Fist of the Pikachu Disclaimer: I think we know the drill by now. < >: Thoughts * *: Pokedex Responses Chapter 10 Wildfire Gets Wilder "Where are we?" Ranma said aloud as he looked at the map. It had been about five days since he left Crimson City. He had used that time to start training his new Machop. The martial arts Pokemon had taken to the Anything Goes style like a fish to water. Sparring with him was also good training and the other Pokemon seemed to get along very nicely with their newest member, whom he named Bruiser. Machop had earned that name after he actually managed to catch Ranma in midair and put him into a Seismic Toss. Fortunately, after all the training Ranma had done with the other Pokemon, he had survived Machop's strongest attack. The Pokemon's best moves consisted of grappling maneuvers and throws, but the Machop also proved to be very adaptable at the Saotome style of aerial combat and ki techniques. Ranma continued to stare at the map and had thought that he and his Rapidash had made an error in navigation again. It wasn't easy reading road signs when his mode of transport was moving at an average speed of over 175-mph. It was made even worse due to Wildfire's tendency to race against any fast moving cars, planes and such. His Pokedex had informed him that Rapidash were like that and they loved speed contests. They would race against anything that was fast just for the thrill of it. This time was different however. When they had gotten back on the highway, they had encountered some construction crew doing repair work and had to make a detour. Then all of a sudden, Wildfire had put on a burst of speed and started galloping off in a new direction. Now they were overlooking a vast area of plains and rolling hills. Checking his map, Ranma discerned that he was somewhere near the Safari Zone. He wondered just why his Rapidash seemed so excited to be here and seemed to feel right at home. Before he had a chance to ponder it some more, he and his Rapidash had begun to feel an ominous rumbling noise. The ground began to shake as Ranma pulled back on the reins to steady his steed. On his backpack, Raiden clung tight to keep from falling off. "Whoa! Steady Wildfire! Easy does it!" The Rapidash soon calmed down and Ranma looked over and saw a huge cloud of dust fast approaching from the east. He reached into a side pocket of his backpack and took out a pair of binoculars. Looking through the eyepieces, he let out a gasp as he saw what was coming. At the front was a small herd of Tauros. On either side of the thundering group were two riders, each mounted on fire-horses. Ranma smiled as he noted three Ponytas and one Rapidash. The rider of the Rapidash caught his interest. He observed her riding her mount with all the skill of the cowboys he had seen on those gaijin TV westerns as a kid. It was then that he noticed that the herd of Tauros was heading toward a small town and saw that the riders were trying to head off the stampede. Even though the herd numbered about a dozen or so, even that small number would cause great damage and injury. He could see that the townspeople were scrambling to take cover. Seeing that the riders would not be able to stop the rampaging Tauros in time, he decided to intervene. "Let's go, Wildfire!" The Rapidash reared up on his hind legs, then charged down the slope on an intercept course. Leaving a blazing trail of embers behind it as he raced to head off the herd. Laura Lareme was desperately urging her Rapidash to go faster, but it was apparent that they were not going to be able to stop the stampede in time. It was then that she saw that something was fast approaching on a course perpendicular to where the herd was heading. She could only make out a red comet as it streaked across the ground. When it came closer, she gasped as she made out a Rapidash and its rider. "What is that dang fool doing?" Laura gasped as she saw them charging across the plains. Ranma smiled as they came across a large area of sand between the herd and the town. He then came up with an inspiration. Grabbing the Pokeball that contained Wind Rider, he then directed his steed to race across the front of the herd of Tauros. "WILDFIRE! HEAD THEM OFF WITH A FIREBLAZE TRAIL!" The Rapidash let off a whinny as he put on another burst of speed, putting out intense flames that formed a wall behind them. The lead Tauros of the herd was forced to turn to the right to avoid the wall and started to run parallel to the flames. The rest of the herd followed. "NOW, USE THE SUPER FIRE SPIN! KEEP THEM INSIDE THE CIRCLE BUT DON'T HURT THEM!" Wildfire's mane and tail flared again as he began racing around in a wide circle. The Tauros tried to outrun the fire-horse, but were unable to keep up with his superior speed. The flames being caused by Ranma's Pokemon soon formed a ring to corral the beasts, Ranma knew that it was only a temporary solution. As soon as the flames died down, the Tauros would likely stampede again. As he urged his Rapidash to continue racing around the herd, he let fly with Wind Rider's Pokeball. "WIND RIDER! USE YOUR SAND ATTACK AND KICK IT UP BEHIND WILDFIRE'S TRAIL!" The Pidgeotto did as he was asked and used controlled bursts of wind to cause sand particles to be swept into the intense flames. The silicon particles began to harden into glass under the intense heat. They started piling up and fusing