A Couple of Angels By Corwin (ely7@inter.net.il or corwin@virtuallyjeannie.com) http://lavender.fortunecity.com/friday/573/anime.html Chapter 1 "Pattern Orange detected! Commander, we have an Ora..." Maya's jaw dropped as she realized what she was saying. "Explain," Ikari's voice came through the speakers. "Well, sir, the Magi claimed that a 'Pattern Orange' appeared for 3.7 milliseconds, and then it just... disappeared." "Could it be one of the Angels?" Dr. Akagi interjected. "No, it was definitely something else, Sempai," Maya replied. 'Although what more is there?' "Did the Magi pinpoint the origin of the phenomenon?" the Commander asked. "There wasn't enough time. All we know is that it happened somewhere in Tokyo-3." And with that Maya returned to her analysis of the recently acquired data. Even as the Nerv personnel resumed its previous duties, everyone hoped that this wouldn't be yet another Angel bent on bringing the Third Impact. All but one, that is, who sighed deeply. 'So... after all those years, he is back...' ***** Ranma woke up on an unfamiliar sidewalk. Immediately he was back on his feet, looking around hysterically. He was alive, there was no doubt of that... so maybe the others were here as well? Looking into a nearby puddle, he immediately understood that something was wrong. The face that was staring back at him was his... and yet it wasn't. Rather, it belonged to a fourteen-year-old Ranma. As feeling slowly returned to his body, he noticed the various differences between the form he had become used to during the last year and the one in which he currently was. Gone were the longer reach and the extra strength on which he had lately become dependent. At least, his monstrous reservoir of ki remained intact and his muscles seemed only slightly diminished from what he was used to. Suddenly, a realization of what had happened hit him full force. "It was real. All of it..." A car raced by, not even noticing the small puddle that was on its path, or the boy-turned-girl that was now staring into the distance. Had anyone seen the diminutive red-headed girl at the moment, no one would be able to say for sure whether she had been crying or not. And maybe it was for the best - Ranma didn't like to show her weaknesses... * * * Trying to get out of the rain, more out of instinct than anything else, Ranma ran into the closest building to her. Once inside, she noticed that the place looked like a dump. 'Good. The building's probably condemned, so no one would bother me here.' Taking off the red Chinese shirt that now hung loosely off both her forms, she squeezed the water out of it the best she could, before finding an open apartment to stay in for the night. When she turned on the doorknob of the first door she laid her eyes upon, Ranma noticed a blue haired girl apparently coming out of a shower, toweling her hair. This assumption was confirmed by the fact that, aside of the small towel, the only things the girl had on her were the patch on her left eye and some bandages on her arm. Like a deer caught in the headlights, Ranma could only return the other girl's stare, as she stopped and regarded her uninvited visitor. After about half a minute of staring at each other with no progress, Ranma came back to her senses. Averting her eyes, she fiddled with the shirt that was still in her arms, struggling with an apology. "Um, I'm really sorry about this. The door was open an' I didn't think anyone lived in this dump, an'... and I looked for a place to dry off." Noticing what she said, she quickly added: "I didn't mean that stuff about your place. It, err, looks great! Yeah, that's it!" Finally remembering something, Ranma continued, more quietly this time. "Oh, an' I didn't mean ta peep on you like this. I didn't know you were naked and all." Having said all she intended to, Ranma cringed and waited for the strike... that never came. "That does not bother me," the girl, that appeared to be roughly around Ranma's current age said in a monotonous voice. "Really?" Ranma asked, turning around before she could remember the reason why she was facing the other direction in the first place. Luckily, the other girl had put on a school uniform in the meanwhile. "You are cold," the girl stated in the same tone of voice. "I can give you some clothes to wear until yours are dry enough." "Um... thanks," Ranma answered, a bit uncertain. This girl wasn't acting like any other she had met in her life. However, for the life of her, she couldn't decide whether it was a bad thing. The blue haired girl gave a curt nod and started walking away to where she apparently kept her clothes. Ranma shrugged and followed. The sight that greeted her wasn't what she had been expecting at all. Several school uniforms, and... that's it? This girl was definitely different than any other girl Ranma had known. Finally picking the uniform on the right, Ranma asked where the bathroom was, and quickly went to change there. Normally, she wouldn't bother exchanging her clothes before returning home, especially if it meant the replacement would be some girly outfit. But that was when she still had a home to go to. Now, all Ranma had to remind her of it was the only pair of Chinese clothes that made the trip with her, and no money for even food, not to mention a new wardrobe. 