Ken looked straight into the eyes of the boy in front of him, noticing that when light touched those deep blue eyes they would shine with golden reflections. Finaly he spoke "Now Ranma can you tell me how an almost grown up man ended in the body of a five year old?" The shock of someone being able to discover he wasnīt realy a five years old boy snaped him from his memories. He stayed there, mouth open. "H-Ho--How do you...?" Asked Ranma surprised once more by the man in front of him. "I have my ways. Now, can you tell me your story?" Said Ken in a pacient tone. Ranma blinked, still unsure if trusting the man. Finally he did so. The things he had lost in the last week, the dead of his friends, the uses of his martial arts to kill without any remorse were eating him alive. He simply needed to tell it all to someone. "Well it started like this..." In the next hours Ranma pured out his whole life story, beggining by the momemt he started his training with Genma and finishing with the moment when he found himself in his cell. He started to shake when relating his cat fist training or the moment when he was exiled. Then a moment of peace before telling of his lost when the raiders attacked Ember Town. Then the ghost of the treason and of the pain inflect upon his body and soul when he lost all released new tears that made him to shake even stronger. In all, the memories of the past days coupled with his mad life in his home world that he related to Kenshiro made him to behave like the little boy he was now. The boy that died the first time Genma gave him a beating in the name of the art. He didnīt notice at first but Kenshiro had gathered him in a hug when he had started to cry without saying anything. Only to comfort the young boy, making Ranma to feel secure, a feeling he hadnīt feel since the moment of Yadoīs death. Slowly Ranma stoped crying and he felt better. Curiously he didnīt feel ashamed to behave in a way tottaly different from the one he had been rised were tears were seen as a weakness. For a moment Kenshiro let Ranma to colect himself. He could see ho wthe cruelty of this world had shaken the young boy, but nothing he could do to help Ranma. He would eventually come from this turmoil stronger than before. He let the boy some minutes more for himself before slowly asking. "What are you going to do now?" Ranma looked hopelessly to the older man. Since coming to this new world he had feared the question and now more than before. In Ember Town he had been able to show the adults that he could do his share of work even behing so young. Now with the only people he trusted and cared about dead he was at loss in a land that he was still more or less ignorant. "I donīt know." Ansewered Ranma truthfully. He then added more to himself than to Kenshiro "I have lost the pople that mattered the most to me. I have killed and I feel no remorse; no guilt. Whatīs happenig to me?" Even if Ranma was talking in a wisper, Ken almost supernatural senses easily picked the small monologue. He looked at the boy for a moment again as if considering something. Ranma continued, this time louder with new doubts, new questions that he hadnīt pondered untill the question of his future had come forth. "I swore that I would return and take revenge from the people that betrayed me but now... all the hate is almost... drained. But the fury..." He finished almost surprised. Ken looked at him as if examinating the boyīs soul. "Do you still want to get your revenge? Even after the deaths at Ember Town? " "I donīt know... itīs strange but," he started to put a hand upon where his heart is "itīs almost if there is a void in my heart and all the rage and the hate were stored there. I still want the revenge and to return to give them what they really deserve but itīs almost as if all of that crap happened to another. I fell the determination, the fury and the rage but almost in a... oh damn! Words were never my strong!" "You said a void?" Kenīs voice sounded almost dry. "Yeah, somethinīlike that, but Iīm not sure of it... there is something else tough." He said almost in a wisper. "What?" Ranma looked Kenshiro again and shed a single tear. "Sadness. I donīt know why or how but I feel sad, itīs almost overhelming. For a time it remained... sleeping I would say. But after Yado and after Rea... Do you know when your heart is about to explode by the sheer strenght of it? Thatīs how I feel." Ken nodded and stayed a moment silent, his eyes closed. To Ranma there was something more goin on. There was a... shift of sorts in Kenshiro for a moment, but he couldnīt put his finger on it. It was almost as if the older man was talking to someone or to something. Ken remained silent for some moment more before openning his eyes. "I have something to propose you, an alternative for your staying in this world if you like." Ranmaīs eyes lit up. An "exit" to the feelings he had right now. "Yeah?" "You told me that you were a good martial artist." Ranma snorted "I was the best of my generation." It wasnīt gloating, but more a fact in Ranmaīs mind eye. Ken nodded beliving. "Well then. I suppose that youīre asking yourself what is my martial art, donīt you?" Ranma looked to Ken. With all the story of his life in his home world and his own tragedy he had forgotten about his fascination about Kenīs martial art. "Sure! I never seen anything like that!" He said remembering the last moments of the batle at Ember Town. Ken smirked a bit. "That was a sample of a martial art devised some 2000 years ago in a little island near the coast of China. The first master of the style, Shuken was told this Art by God himself." Ranma stared to Kenshiro shocked by the implications. "By God?" He said stunned. "Thatīs right. With it you can destroy the body from the inside out using the 708 hikous or tsubos. Eventually you can also heal with it even the most dying of the bodies. There are more techiniques in the school as well as the uses of the body in its full capabilities." "What do you mean by its capabilities?" Said Ranma intrigued and gratefull of something that made him forget the past. "I suppose that before, when you were fighting those riders you were using your body living energy, or ki, to be stronger. Is it right?" Ranma nodded "Using it you can boost the strenght of your body to a point that it makes it almost superhuman. Well in the school one of the basic teachings is to strengthen the body without using oneīs ki. Generally a fighter, even if he is a martial artist, uses only the 30% of his overall strenght. However in our school we teach how to use the remaining 70%. This can as well applicate to the body speed, resistance, metabolism, healing factor, reflexes, senses, etc... But thatīs nothing more than the basics of my school style." "The basics?" Ken nodded. "What are you telling me that?" Ssked Ranma after some moments of pondering the information Ken gave him. Kenshiroīs gaze was fixated in Ranmaīs one. "In every generation the current master must train a pupil that some day will be the Heir and master of this school. To only one man is allowed the full knowledge of it because if this man is the wrong one then the world could be easilly destroyed." He paused to let the boy time to think about this last pice of information. "Iīm telling you all of this because I want to train you to become the next Heir." Ranma was speechless. Silence was the lord of the room for a long time. Ranma had expected something but this... "I-I --I donīt know what to say..." He ansewered still surprised by that last devellopement. Kenshiroīs expresion was stern. "You must know that the training may be extremelly dangerous and that at the end I may even erase the knowlege you could have gained if I find you abusing the power you will eventually have." He looked into those deep blue-golden eyes his voice deadly and Ranma was aware of the importance of those words. "Iīm warning you that this training will be different from anything that you can imagine. I will be ruthless, even brutal to a degree that even the training in that cat-fist will seem nice in comparation. This knowledge had caused a lot of tragedies and the destiny of the Heirs of this scholl is filled with blood and tears." He paused once again waiting some raction. Seeing none and the seriousness in the young man he continued. "Iīm giving you a choice; the choice you didnīt had with your father. In case that you refuse I will take you to some friends that can help you in forming a new life in this world." He paused. "The choice is yours. But remember that this knowlkedge is not a price or a priviledge; itīs a burden." Ranma stayed silent. For all his past life he had to do what the others told him to do without having anything to say about the matter. His training in the Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu, the neko-ken, the trip to Jusenkyou and the following shame of a curse so alien to him. Then all the fianceeīs mess, with all the pains that it carried with. Now a man was telling him that he could give him the supreme martial art but the price would be in blood, tears and pain. But the choice was his; not something impossed. His. He looked into Kenshiroīs eyes. Eyes that promised suffering but a chance also to find a destiny and to remade a life from the scratch only if he was ready to pay the price. A way to forget the past and move on even after the dead of Yado and Rea. He had made his choice. He stood up and bowed once to Kenshiro, something that he had never done before. Yelding to someone in change of a new life. "When do we start sensei? And wich is the name of our school?" He said respectfull. "We start as soon as your ribs have finished healing." He paused once again. Ranma could see that if his new master could avoid speaking he would but that suited him fine. After his banishment and his other trials he didnīt felt talkative either. "And the name of our style is the Hokuto Shin Ken Style-the North Dipper God Fist" Thus ended a life and started a new destiny. ------------------------------------------------- Ranmaīs ribs finished healing only two days after the moment he choose to learn the Hokuto Shin Ken style. Ken had only touched him in two point of his body with a soft presure and he could almost fell the speed of his ribs repairing themselves increase. Ken asured him that this kind of things were elemental in the knowldege of the Fist, making Ranma wonder wich were the limits of the power of this strange martial art. His training began soon after. Ken gave him a new set of clothes