together into mounds. More and more sand was added as Ranma's Rapidash slowly widened the circle with each pass, causing a glass barrier to be formed. After several dozens of turns, a ring of glass more than five feet thick encircled the herd. The Tauros tried to butt their way through, but with so little space inside the makeshift corral, they couldn't build up enough momentum. Eventually, they began to calm down as they realized that they had nowhere to go. When Ranma saw that the herd had stopped he then brought his steed to a halt. Patting the side of his horse's head, he praised both of his Pokemon. "Great job Wildfire. You too, Wind Rider!" The Rapidash snorted with pride and the Pidgeotto let off a happy squawk. Ranma wiped his brow of sweat as he surveyed their work. Around the glass corral, there was nothing but bare rock now. However, the town had been saved. The people were just coming out of their shelters and begin cheering. It was then that he saw the riders approaching him with Laura Lareme in front. They all came to a halt in front of him. "That was amazing! You saved the town and stopped the stampede! We're right grateful to you and your Pokemon." Ranma smiled at her Old West accent. He decided to respond in kind. "T'weren't nothin' ma'am. Happy to oblige." He then gave here a salute with his two fingers. He wished he had a cowboy hat. Laura nodded as she got off her mount. Ranma did the same as he got a good look at the girl. She was wearing a kind of headband in her light green hair. She also had a red bandanna around her neck and wore a red flannel, short-sleeved shirt, tan Bermuda-style shorts and leather shoes that resembled hiking boots. Ranma gauged her to be around Jeanette's age and she had an athletic figure, which wasn't surprising considering that she worked on a ranch. "What's yer name, stranger?" "Ranma Saotome." Ranma took her offered hand and shook it. "Well, I'm Laura Laramie of the Lareme Clan. We'd all like to give you a warm welcome to the Big P Ranch." "Thanks. I'm glad to be here." "Pikachu!" Ranma smiled as he gestured to his Pokemon. "Oh, where are my manners? I'd like to introduce you to my Pokemon. This is Raiden, Wind Rider and Wild… fire?" Ranma had just waved to his horse when it suddenly moved forward and gave Laura an affectionate nuzzle with the side of his head. The girl was a bit surprised at how friendly this strange horse was with her. Usually, fire-horses would burn anyone that they did not completely trust. "Er, you got yourself one friendly Rapidash." "Uh, yeah…" Ranma continued to stare at the horse as Laura started to stroke and pet him. "You know… if I didn't know better, I'd say that he knows you." "Well, I can't say that I ever met this Rapidash before. My Rapidash over there is the only one that I've been with. Most of my time is spent tending to our ranch's Ponytas." It was then that Wildfire gave a happy snort and nuzzled her again. It was then that Ranma got to think about the time he first encountered Wildfire. He had never tried to figure out where the horse had come from when he had rescued him from Billy Bartonne and his friends. He also thought about how much at home Wildfire felt at this place. Ranma tabled these thoughts for later as Laura invited him and his Pokemon to travel with her group back to the ranch. On the way, she called for a few of the hired hands to go and free the Tauros from their glass prison. Sometime later, near the stables of the Big P Ranch, Ranma and Raiden were walking alongside Laura as she led her Rapidash to the stables. Ranma had accepted Laura's offer to set him up for the night. "I have to admit, you've got yerself one fine Rapidash." Laura commented. "I don't think we could raise one any better. I ain't never seen a Rapidash do what yours did with that herd of Tauros." "Thanks. Yours is really nice too. He looks strong." "Pikachu." Raiden nodded his head in agreement. "You better believe it." Laura said with pride. "Why Rapidash here won the Pokemon Challenge Race last year. I'm mighty proud of him. In fact, I intend to win this year's race with him. He did so well with his rider last year, that I'm sure that he'll win this year as well." "Well, seeing how you and Rapidash are so close, I can't help but think that you'll be the winner." Just then, the two noticed a big cloud of dust being raised in the distance. Ranma and Laura stopped as the cloud sped toward them. Laura's Rapidash and Wildfire were a bit startled when the cloud suddenly stopped in front of them and cleared. Ranma stared at the strange bird and its rider before taking out his Pokedex. *DOTRIO, A THREE-HEADED BIRD POKEMON. IT CAN RUN FASTER THAN IT CAN FLY. ITS HEADS REPRESENT JOY, SORROW AND ANGER. * "Howdy Laura. All set 'fer the big race tomorrow?" The boy snickered as he gazed upon Ranma. "So who's this, yer new boyfriend?" Laura had become a bit flustered, as she replied, "No, he's a guest of ours, Dario. He rounded up a herd of Tauros fer us." Though a small part of her didn't really find the idea of Ranma as a boyfriend as unpleasant. He was really cute and seemed to know how to handle horses. She then quickly changed the subject. "Anyways, I hope you're ready to lose! Rapidash is gonna whup yer Dotrio's tail, just like last year!" "Hmph! You were just lucky last year. I would have won if that horse of yers hadn't have gone and cheated!" "Don't you go