'Not that it matters now, anyway,' she thought bitterly. Returning back to the living room, if you could call it that, after having hung her old costume to dry on the bathroom sink, Ranma went over to the girl, who was sitting on her bed and crouched beside her. "My name's Ranma," she offered, bowing. "I am Rei Ayanami." Now she had the name to go with the face, Ranma mused. "So, Rei, do ya live here on your own?" * * * Several hours later and well into the night, Ranma figured that it was high time she left Rei's apartment. She chuckled inwardly, as she thought back to the part in their conversation, when Rei was finally convinced to call her plainly by her given name, and with no honorifics. What was the point in them anyway? Changing back into her regular outfit, she thanked the nice girl that helped her out and prepared to go outside, when a rather loud thunder was heard from outside. 'How long is that stupid rain gonna be, anyway?!' Ranma thought angrily, grimacing at the thought of getting all wet again. Just then, a brilliant idea appeared in her mind. During the conversation the blue haired girl, she had found out that no one else lived in the other apartments in the building. What a shame... "Say, Rei, how would ya like ta have a neighbor?" ***** Ranma was trudging down the street aimlessly, staring at the ground. She knew that the most logical choice would be to find some work, so she could afford some food, but her heart just wasn't in the right place for that. Ranma was able to make herself go on, to exist; anything beyond that didn't matter anymore. She was all alone, in a strange city in the future. Everything seemed so alien to her, so much different than the Tokyo she had known. All of a sudden, she sensed an arm trying to grab her shoulder. Before any sentient thought had passed through her brain, the man was flung several meters to land in a pile of garbage. "Hey, what do you think you are doing?" a voice shouted from behind her. Turning around, Ranma saw a truant officer, in an outfit identical to the one the man who tried to grab her adorned. 'Probably his partner,' she mused. "Whadda ya want?" Ranma shouted threateningly. "Oh, so we've got a spicy one, eh? Why aren't you at school?" the officer asked, advancing on her. "What's it to ya? Beat it before I knock some sense into you," Ranma growled, before dropping into her fighting stance. The officer approached the red-head menacingly, his mind set to teach the impudent girl some manners, as well as respect for the law. Grabbing her arm roughly proved to be a mistake, however, as the lightning fast punch to the mouth that he received established. Spitting out a broken tooth, his rage eclipsed the officer's disbelief and he took out his baton, charging the girl. A few moments later he had joined his partner in the garbage pile, while Ranma was twirling the club in her hand. "Freeze!" two more voices shouted at her. Looking at the source of the screams, the only remaining practitioner of Anything Goes noticed two police officers with drawn guns, which were unfortunately pointed at her. Apparently, police officers around here didn't take too lightly to teenaged martial artist beating the tar out of their kind. 'What to do, what to do,' Ranma contemplated her predicament, briefly wondering what caused the policemen around here to be so trigger-happy. After what had happened to her recently, she was not afraid to die. But there was no honor in meaningless death, so suicide was out of the question. No, the only way Ranma was going down is fighting. However, there were innocents on the street along with her. The bullets would not be able to even graze her, Ranma was sure of that. But could she disarm the officers before an innocent bystander got hurt from a stray shot? She didn't want to take that chance. Despite trying to convince herself that she didn't care for anyone anymore, this was not true. Fortunately for everyone involved, the officers offered her a choice. Either go to school quietly, under escort, of course, and stay there... or go to jail. Since Ranma didn't want to spend any more time than she had to around these cops, she took the olive branch that was offered to her. * * * "Class, this a new student. Why don't you introduce yourself?" "The name's Ran... ko. Saotome Ranko." Leveling a glare at all the perverts staring at her with lust and drooling uncontrollably, she said "I'm gonna take my sit now," in an emotionless voice that brook no argument. Travelling to an empty seat, Ranma plopped into it, idly noticing that her neighbor was sitting right in front of her. The teacher just stared at the girl, as she went to claim a seat next to a window. Seeing her appear, escorted by two armed officers, had been a shock. After exchanging a few words with them, he knew enough to give that girl her space. Ranma, for her part, turned towards her window and started staring outside, not really looking at anything in particular. From the bits and pieces she had managed to overhear since the beginning of the class, it sounded boring. Not that she would participate anyway - what was the point of it all, now? The only reason she stayed at school once the officers departed was that she had given them her word. Ranma's honor was the only thing she had left, besides martial arts, and she would be damned if she threw it away willingly. "Ranko?" Someone was calling her. Turning her head around, Ranma didn't recognize the teacher. 'Hmm, must be a new class or something. Whatever.' "Ranko, have you been paying attention?" 'Geez, of all the stupid questions...' "Take a guess," Ranma replied, narrowing her eyes. 