Disclaimer: The characters of Ranma ½ belong to Rumiko Takakashi. The characters of Sailor Moon belong to Naoko Takeuchi. If they belonged to me, I wouldn't be writing this I'd be swimming in my pool of cash. I wouldn't bother suing me either. I got nothing you want. Messed Up A Ranma ½ / Sailor Moon Crossover! By Hawk C&C welcome, as well as flames at Hawk49er@msn.com Note: I'm hoping I can really mess this story up. Not in a bad way mind you, but in a way that makes it way different from the original. ^_^. You'll understand what I'm talking about when you read it. This takes place after Ranma's battle with Saffron. Hope you enjoy! Prologue It was another normal Friday morning for Ranma Saotome. Be woken up by a grouchy Akane with a bucket of cold water. "What didja do that for!?" Receive a punch to the face for talking back. Go down stairs muttering about, "Stupid tomboy's acting more violent lately," only to receive another punch to the face. Ask Akane, "Is it that time of the month or somethin'?" only to be chased around the house by a maniac with a mallet. Then have to miss breakfast because your violent tomboy of a fiancee dragging you out to the house by your pig-tail saying, "We're late! This is all your fault, Ranma!" All in all, a pretty normal morning for one Ranma Saotome. It was while they were walking to school that Ranma made the comment, "Man I'm glad I never have ta have that time of the month," which earned him hard hit to the head with a mallet, which in fact, starts this story. Next Time: Chapter 1 - WHAT THE HELL?!?! You'll just have to read to find out. Author's Notes: This is a very short prologue that I wrote. It's only one page long. ^_^ I figured this story should be given a short prologue and this sorta popped into my head. Hope you liked it. This fanfic is hosted at Nighthawks http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quasar/6189/ You can also find this story at Ranchan & Co. Crossing Bridges http://home.earthlink.net/~tannim/ Email me with what you think at Hawk49er@msn.com