calling Rapidash a cheater1 I may not be able to prove that you tried to fix the race last time, but I know you were behind all those accidents, including the one that hurt my arm!" "You ain't got no proof, and besides I was never involved in any of it. Well, I'll see ya tomorrow. Then again, the only thing you'll be seeing all through the race will be my Dotrio's tail feathers." Dario gave a short laugh and then rode his bird off. Ranma frowned as he watched Dario leave. "Something tells me that guy is not only a sore loser, but also a bad winner. So what did he mean by your horse cheating?" Laura smirked as she relayed the events of last year's race. "No kidding? Your Ponyta became a Rapidash?" Ranma smiled as he remembered the events that made Wildfire evolve. "Yep. I'm mighty grateful to Ash Ketchum for helping Rapidash win the race and kept Dario from becoming an honorary member of the Laramie Clan." "Excuse me?" "Well, every year we hold this race to see who have raised the best Pokemon and the winner of the race becomes an honorary member of our clan. I shudder to think what would've happen if Dario had won." Ranma nodded as he and Laura neared the stables. After tethering her horse, Laura then invited him to accompany her to the festival that was being held in town before the race. Ironically, it was the same town that had almost been run over by the stampeding Tauros. After some gentle prodding and an attack of cuteness (something that Ranma still couldn't defend himself against), Raiden's trainer reluctantly agreed to be Laura's escort. Ranma had decided to take his Rapidash with him. The fire-horse walked alongside them as Laura showed him the sights. It was sometime around nine o'clock when Ranma and Laura returned to the stables to check on her Rapidash before turning in for the night. The pigtailed martial artist and his Pikachu were quite happy. It's not every day that they had a chance to relax and just enjoy themselves. Ranma had also let out his other Pokemon to enjoy the free food and watch the sights. Laura had proven to be good company and her presence helped Raiden's trainer become more accustomed to being with girls. However, when they came back to the stables, they were quickly approached by one of the hired hands. "Laura! Come quick! Something's wrong with your Rapidash and the other Ponytas!" Without hesitation, Laura ran to her Rapidash's stall. A moment later, she cried out in shock. A while later, in the main house of the ranch, Laura shook her head despondently as she and Ranma sat on a bench on the front porch. "I can't believe that the oats were poisoned!" Laura said sadly. "Well it's a good thing that it wasn't anything lethal." Ranma remarked. "Nurse Joy said that all of your Ponyta and Rapidash should recover in a day or two." "But the race is tomorrow!" Laura exclaimed. "What am I going to do? I can't ride Rapidash or the other Ponytas, and they're the fastest Pokemon that our ranch has! There's no other Pokemon that could beat Dario's Dotrio! I just know that Dario was the one who did this!" Ranma looked at the girl and he just couldn't stand to see a girl cry. He was silent for a long time, then said in a quiet voice. "I have an idea, Laura. You can use my Rapidash." Ranma held out the Pokeball that contained Wildfire. "He didn't eat those poisoned oats so you can ride him in the race." Laura smiled sadly as she shook her head. "That's nice of you to offer, Ranma, but that won't work. The Pokemon that I have to ride has to come from our ranch. Ash Ketchum was allowed to ride in my place since my Rapidash was raised here. Your Rapidash is very nice and strong, but we need a representative of our clan." "Well, if I'm right, then Wildfire should be able to race with you then." "What do you mean?" Ranma tossed the Pokeball and released Wildfire. As soon as the horse appeared, he automatically trotted over to where Laura was and gave her an affectionate lick. "Why is he so friendly to me?" Laura inquired as she gently pushed him away. "Because… I think you raised him at one time." "Huh?" "Tell me, have you ever lost a Ponyta or had one stolen?" Laura thought for a moment, then nodded. "About a couple of months back, some rustlers tried to make off with some of our Ponytas. We managed to track them down and get back all of them, except one that had run off scared. We never did manage to find him." Ranma smiled as he saw Wildfire nuzzle against Laura's chest. "Well, I think Wildfire may be that lost Ponyta. He's way too familiar with you." Ranma then told her of how he had come across Wildfire and adopted him as his Pokemon. Laura was still a bit skeptical after Ranma had finished his story. "That may all be just a coincidence. Besides, if Wildfire was that missing Ponyta, then he'd have the special brand of the Big P Ranch printed on his left hind hoof. It uses a special dye that doesn't rub off, and it isn't affected if he evolves." Ranma smirked as he went over to Wildfire's left hind leg and motioned for him to lift it. "I always wondered what this mark was when I nursed him back to health." Laura gasped as she saw the mark of the Big P Ranch imprinted on the hoof. She looked the horse straight in the eye and said in a trembling voice. "Were… y-you that… lost… Ponyta?" Wilier nodded his head vigorously and snorted in agreement. Ranma's smile became even wider. "Well, it looks like you're back