You've Got a Friend in Me A Fist of the Pikachu Songfic Disclaimer: Pokemon and Ranma don't belong to me and the song comes from Disney. Note: This songfic takes the lyrics from Disney's Toy Story. I just couldn't help it after watching Toy Story 2. You can kind of look at it like Pikachu's Jukebox. < >: Lyrics Open to a scene in which Ranma had just rescued Raiden from that flock of Spearows. Ranma-chan is now shivering during a cold night. She is unable to get a fire going. Raiden zaps the kindling and starts the fire while smiling up at her. Ranma and Raiden are now in training as they try to manipulate their ki. Ranma accidentally gets splashed several times and becomes irritated that water always seems to find him. Raiden accidentally shocks Ranma to save him from a flock of Spearows. Ranma is now getting shocked by Raiden to develop his own electric attack. He smiles back at the Pikachu after he succeeds. The scene changes to Ranma facing off against Billy Bartonne's Golem. The other trainer laughs and sneers at Raiden, thinking that an electric-type Pokemon was the worst choice against a rock-type. Scenes of Sam Ryker, Several Team Rockets and Prima as they can't believe at Ranma's seeming inexperience and think that he doesn't stand a chance against them. Ranma swings Raiden about after soundly defeating their opponents. Future scenes of Ranma and Raiden as they continue to win match after match. Imaginary image of an older Ranma with Raiden perched on his shoulder. Ranma has become a Pokemon Master, Gym Leader and Grandmaster of Pokemon Ken. Trainers now have to challenge him for the Yin/Yang Badge. THE END Author's notes Well, the next chapter to Fist of the Pikachu is going slow so I thought to add this songfic to help pass the time and get some inspiration. Hope you enjoyed it.