'As if I don't have enough on my mind as it is,' she thought darkly. Spending her days at school was one thing, but she hadn't agreed to allow these idiots boss her around. If they thought she was there to learn, she would have to show them the... error... of their ways. Her teacher was getting angrier by the minute, and his face was all flustered. 'Wild Child', indeed. The whole class, with the exception of the blue haired girl in front of Ranma, was looking on at the drama unfolding before them. "Why don't you open your computer for a start, Miss Saotome?" Ranma's teacher held on tightly to his self control, because attacking a child, especially a female one, in his class might get him fired, and so he had mustered all of the patience he had to deal with the new kid. Her eyebrow beginning to twitch as she heard the teacher call her 'miss', Ranma replied, smirking evilly. "I can't, it ain't working right." "Really? There wasn't anything wrong with it yesterd..." That was the exact moment that Ranma's fist drove through the computer, exiting through the other side of her desk, not losing one bit of its momentum. Ranma's eyes haven't left the teacher's for the entire time, and she could see anger briefly being replaced by puzzlement, before settling for the emotion she was driving at, fear. "There is now. You better call the technician or somethin'," Ranma offered, returning her gaze to the window. Her senses were active for a few moments, to ensure that she had gotten the desired effect. She smiled inwardly as the teacher and everyone else who had been looking at her earlier suddenly found something interesting to examine on their desks. In fact, her little demonstration went so well, that she was genuinely surprised to find her neighbor's eyes land on her for a few moments. 'Wasn't she scared? I wonder what it would take to make her stay away.' As the teacher regained his composure a bit and resumed his lecture, Ranma found herself thinking that she didn't really want to push that girl away. Getting the feeling that she was not like all the other kids around here, that she was special in some way, Ranma contemplated this for awhile, before dismissing these thoughts and concentrating on perfecting her soul of ice... ***** Lunch was a quiet occasion, with students giving her sidelong glances and whispering to each other from a safe distance, which was just fine by her. Ranma found herself a nice big oak tree in the courtyard, and was sitting in its shade, staring off into space. Unfortunately, that caused the memories of the times she had with her now lost friends to resurface, memories she didn't want to recollect. And so, she was relieved upon spotting a familiar face in the crowd. Rei was sitting alone with a book in her hands. For some reason, simply seeing her there forced all of the depression out of Ranma's head. It was puzzling how could a person who she had only met the day before have such an effect on her, as if with that girl around, Ranma wasn't alone anymore. Rei, who had been watching Ranma out of the corner of her eye during the lunch break, noticed her gaze descend on her person. Keeping her composure, which came as a second nature to the First Child, she waited to see what will happen next. As she saw the other girl's eyes fall briefly on her unopened bento, Rei realized that Ranma didn't have any lunch with her. And from what she had learned last night, that girl had no money or other earthly possessions. Making up her mind, she put away her book and walked over to the oak in which shade Ranma was sitting. "Yeah?" Ranma asked, once the girl she had been watching previously came over to her. "You seem to be hungry." As if on cue, Ranma's stomach growled in response to that statement. The expression on Rei's face hasn't changed one bit, as she silently offered her bento to the other girl. Ranma could only stare confusedly at the proffered food. People never gave her something for free. Even all the so-called 'free food' she ever got from Shampoo or Ukyo had a hidden agenda behind it. And she wasn't even going to mention the drugged, magically spiced or just plain toxic 'cuisine' that used to compose her diet. So the question remained. "Whadda ya want?" she bluntly asked the blue haired girl. Rei blinked in response. 'Had I wanted anything?' Her mind wasn't prepared for a question like that, and didn't have a ready answer for it, so she chose what she did best - Rei just stood there silently. Ranma frowned, and looked at the lunchbox in her hands. Maybe she had looked too much into things. There was this nice girl, who had just offered her food without asking a thing in return, and she just had to go and insult her. Well, Ranma wasn't sure the girl was insulted, but then why was she just standing there, staring at her? And after all, Rei couldn't have been after Ranma because she was a girl at the moment, and as far as the martial artist could tell, no one here in this weird future knew about her curse. Trying to make up for her misconduct towards the only girl who had tried to do anything nice to her, Ranma belatedly thanked the girl and offered her to sit down, flashing her with a smile. Rei continued staring as the girl consumed the food in record time, the chopsticks blurring in her hands. Deciding that it didn't matter to her where she sat, she found a nice spot next to her. A few moments passed before Ranma decided to break the silence. Rei was probably extremely shy, which for some reason just seemed wrong, or she just didn't like to talk much. Either way, it suited Ranma fine. She initially wasn't going to make new friends here, but as the saying goes, misery loves company. And from the looks of her neighbor, she didn't seem to have much in her life, just like Ranma. "So, um, is that all you do every day at lunch? Reading a book, that is." Blinking at the other girl, Rei absently noted that she had been doing that a lot around her. Well, more than usual, anyway. Instead of answering the question, she countered with one of her own. The same one, actually, that had been puzzling her ever since the girl's introduction in class. "Why did you call yourself 'Ranko'?" Ranma was taken aback by that question. 