in the running Laura." Laura was close to tears as she grasped the sides of Wildfire's head and quietly asked him, "Do really want me to be your rider?" The fire-horse gave her another affectionate lick and nodded. "Well, I guess we're going to have to pull an all-nighter to get you ready for tomorrow." "What do you mean? I know how to ride a horse. I've been riding them since I was six." Ranma gestured with a thumb to his Pokemon. "Wildfire here isn't your average Rapidash." Some time later… "WHOOOOOOAAAAAAA!!!!" Laura was thrown forward a dozen feet as Wildfire screeched to a halt after doing ten laps around the corral. It was a lucky thing that Ranma had been there to catch her in his arms. She hadn't expected her mount to go from 0 to 170 mph in less than six seconds. She had hung on for dear life when Ranma's Pokemon made those tight turns at speeds that would have broke the legs off any other horse. The way that the Rapidash could stop almost on a dime also shocked her. Wildfire's training in ki control allowed the horse to reverse and decrease inertia and momentum to aid in decelerating and maneuvering. Ranma was a bit uncomfortable as he held the slim and athletic figure close to his body. He gave a slight gulp and asked, "Hey, are you okay?" Laura nodded slightly as she was helped back onto her feet. She more than intimidated at how powerful and fast the horse was. "I never knew that Wildfire could move like that. Rapidash are fast, but not THAT fast!" "Yeah, well I've been pushing Wildfire to reach new speeds during our travels. It's a good thing he was holding back that time." "THAT was holding back?!" Ranma gave her a sheepish smile and shrugged. "Well, yeah. Last time I checked, my Rapidash could hit 230 mph." "Two hundred and thirty?!" Ranma nodded. "He can only maintain his top speed for about two or three minutes before tiring out. I've trained him in endurance and he can cruise at about 180 mph for a couple of hours though." Laura looked back at Wildfire, who seemed to convey an expression that seemed to apologize for accidentally throwing her. She then felt some anxiety and her confidence began to lower. "Maybe it would be better if you rode him in the race tomorrow." Ranma shook his head. "Nah, I can see it in your eyes. You want to beat that jerk Dario and I don't blame you. This will make up for the time he put you out of the competition last year. Besides, you know the layout of the course and Wildfire needs you to guide him through it. You know what kind of terrain he'll be up against. My Rapidash may be strong and fast, but that doesn't mean he'll automatically win on a course he's never been on." Ranma became silent for a moment as he waited for Laura's reply. When she gave him a reluctant nod, the martial artist and Pokemon trainer walked up to his horse and patted the side of his head. "Wildfire, for now I want you to restrict your speed to under 120, until Laura gets used to going that fast. We'll work up from there, okay?" Wildfire snorted in agreement and bobbed his head. Ranma smiled as he glanced back at Laura. "Oh, and I think it would be best if you knew of some of Wildfire's attacks." "I know all the attacks that a Rapidash can make." "Oh, you mean Stomp, Fire Spin, Ember, Takedown and so on? That's kid's stuff." "Kid's stuff?" The pigtailed teen smirked as he watched his Pokemon power up his battle aura. The next day… "Welcome ladies and gentlemen," the announcer said as the crowds began to fill up the stadium at the start of the course. "The Annual Pokemon Challenge Race will be underway in thirty minutes. Each competitor must follow a grueling and dangerous course as well as against each other to win the race. For all you Pokemon racing fans, there is no other challenging competition more exciting than this one!" The crowds soon packed the stadium to full capacity as the participants of the race began positioning themselves at the starting line. Near the head of the group, Dario was perched on his Dotrio and smirked as he saw his rival Laura approach the line on foot, with no Pokemon in sight. "Howdy, Laura. You here to cheer me on?" Dario snickered. "Like I'd ever do that." Laura replied with some irritation as she crossed her arms. "Aw, don't be like that." Dario said with a mocking tone. "I mean, I'm really sorry that you don't have any Pokemon to ride in the race. When I heard about your Rapidash and Ponyta getting sick, I felt really sorry that you couldn't race against me. But then again, even if you did have a Pokemon, it wouldn't be able to beat my Dotrio. It's a lot faster than last year and more than a match for that cheatin' Rapidash or yours." Laura then gave him a smug look and replied, "For your information, my Rapidash could beat your Dotrio anytime of the week. And besides... who says I'm going to be missing out on the race?" "You can't ride in the race without a Pokemon, Laura." Dario sneered. Laura looked over her shoulder and smiled as she caught sight of Wildfire being led toward the starting line by one of her hired hands. Ranma had decided to leave early that morning and keep an eye on the race. Dario's eyes widened as he watched Laura mount the fiery steed as the announcer started speaking over the loudspeakers. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a surprise announcement. The local favorite, Laura Laramie of the Big P Ranch WILL be in this year's competition!" A big cheer erupted from the stands as Laura and Wildfire was given a standing ovation. "Due to the unfortunate incident that occurred last night at her ranch, a fellow trainer had generously loaned his Rapidash to her for the race! The Rapidash's name is Wildfire! Let's all give them a hand!" Dario became infuriated at the news as the crowds gave his rival another round of applause. He turned toward the judges' stand in outrage. "Hey! That can't be right! She's supposed to be riding a Pokemon from her ranch, not some stranger's! She should be disqualified from running!" The head judge looked down at the papers in his hand and then shook his head. "Miss Laramie has already shown me authentic proof that her mount had come from her ranch and is therefore qualified to enter the race." "What?!" Laura smiled in triumph as she turned Wildfire around and showed off the Big P Ranch brand on his left hind hoof. Dario gritted his teeth, then turned away in disgust. "Fine then. I don't know what kind of scheme you're pulling, but it won't work! I'm still going to beat you Laura!" "We'll see about that." The two of them began taking their positions at the starting line as the final preparations were being made. Looking through a pair of binoculars, Ranma watched from a high ridge that was at the halfway mark of the racecourse. Beside him, he had let out all of his Pokemon to get ready for any traps and dangers that he was sure that Dario had laid out for the other competitors, especially Laura. He focused the eyepieces to maximum magnification and saw that the race was about to begin. Back at the starting line, the head judge stood up with a starting gun as the lights in front began changing colors. "On your marks…" The red lights switched off and the amber light switched on. "Get set…" The amber lights switched off as the judge held up the gun and pulled the trigger. The green lights then lit up. "GO!" BANG! The race was on! Dario immediately pulled forward from the group and took an early lead with his Dotrio, leaving a trail of dust behind him. Laura and Wildfire managed to take a comfortable position in second place as they too pulled away from the pack. As per Ranma's instructions, his Rapidash kept from going full out, as Laura would have not been able to stay on his back at such velocities. As of now, he was going at about 85 mph. The course for this year's race was a lot longer than Ash Ketchum had rode before, with more obstacles, twisting paths and wide gorges to cross, as well as climbing a steep mountainside and traversing a wide river. Back with the rest of the group, the riders and their Pokemon were jockeying for position and some were even getting into fights. Several riders who were riding Rapidashes were thrown from their mounts as they lost control at such high speeds. Laura barely missed being sideswiped by another rider as she urged her mount to go faster. Dario had not been kidding about his Dotrio being even faster than before as she watched him pull even further away. Soon the pack began to thin as more and more riders were eliminated. Wildfire saw that he needed to catch Dario and put on an added burst of speed, kicking up to 110 mph. He couldn't go any faster as they were now entering a treacherous canyon, riddled with huge boulders and ditches. Laura carefully maneuvered the Rapidash around the obstacles as she saw another few riders stumble and crash into the ground. From his lookout point, Ranma could see that his horse and Laura were doing well, but Dario had a commanding lead. The jerk had the advantage of knowing the terrain and Laura was forced to slow her mount down to guide him through the narrow passes and turns. Ranma had no time to familiarize his Rapidash with the course and right now, Laura was Wildfire's only means of guidance. Raiden's trainer frowned as he saw Dario's Dotrio cross the wide river that lay across the racecourse. Using the large stones that formed a pathway across the waters, it took them only a few seconds to get to the other side. About twenty seconds later, Laura was seen racing toward the riverbank. The announcer gasped as the scene was shown on the giant monitor that displayed the race to the audience. "Uh oh! Laura Laramie is heading toward the river, but at the speed she's going, she and Wildfire are in danger of falling in! And we all know how fire- type Pokemon are vulnerable to water." It was true. Wildfire had no intention of stopping as he increased his speed. Laura tried to make her mount slow down so they could navigate the stepping stones laid out for them. "Wildfire, please slow down!" The Rapidash gave whinny as he suddenly accelerated to 140 mph and then made a huge running broad jump. Laura clung onto him for dear life as he traversed halfway across the river. Wildfire then made a landing on one of the stones, then with a flash of ki energy and no loss of momentum, propelled forward like a rocket and landing on the opposite bank. He then dashed off after Dario. "Whoa fans! That was amazing! Wildfire had just cleared the river in two jumps! A distance of more than four hundred meters! Whoever Wildfire's trainer is, he must be really proud of his Pokemon right now!" Ranma smirked at the compliment from the radio he carried as he continued to watch the race. Dario had begun to slow down as he started running the mountain pathways. The steep hillsides