diferent from his usual chinese type but this suited fine also. Strangelly, as time passed, it was more and more difficult to him to make a connection to his former life... as if Ranma Saotome, heir of the Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu was fading to leave instead the five years old Ranma trying to learn the sacred martial art. Only the feelings and the void coupled with his love for the martial arts that were a part of him remained the same and became the only nexus to his past life in Nerima. The training began with morning sparings in the arena under the gaze of the two huge statues; statues that had seen that same thing repeat countless times. Ther he was beaten ruthlessly by Kenshiro as he had to learn the several kinds of combination of hikus that his master inflicted to his body. Numerous were the nights when he couldnīt get up by the pain that ravaged his body and the only sensation he could notice was the cold hard floor, smoothing his hardenning muscles wich were marked by what became the normal bruises that came along the touched hikus. Before the sun even rose in the estern skies he was making the tasks that Kenshiro asignated him, namely taking care of several of the older statues or doing the cleaning of the rooms and the kitchen. After that he would make Ranma to learn the chart of the nerves web in the body, pointing him wich were the precise points were he had to strike. When Ranma finally had learned them, several months after his arrival to this new world, he had to learn the several kind of presure he had to put in his strikes that came along the very pressing of the tsubos. As before with every error he was again beaten; Kenshiro using the same combination that he had previously failed but without giving them the lethal energy that would have started the destructive reaction in his body. Again the only confort he had was the cold surface of the stone ground that barely ereased the pain of Kenīs blows. His previous knowledge of the martial arts of his homeworld or of both the Anything Goes and amazon wu-shu were remdered useless as none of them worked with Kenshiro in their dayly sparing. Simply none of them worked. To the surpresive patterns of the Musabetsu Kakuto Kenshiro would counter them only with the most basic of the Hokuto Shinken stances. The Fist of the North Star was the best art to use in a chaotic fight and against this Ranmaīs former style was way down inferior. The tricks like the amaguriken or the Hi Ryu Shoten Ha didnīt worked. To the speed of the first Ken countered with even greater speeds that almost seemed god-like. Ken not even used his ki in battle wich make the Dragon Ascention Wave useless. With each passing day Ranma grew more and more convinced that effectivelly the Hokuto Shin Ken style was the supreme martial art. He had been beated with only the most basic of the divine martial artīs patterns. And when one day Kenshiro showed him some of the most advanced techniques his belife almost became a faith. It was in one of their sparing were Kenshiro checked Ranmaīs progress when it happened. Again and again Kenshiro efortlessly side steped Ranmaīs attacks while marking with his fingers the vital points where the hikus where located. "Way too slow!" Again a bruise. Ranma was projected to the ground slightly dazzled but inmediately came back attacking. "Too weak!" Two more to the abdomen and one to the face. Ranma rose his ki levels in the hopes of increasing his strenght and speed to match the one of his new master. A reflex from his former life that he had still problems to control even if Kenshiro had explained him that it would be futile. Since starting with the training, his body had again started to tolerate the increasing of its owner own ki. Also since the figh in Ember Town he had found that his power was growing and was more easy to chanell in his body. All of this only helped to make the use of the ki boost almost an automatic reaction that Ranma was unable to control. Unfortunately that didnīt worked either and with three blows, stronger than before, Ranma was on the ground breathing heavilly. Kenshiroīs expresion was stern. "What have I told you about using your ki to boost your phisical prowess?" His voice was cold and his gaze unafected by the sight of his student struggeling to rise up. After a moment and a burst of will Ranma was again on his feets even if it was clear that it had supposed a great effort. "I... Iīm sorry, sensei," he bowed. "But sometimes it's like a reflex... I can help it..." His father looked some momements more his trainee. Then he advanced towards him and put his fingers in some spots of his head. With a slight pressure, an energy shock and Ranma was send to his knees dizzy, only to be caught by his master and adoptive father before he touched the ground. During a few minutes Ranma couldnīt even speak as his head was almost buzzing. The sensation disapeared a few moments after and he could feel his body weaken somehow. "What was that, master?" He asked worried that Kenshiro had errased something importantdue to a former life reflex. "Try to use your ki, now." Ranma took some steps to distance himself from Ken and did as he was ordered. Nothing. He looked to his master a shocked expresion and tryed to do it again. Simply he couldnīt acces to his ki-reserves. Ranma looked bafled. He tryed again by sheer stubborness. With the same results. "I have touched the hikus that rules the ways your body channel ki towards its muscles." Ranma was speechless. What his master had done couldnīt be possible! Kenshiro continued with his explaining telling Ranma of his new restrictions. "Now you have only the capability to channel slightly more ki than a boy of your physical age. With time the levels of your bodyīs ki will increase with the training, but it will not boost you in any way. Later you will be able to remove this block but not before you have learned how to use your body untaped strenght." Ranma shalowed hard acepting the imposible for something very possible. With a slight touch Kenshiro had opened a whole new level to the martial understanding to Ranma. Ken looked to the boy in front of him and nodded, knowing very well what was passing in his young proteggeīs mind. He had also passed by that in his training but he could imagine clearely what a martial artist would think of such a technique, something that he wasnīt in his time when he started to learn the ways of the Fist. Yet something bothered him. The block he had put would hold but the power he had senses still untaped in his adopted son was inmense. He shook his head. This training promised to be all he expected and more. "Letīs start again. Attack!" And Ranma did. Since then and in the following years he devoted his entire life to learning every thing that his master taught him about the Fist and outside of it. Eventually Ken taught him about other things like history, matematics, art, some rudimentary technology, healing knowledge outside of the healing teachings of the Hokuto Shin Ken (Tokiīs books on the matter helped), some chimestry, lenguages like ancient chinese and other oriental lenguages. Ranma as time passed took a growing pleasure in the diverse things that Ken taugh him and grew to love and respect him. True, in the training hours he was a ruthless master that didnīt doubted in drew blood if he tought necesary, but outside the chembers of the Hokuto temple dedicated to the practice and training of the martial arts he was a caring father that took pleasure in their mutual relashionship. With this new love the inner demons of the boy grew to be nothing more than nighmares and he finally found the posibility of living with the memories of his deceased friends. All in all with time and the growing feelings towards his new father he grew to accept the loose of Rea and Yado but never to forget them. Another thing was the growing sensation of acepting his new body as time passed and the old Ranma started to fade. Kenshiro, by his side, quickly grew to like and even love the strange boy that came to him from another dimention. In some moments, when the boy was asleep and when he could alow himself to relax from the stern master he had to be, he would look at his prone figure wondering that if destiny had allowed him maybe he would have a son like Ranma. But it wasnīt the case and Yuria was still death... and still the boy was like the reminder of thinks that could have been. Then he would aproach the figure of the boy and with trembling fingers would brush some of his dark hair bangs. The boy would say something uninteligible while his innocent face was serene and Kenshiro would take his hand back. Also was the practice of martial arts with the boy. Rearely did he remember when training with someone would make him feel so good. Sure he had to brutalise the boyīs body to unberable levels but Ranma would never complain and would always come back, charging him with his unbreakable will and, even if the boy was unaware of it, he was making progress at an incredible rate. In some ocations he reminded him of a strange mixture of the best features of Toki and Raoh: the same passion and raw potential for learning martial arts that marked Raoh increased by a tenfold but doubled with the honour and moral code that marked Toki. It didnīt mean that the boy would refuse to fight using his most powerful emotions like ambition, determination, anger or hate, feelings that he come to acept as natural in order to be the best but he would put his ambition under control, and would lash his anger and hate with an unbreakable mastery, something that Raoh never did. Ambition to posses the Throne of Heavens and the whole world would define Raoh, while ambition to be the best marked Ranma, but puting limits to it: he would use anything to achive his ends. But still he would respect the laws of the Fist that had ruled the Hokuto Style for more than 2000 years. From what he knew of Ranmaīs previous life (they had time to discuss their lifes outside of the training time) he was surprised to find that the boy was basically a good human being more if he lived with a moral void like Genma. Maybe it was something that the boy had from within, beating at the rythm of his heart? Something that was with him as was his soul, even instinctive? A way to discern the good from the bad? And so with passing years the bond between the boy and the master of the Fist would grew more deep and strong. Ranma at the age of seven. They would spar untill he was drenched in sweat, his muscles