'Where did that come from?' Stammering while trying to find some excuse, she finally gave up and decided to simply tell the truth, or at least the part of it that she was sure Rei could handle. "Well, see, 'Ranko' is like a nickname to me. Please, would you keep my real name a secret? It would mean a lot to me. I don't want to go by my real name, when I'm like this." 'Now, if only she wouldn't ask what I meant by...' "What do you mean, 'like this'?" 'Shit.' As Ranma frantically prayed for a distraction - any distraction - one presented itself in the form of an alarm. Rei immediately got to her feet, but before she could make more than two steps, a hand grasped her shoulder, stopping her. "Err, Rei, could you please tell me what's goin' on?" Ranma asked, looking around as the students were all running in one direction. "Is this like a fire drill or something?" "An Angel is attacking. You should go to the shelters," Rei calmly explained. Noticing that Ranma was now pulling her towards the general direction of the others, she said: "Please, let me go." "Huh? Didn't you just say that there's an attack or something?" "Yes." "Then why aren't you coming to the shelters too?" "I am an EVA pilot. It is my duty to fight the Angels." Ranma was speechless. Some big confrontation was about to happen with those 'Angels', and they were sending girls to fight them? This just wouldn't do. Ranma couldn't let Rei get hurt, as she definitely would. She didn't look like a fighter one bit, and Ranma was rarely mistaken about such things. Her mind made up, Ranma went to look for hot water. Protecting Rei was one thing, but she didn't want to get mixed up in anything, and figured that the best way to avert attention form her current self was to go in her original form. After all, no one knew about Ranma Saotome here, and the only few who possibly could, have been dead for almost two decades now. Stuffing that thought back to the recesses of her mind, Ranma went to the men's room to get some hot water. She briefly considered getting a costume to further conceal her identity, a tuxedo coming into her mind's view for no apparent reason, before shrugging the idea off and turning the hot water faucet. Who would be stupid enough to fight in that thing? ***** Ranma hopped over the rooftops. Looking for this 'Angel' thing that Rei was supposed to fight, when a huge monstrosity had flown into the city. Looking like some kind of weird jellyfish on serious steroids, that being had to be the enemy. Just as he was about to continue his sweep of the area, the ground parted and a huge robot flew out of the newly created hole, sending a shock wave in its wake. 'Is it Rei in there?' Ranma asked himself, before returning his attention to the fight at hand. After some time it became clear to him that conventional weaponry wasn't hurting the creature. Ranma saw some kind of red aura appear around its body second before the rifle shells would impact it. 'This thing probably has a glass jaw, just like Saffron, so it won't let you get close enough,' he mused, analyzing the battle. In his opinion, the best option that robot had was to rush the Angel and go hand-to- hand. 'Maybe the pilots don't know how to fight without weapons? After all, Rei didn't seem much of a fighter.' As a cloud of smoke covered the creature's body entirely, Ranma though that it would use the momentary disguise to attack. He wasn't disappointed, as a ribbon-like appendage shot out of the mist of debris and proceeded to deliver the robot some serious punishment, before cutting some cable that was attached to it. The angel finally caught the robot by its ankle, and threw it away to land on a clearing, where it became partly imbedded in the ground. Ranma, who had been having nasty Kodachi flashbacks throughout the attack, couldn't take any more of this. Whether it was Rei in there or some other pilot, he had to intervene. It was a martial artist's duty to protect the weak, and while that sixty-foot tall robot looked like it could take care of itself, it was also everyone's last line of defense against that monster. 'And who knows what would happen if the fight goes on? The whole city would probably get trashed, and then...' With this final thought, Ranma leapt towards the giant robot, that was holding off the 'arms' of the Angel. Getting into a good strategic position, he allowed himself to smirk. 