made it hard for the Dotrio to get a stable foothold. He then caught sight of Laura gaining on him as his Rapidash blazed a fiery trail behind him. Perhaps Laura didn't need his help to win this race. He opinion soon changed as Raiden started tugging at his left pants leg. "Pika! Pikachu!" He looked down at the electric rodent who was pointing in the distance toward another ridge that overlooked one turn of the racecourse. Dario passed under it as Laura came into sight of it. He then saw a glint of metal as sunlight reflected off it. He trained his binoculars on the light and gasped as he saw what it was. The pigtailed boy gestured to his Pidgeotto as they were too far away. "Wind Rider! Take out that guy on that ridge!" The bird Pokemon took off and flew toward the ridge. On the ridge, one of Dario's thugs had a tranquilizer gun aimed directly at Wildfire's hindquarters. He was just waiting for the horse to come within range and… "Pidgooooo!!!" The thug was startled by the squawk and then saw a flash of light at the corner of his eye. As he looked up, twin beams of ki energy blasted the rifle out of his hands. Before he could react, Wind Rider dive-bombed him and knocked him off his feet. One blast of compressed air and Dario's man was out cold. "Good work, Wind Rider!" Ranma smiled as he saw Laura and Wildfire pass by the ridge in safety. As they were getting toward the halfway point, Ranma gestured for his Pokemon to follow him as he went down a narrow path that would take them to where Laura and Dario would be. At the halfway mark, near the entrance to another canyon, only Dario and Laura were left in the race, as the other riders were too far behind to have any chance of winning. As with last year, the Pokemon could only continue on after consuming some food that had been laid out for them. Dario became frustrated as the three heads of his Dotrio began fighting over which one would eat first. He looked up and saw that his rival and Pokemon had come onto the scene and made their way toward a trough. He was especially surprised to see her mount gobble up the food like a vacuum cleaner. In less than a minute, Wildfire had consumed the entire thing and was ready to race off again. (Hey, when you're able to go over 200 mph, you burn up a lot of calories!) "Arrgh! I ain't going to lose THIS year!" He then let off a whistle to signal his ace, or rather aces, in the hole. Ranma and his Pokemon had just gotten to the scene when he heard several explosions. He then saw some strange projectiles flying through the air, exploding into thick clouds of fog, obscuring visibility. The people at the stadium were puzzled, as the giant monitor showed nothing but dense fog and static. Back at the canyon, Ranma was wondering just what was going on, when he heard some ominous and sickening theme music. Sure enough, two figures appeared the smokescreen and took a pose. Both were dressed in team Rocket uniforms. One was a girl with short blond hair in a short-cropped hairstyle, while the other was a guy that looked like her twin brother. "Don't cause us trouble!" "Or we'll pay you back double!" "To subject the world and cause it devastation!" "To raise our position to a whole new station!" "To annihilate the goodness of truth and love!" "To extend our rule to the heavens above!" "Billy!" The girl announced. "Kidd!" The boy followed. "Team Rocket, destroying all good within our sight!" "Surrender now for it is useless to fight!" "Hitmonchan!" A new Pokemon showed up in front of them. Ranma let off a dejected sigh, but then became interested at the appearance of a new Pokemon. *HITMONCHAN, A FIGHTING-TYPE POKEMON. IT IS VERY PROFICIENT IN BOXING AND HAS A VERY FAST PUNCH. * Dario smiled as he said to the new Team Rocket, "Okay, I paid you guys a lot of money and I expect you to do a better job than that other Team Rocket!" "No problem." Kidd replied as he and Billy threw out several Pokeballs. Each device opened up and released a Blastoise. The heavy turtles began aiming their water cannons at Wildfire and his rider. Laura pulled on the reins and the horse took a few steps back. "Dario, you're nothing but a big cheater!" She could tell that Wildfire was really nervous at the moment. One Blastoise he could take. A dozen of them was another story. "I do what I have to, to win. See ya at the finish line, if you make it!" Dario let off a sneering laugh as he urged his Dotrio toward the canyon. Billy and Kidd looked down at their cornered victim and were about to give the order for their Blastoises to open fire with their cannons. "MOKO TAKABISHA!" The two became startled by the sudden shout as Ranma's voice echoed out. They were wondering whom it was when two balls of blue energy flashed and blasted into them, knocking them off their feet. With their trainers momentarily out of the way and not giving any orders, the Blastoises stood there and waited. Suddenly they heard a squawk from overhead and saw that a Pidgeotto was circling above them. The bird began spinning around and released huge winds that blew the clouds of smoke back into the faces of the water Pokemon. They became temporarily blinded and began firing their water cannons wildly, drenching each other with their weapons. This is what Ranma and Raiden had expected as they both began powering up for a massive twin Thunderblast Bomb attack. Ranma glanced over to the side and saw that his