A Couple of Angels By Corwin ely7@inter.net.il Chapter 3 "Say, Rei... since I'm going to be earning money now an' all, could you do me a favor?" Ranma asked, shuffling her feet uncomfortably. Blinking once, Rei asked, "What is it?" "Well, you see... my only pair of clothes got ruined..." Without saying a word, Rei walked over to her closet and pullet out a school uniform, handing it to Ranma, who immediately started making warding gestures. "Ack! I didn't mean it like that! Y'know I'm really a guy, an' we just don't wear dresses!" Pausing in her steps, Rei cocked her head and waited for the flustered girl to explain herself. "What I meant was... could you loan me some money for a new Chinese outfit? I'll pay you back with my first paycheck, I promise!" "Is this one of the things friends do?" Rei asked. "Ye... no, Rei. Actually, it's better never to loan any money to friends," Ranma answered, hanging her head. "But I'm asking you anyway." Not hearing a reply from the blue haired girl, she started saying "Go ahead, say no, I don't min..." before being cut off by Rei. "Here," she said in her soft monotone, handing Ranma a wad of bills. They weren't much, but should suffice for a shirt and a pair of pants. "Thanks, Rei," Ranma said, her eyes sparkling with emotion. Sudden inspiration caused the next question to leave her mouth before the pigtailed girl could think about it. "Hey, would you like to come an' help me choose an outfit? Maybe we can go and grab a bite to eat afterwards, or somethin'." Going over her offer, Ranma mentally groaned and berated herself. 'Just great! Now she'd think I'm asking her out on a date!' Considering the offer for a few moments, Rei agreed with a silent nod, deciding she'd like to spend some time with her friend. * * * "Hey, Ikari, you lucky dog!" Toji roared, approaching Shinji with Kensuke in tow. "Um, what brought this on?" the young pilot of Unit 01 asked uncertainly. "Da ladies, what else? Not only Rei's actually talked ta ya for no reason today, but Ranko seems ta like you too!" Toji elaborated, slapping his friend on the back a few times. Shinji's face paled, as he imagined what Ranko probably liked to do to him, especially after that stupid slip of his the day before. Shuddering, he quelled the rather graphic images that his mind was happy to provide for him, and tried his best to ignore his friends from that point on. "What's the matter, Ikari?" Toji reacted to the expression on his face. "Don't know who to choose?" "Date them both," Kensuke helpfully supplied, before adding with stars in his eyes. "Rei's so... mysterious, and Ranko's just dreamy." 'If Ranko hears any of this, I'm _so_ dead...' Shinji thought dejectedly. It was unfair, really. How was he supposed to know she was one of _those_ girls? He thought mentioning that instance to his friends, but immediately reconsidered it, as he wasn't sure how the unstable girl would react to that. A particular nasty image returned full force, and Shinji suddenly felt a compelling urge to clutch his groin. This didn't go unnoticed by his pair of friends. As they were about to ask him what was wrong, the answer revealed itself in the form of a beautiful red-head a few meters away from them. She was playing a game of 'UFO Catcher', and the effort she was putting into it made her already short dress flutter uncontrollably. Smoke pouring out of their noses, Toji and Kensuke knelt down to catch a brief glimpse of heaven, as Shinji was too shocked to move from his previous position. Cursing loudly in what appeared to be German, the girl spin-kicked the machine after losing, and turned around in anger only to find the trio of boys in their compromising positions. As she began approaching them with murder in her eyes, Toji straightened up to stand next to Shinji, while Kensuke got on all fours and exclaimed "Spank me, Baby!" dreamily. His friends looked at him strangely, while the girl appeared to be utterly disgusted. Coming to stand in front of the boys, she snorted disdainfully at them and reached out her hand, demanding, "Gimme 100 yen." Ignoring Kensuke's comment, which strangely sounded like 'shagadelic', Toji asked brightly, "Huh? 100 yen?" "I'm out of tokens," the girl said, gesturing at the game machine. "It's not too much - 100 each." Collecting a 100 yen bill from Kensuke, who now was kneeling not unlike a puppy, staring at the red-head's... face, she turned to look at Toji and Shinji, saying "Well?" impatiently. Shinji, having retrieved some of his spine, if not his wits, asked her, " Why do we have to pay you anyway?" "It's a peeping fee for taking liberties with me," the girl replied. "What liberties?" Shinji asked. "I haven't done any..." At that point Shinji realized where his hand had been for the entire time. Quickly scrambling to come up with an answer, he stammered, "No, no, no! It wasn't because of you. I was thinking of another red-head..." "Do tell," a chilling voice cut his lame attempts at an excuse. At the sound of that voice Shinji's face went completely white, as his worst nightmares came to life to haunt him all at once. 