a fire that dounted his will, impulsing him to surrender and still he would continue, ingnoring pain and exaustion, the strenght of his spirit growing and burning stronger with each passing day, relentless untill the master ordered him to stop. Them would he allow his body to colapse though his soul and mind still remained focused. After a moment of pause to gain some strnght he would rise up, then adopt the several position of the Hokuto and stay still untill his father would told him to switch to another. Each time his master would took an old shinai and start beating him if any flaw was detected. Soon blood woul be purring alongside with his tears of sweat but concentration never living the mind of the boy, a fortress of solitude against an ocean of pain. Than after a time, always changing from minutes to hours, would the master supervise the trainee in his own aplication of hikus to help the blooding body to recover itself, task that he would do flawlessly. Thanks to his quick healing, one of the few remanents of his former life, he would be ready to another round for the following day. In two hours he had to be ready for the theoric classes were the knowledge of his mind would be put to test and streched with new knowledges from the library of the Temple. There, using several practice dummies made of steel, would he practice the combination of hikus, his arms bluring in a speed greater than the amaguriken, several times damaging his fingers untill the day that he would penetrate the hard metal as if it was butter. All of this under the gaze of his father. Ranma at the age of ten. Now the sparing was most active as the traineeīs skill and knowledge of the tsubos was more complete. Fist, kicks and any kind of possible strike would be executed in a lethal and gracefull dance, moves bluring to the naked eye. Still the master would mark any unprotected tsubo that the future Heir couldnīt cover in time. First; a strike to the neck. Second; one to the ribs. Third; two brutal impacts to the right arm. A fourth. A fift. A sixth. And so on... They would continue for hours untill the body of the trainee was spasming in the ground, as if someone had passed a high tention cable of electricity by every nerve of the body, unable to do anything but moan in pain. Still the spark of fighting spirit would never leave those cold blue grey eyes that would turn to firy golden each time his power and determination grew. Eyes that had seen more pain in the previous years: eyes that refused to surrender. Ranma at the age of thirteen. The young man was in the rear side of the temple welcoming the rising sun to this almost barren land. He had already finished his morning cores and was enjoying the warm of the rising star. Since his arrival some eight years back he had noticed how nature had slowly but staedly regained sovereingty upon the world. It was almsot as if God had given the land a second chance after the nuclear holocaust. The news that arrived to the new temple of Hokuto talked about almost mundial peace with only a few trawbacks to it. Slowly life and civilization were becoming a reality. Ranma, even if that name was growing... unapropriate to the young man, let the crispy air of the morning smooth his body and mind. The name of a person helped to define oneself and sometimes he couldnīt help but think that "Ranma" was a death person unrelated to the growing man he was becoming. He still remembered his past experience but more like a fading dream only remaining the feeling he had for that time in his home dimension, but without images for those feelings they were almost... unconected with himself. Eventually he could bring back those images if he concentrated but he hadnīt the need to remember painfull times. He sighed, untill Kenshiro, his father, gave him a new name he would continue with his old "Ranma" name. Yes, the name "Ranma" was the emboiment of a life he had left behind long ago. Now he had a new life with bad and harsh memories but also with some good moments. Yado and Reaīs dead had been a hard moment and he stil mourned for them, for their company but now he belived that knowling them had been something he would never regret. He had a now family and he could still make the thing he was best at: martial arts but still being a human being. He sighed again and returned to look to the rising sun one of the free moments he had and enjoyed the most with the stargazing. Suddenly his senses went in alert and knew that he wasnīt alone anymore. He turned to see his adoptive father in traveling clothes contrary to his now more habitual garbs of priest. Even if Kenshiro was now more than fifty years old he had still the prance of a warrior and power seemed to ooze from him in waves. But since last year there had been a cange of sorts between the warrior he was and the most trascendent of a retired monk he was becoming. With his now greyish hair and some more pronounced wrinkles he showed a imposing presence doubled with a tangible air of wisdom. He hadnīt explained Ranma wich were the reasons behind the change as he knew that with time he would undterstand them.And with time there werenīt any more secrets between them: Ranma had told him of his past life and feelings and Kenshiro told him about the battles with his brothers and his adventures after Yuriaīs death. "What are we going to do today father?" He asked, aeger to start his clases, a grin in his face. Even with the time they had shared together Kenshiro still surprised him with new moves or techniques making Ranma even more impacient to keep learning the Hokuto Shin Ken. Kenshiro eyed his charge and with a small smile answered the exuberant youth. Maybe this time the heir would retain some innocence to his training. Sometimes Ken had problems when thinking that Ranma would end being a killer, but it was a fate that the boy had chosen freely. "There will be no training today. We are going to see some frinds of mine for the next months." "How so?" Asked a now pouting Ranma. Ken actually laughed looking to the face of his trainee. "Youīre not training to be an ermit Ranma. You have to learn how to act with normal human beings again. If not youīll have more problems to adapt to the others, the ones you are supposed to protect." Ranma reluctantly nodded. Since arriving to the Hokuto temple and accepting the training of the Fist he had met few people and being in the temple, that was itself far from the usual routes, provided even more isolement. True some news arrived there with the food sended to the temple from a place he not even knew of (he not even know the full resourses at Kenshiroīs disposal) but still Kenshiro was right: if things still continued like that he would become unable to live with common people. Something that he wasnīt, to put it middly, very trained in his former life. He still remembered the time when he could have been called social disaster and still be a praise to his abilities. Now that he thought about it a lot of his former problems as Ranma Saotome were due to his lack of knowledge about how to deal with people. At least Kenshiro had tutored him in basic social skills (not that Ken was a master himself). He was interupted by his fatherīs voice. "Go to pack some clothes. We are parting before noon." Then he went towards the shrine. Ranma shugered and went to do what his father had said him to. ------------------------------------------------- Ranma and Kenshiro arrived to the outskirts of a huge town, more a blossoming city, that showed still the marks of the troubled times when Kenshiro was searching for his beloved Yuria, fighting to bring some hope to a cruel world. Even if the limits of the city were unprotected, as the inhabitants were sure of their own strenght, the internal city, older than the newest expansions, retained the huge walls and defenses against possible raiders. The guardīs towers as well as a hundered more details spoke of events that Ranma, more due to his isolement in the Hokuto temple, couldnīt face as yet. Still the early memories of the attack to Ember Town, town that saved him when he had just arrived to this once ravaged land, and the killing that he had withnessed made him accept it as a matter of fact as they appraoched the inner city. He griped a little harder the straps of his backpack. For the first time in years he would be living with more people than his father and, even if he wasnīt affraid of it, he was nervous. Kenshiro averted his gaze from the entrance of the city to look into his adopted son wich nerviousness was clear to the older man. "Donīt worry Ranma." Was his laconic sentence. "Yes, father." Was Ranmaīs ansewer, as short as the one of his father. With the years both had learned to comunicate their emotions with the fewer words possible, and even if Kenshiro had only said few worlds, the confidence the man had for his son was clear for this one. It helped the boy to deal with his doubts about meeting other peoples with a confident smile. Both him and Kenshiro were using huge backpacks, something that in the journey from the temple had refreshed Ranmaīs memories of trips with Genma during his first martial arts trainnig. But in this trip with his new father, he had grown to understand that his time with Genma had been a time of deep injustice and undeserved beatings, troubles and pain at the hands of his once father. With Kenshiro he had understood that the harshness of any martial art proper learning wasnīt the excuse to banish love and kindness after the training, something that he had never know. This only made him hate more his former life. As soon as they arrived to the first houses and the poeple had looked at them a small crowd of people started gathering their eyes and faces filed with joy, mother and fathers taking their sons and daughters near the couple as shouts soon annouced their arrival. "Look! Itīs Kenshiro-sama!!" "Someone call lord Bart and lady Lynne!" "Praise to the Heir of the Holy Fist!" "Hail to him!" "Kenshiro!" "Kenshiro!" The shouts and paraises astonished Ranma, while Ken smiled and allowed the younger boys and girls, almost still babies, to approach him. Ranma looked to this new aspect of his father, looking him with a new light and understanding in his mind. For those people Kenshiro was a savior, the one that brought peace to the world again. They looked at him almost as if he was a divinity, a being send by the Heavens to bring light once again to a desperate world. He didnīt knew all of that before and now this only made him love more his adoptive