'So, this Angel thing is immune against conventional attacks? Lets see how he deals with an unconventional one!' Making a mad dash towards the robot, Ranma used the back of its head as a springboard, launching himself towards the Angel. Soaring through the air, he cried out the name of the attack that he had sought to seal from the world fifteen years prior to this - 'Demon God Assault Bomb!' * * * Warning sirens made themselves known throughout Nerv headquarters, as everyone stared baffled and more than a bit frightened at the screens. "We've got another AT field manifesting directly above Unit-01!" Ristuko shouted in disbelief. Misato looked in horror at the view of the battle. Even with full power, Shinji and his Unit-01 would have a hard time fighting this Angel, but two of them at the same time... "Get Rei ready to go in Unit-00," Gendo's commanded, frowning behind his folded hands. "What do we have on the other Angel?" Misato finally asked, having composed herself. "Wait!" Maya exclaimed, turning away from her screen, "the AT field is not coming from an Angel!" "What do you mean?" Ritsuko queried. "The Magi are detecting only one Blue pattern! The other one is Orange!" Maya scrambled to explain. "Commander, the readings are exactly the same to the ones we've gotten last time." "Oh my God! What is that?!" Everyone turned at the sound of Misato's shout, seeing her pointing at the main view screen. Boomerang-shaped disturbances in the air sailed towards the Angel that was pinning Unit-01, visible even to the naked eye due to a slight red hue along their contours. The Angel's AT field flared to life, trying to intercept the translucent projectiles. And, to the amazement of everyone present, they passed through it, cutting the AT field like hot butter. The Angel didn't even have time to be surprised, as it was blown back a few hundred meters by the force behind the projectiles, two of them severing a good portion of its arms. With only thirty seconds of power left, Shinji used his chance to get Unit-01 off the ground and drew out the progressive knife. Giving out a yell and running towards the Angel, that was trying to recover and regenerate the damage, Shinji thrust the knife into its core. As the clock reached zero, both Unit-01 and the fourth Angel became immobile, and everyone in the control room secretly let out the breath they have been holding. "What is the status of the Orange pattern?" Gendo asked, now that the current crisis was over. "It... it disappeared again, after the Angel was hit with those projectiles," Maya replied, checking her readings. "Understood. Notify me when it shows up again." And with those final words, the supreme Commander of Nerv left the room. * * * 'Something was different about that attack,' Ranma thought as he traveled to his new home across the rooftops. He had never used the Yama-Sen-Ken himself, albeit picking it up after seeing it in use, but it just hadn't felt right. Instead of the usual vacuum blades, something accompanied them this time, something that probably allowed them to pass through the creature's red barrier. Ranma was baffled about that part. It sure wasn't ki, as he had used it enough to know the difference. And from what he knew, there wasn't anything else. Well, except magic, that is, but he doubted that he became a magician over night, just like that. 'Damn, I wish the old ghoul were here. She would have known what it is.' That thought only served to depress Ranma even further, as he remembered the friends that died that fateful day, with him helpless to save them. But before he could sink any further into his despair, Ranma remembered the pilot of the robot that he helped that day, and smiled. 'Maybe I can still redeem myself.' ***** Opening the door after hearing the knocking, Rei noticed her neighbor standing in the doorway. Ranma had decided that since she had to go to school, it would be nice to go with someone, and Rei was on top of her very short list of candidates. In fact, the list consisted of only Rei, but Ranma chose to overlook that fact. And so, standing somewhat timidly at the doorway, Ranma asked her neighbor if she'd like to go to school together, all the while shuffling her feet uncomfortably. It wasn't as if she had been trying to ask the girl out, besides, she was in her female form at the moment. But fear of rejection from the only person to show her kindness in this hostile world gripped her heart and refused to let go. After taking a moment to think it over, Rei nodded, and started to walk out, when she noticed that Ranma didn't have any lunch with her. Remembering the lunch the other day, she silently walked over to her refrigerator, and packed another bento. Ranma was deeply touched. Although she had already thought of Rei as a friend, she couldn't be sure of the other girl's feelings on the matter. And here, she was making a lunch for her, just like that! Sure, girls have given Ranma free food lots of times, but even when it was not poisoned, one way or another, only Kasumi had ever done that without expecting anything in return. And now that she thought about it, something about Rei reminded her of Kasumi. The only problem was that the blue haired girl didn't smile, but Ranma was sure that she would give even her girl side a good run for her money if she did. Much more determined than before to make this girl smile, Ranma thanked her and they walked towards the school. ***** Shinji has been waiting outside of Rei's apartment door, facing a dilemma. He had been sent there to give her the new ID card, or rather, that was what he was telling himself. The quiet girl confused him, and he wanted to get to know her better, hence this trip. However, now that he was at his destination, Shinji was at a loss. The doorbell was broken, and his knocks were unanswered. Taking a deep breath, Shinji announced that he was coming in, and opened the door. Fortunately for him, the lock was broken as well, seemingly recently. 