The Legend of Ranma I decided to write this on a whim, and I was in a really silly mood at the time. However, as I continued thinking about it, I wondered if it was not such a bad idea after all. After all, I've read fan fictions in which Ranma had been put into bizarre and weird situations. After reading a story that I found in the Dragonbard's Archive, and after I finished playing The Legend of Zelda on my Nintendo, I wondered about putting Ranma in the world of Hyrule. Call me weird, but I just have to write this! The Dragonbard, Albert Liu, Skysaber and countless others, inspired this story who have put our favorite martial artist into one world, then have him return to his with some interesting aftereffects! As always, none of the characters in this story belong to me. They belong to their respective creators and copyrights. Ranma is the creation of Rumiko Takahashi, while the characters of the Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time is trademarked by Nintendo. Prologue Child of Destiny Ranma Saotome was not happy. He had just past his tenth year and his father had subjected him to a series of horrendous training sessions. If one could call it a form of training. To Ranma, it was just another one of his father's abuses. For days now, his father Genma had been throwing him repeatedly into a pit of starving cats with fish sausage strapped to his back. The sessions were becoming ever more unbearable as the hungry felines clawed and ripped at his body. And every time they did so, Ranma could feel a small part of his sanity slip away. Today was almost beyond his limit to endure. As he was wrapped in fish sausage, he pleaded to his father, "Please Pop! Don't throw me back in there! This Cat Fist isn't working!" "Quit your whining!" Genma shot back in a displeased tone. "I didn't start teaching my son in the Art, just to have him start crying like a wimp! A true martial artist must suffer, to achieve absolute mastery over the School of the Anything Goes Martial Arts!" With these words, he shoved his son into the pit. Ranma's eyes widened with fear and tears began to flow as he plummeted down toward the waiting mob of hungry cats. He then shut his eyes and whispered out a quiet prayer, "If this is my FATE, end my life now!" It was at that point that he was enveloped in a bright flash of light. The sudden flare of light temporarily blinded Genma when he looked down at where he had dropped his son. "What?!" When the fat and balding martial artist regained his eyesight, he looked down into the pit. He could not see his offspring anywhere. The world of Hyrule, Kokiri Forest… Ranma found himself on an open field in what appeared to be a forest. He was lying on his back in front of a huge oak tree that was as large, and as wide as a ten-story building. There were many sparks of light that danced and darted in the air around him. Looking down at himself, he saw that the fish sausage had been removed, and all the injuries that he had sustained in the days of Cat Fist training were gone. He also discovered that he was dressed in a green shirt, shorts and had a pair of soft leather boots. It was then that he looked up and saw something else. The giant oak tree began to shimmer with an eerie white light, and in an instant, a face appeared on the trunk. The bark contorted and a pair of eyes and what appeared to be a mustache. The face looked down at the child and smiled. Then it spoke. "Welcome to the Kokiri Forest, young one! I am the Deku Tree! I am the guardian of this sacred soil! The people who live among these woods are the Kokiri. They too are under my protection! Who might you be?" Ranma was more than awestruck to have a giant tree talk to him. His first instinct was to run for his life, but somehow, the rich and tender tones of the Deku Tree soothed him. After a full minute, he found his voice. "I'm… Ranma." "Ranma? Strange name, but it is a pleasure to meet you." The Deku Tree replied. "From what lands do you hail from?" Ranma tried to respond, but for some reason, all of his memories became hazy and unclear. He tried to summon up the name of where he had come from, but all he got was more fuzziness. He looked up at the tree again and said, "I… don't remember." "I see. It seems that your past is being denied to you. Then you have no family? Are you an orphan?" "I... whoa! What's that?!" Ranma quickly stood up into a fighting stance as one of the lights darted toward him, then began circling him like a moth to a flame. To the casual observer, it appeared to be a small ball of light. Upon closer inspection however, Ranma could see a pair of wings protruding from its surface. The wings resembled those of a dragonfly. "Hello!" The light said in a high and musical voice. The Deku Tree grinned as he said, "Well, it seems that Navi has taken a liking to you." "Navi?" "Yes Ranma. Navi is one of the many