father. Love. He had never thought that he would be feeling that kind of emotion for another. He had cared, and more than that, for Akane back in his homeworld and sherished his friendship with the little people that still treated him fairly, but never had he be so sure that he loved someone. Mostly because he didnīt knew what love is. Back then, with his rising at the hands of Genma, he was a incomplete human being. Maybe that helped in his once belived maestry of martial arts but it also separated him from the others humans, people that had a _life_. He had lived an incomplete one compared to the others and that marked him as an outcast. Maybe to the people surrounding him he was a jerk but that was because he didnīt knew how to act with normal humans. Living with his fathe... with Genma and trading insults with him only made things worst. Now in another world, in another dimention he had found love with that second chance destiny had seemed to give him. It was ironic that in a world ravaged by a nuclear war he had found what he had always lacked of. He was a human thanks to Kenshiro. His father. A smile of happiness appeared in his face more used to sadness and determination. A face that had almsot forgotten how to smile a smile of love and respect since the dead of the girl with emeral eyes. And Ranma liked it. ------------------------------------------------- Suddenly a strong voice shouted claiming silence. Ranma ended his introspection to look to a couple that had arrived and due to the reaction of the people gathering it was clearly important people. Ranma looked back to his father who smiled to the couple. Suddenly the woman started to run and trowed herself to Kenshiroīs arms hugging him. The man smiled and aproached his father and the woman putting a hand on Kenīs shoulder while passing an arm around the woman. All the three of them were smiling fondly like old friends. The people arround them, also smiling slowly returned to the things they were doing before Kenīs arrival, letting the friends to their privacy. Ranma stood there, silent, a few feets behind his father, leting him rejoice the meeting with his friends. Few times had Ranma seen his father so happy and even enjoyed it, greatefull that Kenshiro, usually somber, had some moments of happiness with old friends. Then Kenshiro separeated himself from his two friends and turned and faced Ranma, making him sign to approach them. The pig-tailed boy approached and Kenshiro put one of his arms on the shoulder of the younger boy. "Lynne, Bart, this is my son and heir Ranma. Ranma this are my friends Lynne and Bart." Ranma bowed low. He had noticed the looks he had recived when his father had told them that he was the heir in training. He couldnīt make clear wich were the feelings the couple had right now towards himslef. From what Ken had told him about his past life this two were of great importance in his journey both before and after finding Yuria. As friends of his father Ranma hoped that they would accept him. Looking at Lynne he was surprised to see how beautifull the woman was with eyes were goodness and a gentle soul shine, conmforting Ranma who took inmediatly a liking to the woman. This stirred the long lost memories of his own mother that he never met in his homeworld. Lynne and Bart were surprised to say the last. After all the fights and suffering that Ken had endured in the fights with his brothers they had almost expected Ken to not have a heir and the last years had been, untill now, a confirmation of that belief. Untill now. Lynne looked at the young boy. Somehow cute he promised to be extremely handsome when grown up. She could feel already the results of the training that Ken had imparted upon the boy with muscles that were way more defined than possible at a so younger age and a control of his body that even more warriors never attained in a lifetime. His black hair was made in a short pigtail that accentuated his good looks. But his blue-grey eyes were his most startling feature; his eyes were way more older than what was common in boys of his age (wich she belived to be around twelve or thirteen) but there was more... something disturbing that she had felt in the past looking at Raoh, Toki and the very Kenshiro. Something that she couldnīt name, even after all her adventures with those men . For a moment, when the sun shone bathing them with its light, she had belived those eyes to be golden... And she could feel power emanating from his body, maybe even too much power. All in all she was feeling nervous, even afraid by Kenīs heir. Suddenly she realised that the boy, Ranma, was looking at her and her husband with something that was almost longing. Like her own children looked at her in moments when they belived that they are alone, the look of an abandoned child. And with that she realised, instinctively, that the boy whatever was his destiny wouldnīt harm her or any innocent if he could prevent it. She aproached Ranma and kneeling in front of his hugged him not unlike a mother would do. "Welcome, Ranma." ------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro, Bart and Lynne were siting in the central room of the coupleīs house, drimking some rare tea. The couple was watching their old friend not knowing if asking him about his Heir. Both knew that the matter was an old wound for Ken, more after all the pain it caused him years ago; the troubles with Raoh, Jaggy and the other warriors that prevented him to live with his beloved Yuria. Now Kenshiro appeared after years of silence (something not so rare) with his Heir, RanmaL; a boy that even if he had some inner charm was a mystery. Why did Kenshiro decided to train a heir? Why Ranma? From where is this strange boy from? Did he search for Kenshiro for the Fist? If so then why? This questions, were making them uneasy. Not that Ranma was a bad boy, far form it. Since both Kenshiro and Ranma had put their things in the guestroom, the older man had ordained his charge to go and "play" with the other young boys and girls. At first Ranma had showed some reticence to do as he was said but a look between father and son had made him go to meet the group of youngsters of the city. As far as Bart, and more specially Lynne, had felt the boy had a darkness within him (much as Kenshiro) but that was coupled with some goodness that from time to time showed itself making the boy almost impossible to resist. Now as the shouts of delight from the boys and girls were coming trought the windows of the room Lynne and Bart were waiting for their friend to explain himself. Kenshiro was sitting, his eyes closed, enjoying the sound of happiness that were coming from the outside of the house. It was in moments like this one that he sincerly belived that all the sacrifices made by himself, by Yuria, by Rei, Toki Shuu and the others was worth it all. Evidentlly he knew that the spirits of his friends were as joyfull as he was looking at the final results of all the blood and sadness they had endured. Now he could feel the apprehension comning from his friends about him having Ranma as Heir of the Hokuto Shin Ken. He understood them; after all they had seen the ravaged that the knowledge of the Fist could bring to the world. He had the same doubts years ago when he first met Ranma (doubts since long gone). But that was something that was preordained, it was something that Ranma could not understand untill the time was right. He knew what time it was but Ranma was to be in ignorance untill the very moment in wich he would become the Fist of the North Star and the burden passed to him. Kenshiro oppened his eyes to look at his two concerned friends. "I suppose that you are asking yourself why I have a heir now?" "Itīs not only that Ken," said Bart. "After all the troubles you had with Raoh for the succesion and the pains and suffering that had brought you the mantle of Heir we supposed that you would keep the secrets of the Hokuto to yourself." He paused, moment that Lynne choose to spoke. "There is more than that. Ranma... Why him? Something in that boy is not normal even from what you could be waiting of the Heir of the Hokuto Shin Ken... Something not so natural. Itīs almost as if under all his innocence there was a darker nature." Ken nodded as he decided how to explain himself. "Ranma... you can say that he is the kind of figure that was concived to be the possessor of the Hokuto Shin Ken." He paused. "What I am going to say will stay between Mamya and ourselves when she returns from the frontier: itīs a secret that not even Ranma is aware of." The seriousness in Kenshiroīs voice was more than enought to make Lynne and Bart edgy. Usualy all that Kenshiro said was serious but for him to think about it as a secret... "First, Ranma is not from this world." He stated simply. "What!?" Shouted the couple. "from what he had told me he was a martial artist of the higest level in his homeworld, but some of his rivals teamed together to exile him. If it was a foolish chance or destiny that made him end here, I donīt know. But I think that itīs more the second than the first. He regresed from a body of sixteen years to the one of five at his arival." "Thatīs incredible!" "In his homeworld magic seems to be an integral part, or at last it was in his life. And magic was involved in what he calls his banishment; an apt therm. Anyway in that world they have martial arts but nothing that can compare to the schools that exist here. I have spared with him and even if they show extreme power in some techniques the lot seems mostly inofensive. Anyway Ranma was rised from his most younger age to be a living weapon..." "magic... that seems to be a tale" said Bart. "Yes, but its real or it was for the Ranma of sixteen years old. Now to Ranma his arrival here wasnīt easy. He wandered untill he fainted in exaustion only to be find by some explorers of Ember Town. Then few days after he regained consiousness the people that took care of him were attacked by some riders... with the following bloodbath." Lynne paled as Bart negated silently with his head. He still found dificult to belive that there were still people like that in the world. "How did Ranma react to that?" asked Lynne with concern in her voice. Kenshiro sighed almost in regret. "He wasnīt prepared. In his world there is an order very similar to the one before the holocaust and the sight of that butchering shocked him. He lost two very important poeople for him and that almost shatered his mind. Though that didnīt stoped him to kill almost all of the riders