Sandslash was throwing ki blasts to deflect any stray water that got too close to Wildfire. "Laura, get going! We'll take care of these jerks! Win the race!" "But…" Laura was unable to finish as Wildfire understood his master's command and began galloping off after Dario. Above their heads, Raiden and Ranma had just created huge balls of electrical energy, just as Wind Rider stopped using his Gust Attacks and the smoke cleared. "Blastoise?" The lead turtle said with confusion. "DOUBLE-TEAM THUNDERBLAST BOMB!" "Pikachu!" KABOOM!!! Billy and Kidd were just regaining consciousness when they saw a gigantic flash of electrical energy and wondered if a big lightning bolt had struck near them. They suddenly heard the screams of their Blastoises as they were subjected to more than 200,000 volts. Being wet from their water cannons had caused all that power to be conducted right through them. The two Team Rocket members were in total shock (though not as much as their Pokemon). Their entire group of Blastoises was now sprawled on the ground and out of action. Knowing that they were now at a serious disadvantage, they now noticed that someone was missing. "Hey, where's Hitmonchan?" Billy asked. She was answered a moment later as they heard their Pokemon screaming as he flew through the air and slammed into a wall next to them. The boxing Pokemon had gotten into a scuffle with Ranma's Machop. Guess who won? "Hit… mon… chan." The pugilistic Pokemon slid painfully into the ground and was out like the Blastoises. "Machop!" Bruiser appeared from one side, his face displaying a wide smile as he dusted off his hands. Hitmonchan were good at punching, but never learned to use their legs. One ki-powered Mega Kick was all that was needed. "Now then…" Ranma as he and his Pokemon began to advance on their adversaries. "W-W-Who are you?" Kidd asked fearfully as he and Billy backed up against a wall. "Say hello to Butch, Cassidy, Bonnie and Clyde for me when you see them." Ranma smirked as he cracked his knuckles. The Machop did the same as he and the others began powering up their battle auras. This was going to be messy. (We now close the curtain on this scene of intense and gratuitous violence to protect our younger readers.) Meanwhile, Dario was ecstatic as his Dotrio emerged from the canyon, and was now heading back toward the stadium. There was no way he could lose! Then he heard the sounds of a horse coming from the exit of the canyon. He looked back and saw a blazing ball of flame approaching in the distance. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. Pressing down on the activator button, he smiled as he heard the detonations of the explosions he had Team Rocket plant at the exit of the canyon to prevent anyone else from getting through. Ranma and his Pokemon were just finishing putting Billy and Kidd into la-la land when they too heard the explosions. Ranma became concerned as he heard an ominous rumbling in the distance. It felt familiar and he thought back to the time that he was trapped in that cave. There was nothing more that he and his Pokemon could do to help Laura now. It was all up to her and Wildfire. Laura gasped as she saw the exit to the canyon suddenly become blocked by a huge boulder. Wildfire was still going at over 150 mph and they were less than a few hundred meters from the blocked off passage. There was no time to stop, so Wildfire did the only thing he could do. He sped up while focusing his ki into his aura to protect his rider. His horn began to glow with an intense light as he leveled it down in front of him. Laura tried desperately to get Wildfire to slow down, but then remembered what Ranma had told her about the Rapidash's special attacks. She nodded and braced herself as close to the horse's back as possible. "BLAZING HORN CHARGE!" Laura cried out. Wildfire sped forward and plowed into the huge boulder, causing it to explode into gravel, thereby clearing the way for them to get though. The battle aura of the horse deflected off the fragments of the rock, and protected the girl. Without slowing down, the Rapidash poured on the speed to catch up with the Dotrio, who had just entered the homestretch. The announcer caught sight of Dario as he neared the stadium. "Well, fans it looks like Dario and his Dotrio will become this year's winner and… hold on! What is that?!" The camera panned over and showed a comet streaking across the plains and heading toward the stadium. The crowd let off a cheer as the cameras focused in and gave the image of Laura Laramie as she held on for dear life. Wildfire was going full out at more than 200 mph and was quickly catching up to Dotrio. "No! I can't lose now!" Dario urged his mount to go full out. He was less than one thousand meters from the finish line. He was so close that he could taste it! Ranma was now flying thought the air toward the stadium as his Pidgeotto gripped him by his shoulders and carried Raiden on his back. Through intense training, Wind Rider could carry weights that exceeded his own for several miles. Ranma had left Team Rocket and their Pokemon tied up back at the canyon and planned to call the law after the race to pick them up. The pigtailed boy looked down through his binoculars and frowned. Despite Wildfire's tremendous output of speed, he wouldn't be able to catch up to Dario before he crossed the finish line. The Dotrio was less than five hundred