'I wonder if someone had broken into Rei's apartment?' Shinji thought entering, before promptly forgetting about that altogether. The cute redhead, coming his way while toweling her hair and clad only in boxers, might have had something to do with it. The girl spared him a bored glance, and asked: "You're not one of those perverts, are ya?" Shinji quickly drew his eyes away from the girl's well-endowed form and shook his head. "Good." Having said that, the girl apparently forgot all about him, and went over to her bed, putting on a worn out red Chinese shirt and black pants. She looked familiar, but for the life of him Shinji couldn't remember from where. "Say, haven't I seen you someplace before?" The girl turned to regard Shinji, looking even more bored than before, if such a thing was possible. "Of all the lame, stupid, cliche pick up lines, didya really have to use that one?" she asked, rubbing her forehead with her right hand. "Um... no... that is... I honestly thought I saw you before and all. Anyway, my name's Shinji, Ikari Shinji." "Hmm, Ikari... Ikari," the girl pondered, saying his family name aloud several times. "Any relation to Commander Ikari?" she asked after a minute of thinking. "Yes, he's my father." Inwardly, Shinji frowned. Who was this girl, and what was she doing in Rei's apartment? And on top of that, how could she know the Commander of Nerv? Her voice brought him back from his musings. "Listen, whoever you are, that still doesn't give you the right to march into someone's apartment, you know?" "Well, I was looking for Ayanami..." "Oh, Rei? What do you want with her, anyway?" the mysterious girl asked, genuinely interested now. "Um, there's this new Nerv ID card I have to give her, and..." "Alright. Give it to me, and I'll make sure she gets it." The girl put out her arm and gave Shinji a look that brook no argument. "B-but, it's only for authorized personnel, and..." "Look, I don't have much time to waste. Just hand over the card, and I'll give it to Rei the moment I see her. It's that simple," Ranma said, thinking 'I can't let him delay me, or Rei might go to school on her own!' The arm was still stretched out towards him, but now there was an annoyed scowl on the girl's face. Shinji was between the rock and the hard place. On one hand, he couldn't just give it to some stranger, but on the other, he didn't want to go back to Ritsuko and Misato and explain to them how he couldn't perform such a simple task. And if he had to explain what had happened in this girl's apartment... Luckily, the girl decided to take pity on him, and introduced herself. "Hey, Shinji, don't worry so much. I'm Ranko, from class, remember? It's ok, I really am Rei's friend." While that little speech was really helpful, what did it was the sweet smile the girl - Ranko - provided. Mortally wounded with cuteness rays, Shinji went over to her, put the ID card in her hand and left the apartment, going to Nerv HQ in a state of shock. * * * Ranma looked at the ID card for a few moments, examining Rei's photo. 'She's quite cute actually, too bad she doesn't smile more often. Come to think of it, I've never actually seen her smile. Well, I guess I'll have to work on that.' Quickly fixing her hair into her trademark pigtail, Ranma walked out of the entrance to the adjustment apartment, and knocked several times. Shortly thereafter, Rei answered the door and let Ranma in. Entering, the redhead gave her friend her ID card, noting that Rei's had gotten rid of her bandages, and asked if she wanted to go to school together. Rei looked at the Nerv security card in her hands, trying to figure out how Ranma was able to get her hands on it. Deciding to find out for sure, she asked: "How did you get the card, Ranma? Do you work for Nerv as well?" "Huh? Why would I do that?" Now Rei was even more confused. Commander Ikari had pointed out to her several times that all information about Nerv was restricted. The same should have been true to the pilots' ID cards as well, and yet, Ranma had just handed her one. That meant that Ranma must have had clearance, just like several of the UN and JSSD officers she'd seen visit Nerv. A few more questions later, Rei would've frowned, had she known she was supposed to in situations like these. If what Ranma was telling her was true, than she should report Ikari-kun and Ranma to the Commander. But if she did that, they might get punished, and she didn't want that to happen. Finally, Rei decided that if the Commander would like to know about it, he would ask her, and deemed the matter closed. "Yo, Rei, are you ready to go to school now?" Ranma asked, getting impatient. She was in hurry to get to class, but the whole 'twenty questions' routine was starting to put her on edge. 