with his bare hands and was doing well untill he was exausted and wounded. Then I arrived." Bart had a knowing smile. "I killed those raiders and took him with me." Finished Kenshiro. "But why? Why making him your Heir? You could have leaved him at the care of any town or even ourselves." Asked Lynne Kenshiro closed his eyes remebering. "Weeks before I found Ranma I had a number of dreams that repeated themselves. In that dream I could see my brothers as well as Yuria and the other Nanto Sei surrounding Ranma. At first I didnīt understood the meaning but itīs clear to me now that Ranma is the next generation of Hokuto Shin Ken master and maybe the most powerfull that is going to be ever." "What do you mean by that?" asked Bart intrigued by that last statement. "Ranma... Ranma is a natural born killer... a natural born warrior of the likes you can find once in ten lifetimes. Even now loving him as the son I never had Iīm affraid of his uncanny hability to learn the Hokuto Shin Ken even if itīs something that I was expecting from him since the first time we met. To put it short what normally should take months and even years to learn, Ranma can do it in few days, even hours." "Woah." Was the only ansewer from Bart. "How strong is he right now?"asked Lynne "Right now Iīll put his raw power near Raohīs level when I first faced him. Thatīs without counting the power he had from his homeworld that I have blocked to allow him to continue his trainnig, yet that power is also growing. He only needs the knowledge to boost his power and he will be way stronger than I am right now." "Thatīs insane!" exclamed Bart. Ken nodded. "If we take in count that a Fist canīt grew powerfull without Heavensī gift, Iīll say that Ranma is a messenger or a kind of Messiah from God Himself. And there is more." "More?" "Oh yes. You see Ranma, even being more or less an innocent boy, has the seed of the Musotensei in his being. The void and the sadness are already within him. A spark more an the technique will reveal itself in his mind, giving him the supreme technique." He paused once again to let all of it sinks in his two friends before speaking without a trace of sadness or anger in his voice. "Truelly Ranma, my son, is going to be the one who will kill me." ------------------------------------------------- The days Ranma and Ken passed soon turned into weeks and after that in months untill the moment Ken choose to return to the temple. In that time, even with Ranma begging his father to continue his training, Kenshiro refused, only alowing him to revise what he already knew while telling him to give his mind a rest and enjoy human company. Many were the times in where Ranma would become angered but still would go "playing" under the smile of Kenshiro, amused by his antics. To be true Ranma enjoyed those days in the city living with Bart and Lynne and their family, discovering something that he never knew in his days in Nerima and only gasped with Yado and Rea; the joy of being accepted by others without having to fear mallets, extortion and all the things that made his life miserable. The joy to be accepted as he is. It was true that in social skills he was better than in his past life but he had still much to learn. So one of the reasons why they were there was to teach Ranma ways to live with the others without being a walking disaster. In the moments when he would say something wrong Lynne and Bart (that soon became aunt Lynne and uncle Bart) would simply explain him what was wrong, Ranma would think about it, blush in embarassment and give a sincere apology that would be accepted between smiles. Ranma would soon help in any task, even the domestic ones, with enthusiasm, something that in retrospective he would never have allowed himnself to do in the Tendo dojo. Here he could help and show a more friendly being that in Nerima, were any display like the ones there with Lynne & Bartīs family would have made him earn shocked looks and the usual remark of turning into a girl or being unmanly. What was more to him it was a way to make that time with Rea and Yado continue. The time he lived with them learning to open himself to others and that was brutally closed with their deaths, here he could continue opening himself; a way to make that time of happiness meaningfull. And Ranma, after the inicial shyness and indicision would make the possible to fit with the other people that he met there. It helped that Bart and Lynne family accepted him very soon, making him almost feel like he was at home or something very near to that concept. ------------------------------------------------- "Well son, what do you think?" Asked some hours after they had left the village. Ranma had been silent since they left it early in the morning. Kenshiro knew that the boy had enjoyed the stay and learned all he could about the complexity in the relasionship between humans even if in a child-others relation (even if Ranma isnīt exactly a thirteen years old). It wasnīt that Ranma had become a social beast but Ken trusted the boy to be able to blend better in a human group than before. Even with the slowing that it supposed to his training (not that it bothered Ken too much knowing the advanced level of his son) Kenshiro knew that this weeks had been important in his chargeīs formation. Ranma stoped, looked into his father, then to the smaler dot that was the city then once again to Ken before talking. "That now I realise better why would I use the Fist." That caugh Ken interest inmediatly. Untill now he had never asked Ranma what he would do with the knowledge of the Fist. Generaly that question was asked to the possible heirs in one of the last stages of the training. Kenshiro knew that Ranma wouldnīt use the power of the Hokuto in any dishonorable way but still he never gave himself to ask his son about it. "Well?" He asked in a neutral tone. Ranma closed his eyes before smile a little smile. Then he opened his eyes and locked his gaze in his father, his blue-grey eyes turned golden but this time without the gleam that screamed dead. "To protect those who canīt protect themselves. To protect those dear to me. To make the world a better place for anyone. To be hope in the heart of the hopeless. Never will I use the Fist to gain power at the cost of othersīblood and tears. Thatīs what I will be and what I will do. That I swear in front of the Throne of Heavens." Ken then smiled, pridefull, then put an arm on the shoulders of his _son_. "Letīs go home. You have still a lot to learn." Ranma noded and with the arm of the man that became his father if not in blood but in every other way possible turned his face towards their home. ------------------------------------------------- The training took at an even faster rate than before. Less ours were given to rest as if the learning capabilities and natural healing of Ranmaīs body (boosted by the techings of Hokuto) allowed him to train for more time. Kenshiro suspected some tampering as since Ranmaīs Oath his learing capabilities already behyond human levels increased making it seem less human. He knew it as in the two thousand years of history in the School of the Great Dipper Fist a case as the one of his son wasnīt heard of. Now from who was the tampering Kenshiro had his own suspition. Whole days sparring at speeds that were god-like, hours repeating the patterns of the bodyīs tsubos to make the most destructive effects inside of oneīs body as well as the healing that the hikus can bring to an ill body. Use of the body energy to counter the effects of specific ravages in oneīs body... All of this and more were absorbed by Ranmaīs mind and body as if he was breathing them. Eventually days passed turning into months, and the months passed, months soon turning into years. With time and as Ranma grew in his knowledge and mastery of the Hokuto the training session became harder, specially in his sparring matches with Ken, sparring that was more like a battle to death for the two warriors. Blood was spilled and muscles torn appart while the two opponents faced each other without the thought of surrender entering their minds. Usually the fights ended with both fighters droping exhausted even if in more of the matches it was Kenshiro that won at the end. He was the master and Ranma respected it, repect doubled with love for the older man. He knew that Ken hold back some techniques and also that the experience of more than a thousand battles to dead gave his father a whide marge beteen their two powers but slowly as the days passed that gasp between them grew smaller. With the time and as Ken grew older (even if his power was still intact) their matches finished. Since then and as Ranma approached the end of his teen ages, Kenshiro started to explain him the last techniques of the Hokuto as well as some of the higher lore of the School. Ranma still learned with the same quickness and could have passed the final tests sooner if Kenshiro hadnīt decided to pulish even more the knowledge of Ranma. Not that he belived for a second that Ranma wasnīt whorty of the power and title of the Heir but more becase Ken wanted to perfectionate the already enormous power of the young man along with his knowledge of the higher arcanes of the School that Ranma already mastered. Also was the matter of the "block" that he had put upon the ki-energies that Ranma had from his homeworld. It was still there more due to ranmaīs decision than for anything that the older man could have said. Ranma had the knowledge of erasing that block but he had decided against it, prefering to finish his training first, something that Kenshiro calculated to bein more or less three years, almost two decades after his arrival to that world. And those final years passed. Ranma was sitting upon a rock in what had became his favourite thinking spot since the first years of his training in the Hokuto. He was thinking about the moment when he was face to face wih a giant killing tyger (one of the few that rested upon the earth) all in all to pass the test of the killing aura; as if to check that he had enought killing power. Needless to say once their gaze crossed the tyger lowered his head in sign of submission. This only confirmed what Ranma knew; now death was one with him. He had since long accepted it, almost after realising that he had killed without remorse just after arriving to this new dimention when he had crossed his path with Kenshiro. The scene with the tyger remembered him that now he had the knowledge of the most destructive martial art ever