'No, it couldn't be... Please, God, anyone but her...' Ranma repeated her question, letting more irritation enter her voice this time. For some reason, the girls' section was the only place where Chinese clothes of her size still remained, and she felt like a pervert every second she was forced to stay there. Inevitably being to large quantities of girls' lingerie, when an errant bit of hot water would revert her back to a guy got on her nerves a lot as well. And as if it hadn't been bad enough, some pervert tried to walk in on her at the dressing room while she was changing. Now, that a new set of her favorite outfit finally adorned her form, she was trying to forget that horrid ordeal, when she had to run into that... boy. Shinji felt righteous female fury about to be unleashed upon him, and fell on his knees, reinventing the powerful Crouching Tiger technique. "Oh, please, please don't kill me!" There was so much more that he wanted to say, like 'I didn't mean it', 'I'll do anything' and 'I'm too young to die', but nothing coherent seemed to come out after his first statement, so he settled for groveling at the red-head's feet. "Why is Ikari-kun behaving like that?" Rei asked no one in particular. She'd been standing by Ranma, trying to understand what was going on, but no explanation presented itself. "It's just his survival instincts at work, Rei," Ranma replied, as she became irritated with the scene they were all causing. Seeing the blue haired girl blink in confusion, otherwise retaining a straight face, Ranma elaborated, "He knows he's going to die." As Shinji's sobs intensified in volume, increasing Ranma's irritation further, Rei commented, "Ikari-kun is my friend. I do not wish for him to die." Ranma mused over Rei's words, coming to the conclusion that she was right. Shinji was probably her only other friend, and killing him for his perverted ways would do more harm than good. Besides, he didn't have much of a spine to back up his perversions, anyway. Grabbing the boy's arm, Ranma drew him to his full height. Slapping him a couple of times to catch his attention, she sighed. "Relax, I ain't gonna kill ya... now. Since you're Rei's friend an' all, I'll cut you some slack this time." Bringing Shinji's face closer to hers, until they were mere inches apart, Ranma warned him, "But if ya ever try anything at me or her, you'll be in a whole lotta pain, oh Spineless One." As Shinji nodded frantically, Ranma released her hold on him and was about to turn away, when some sticky liquid splashed against her chest. Staring dumbly at the dark stain spreading across the front of her shirt, she shook with barely controlled anger. Snapping her head to the perpetrator, Ranma saw a large punk covered in tattoos smirking evilly. "My... new outfit... ruined. All the horror... for nothing!" Eyes burning with fury, Ranma futilely searched the brute's face for any sign of remorse, waiting for any attempt at an apology. Non was forthcoming, and a faint green aura surrounded the distraught girl, as she closed her eyes in a vain attempt to control the raging volcano within her soul. Droplets of blood started falling on the pavement from her clenched fists, caused by the wounds from where Ranma's nails dug deep into her tender flesh. In a few more moments Ranma would have been able to gather herself and walk away, but the punk decided to taunt her, showing off before his buddies. "What's the matter, little girl? Are ya gonna run home cryin' to yer mommy?" As images of her mother's lifeless body resurfaced in living colors, Ranma let out a wordless shout of primal rage, and lashed out at the man who decided to cross her. Perversion and the terrible memories of her past had ruined the perfect day with Rei, and someone had to pay for that. Once her opponent dropped with a muffled thud on the ground, his buddies recovered from their shock, and jumped Ranma, as well as the kids around her. Ranma was like lightning, zapping past the awkward blows which came her way while dealing out punishment of her own. This wasn't about winning the fight as fast as possible, the punks were gonna pay! Pay for the ruined shirt, pay for the stupid curse, pay for everyone dying... All rational thought left Ranma's mind as she danced among the multiple attackers, lashing out at them