meters and Laura was still more than a kilometer away. Wildfire kept on pushing himself to go faster. He just had to win! He had returned to the place of his birth and was reunited with an old friend and she was depending on him to beat Dario! Ranma had shown him kindness and taught him to be strong! Everything was riding on him! He couldn't let them down! He couldn't! Wildfire reached into his innermost strength and pulled forth more speed. Laura was too busy holding on and shutting her eyes to notice as Wildfire began to radiate more power and its fiery mane and tail turned from red to a blue-white hue. The horse began burning up the ground, leaving a blazing trail of fire of not flame, but pure ki energy. A kind of corona of light surrounded the horse, making it appear like a blazing blue meteor. The aura also made a pocket of air around Wildfire, making it possible for Laura and the horse to breathe and survive the effects of air friction. Suddenly, Wildfire's speed jumped up to 300 mph! The crowds gasped in amazement as Wildfire shot forward in a second and overtook Dario's Dotrio when it was less than one hundred meters away from victory. The three-headed bird staggered as it was caught in Wildfire's jetwash. By some miracle, it managed to stay on its feet, but it was too late. Wildfire had crossed the finish line and kept on going. The crowds let off an enthusiastic cheer, which then became silent as Laura overshot the stadium! Ranma stared in amazement as his Pidgeotto flapped his wings furiously to follow the Rapidash as it disappeared over the horizon. Some distance away… Wildfire had finally managed to stop after overshooting the stadium by at least 5 miles. The horse was totally exhausted and was about ready to drop as Laura stood beside the Rapidash. She was in total awe as she beheld the vibrant colors of his mane and tail against the setting rays of the sun. "Ranma raised you well, Wildfire." "Thank you." Both turned to see Wind Rider setting Ranma and Raiden down on the ground. In the distance, camera crews in their vans and other cars began converging at the spot. Soon crowds of enthusiastic fans and reporters surrounded the two as the judges came up to present her with the winner's flag. "Congratulations Laura Laramie, you and Wildfire are this year's Pokemon Challenge winners!" Laura smiled as she pulled Ranma into the spotlight with her. "I couldn't have done it without this trainer's help and his Rapidash. This here's Ranma Saotome and I'm pleased to proclaim him an honorary member of the Laramie Clan!" Ranma became flabbergasted at the announcement as he timidly waved hello to the people watching him on TV. He wasn't used to all this publicity, but figured that it wouldn't hurt. Little did he know that two people in particular had become very excited at the sight of him. They also felt a little bit of jealousy at the sight of the Laramie clinging onto Ranma's arm and snuggling close. With that in mind, they began making a beeline towards the Safari Zone. A day later… Ranma nodded as he and Laura rode on their Rapidashes toward the edge of the Safari Zone. It was time for them to part ways. He had considered leaving Wildfire at the Big P Ranch, since he seemed so happy running with the other fire-horses, but as soon as he suggested it, the Rapidash shook his head and nuzzled him. It was great to be back at its place of birth, but Wildfire knew that his place was beside his master's side. Laura may have raised him in the beginning, but Ranma was the one he was truly meant to be with. Wildfire's show of loyalty almost made Ranma burst out into tears, but he managed to control himself, barely. "Are you sure you won't stay with us, Ranma. I mean, you're a great fire-horse trainer. I'll bet you could make all of our Ponytas and Rapidash as strong as Wildfire." She also turned away a bit when she felt her cheeks reddening a bit. The thought of Ranma being at the Ranch all the time made her think of very… intimate thoughts. "Thanks but no. I'm just like Wildfire and I'd feel pretty cooped up staying in one place too long. I'm on a Pokemon journey after all. Besides, I'm sure that you could raise your horses to be really strong without my help. You rode Wildfire well enough. I think you'll do fine." Laura blinked back a tear as she took a deep breath and said, "All right, if that's what you want. But know that you'll always be welcomed at the Big P Ranch, Ranma. Good luck!" She then leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Ranma held up a hand to touch his cheek while blushing a bit. Smothering the surprising warmth, he smiled and waved goodbye as he urged his steed down the path to the Safari Zone. Laura wiped away a tear as she directed her Rapidash back toward the lands of the Big P Ranch. When she got to the main house, she was informed that two girls had arrived on a Fearow and a Rapidash and were looking for a certain Pokemon Trainer with a pigtail and a Pikachu. To be continued… Author's Notes For those of you who thought I should have had Laura become another one of Ranma's suitors, well she's got a ranch to handle so she doesn't have time to go chasing after Ranma. Then again, she may just turn up in the near future. Jeanette and Sam are now closing in on Ranma and it won't be long before the fireworks begin. As for the sixth Pokemon, it will be along in the next couple of chapters or so.