fairies that inhabit the kingdom of Hyrule." "A fairy? I thought those were only... make-believe. And what is Hyrule?" "It's not a what, it's a where. Hyrule is the name of our world and the Kokiri Forest is one of the many lands that surround it." "Is that where I am?" Ranma asked. "Yes child. And you may now consider this forest your home. It seems that Navi wishes to bond with you." "Huh?" Before Ranma could react, the fairy Navi flew in a wide circle around the boy. As it darted about, it began releasing what appeared to be a shiny powder. After sprinkling it around the ground where Ranma stood, the fairy hovered and waited. The ground began to glow with an eerie light. Ranma tensed up in fear and then looked up at the Deku Tree. "Do not worry Ranma. This is how a fairy asks a person, if he or she would accept it as a partner." "Partner?" "Yes. Fairies have a need for purpose. Aiding those with whom they have formed a life-long bond with fulfills that need. Every Kokiri here has his or her own guardian fairy. They are quite happy with this arrangement and have found many advantages to having a fairy for a life- friend." At the mention of the word friend, Ranma's expression brightened. He didn't know why, but he had an overwhelming feeling of loneliness, whenever he tried to recall his past. Having someone who would be his friend for life was just too good to pass up! "Yes. I will accept Navi as my guardian fairy." "Yay!" Navi cried out as she completed the bonding process. There was another flash of light and the pact was sealed. Ranma felt a slight tingle wash over his body as he held out a hand. The fairy floated above his hand and the two looked at each other in fascination. The Deku Tree smiled as he then sent another message to another fairy that was floating nearby. "Inda! Go tell the others that there is a new Kokiri! Make certain he is made comfortable and is welcomed as he settles in. And tell Saria that I wish to see her." A little while later, Saria came into the clearing where the Deku Tree stood. Like Ranma, she too was dressed in leather boots and forest green-colored clothes. However, she had pointed ears like an elf and green hair. "You wished to speak with me Great Deku Tree?" "Yes Saria. Have you met our newest member?" Saria nodded. "He seems nice enough. He's a little shy but I think he'll fit in. The others seem to like him, all except Mido but he's always like that! I have a few questions though." "I thought you might." The Deku Tree responded. "He's not one of us, is he? His aura, it's different somehow. I can't deny that Navi has bonded with him, but I thought fairies only bonded with strangers when they happen to be children of destiny." "Of all of the Kokiri, you are the most perceptive Saria. You are correct. He is not of the Kokiri. In fact, he is not even from this world." "What?!" "Saria, what I'm about to tell you will remain between the two of us. You will not inform the others and especially Ranma. Do you understand?" Saria nodded after a moment. "Ranma hails from another world and was transported here during a great imbalance of the mystical forces of reality. His memories of his previous life had been all but wiped out and his form had changed. I was about to reverse the process and send him home, but I then discovered that he was a child of destiny. He will be playing a key role in the safety of our world in the near future. He possess great power within him, and it would be in the best interests of Hyrule that he use that power to safeguard our home." "I see. And exactly what world did he come from?" "A place the inhabitants simply call Earth." A year later... Ranma was happy. He had been living in the Kokiri Forest for over twelve months and had made friends with all the Kokiri. Well, all except Mido who still considered him an outsider. As he went on, his physical skills were still a source of awe for the others. The years of martial arts training with Genma had been permanently ingrained and Ranma's unarmed combat techniques had left many of the forest people stunned. Many of them had begun trying to mimic his moves. Ranma and Navi got along very well. Navi was always by his side and kept him from getting into any trouble. The pigtailed boy was glad to have the fairy as a companion and readily took her advice on how to act toward others. Navi was also great to have during his times of depression, whenever Mido called him names or when he was frustrated at not being able to remember his past. The small magic spells that Navi taught him were easily mastered, much to Navi's surprise. It was apparent that Ranma had indeed the potential of becoming a very powerful individual. Navi would applaud every time he would learn a new move or spell in mere minutes. Ranma would always smile back and flick the pigtail over his shoulder and behind his pointed ear. Since he believed that