so fast that no one present could even see the blows connect. While the majority of the punks attacked Ranma, a few of them came after the rest of the group with the understanding that it wouldn't be prudent to attack such a good fighter. They chose the best course of action - attacking helpless-looking fourteen-year-old's. * * * Asuka immediately sprang into action. A kick to the groin, an elbow to the ribs and a vicious uppercut dropped three members of the gang before the rest even knew what hit them. Taking extra precaution from this point on, the remaining five attackers started circling the group wearily, looking for an opening. As the sounds of combat from the majority of their gang attacking Ranma continued, regardless of their sheer number, the small group of attackers grew more and more restless, knowing that they were next on the list. Not willing to turn tail and run without scoring at least one hit against the teenagers, three of them rushed Asuka at once, while the two others picked themselves other targets. Asuka's spin-kick took two of her attackers under the chin, painfully smacking their jaws shut, as their heads snapped backwards in almost perfect synchronization. Toji hit the third one on the back of his head with his school-bag, finally finding some use for the heavy thing. But two more attackers remained mobile - one heading towards Shinji and the other about to take a swing at Rei. The pair of red-heads sprang into action instantaneously. Doing several back-flips until she'd reached her destination, Asuka assaulted the would-be attacker with a combination of kicks to the chest, dropping the man with a powerful axe-kick when he doubled over in pain. Turning around to see if anyone of the gang was still standing, she found that her sight had been severely restricted by a dust cloud, which seemed to appear out of nowhere. As the dust finally settled down, she couldn't believe her eyes. All forty of their attackers were lying unconscious, sporting an array of bruises, while the huge gang member that was about to hit that spineless boy was actually embedded in a wall several dozen meters away. The red- head who took the brunt of the gang's assault and came not the worse for wear was standing, motionless, above the boy, who'd toppled over, trying to escape his attacker, her right arm still outstretched. But the thing that piqued Asuka's interest was that for a brief moment she could've sworn the girl's fist was glowing with a soft blue light. * * * Dropping her arm to the side wearily, Ranma sighed and sadly shook her head. She shouldn't have lost her temper like that. It was a good thing she'd managed to stop herself from using one of her special techniques during the fight - no, brawl she'd decided was the most appropriate name for it. Even using ki to give herself a boost was overkill, but she wanted the jerks to suffer! Shaking her head once more in an attempt to rid herself of her morbid thoughts, Ranma decided to exercise more self- control from now on. Reaching out a hand to help Shinji to his feet, she asked him, "Hey, are ya hurt?" "N-No, R-Ranko-sama. T-Thank you," Shinji barely managed to choke out. Earlier, when he was groveling for his life, he believed that in the worst case scenario Ranko would just beat him up rather badly. Seeing her in action, however, made the young boy revise his opinion of her. Ranko was dangerous... very dangerous. From what he could see from the fight, several of her opponents were hit from air pressure alone, but unfortunately Shinji couldn't verify that theory of his, since he couldn't even see her hands most of the time! But what'd really shaken him was the way she'd taken care of the guy who wanted to cave in his skull. Shinji didn't know what the hell happened! One moment he was laying on the ground, preparing for the mother of all headaches, and the next, Ranko was right above him with her arm outstretched! The only thing that came to his mind when he tried thinking of it was 'god speed'. "Cut the crap, Shinji. Just call me Ranko, like everyone else," Ranma replied in a tired voice. Physically she was fine, but her mind wanted a long rest from it all. In the meanwhile, Rei thanked Asuka in her soft monotone, and went over to stand by Ranma, who was ready to go away from there, when she'd caught Shinji sneaking a few peeks at her, After several long moments of this, she finally had enough. "Alright, out with it!" Ranma commanded, living no room for discussion. "W-Well, there's something I'd really like to know," Shinji started saying, twiddling his fingers. 