divised. A smirk appeared in his lips remebering the now almost dream-like memories of his life in Nerima and the martial arts of that world. They seemed almost pathetic compared with the art he possesed now. Even the "powerfull" Musabetsu-Kakuto ryu and the amazon wu-shu meant jack to him right now. Not for the first time in his second life he wondered what had happen to the people back there. Had Ryouga married Akane? And Mousse, did he finally won Shampooīs love? What happened to kuno once he had realised that he had lost his beloved pig-tailed goddess? Still some peole back there still made his heart go warm, little that is, but what had happened to Kasumi? Had she finally found someone to love? Maybe dr Toffu? What had happened to the good doctor at the end? And Ucchan? What about her? Had she found happiness without him there? Ranma sighed just as his awarness started to send him signs. He turned to find his father standing a few meters away from were he was sitting, looking at him carefully, measuring him, maesuring the body and the mind that he had helped to forge. From the steel hard muscles to the deep eyes and warrior-like pose screaming danger to anyone how had some knowlege in the arts of battle. Kenshiro examinated the mind and the burning will, unquenchable, irreductible that shines in the depts of the blue-gold eyes of the one that had become his son. The battle aura, enormous even if invisble in a non-battle situation, that laid dormant but even so could desintegrate anything as foolish to chalenge him. All in all the most perfect fighting being that the Hokuto Shin Ken school had ever produced. Only a push more and he would be ready, a push to make him explode. Ramna looked at the figure of his adoptive father aware that something big was happenning. The signs barely perceptible but present for the ones that knew Kenshiro well. Be it by how his eyes were looking up and down, examinating him. Or by the way the muscles of his jaw bent as well as the steady rhythm of his respiration. "Follow me." Said the older man as he turned around. Ranma simply jumped down from his stone and followed Ken, curious about all of this meant. He followed his father into the templeīs central room, were the two statues of the defensors of Budism were standing. Silent watchers of the more than two thousand years of history of the Hokuto Shin Ken School. Silent about the tragedies that formed that history as well as the victories won by the different Heirs of the school. Kenshiro gestured Ranma to stop at the edge of the zone between the two statues before taking his own place just in front of Ranma. the young man noticed that they were at the edge of the fighting arena, a place were they had fought countless battles. Kenshiro remained silent looking once more at the young man that had became so important in his life The he spoke and by the seriousness in his voice Ranma knew that something big was about to happen. "Today you will become the succesor of the Hokuto Shin Ken and will be the next bearer of that responsibility." He let his words sank in the young manīs mind. The only extern sign of his surprise were a sligh widenning of those unique eyes. Ken waited some more to continue, his voice turning as steel. "But before that... you will face me in battle once again and for the last time. Donīt hold back. This is the last examination of your skills and of your knowledge so fight me as if I was your worst enemy. I will do that." Ranma only noded. That said Ken went into position, bringing forth his battle aura, reaping his clothes and laving his chest bare his seven wound inflicted by Shin so many years ago shining as if really they were the seven stars in the sky. Ranma stood unmoving for a moment, still shocked learning that this was the last task before being deemed worthy of possesing the title of the Fist of the North Star. He nodded again and also brought his aura forth. He had seen the battle aura cursing trought the body of his father making the ground to shake by its sheer power, turning from a deep blue to shining white as its power concentrated. His own battle aura, golden with red highlights before turnig white as well. It also torn apart his clothes almost in the same way that the one of his father did, saturing the zone near them with power as the two battle auras merged, iluminating the dark room, their muscles growing as trying to contain all that power and failling. Several cracks were heard coming from the walls as they were torn apart by the sole air pression that the merged auras were producing. Both Ranma and Kenshiro, using the Tenryuu Kokyuu Hou, were increasing the resistence of their body as well as their phisical strenght and speed for the uncoming clash. Yet they stayed there, their power growing, eyes blazing with light as the fisures in the walls and in the statues were growing in size. At the end it was Kenshiro who attacked first. Without warning he send several blast of energy towards Ranma with such speed that his arms blured, a wall of ki-blast comming stright to his student. Ranma was sightly surprised by his fatherīs choice. Ki-blast werenīt very commmon in a Hokuto Shin Ken battle as they tended to tax the body. Inmediatly he put aside is surprise and a split second later decided to counter them as his hands blured at the same speed as Kenshiroīs, sending his own blasts. With a deafening sound the balls of energy clashed and repulsed each other before exploding. Several of the power orbs were send flying causing more destruction while some returned to the men that had fired them. Huge parts of the surounding walls exploded, leting the light of the day to enter the room. Meanwhile the blasts send back to Ken and Ranma impacted in their auras. None of then took heed of the returning blast as their total attention was focused on his adversary. For a moment the blasts struggled with the battle auras, relasing a web of lightnings that damaged even more the surrounding area. Finally the energy from the blasts were absorbed in the battle auras, making them brighter for a moment. This done and still at the same distance Kenshiro smirked a bit. The control of energy from his son was as perfect as his. then he decided to follow and launched another attack. He drew his arm back and with speeds that put in shame the amaguriken sended a pression wave with enought power to compress tempered titanium as if it was mashed paper. Ranma frowned when he felt the presure coming and decided to send one of his own. The area between them exploded as the two presure waves met sending also a wall of displaced solid air towards the two fighter cutting them slightly but they continued emiting the presure transforming it in a contest of strenght and stamina. Needles to say the walls behind them were blown out. Soon, as perspiration covered their brows, some veins in their arms and chest started to explode by the blood presure and the strain of the contending presure. Both warriors looked at each other and without even breaking their attacks approached each other, steb by step As the walked the presure between the two attacks was growing with each step taken. This, coupled with the battle auras that were raging against each other provoqued that when only two metters separed father and son a vacuum was formed. It only last some seconds before exploding blowing the roof and some of the still standing walls of the room. But that mattered little to the two glowing fighters wich were pushed some metters backwards by the shock wave. A second after they were trading blows with speed that defied imagining. Again and again they clashed jumping, running against each other, the displaced air cutting them as the ground was torn apart by the sonic booms result of their clashing. When their blow didnīt conected then it was the turn of the ground to be destroyed; straight lines of pulverised stone apeared in the ground and craters were formed by the strenght behind the fists. This went for some minutes more, minutes that seemed eternal for the contending fighters. Kenshiro was having the fight of his life. He could have used the Musotensei and won the fight but it wasnīt what he wanted. This battle was for his son, his last present. Also for one time he was enjoying the battle, the rush of adrenaline, the pounding of his heart as blood rushed by his veins. Pleasure that he had to fight against Ranma, someone that was a chalenge to his power, something that he hadnīt felt since his last fight with Raoh. Ranma was having similar thought as he blocked kicks and fists; blows directed to his tsubos that quickly went further than that. This was for what he lived, for what he was born: the fight, to battle adversaries as strong as himself. But what was more: this battle was the way he had to give his thanks to his father, to the one that gave him a new life and showed him so much. For his father he was going to give his best. Fists were flying and blood spiled by hundreds of little wounds. Both fighters had passed the moment of the fight when special techniques were used. Now only strenght, resistance and will to win mattered. Still as the battle auras raged, and stones were reduced to dust, as their spilled blood covered the ground, both warriors had matching smiles even if the blows brought unberable pain as their bodies vibrated by the strenght used in each blow. Yet only the resistance to the pain and the refusal to surrender mattered. Pain that was endured untill one of them surrendered. As Ken blocked a kick-strike directed at his headīs left side he did the same. As he saw Ranma block his own attack with his left forearm. As he saw his son glow even stronger as he drew more ki from his reserves he knew that the moment was coming. A smile appeared in is blood-tainted face. he tough as he saw Ranma jump backwards only to jump again this time to his front were he was and drow his right arm back in a strike directed to his chest. A strike that he could have blocked. That is if he had wanted to. Ranma powered more, directing the major part of his power to his right fist in a strike to his father scarred chest. Kenshiroīs last attack had damaged his left arm rather badly but he decided to ignore the pain. After all it was something that he had learned since a long time. His fist flew straight with enought strenght to pulverise anything the was on the face of the earth, that is unless you are a master of the Hokuto. Thatīs why he was shocked when his father lowered his stance giving him a perfect shot to his chest and droped all defensive power in few seconds preventing Ranma to stop his own attack. And it was with a sickening and maddening sound that he realised that he had killed his father, as Kenshiroīs bones and muscles were reduced into a bloody pulp. Ranmaīs fist passed trough the first two scars of his fatherīs old wounds making the whole greather with all the kinetic energy that followed the impact. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Was the shout that resonated in the room, a shout of outer loss and infinite pain and self-loathing. Kenshiro not even felt the pain curse trough his body as he was send flying toward a part of the still standing walls. He crashed, the stones broken as he impacted and for some moments only darkness was arround him untill the feeling that he was gently drew up, a strong arm under his back, suporting him and at the same time allowing him to be more comfortable. He slowly opened his eyes as he felt hot tears upon his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes, looked up and saw Ranma, the young man that was more than a son to him, crying with his eyes flowded by tears. Said youth was slowly repeating a single world like a mantra. "Whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhwhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy..." Ken smiled and with some of his last strenght took his son hand. "It was necesary..." Ranma looked startled "Uh?" "It was necesary... that you killed me... to make you posses... the Musotensei..." "The musotensei? For a stupid technique I had to kill you?!" Ranma almost sounded outraged Ken smiled wilder "Yes for that "stupid" technique... to make you the most powefull master... of our art. Youīll understand with time..." He started to close his eyes Ranma looking the eyes of his father start to close could feel his sanity disappearing. This was worst than Reaīs dead! "Plase father! Donīt leave me alone! I need you!!" Ken once again opened his eyes his smile never leaving his lips. "Alone? I will never leave you my son... Iīll live trough you as will do the others..." "The others?" "Oh yes... The others. We will all protect you and when youīll will need us... weīll be there for you..." Then as his last moments were coiming his voice grew stronger as he spoke once again. "Donīt let this destroy you. I have leaved a life full of whatever I have needed. Friends, enemies and loved ones. Yes my life was full of tears and sadness but I canīt ask God a better life. I have brought light to this world once. Now Iīll leave this world knowing that I let it in good hands. You are now the Fist of the North Star, Ryuken." Ranma was frozen as the new name was resonating like a gong in his mind, one of the last missing pieces of his existance now clossed with that new name. "Ryu... Ryuken?" He asked in a low voice. "Yes. Ryu. The Dragon of the Heavens. Ken. For the Hokuto and the Nanto Shin Ken. They are yours now, Ryuken. Farewell my son" Then with a last smile, Kenshiro the last Heir of the Hokuto Shin Ken died in the arms of Ryuken, a man once known as Ranma Saotome, giving the burden to the next heir. Ryuken/Ranma was numb and shocked for a moment as he let go the body of the man that was more than a father to him. He stood up while new tears streaming from his eyes as an infinite sadness washed everything else with the memories of all he had lost. But in that moment it happened. His new name worked as the key for the void that Ranma/Ryuken had carried since coming to that land where his destiny awaited. The Mousotensei opened itself in his mind with the opening of the void. And with the ultimate secret of the Hokuto Shin Ken came the others. Raoh star of violence. Toki star of gentleness. Yuria star of the loving mother. Rei star of justice. Shu star of Compassion Shin star of Sacrifice Sauza star of Rulers. Uda star of Strategy. Fudo the Mountain. Ryouga the Wolf of Heavens. And finaly Kenshiro. Ryukenīs mind was a maëlstorm of feelings, memories, and knowledge. Each of this warriors coming to his soul, to the Void. Starting to live there as they had lived before in Kenshiro. All of then giving their powers and martial knowledge but as well as leaving their print and changes in Ryukenīs mind that still was trying to put order in his own memories before accepting the othersī. He droped to his knees and clutched his head waiting to the Musotensei to finish its own restructuration, preventing him to go insane. For some moments he was blind, deaf, senseless. Then as quickly as it had started it stoped. No more mental doubts and inner turmoil. Only a soft sadness remainder of the change within him. Ryuken breathed slowly as he opened his eyes and stood up again. He could feel them all now and if he concentrated slightly he could access their lives and knowledge. But still he could feel Kenshiroīs sould inside, giving him all the support and love he needed. He smiled. "You were right father. You are with me. Forever. But still I want to give something for all you have given to me." He checked his own wounds and find them, strangely, already closed as if there hadnīt be any fight at all. For a moment Ryuken wondered if all had been a dream but only looking at the prone body of his father brough him again towards reality. He sighed. He looked back in the memories he now posesed and to the new techniques he was now the sole master. But in two lifes in particular: Kenshiroīs and Shinīs. He then looked to his own chest and using one of his fingers, focused his newfound knowledge of the Nanto Shin Ken. Then with a swift strike he stabed himself in the chest percing trough skin, flesh and muscles. The pain was already there, stronger than what he had first suspected. He knew that it was possible to make it even more painfull and he did. He wanted to feel the same pain that his father had felt when his once best friend had marked him. This was to remember. To remember the moment when he had killed his father and to mark a new starting point as it was for Kenshiro. This was his third birth. First in his original dimention from a mother that he not even knew and of wich he not even remembered anymore. Second when he had arrived to this other world; to this different dimention, stunned and defeated, angry by the unfairness of it all. Still angry of the betrayal and of his loss of everything that had some meaning to him. And the third one that definitively killed Ranma Saotome of the Anything goes School of martial arts; a being from wich only survived the memories and the feelings. The death of an already dead man. A death that mean the birth of Ryuken; Heir of the Sacred Schools of Hokuto Shin Ken and Nanto Shin ken. A warrior that was paying his last debt. A second mark, a second scar. A third one. Then a fourth. Then a fifth. Then a sixth. And finally the seventh. Ryuken looked to the prone body of his master and father. His scars were still visible even with the terrible hole that himself had inflicted in the body of the one he had most loved. They were visible as was his last smile. Ryuken Looked to the seven bleeding wounds in his own body and to the ones of his father and could see that they were totally alike. "Good" said the young man as the warm blood flowed upoon his trousers and all his body. Slowly he reached the back of his head to his pigtail, the last reminding of the Saotome from Nerima. He cut it with a deft use of a Nanto strike. The pigtail felt to the ground. He continued a while, dark hair landing on the blodied ground. Then he stoped. Ryuken passed his hands in his now short hair before kneeling and picking up the body of his father and, with it, exited the hall, picked some suplies and new clothes and after that left the temple. ------------------------------------------------- Bart, Lynne and Mamya were in the room were they took councill with other members of the city as they took care of the several problems and burocratic matters that could happen in the organization of the city. In that room thay usualy debated the laws and the use of the materials in the towns, let it be food, wather or goods. For some times the meetings in the hall of the councill were, puting it midlly, boring. The three of then were (more or less) warriors and even if they were gratefull that civilization and life was starting to spread again in the world, there was times when they would have prefered to have nothing to do with the political restructuration of it. But they were heroes, or so the people though of them. Lynne, Bart and Mamya were unconfortable with it as they did what they had to in those time of chaos. To them (and others) the true heroes where Ken and the warriors of the two schools, the people that fought and sacrificated their lifes to bring light to the world again. Still people needed leaders and they had chosen them to that _borring_ situation. As Lynne said several time to her husband they must do it because no one would do it. That day it was even worst than usual and more than once Bart had to fight to not yawnn. But sudenly the doors of the room opened wide and a couple of guards entered. "Lord Bart!" Shouted one of them his eyes full of tears as the other was shaking almost unable to speak. Bart was inmediatly to his feet as were Lynne and Mamya, something important, and tragic, had happened. "Speak!" He ordered. "Itīs Lord Kenshiro..." started the man. "What had happend to him!?" Exclaimed Mamya. One of the guards, the one shaking, started to speak noticing that his comrade had started to cry and was unable to do as he was ordered. To be true he wasnīt feeling very well either. "A young man as just arrived and... and he was carring Lord kenshiroīs body... he is... dead..." He finished in a whisper but not silently enough to not be heard by the major part of the people in the room. At this several peole started to cry, others to shout while Bart, Lynne and Mamya exited the room in a rush. It wasnīt difficult to find were Kenīs body was as a large crowd of people was there gathered, crying. The three friends had quickly a way to enter the crowd as soon as they were recognised. A few moments later they entered a circle were only two poeple were. One of them was an very handsome young man with short black hair and deep blue-golden eyes who stood silent carring in his arms the prone body of the one that was more than a friend to the trio in front of him. Lynne, Bart and Mamya as they recognised Ken started to cry as Lynne hugged her husband turning her back to the young man and Kenīs body. Bart silently returned