he had been born on this world, he didn't think that the shape of his ears was unusual, or that the fact his skin was paler. A few days later... Ranma had been summoned to an audience with the Deku Tree. He had gone through a lot of trouble getting past Mido at the entrance to the clearing. Although his martial arts had improved and Ranma was confident that he could handle anything, Mido still insisted that he equip himself with a sword and shield. After searching the forest, Ranma had come across a Deku Shield and a Kokiri Sword, which was more like a small knife. After fighting his way past a few monster plants, he finally arrived at the clearing where the Deku Tree stood. The tree looked very pale and several of its branches were sagging. He did not appear as the healthy and vibrant tree that Ranma met a year ago. "Ranma... it is good that you have come. I believe that you have been experiencing many dark nightmares these past few moons." The Deku Tree said in a sad and wavering voice. Ranma nodded. For several nights, he had been having nightmares about a man in black armor ready to kill him, and the images of a cute girl with blond hair. "These dreams are a sign that a great evil force will soon blanket the lands of Hyrule. I... have been cursed. I need your courage to break this curse. Will you... help me?" Ranma nodded as he drew his sword. Navi floated beside him and waited. "Then enter, brave Ranma and you too Navi..." After these words, the Deku Tree opened up a door that was below his face in the trunk. Ranma and his fairy entered. As they went inside, the Deku Tree thought, Two hours later... Ranma thought as he ran across the field that was between the Kokiri Forest and Hyrule Castle. "I'm sorry Ranma." Navi replied. "But at least he gave you the Forest Emerald. And it's a good thing that Saria gave you that Ocarina. Who knows? It might come in handy someday!" Ranma looked at the fairy flying beside him and gave her a sad smile. After bonding with her, Ranma had discovered that she could hear his thoughts. Although he was a bit unnerved, he trusted Navi would never betray his innermost thoughts to anyone. The next day... It had taken Ranma more than a day to finally get inside the castle and meet up with Princess Zelda. Unfortunately, the palace guards kept on tossing him out and his way to get inside the main walls had been blocked by some lazy ranch owner. However, Ranma's persistence paid off. With the help of a few stealth techniques and a chicken, Ranma was finally able to meet the princess. He was little more than shocked to see that the princess was the same girl in his dream. However, he calmed himself down and introduced himself. After showing her the Forest Emerald, Zelda became excited and began explaining a prophecy that she had seen in her dreams. "... so you're saying that this Ganondorf is after this thing, the TriForce?" Ranma asked after Zelda had finished her tale. "Yes! I'm sure that he is intending to conquer the world with it!" Zelda replied. "I have had some spies follow him and they have told me that he has already cast a death-curse on the Great Deku Tree of the Kokiri!" Ranma became very angry at this new information. Thoughts of revenge began to circulate in his head. He then looked at the princess with determination. "How can I help?" In Goron City... Ranma became a little miffed at the huge Goron in front of him. The Goron looked like all the others, a large lumpy mass with thick skins and scales. However, this Goron had on his chin that looked like a beard, but instead of hair, it was also made of skin and scales. "I told you! This is a Goron matter!" The Goron said. Ranma frowned. It had been a long and exasperating journey. The trouble he went though to climb Death Mountain had been harsh. During his journey here, he had stopped by Kakariko village, the birthplace of Zelda's guardian, Impa, and had picked up a Hylian Shield and a new magic song for his Ocarina. He had also had to fight off Tektites and dodge falling rocks while going up the Death Mountain Trail. Now this Goron was telling him to get lost after he asked for the Goron's Ruby, the second of the Spiritual Stones. Ranma couched and prepared to deliver a retort in to form of a flying kick, when Navi stopped him. "Hold on Ranma!" Navi pled. "This Goron has every right to be so mad! His people are starving! Calm down!" Ranma relaxed a bit and asked, "So what do we do?" "He looks a bit down. Maybe a song will cheer him up!" Ranma looked at his fairy, then shrugged as he took out his Ocarina and decided to play one of the more lively tunes that his friend Saria had taught him. To his surprise, the Goron heard the first few notes and began to dance like crazy. His expression turned from depression to joy as he hopped about with abandon. After Ranma had finished the song, the Goron looked at him and smiled. "What