'If he asks for my measurements, even Rei won't save his hentai ass this time,' Ranma thought darkly, tired of all the beating around the bush. "Yeah, and...?" "Why did you save me?" Shinji blurted out, cringing immediately. Ranma sighed. "There's no need to throw a fit every time you're around me, Shinji. I'm a pretty nice person, y'know." Ignoring the boy's doubtful look, Ranma continued, "See, I'm a martial artist. Honor's pretty much the only thing left for me right now, an' one of the rules have to follow is protecting people who can't defend themselves." "In other words, you saved me 'cause I'm a wimp that can't take care of himself?" Shinji asked quietly, eyes downcast. "No, that's not what I meant! Will you cut down on the self pity already?!" Ranma shouted. "What's wrong with all you people around here! Y'all act like you've had it rough and just decided to take the easy way out and give in." The pigtailed girl snorted in disdain. "Well let me tell you somethin' about pain. I've lost my entire freakin' family an' all my fiancees right in front of my eyes! Forced to watch every one of them call out for me, an' I wasn't able to do a damn thing about it!" Ranma closed his eyes, and turned away from their small group, continuing quietly in a quivering voice. "So don't you dare come to me an' cry about your sorry lives, 'cause you've got no right, NO RIGHT to say that to me." Taking a moment to recompose herself, Ranma stared directly into Shinji's eyes. "If you don't want to be such a pushover," she continued passionately, "stop acting like one. Grow a spine, 'cause no one else will do it for you." After emptying the load off her heart, Ranma jumped to a rooftop of a three-story building, and quickly ran away. Everyone looked after her retreating form for a few moments, and afterwards took off running away in random directions, before the police got to the scene. The only one remaining behind was Kensuke, who hadn't stopped drooling ever since he got a chance to see the girls in action... ***** "R-Rei," Ranma called out unsteadily, waving slightly to the other girl as she approached their apartment building. The blue haired girl acknowledged her presence, but other than that, Ranma had no way of knowing what was going through her mind at the moment. 'I hope she doesn't hate me for blowing my steam like that and runnin' off without her,' Ranma thought worriedly, as she waited for Rei to make the next move. "I'm sorry," Rei said finally, sympathy briefly showing in her eyes before they returned to their normal, impassive glance. "W-What're you sorry about?" Ranma asked fearfully, her heart racing. 'Oh no, what if she doesn't wanna be my friend anymore?' "I'm sorry you had to suffer so much," she answered, and Ranma could almost swear there was a bit of emotion in the voice this time. "I thought I came to terms with it... guess I was wrong, huh?" the red- head attempted to joke, putting a very strained smile on her face for her friend. As Rei nodded mutely, Ranma asked, "Well, let's not talk about it anymore. What do you wanna do now?" "We are going to Nerv Headquarters to meet the Second Child." "Second Child?" "She is another pilot, who recently arrived to Japan from Germany," Rei explained to her friend. "Aww, do we hafta go? It sounds boring like hell," Ranma whined. "Commander Ikari stated that all present pilots shall attend the meeting. Since Ranko Saotome hasn't been issued a Nerv ID card, I've been asked to take her with me," Rei recited, falling back to her emotionless routine. Grumbling about 'Commander Ikari this' and 'Commander Ikari that', Ranma finally agreed to go and followed Rei, as they walked to the train station. * * * Ranma allowed Rei to use her ID card to let them in this time, since she was now fully authorized to access the underground facility. And since she'd vowed to herself today to try and avoid any concept of overkill, using the Umi-Sen-Ken without any real need seemed utterly pointless. The pair of girls had been rounding the corner, when they heard a strangely familiar voice shout in frustration, "What's wrong with this damn machine?!" As they closed the distance between the source of the voice and them, the sight of a red-head kicking a door repeatedly revealed before them. "Hey! What are you..." Ranma started saying, before being cut off by another voice from behind. "...doing here?" Shinji lamely finished, as now the eyes of all the other pilots were upon him. "I think an introduction is in order," Asuka said, turning to look at the girls and giving them a lopsided grin, ignoring Shinji altogether. "I'm the Second Child." "Ranko's the name, an' they call me Fourth Child; this here's Rei, and she's the First Child," Ranma introduced the two of them, smiling slightly herself. The girl was rather nice, and a