her hug as tears ran by his cheeks while Mamya approached the body and passed a hand by Kenīs face as she remembered the time when she had met him and Rei and the adventures they had all together until Reiīs death. "He wanted to be seen by his friends before being buried with Yuria." The young man said softly. This brough the attention of Bart and Lynne as, being the nearest, they were the only ones to ear it. Mamya looked up to the face of the young man that was suporting the body of ken without showing any tiredness. She looked him intently and soon recognised him as the young boy that was learning with Ken. As recognition dawned in Mamyaīs mind so it did in the ones of Lynne and Bart that started to look the young man. In their mind appeared the last converstion thay had with Kenshiro and what he had said. "You must be Ranma then." Said Mamya. "Near. Ranma died with Kenshiro," he said without any trace of sadness "now Iīm Ryuken." ------------------------------------------------- Ryuken was sitting in a little room in Bart and Lynneīs house as the couple and Mamya were looking at him. Even if they had been advised that at the end the young man would kill him and that the very Kenshiro had told them that nothing would go wrong with that, they had still trouble to deal with the reality that Ranma, that now was called Ryuken, had killed Kenshiro, his own father. "You probably are wondering how and why I had killed my father, right?" Asked Ryuken. "Thatīs one thing." Recognised Bart. Ryuken closed his eyes, pain clear in his face. "He had it all planed beforehand. He came and said that the last thing I had to do to be the Heir was to fight with him in an all out battle. I did that and for a time we were fighting with all we had." He paused "Thatīs untill in a strike were I had put all my strenght he deliberatly left his guard open and cut down any defensive energy. That blow killed him. He had only the time to tell me of my new name and that he would be always with me." Once again he paused. "The last thing that I wanted was to kill him! He was... is my father. I loved him. As simple as that." His voice now showed more emotion, almost as if he was angry with Ken for making him kill him. Then as quickly as he showed that burning emotion he was again controled. "That will never change. I understand him but I canīt help wishing for another way for me to have the Musotensei without having to kill him." After a moment in wich the three adults looked to the young man in front of him, Lynne simply asked "Why did Ken sacrifice himself?" Ryuken looked at her with a steady look. "To live in me. To awake the Musotensei in me." And with that said he proceed to torn his shirt showing seven scars that matched kenshiroīs ones. "This is part of the price Iīve paid" Only silence and stunnig ansewered him. "Iīm now the Fist of the North Star. Iīm the Star of War." ------------------------------------------------- Ryuken was deaming. He was in a void surrounded by several ball of light, each ball with a different colour. There was no up or down, nor right or left. He was only aware of his own being and of the one of the spheres. Then in the darkness of the void several images started to appear. People suffering. Men, women and children being killed or enslaved as they begged for pity. Tears that turned in drops of blood; red rain that bit by bit drenched an entire world. Voices started to shout arround him. Voices of strangers. Voices of people that he had heated. Voices from people that he had loved. Voices full of hate Despair Sadness Horror Terror Maddnes A land he once knew. A land he once lived in a heated life that he had shunned with his own suffering. A land that called him. **Will you help them?** A voice that he didnīt recognised but that humbled him. A voice older than Time with a power beyond human understanding. A voice full of warm and wisdom. **Will you return?** **Will you hold your oath?** Then he found himslef ansewering. Yes... The voice answered as if pleased. Or proud. **Then it is finaly done.** Without a shout Ryuken was awake, his breathing ravaged; in rhythm that he hadnīt since almost six months. He looked to the window of his room. Nine months had passed since he had brough the death body of his father to his friend's city. Since then he had helped in the reconstruction and in protecting some of the most isolated towns that could still be attacked by riders and scum like that. At the same time he had developped new powers based upon the Musotensei. He had also to check for his own power, power that now incorporated his ki-powers from his life in Nerima and that had grown while blocked. At first he had been surprised to feel the huge ammounts of energy that he had released and had to work for some days to make that energy work as one with the power he had been developing since the begginig of his trainig with his father. As for now the control upon his power was complete but there were some side effects to the surge of power that came from the Musotensei and the power he had from the old Ranma. For one thing his body produced so much energy that to one point it started to work as a shield upon each inch of skin. Subconciously his body would register an attack and the "shield" would reduce anything to sub-atomic level; a mini Musotensei of sorts. He could also expand the range of his aura to make strikes that could destroy anything it touched or protect the things he touched. Also he had discovered that his new powers could afect the temperature levels arround him passing from extreme heat to frozing in some moments. The last thing he had discovered was a change in his perception. He could now perceive, if he concentrated, the way energy moved between different beings and states, making him able to manipulate some aspects of it. With this perception came also the one of different patterns of light and heat. This allowing him to see even in outter darkness as if it was bright day. End each passing moment his own power would grow beyond anything he had belived possible before, discovering new abilities. Now looking to the northern skies, he pondered about his future and the messages his dreams brough him. Here he had a life that he liked. He liked to hear the voice of the people he saved, of people that knew that there was still hope for the future of humanity. He could make a difference as he had wished sice Reaīs death. But now that dream. Ryuken knew very well what it meant but he had some doubts tough. Would he be able to face the people that had brought him to that land were he had his rebirth? He looked to the skies, to the seven stars that ruled the Heavens. There were glowing. He had sworn. "Time to return." ------------------------------------------------- Ryuken stood before the grave of his father and his wife, Yuria. He had come to a decision. Even if he loathed the idea to face the old bunch from Nerima nothing indicated that he had to do it. How knows? Maybe he could finish that mission without having to met them. He gave a bitter laugh. That was a foolīs hope. Yet he had accepted. After all he had to do what he had pledged his entier life to do in two different worlds. If any innocent was in danger and he had the power to prevent it then he would make what was possible and what was not in order to protect the life of those unable to protect themselves. "You knew that I had to go back eventually, father" he said aloud puting a hand upon the mark of Kenshiroīs grave. His eyes looked to the grave as he wispered. "Time to face my own demons and that part of me that I tought closed forever. But Ranma is as much a part of Ryuken as Ryuken is to Ranma and, as this is, I will make what his right." He bowed to the grave, then to Yuriaīs one, turned arround and took the backpack that Bart was holding for him. Lynne, Bart and Mamya had insisted in coming to bade him farewell. He apreciated to detail. He put the backpack in the correct position yet his attention was focused in what was his only family he had left. Lynne advanced and hugging him, wispered in his ear. "Ken was proud of you as we are. Never forget that you have a family here waiting for you." Ryuken returned the hug and wispered in return "I know" He then separated himself and walked away from the trio. He started to draw his power and an aura of white and gold appeared arround him growing in brightness and power. Ryuken then shifted his perception and, examinating the very stuff that was the texture of the universe, draw a hand and opened a passage; a rift between realities. Reality and Space fighted him back and he had to draw even more power making every line of his body and clothes to be made of light as the glow from his golden eyes became a fire that exploded arround him bathing the whole area with its light. All that power was launched to the weakening point that was the future rift and with a last burst of power and light, reality was torn apart under the onslaught. Quickly Ryuken entered the passage; the Rift closing behind him with a wip sound. For a moment the place where the rift was shimmered, loosing some "stuff" from some seconds as reality repeared the damage made. Nothing indicated the place were only mere instants before the last Hokuto Shin Ken master had been standing, only the memeory of the power used in the three withnesses. "Will he do it?" Asked Bart still awed from the display he had seen. "We had to have faith in him as we had faith in Ken," said Mamya. "He will return to us." Was Lynne only comentary. "He will." End of Chapter three of Star of war. ------------------------------------------------- Authorīs notes: As I know that some of you donīt know much about the Fist of the North Star in next chapter a list of the attacks of both the Hokuto Shin Ken and Nanto Shin Ken will be put. Also if some of you are worried about knowing nothing about some of the characters in the FotN, in one of the future chapters (maybe the sixth or seventh, not sure) a long part of it will be only in telling about them and the story of the FotN. As in the next chapter we return to Nerima and the cast that everybody know and love the synopsis will not come soon. Anyway if someone wants it badly I can try to send it to him or put it sooner in the story. And before some of you goes on the warpath in search of my head because I changed Ranmaīs name please just wait, that nothing that I put in this story is senseless: I have a good reason. Youīll see in next chapters. See you all soon. Dragonlord. Enjoy summerīs holiday! Have fun!