a nice tune! You really helped lift my spirits! I'm Darunia! King of the Gorons! What can I do for you?" Inside the Dodongo's Cavern... Ranma tossed the final bomb into the monstrous, fire-breathing fiend's mouth. As the bomb exploded and caused King Dodongo to fall, the pigtailed boy delivered the final blow with his sword. As the beast rolled over and died, Ranma wiped his brow and stood near the warp gate that appeared near the corpse of the once mighty destroyer of Gorons. Inside Jabu-Jabu's belly... Ranma thought as found himself in the mouth of the giant, fish-god of the Zoras. "Do we have to do this?" Ranma asked Navi. "I'm afraid so Ranma. If we want to find Princess Ruto and that third Spiritual Stone, then we have to go straight to the heart of the matter. Or in this case, the stomach! Follow me!" "Oh joy!" Ranma said sarcastically as he began going down the gullet of the giant fish. At the Lon Lon Ranch... "What did Ruto mean when she said that the stone was her most 'prized possession' Navi?" "Err... maybe I better tell you later! Anyway, the Lon Lon Ranch is a good place to get a horse and get some of their energy-restoring milk! After you've gotten some, we should head back to Hyrule Castle! You've got all three Spiritual Stones!" At the Temple of Time... "Well, here we are Navi." Ranma said as he stood in front of the altar. "I can't believe that we went through all that trouble to get those stones, then Zelda doesn't wait up for us!" "She has her reasons Ranma! Anyway, you got the Ocarina of Time! We should do what she asked of us!" Ranma nodded as he found that he couldn't refuse the wishes of a cute girl. Taking out the magical, flute-like instrument, he began playing his newly learned Song of Time. Seven years later... Ranma was more than a little shocked as to what happened to him. After removing the Master Sword from its resting-place, he had found himself aged from a young boy of eleven to a handsome and finely muscled adolescent of eighteen. Seven years had passed and now, he was being told by a sage of his destiny, as the Hero of Time. Suffice to say, Ranma was a little more than overwhelmed. However, Ranma swallowed his nervousness and told the old man that he was up to the challenge. Outside the Forest Temple... "What?! I'm not from this world?" Ranma asked incredulously. "That's right!" Replied the Deku Tree Sprout. "You're from the world known as Earth and your real name is Ranma Saotome! It is time that you know the whole truth!" Ranma stared in amazement as he listened in on the words of the new replacement for the Deku Tree. It had been a long and hard battle with the minions of Ganondorf. The phantom of that evil man had proven to be a hard opponent, but Ranma was able to defeat it. Beside him, Navi bobbed up and down in agreement. The Fire Temple… "Wow! This thing is heavy!" Ranma said as he hauled out the legendary Megaton Hammer of the Gorons. "Well, you didn't really expect anything that was capable of killing Vovalgia to be lightweight, did you?" Navi asked. "I guess not." Ranma admitted. "So where to now?" The Fire Pit of Vovalgia… THOOM!!! As Ranma delivered the final blow to the lava dragon's head, Vovalgia screamed and shot up into the air. Its body twisted and writhed as it began its death throes. The monster then caught fire and was burned into a charred skeleton. Its head landed to where Ranma stood and then became ashes. Ranma wiped the sweat from his brow. Despite the protection that the Goron's tunic provided him, the blistering heat of Vovalgia's den felt like being inside a blast furnace. He gave out a relieved sigh and stepped into the warp portal. The Ice Cavern… "I'm supposed to wear these?" Ranma held up a pair of leather boots which had iron soles attached. Navi bobbed up and down and said, "If you want to get into the Water Temple at Lake Hylia, then these will be needed." The Water Temple… "Ranma! Look Out!" Ranma was more than shocked to see a dark image of himself suddenly leap out from behind a tree and attack him. Reacting on instinct, he took out the Master Sword and swung. Unfortunately, the shadow parried the blow. As the teen soon found out, the image of himself duplicated each of his own moves. Ranma then decided to try something else. "DIN'S FIRE!" Striking the ground with his palm, the young man released a huge hemisphere of mystic flames. The shadow moaned in pain as the energy blasted through it. The Pool of Morpha… "I don't see anything here." Ranma remarked. "By the way Navi, I've been meaning to ask you something." "What is it Ranma?" Navi replied. "Why didn't you tell me that accepting the Spiritual Stone of Water meant that I would get ENGAGED to Ruto?!" "Uhhhh…. Well, I…." Navi hemmed and hawed as she tried to think up the best way to tell him. She noticed something move behind them. "Ranma! Look out! It's Morpha!" Ranma's eyes widened