good fighter - for a girl anyway - so it didn't seem wise to alienate her from the start. Plus, there was that little bit that she'd saved Rei earlier, for which Ranma was grateful. Not that she couldn't have done it herself, but still... "Nice to meet you," Rei greeted the new pilot indifferently. Once everyone turned their eyes back on Shinji, he resisted an urge to flee the area, and shuffled his feet, introducing himself as the Third Child. "Well, I can see you've already met each other," Dr. Akagi noted, meeting the four pilots in the corridor. "Good. Come with me." * * * "Hey, Shin-chan, now you're outnumbered!" Misato exclaimed, patting the boy on his shoulder. "You must be in heaven! People would kill to trade places with you!" Shinji wisely decided that any remark he might make as a response to this would be his last. In fact, had anyone asked him about his situation, heaven wouldn't have been his word of choice. It wasn't hell exactly, either, as the possibility of seeing three attractive girls in extra elastic plug suits which left little to the imagination was definitely every guy's fantasy. What those girls could do to him, however, had they decided he was looking at them the wrong way took a lot out of the situation's appeal. Unheeded of her failure to stir a response from Shinji, Misato moved on to her next target, which was Ranma. "Oh, I'm so glad you decided to join us, Ranko! Aren't you happy that you're now mankind's final line of defense?" "Ecstatic," Ranma replied with as much sarcasm as she could muster, pointedly ignoring the bubbly Captain. She reminded her too much of Shampoo, and memories like those had to be avoided at all cost, Ranma decided early on. Asuka proved to more enthusiastic, as she gushed on how she was going to be the best EVA pilot. As her tirade continued, Ranma found herself evaluating the girl. She had confidence that strongly bordered on arrogance, a pretty decent fighter and a good EVA pilot, if her fight with Gagiel was any indication. The girl was not too bad on the eyes, and on top of it all, she carried herself with an air of superiority. 'Yes, the more I think about it, the more I see that Asuka reminds me very much of myself,' Ranma estimated, barely holding a smile. 'All the girl needs is some dark past, and a lifetime years of training, and she could practically replace me,' she mused, her thoughts turning grim. "Ranko... Hey, Ranko," Dr. Akagi's voice brought the red-head's mind back to Earth. "Yeah? What do you want?" Ranma asked in a strained voice. "I just wanted to let you know, that since we've found the Fourth Child, the Americans have finally agreed to transfer Unit 03 to us. It'll be yours, once it arrives in two weeks," Ritsuko Akagi told their newest pilot, struggling not to show any signs of annoyance at the girl's antics. 'One would think she hates being here,' she joked with herself, not easing her irritation one bit. "Yay," Ranma merely replied, putting as much cheerfulness into the reply as a condemned man feels when brought before the executioner. A gritting of teeth along with the tightening of her jaw were the only signs of Ritsuko's anger, barely noticeable from a distance. As a smirk immediately came up on Ranma's face, the Doctor flushed in anger and stormed out, knowing all too well what that smirk meant. There was only so much length she would go in a battle of will against some cocky and annoying fourteen-year-old girl. Especially if the bratty kid had been winning. ***** "Grab whatever you want, although the pickles are slim," Misato said to the children following her around the cafeteria with their trays. 'Ooh, the children look so cute, walking in pairs like that!' she thought, smiling at them. Shinji caught that smile and frowned immediately. 'She probably thinks it's cute or something. Who'd want to walk near two crazy chicks anyway?' To prevent matter from escalating, the pilot of Unit 01 asked the woman tentatively, "Umm... are you allowed to drink on _duty_, Misato?" Taking a swig from her beer, she waved off his concerns, saying, "Shush up, Shinji! One doesn't count!" Sitting down at the table, Misato turned to Asuka and said, "Nice fight there! We saw it on videotape..." "You know about the fight?!" the girl asked wide eyed. "Umm, yes?" Misato offered. "Don't tell anyone, but fighting Angel is kinda our job. Did you really expect us not to know about your encounter with Gagiel?" "Um, yeah. Hehe. Look, here's our table!" And with that, the Second Child quickly left, leaving a flabbergasted Misato in her wake. * * * "Say, Shinji, does she still sleep sprawled all over the bed?" Kaji asked casually, smiling. The reactions around the table varied. Misato