'It's just a stupid card, geez!' Rei noticed that Ranma had said once again that he wanted to go to school with her, but she was going to Nerv for a synchronization test for Unit-00. "I have to go to Nerv Headquarters today. You should go to school on your own," Rei suggested to Ranma. "Say, Rei... do you mind if I tag along? Y'know, instead of going to school an' all?" the red-head replied, surprising the other girl. "C'mon, it'll be fun!" "That is a restricted area," Rei countered. "Piece of cake!" Ranma replied, waving her hand and smiling. Rei considered her course of action. Ranma said that she could get in without a problem. Only authorized personnel could enter Nerv. Therefore, if Ranma would be able to get in, Commander Ikari must have allowed her to. Having worked all that out for herself, Rei agreed and they went towards the transports. * * * Promising to meet her inside, Ranma waited for Rei to enter before using the Umi-Sen-Ken 'silent thief' technique. She had been able to literally steal the floor from under a house full of martial artists using it, so a few guards and security systems wouldn't be much of a problem. Filled with confidence, Ranma passed the security checkpoints one by one... when she suddenly got drenched with a hot liquid, instantly reverting to male form. Turning around, Ranma kicked at the malfunctioning coffee machine, before looking around to see if anyone witnessed the transformation. It looked like he was clear, for the moment. He chuckled, thinking that a simple water curse got him, and not any of the security devices, which he had to admit, had improved greatly in the last fifteen years. Walking down the empty corridor, he spotted Rei ahead, and called out to her. She stopped, and looked at him neutrally. "Who are you? Do you have an ID card?" "C'mon, Rei, haven't we been through all this before? I thought we agreed to meet here." "I have not met you before," she replied in her monotone voice. Ranma was about to ask her what she meant, when he noticed that he was male at the moment. Since this was his natural form, he felt natural with it, and had forgotten that he was supposed to meet Rei in his cursed one. Groaning, Ranma massaged his temples. Great, now what was he going to do? Lie to Rei and ruin the relationship with this person who could be his only friend in this dark future, or tell the truth and possibly be ridiculed? After contemplating his situation for a few long moments, he opted for the second option. "Um, Rei? Come with me for a moment, please, there's something I have ta show you." Walking towards a nearby men's room, Ranma opened the door and signaled for Rei to enter, unconsciously tugging on his pigtail. Since the blue haired girl apparently wasn't one for modesty, he guessed that she wouldn't have a problem with it as other girls might. Rei contemplated calling the guards to arrest the strange man, but stopped before she could follow up on that. Something made her trust the pigtailed boy. The only times she felt so sure of something was when following the Commander's orders. And, although she wasn't being ordered at that moment, Rei followed her heart and went after the boy. Once they were inside, Ranma started the explanation, keeping it short and to the point. "Rei, I really am Ranma. I have this magic curse that turns me into a girl with cold water, and back into a guy with hot one. Here, see for yourself." With those words, Ranma turned the cold water tap, splashing himself. Turning towards Rei, whose eyes were only slightly wider than usual, Ranma posed and smiled. * * * Rei's heart was beating rapidly, and she had blinked more times during the transformation than an entire week in her life. Ranma was cursed... but magic wasn't supposed to exist! Then again, there was a time when people didn't know about the Angels... Her head hurt. Rei's whole world was built on what Commander Ikari had told her. He had always been right, and he knew everything. Or that is what she thought before. This Ranma, she had presented her with a few flaws in the perfect world she had lived in until then. "Look, if you're still not convinced, why don't ya hold my hand while I change back?" Ranma offered, taking Rei's silence the wrong way. Tentatively reaching with her hand, Rei took the redhead's right arm, and watched with a silent fascination as she used the hot water to turn back into a fourteen-year-old boy. "Are you a boy or a girl?" she asked out of the blue. "Of course I'm a guy!" Ranma nearly shouted. This was always the most depressing part in telling people about the curse. Several more moments were spent in silence, as both of them just stood there, looking at each other with nothing to say. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Ranma, Rei withdrew her hand from his arm, startling him out of his stupor. Now that she had found out about the curse, he had to ask that fateful question. "R-Rei? Now that you know... well, that is... would you still like to be my friend?" "A friend? What do friends do?" "Um, I dunno. Do stuff together and all. I guess they're just usually there for each other in times of need." Looking him in the eyes, Rei thought about what Ranma had just said. He wanted to be her friend. Would she like to have a friend? Having come to a decision, Rei nodded tentatively. The way his face lit up in relief and happiness made her feel better inside, and she decided that she had made the right choice. Ranma took her hand and they were about to exit the men's room, when someone opened the door. "Hiya, Shinji!" Ranma greeted him, to happy at the moment that someone saw him in what might considered a compromising position with a girl, or even that he had never actually meet the other boy in his male form. Rei offered a short nod of acknowledgement, and followed Ranma. Shinji just stood at the doorway, looking at the retreating forms of Rei with some boy he had never met before, completely forgetting what he came to the restroom for. Only one thought raced through his head: 'Ayanami?!' * * * Rei showed Ranma her Unit-00, and he was impressed, despite the girly orange paint job. And after all, it was a girl's mech, right? The thing was almost as big as the other