as he beheld the huge amoebae-like blob suddenly appear from the surface of the water. Lake Hylia… "Cool! This Fire Arrow spell is awesome!" The Bottom of the Well in the Kakariko Village… "It looks like a magnifying glass." Ranma said as he took out the Lens of Truth. "In any case, we should get back to the Temple of Time." Navi said. Ranma nodded as he took out the Ocarina of Time and played the Prelude of Light. Being restored to his child form was nice, but he also liked being an adult. The Shadow Temple… "Are you sure these things will work?" Navi became brighter as she responded, "Yes. These are the Hover Boots. They will make you absolutely weightless, but only if you happen to be walking on a surface of some kind. They'll even allow you to walk in midair for a dozen steps or so. Mind you, their levitation power is limited. Very little traction too." The Drum of Bongo Bongo… "I think I liked it better when I didn't see what I was fighting!" Ranma gazed at the monster, as the Lens of Truth dispelled the illusion it was using to hide itself from his eyes. "Shoot its eye!" Navi directed as she pointed to the creature's cyclopean head. The Gerudo Fortress… "Hmmm…" The female thief remarked. "That was very impressive. You must have some very good thieving skills to be able to evade all those guards. How would you like to join us?" Ranma slightly winced as he remembered the training he underwent with Genma, his father. The Spirit Temple… This was the second time, Ranma had come to this place. Once as a child to receive the fabled Silver Gauntlets, now again for the Mirror Shield. He took a deep breath as he aimed the his tool, the Longshot, at the opening created by the reflected sunlight. The Pillars of Twinrova… The two witches, or rather their spirits argued amongst themselves as they floated upward to meet their maker. They couldn't believe that Ranma had turned their own power against them. As they bickered into nothingness, Ranma stepped into the warp portal. The Ruins of Ganon's Castle... Ganondorf had transformed himself into a monstrous demon from Hell and Ranma found himself cut off from any assistance from princess Zelda and the Master Sword. He relentlessly pursued the pigtailed fighter, and slashed away at him with gigantic swords. Fortunately for Ranma, his martial arts gave him enough speed to dodge the attacks. Finding out that his punches and kicks would not be able to penetrate the monster's thick hide, he decided that now would be a good time to use the Biggoron's Sword that he had gotten a few days ago. However, since Ganon had a longer reach than he did Ranma needed to slow him down long enough for him to get in a few strikes. Quickly taking out the fairy bow that he had picked up in his travels he began charging up his arrows with the magical energies of the Light Arrow spell. This weapon had stopped him before; it must do so again. Taking careful aim, Ranma let fly with a mystically powered arrow. The shot was perfect and the monster was temporarily frozen. Ranma then used his enhanced senses to pinpoint Ganon's weakness. It was in his tail. With a fierce yell he leapt up and came down on the tail with his Biggoron's sword. The sword's long blade came crashing down with tremendous impact, causing Ganon to howl in agony. A while later, Ranma and Zelda stood in the Sacred Realm. Ranma had defeated Ganondorf and was now being offered to be returned home. "You can send me back?" Ranma asked. "Yes, as a Sage, I can use the Ocarina of Time to transport you back to your world." Zelda said as he held the instrument close to her mouth. "Will... I remember everything?" "Yes. You will retain all memories. Everything that you have learned in this world will also be retained. All the skills and magical knowledge will be yours to keep. You have earned them all. The other sages have also agreed to let you keep the items that you had picked up in your quest to save Hyrule. With the exception of the Ocarina of Time and the Master Sword." "I don't know what to say, but thank you." "No Ranma. It is we who should thank you! You saved our world from destruction and we are eternally grateful. Now, it is time for you to go home. Where you are supposed to be, as you are supposed to be." Looking at Zelda one last time, Ranma then turned his attention to Navi. "Well... I guess this is goodbye. I'll miss you old friend." "Who says you're leaving without me? I'm coming with you!" Navi said as she floated beside him. "What?" "I made that promise to be your friend forever! We fairies keep our word! Besides, you need me! We're a team!" Ranma smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek as Zelda began playing the song that would magically transport Ranma and his guardian fairy back home. In a column of blue light, Ranma was lifted into the heavens, followed by a dancing strobe of light. To be continued...