and Asuka were shocked beyond belief, just sitting there wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Rei continued to eat her food quietly, undisturbed, and Ranma had a smirk on her face. Shinji, for his part, smiled and replied, "Yeah, I go wake her up every morning, and she's so..." "Wh-Wh-What the Hell are you saying?!" Misato yelled at Kaji, slamming her palms against the table. "And in front of _children_, no less!" "Huh? Why's it wrong in front of children?" Shinji asked her, perplexed. As Misato just stood there, flabbergasted, Ranma replied for her, still smirking, "Because your guardian thinks you're too young to talk about sex." As everyone except Rei turned towards her with expressions of shock on their faces, Ranma's smirk turned into laughter. Calming down some time later, she wiped the tears out of her eyes, and said, "Sorry 'bout that, but you should've seen yourself back then." Still chuckling, Ranma went back to pick at her food. "Wait, aren't _you_ a bit too young to talk about something like that?" Kaji inquired, cocking his head. "I'm older than I look," Ranma answered between bites. "Besides, I've had plenty of eager girls chase me around when I was younger." "Girls?" Asuka manage to say, surprised to no end. "Yep. I mean, take a look at this body. Is it a babe magnet or what?" Ranma asked in the most serious tone that she could muster, keeping all signs of her laughter out of her voice. At that statement, everyone's jaw dropped, and Rei's eyebrow shot up. Seeing that no response was forthcoming in the near future, Ranma spoke again. "I'm bored, so I think I'll go an' practice or somethin'. Do ya want to tag along, Rei?" Standing up, Rei simply answered with "Yes" and followed Ranma out of the cafeteria. Near the exit Ranma turned around, and winked at Misato and Asuka, before leaving the room. Kaji was the first to speak up after that, saying, "What a... peculiar... girl." "Schizophrenic is more like it," Shinji grumbled, returning to his food. * * * After walking a few minutes through Nerv's corridors, Rei decided to ask the question that had been bothering her ever since they left the cafeteria. "Ranma?" "Yes?" the red-head said, turning towards her friend. "Why did you tease everyone back there?" "What makes you thinks I wasn't serious?" Ranma asked with an innocent expression. Rei's eyebrow twitched slightly in response. "Alright, you got me. I just wanted to have some fun, y'know? Ever since coming here, everything's been so alien... an' I just wanted to pretend, even for a little while, that I was back home." "That is how things were at your home?" Rei asked. "Um, no. That is, I always teased the girls an' all, but they usually hit me in return," Ranma replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. "Girls... hit you?" Rei asked, not sure whether she heard Ranma right the first time. "Yeah, all the time. Mallets, spatulas, bon-bori, tables... you name it." Rei walked silently beside Ranma for a minute, thinking about what her friend had just told her. "Did you like to get hit by girls?" she finally asked. "What, are ya crazy? Those things hurt like hell, especially the table..." "Then why did you tease girls?" "Um, I dunno. I can't help it most of the time, my mouth just goes on auto pilot." "Like a berserker EVA," Rei commented. "Err... right. Anyway, that was then. Now... now it's just a reminder, like I said. The times our gang had back home were violent, but we had lots of fun as well." Lowering her head, Ranma continued, "And they were all alive... ouch!" Turning towards Rei, who was lowering her hand, Ranma was about to yell 'What was that for?', when the blue haired girl spoke softly. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a mallet." Blinking several times, Ranma thought about it and smiled, a genuine smile instead of the mask she wore in the cafeteria. "Thanks, Rei." Both pilots started walking again, headed home. ***** "The Jet Alone demonstration has been scheduled for next week. Is everything ready, Dr. Akagi?" Commander Ikari asked, sitting behind his desk. "Yes. Our contacts have given us the access codes for the robot. After their 'demonstration', Nerv wouldn't have any competition." "Good. Have the Fourth Child go with Captain Katsuragi." "But, Commander... I thought the Third Child was going. What caused the change in plans?" Dr. Akagi asked, after checking her notes. "You have your orders. Dismissed," the Commander replied curtly. "Yes, Sir." Once Ritsuko Akagi left his office, Commander Ikari opened a file labeled 'Top Secret' and glanced at it, an evil smile creeping up his face. "Let's see how you'll like Jet Alone... Ranma." ***** End of Chapter 3.