one he had helped in a fight, and sporting a lone eye. Still, something felt differently about this 'EVA', as he had learned they were called. Despite having heard the word before at school, he hadn't paid it much attention back then. The thing that troubled him about the mechs wasn't their names but rather their, for the lack of better term, aura. The other EVA seemed almost alive, while this one could have been a rock for all he cared. As the time for Rei's sync test approached, Ranma resolved to figure this out at a later date. Wishing Rei good luck, he moved back into the shadows, as the place was going to be crowded soon, promising wait for her so they could go home together. After saying good bye to her new friend, Rei changed into her plug suite and proceeded towards Unit-00. Despite what she had told Commander Ikari, she had been concerned about the upcoming sync test, but after talking to Ranma that day, she felt much better. He said that when you need them, friends will help you, so she was sure that if something were to happen to her, Ranma will be there to make it better. And, of course, the Commander will be present to make sure nothing will go wrong. * * * While Rei felt safer than in a long, long time, Ritsuko had called for Commander Ikari to show him something. "What is it, Dr. Akagi?" he asked, approaching her. "We have been going through the satellite feed during the last time the Orange pattern appeared, and found several shots of a small object above Unit-01's head. The pictures we got were blurred and, surprisingly, of very low quality, so we had to put them through a lot of digital imaging. Now, they are finally done." "Good, let's see it on the screen." An aerial overview of Ranma's head was shown on the screen. Although it had been visibly reconstructed and filtered for noises, the picture was still recognizable. As Gendo was watching the screen intently from behind his sunglasses, Ritsuko continued: "Commander, we've also found out the reason for the low quality of this image." Gendo perked an eyebrow, and asked for her to go on. "This is where the truly unbelievable part comes in. In fact, I've checked it myself three times just to be sure. Apparently, not only was this boy able to generate an unknown attack that penetrated the Angel's AT field, but he also did it while moving close to the speed of sound! Had he sped up a bit, there would have been a sonic boom left in his wake! The satellite's frame capture ratio simply couldn't handle it, and got a blur instead of a still image." "Hmm, interesting..." Gendo remarked, deep in thought. A superhero had shown up and helped them defeat the Angel. Most people wouldn't have looked a gift horse in the mouth, but he knew that everyone had a secret agenda. In that case, what was this boy's? Who did he work for? Nerv didn't have anything to control this unknown element with, and Gendo hated it when he wasn't in control. Shinji chose that moment to enter the command center, wanting to be there for Rei's upcoming sync test. Taking one look at the picture on the large screen in front of his father and Dr. Akagi, he realized that the face displayed on it was familiar, and decided to ask them about it. "Excuse me, father, is this boy another pilot?" "No, Shinji," Ritsuko answered. "Why did you think he were?" "Well, it's just that I think I saw him with Ayanami fifteen minutes ago, and he looks to be around my age..." "You saw that boy with Rei?" Gendo interrupted, whirling around to face his son. "Um, yeah. So, what does he do around here, anyway?" "You mean that he was here, at Nerv? Where exactly did you see them?" Ritsuko demanded to know. The boy was an unknown variable, but if he were wondering around Nerv unescorted, he was also a major security risk. 'What if he tries to sabotage one of the Evangelions? Or, even worse, what if he finds The Chamber?' Shinji turned beet red, and took a few moments before answering in a small voice: "They were walking out of the men's room together, hand in hand." It took all of his will not to develop a serious nosebleed at the images that flashed before his mind's eye. As no one spoke after that, he became worried that maybe he had said something wrong. "Dr. Akagi, is there a problem? Ayanami wouldn't get into trouble because of it, would she?" Before Ritsuko could answer, Gendo said that everything was alright, and left the room, considering the issue closed, Ritsuko and Shinji staring at him, puzzled at his lack of reaction. * * * Gendo found Rei on her way to Unit-00. Stopping her, he asked her if she had helped the boy she was with pass Nerv's security. She replied that she had met him for the first time in a hallway, which was true for his male form. Further questioning determined the boy's name, Ranma. Rei reasoned with herself that since the Commander already knew about Ranma, she didn't need to supply information that he hadn't specifically asked for. Small talk was never her strong side, anyway. Getting the answers he needed, Gendo wished Rei good luck with her synchronization test. It appeared that the boy had some kind of a connection to her, which made him vulnerable. And since Gendo controlled Rei, he would be able to influence Ranma through her. Inwardly, he grinned. Having a pawn that could fight the Angels without an EVA made his job a lot easier, and gave him a bargaining chip over Seele. Wondering what the boy was capable of inside of an EVA almost put a smile on his face... ***** End of Chapter 1.