What if... Written By: Leonardo B. Castro The Slayers were at an inn called Dragoon's Inn. It was a regular day. Lina crushed the bandit gang that was torturing the citizens of this town. Gourry asked stupid questions and got beaten up by Lina. Amelia was hanging over her new boyfriend Zelgadis. Zelgadis was trying to concentrate on finding his cure, not on Amelia. Everything was going right in their world. Lina was having a baby. Zelgadis confess his love to Amelia two weeks ago and now are planing a wedding. Sylphiel found a dashing prince and married him a week ago. This left Filia and Xelloss without anyone to fall in love with except each other, and most likely, that was not going to happen. Lina discovered a magical mirror while loot the bandits. Zelgadis was looking the thing over. "I know what it is," said Zelgadis. "What is it Zel," asked Lina. "It a dimensional time mirror," replied Zelgadis. "It can see events in an life, what might had been. I could ask what would have happen if Lina destroyed the Philosopher Stone before I captured her," said Zelgadis. After Zelgadis said those words, the mirror started to show the image of Lina. It was showing what would have happen to Lina. They crowded around the mirror. [Leonardo: Hey this is a the author. From this moment, every sentence from this point on will be the, 'what if' world. If you see a (sentence) like that, it the real Slayers talking and acting while watching the mirror.] Lina was sitting on the throne of gold. There was a look of sadness in her eyes. Iris walked up. "Don't worry mistress, not even Shabanigdo himself would stop the master from coming home to you," said Iris. "Are you sure Iris," said Lina. "Yes I am. Now if you don't mind me I have to go home to my husband," said Iris. "How is Copy-Rezo these days. I have heard from him in a long time," said Lina. "Sorry mistress, but we been trying to have a child and I guess I tire him out," said Iris. "Okay Iris, go home. And good luck," said Lina. Iris left her mistress and went home. Lina waited three more hours before her husband. She heard chimes of a priest staff. "What took you so long Rezo." ("I married Rezo. There is something very wrong with that picture," said Lina. "Well you do look like a cute couple," said Gourry. Lina started to beat Gourry to the floor.) "Where were you jerk," said Lina. "I got totally forgot what time it was when I was still Zelas's party," said Rezo. "No you weren't, you were cheating on me. I know I may look fat because of the baby and all, but I don't deserve to be cheated on. I got Shabanigdo out of you and gave you eye sight and this is how you repay me," scream Lina. She broke down, crying her eyes out. "Dear, I am not cheating on you," said Rezo. "Then why did you leave me behind," Lina cried out. "They are our friends. But since you and Zelas had that fight on who design Xellos's wedding, you hate each other. Then you decide to stay home, remember." Rezo said. "Well I deserve to design that wedding. I set them up. I did a petty good job designing Gourry's wedding to what her name. Sylphiel I think," said Lina. "Didn't everyone ate the clams and got sick," said Rezo. "That beyond the point," screamed Lina. She grabbed Rezo's staff and whacked him on the head. He was out cold. "How dare that bloated calf use, since she raised him she plans the wedding, on me. I should get to design the wedding. Does she even realize how boring my life got since me and you got married. Not fair that I have to tuck the kids in instead of go treasure hunting." Lina complain. ("I would had bared Rezo's children," said Lina. Lina barfed out a nearby window. Zelgadis laughed while the mirror Lina whacked mirror Rezo while mirror Rezo tried to say sorry. "Look, it changing again," said Amelia. They all looked on except against for Lina and Gourry. Gourry didn't want to go but one head to his head by Lina silence him for the rest of the night. Gourry will wake up with a headache tomorrow.) Zelgadis as a human, look out at the stars depressingly. "Prince Zelgadis, tomorrow you have to marry Princess Amelia. Are you not happy," said Zolf. "I not sure if I can do it. She cute and all, but I am afraid," said Zelgadis. "I can't believe you are the same man who build a empire from nothing." Rodium said. "I am, but I never even thought of Princess Amelia like that when we traveled with Lina," said Zelgadis. "Your grandmother Lina set this up with Amelia's father Prince Philionel," said Zolf. "Only because she wants access to their cooks. Damn grandma, why did grandfather/great grandfather Rezo had marry her. She is more younger than me," said Zelgadis. ("Look Zelgadis, we still get married," said Amelia. Zelgadis didn't want to watch this. He had better things to do with Amelia. He whispered something in Amelia's ear. She blushed and followed Zelgadis to their room. That left Xellos and Filia alone with the mirror.) [Author: Hehehehehe. Now that the story has conveniently left these two alone, I can play cupid. Hahahahahah.] (The mirror started to change it image again. It showed Filia's face. The two remaining people look at it with interest.) Filia was waiting for someone. She looked stared out into space, remembering something and she sighed. Xelloss appeared behind her and touch her on the shoulder. She jumped up, turned around, and threw her arms around Xelloss and gave him a deep kiss. "I love you husband," she said. ("What the hell," screamed Filia. "Oh Filia, I never knew that you loved me," said Xellos. Filia smash Xelloss with her mace. "How dare you kiss me, you pervert," she screamed. "But Filia, you kissed me," said Xelloss. "You must have tricked me, you pervert," said Filia.) "Do you remember how I told you I loved you," asked Filia. "How could I forget. Zelgadis, Amelia, Rezo, Gourry, and Sylphiel thought you were drunk. Also that the first night we made love. Now what did you say? Oh, that's right. You told me you fell in love with me at first sight," said very happy Xelloss. Filia gave Xelloss a nasty smile as she leapt into Xelloss's arms. In less than a few seconds, Xelloss and Filia were making out. ("Love at first sight Filia. My, my, how could you keep your hands off me for so long? I guess I have to make the first step," said Xelloss. He leaned forward and kissed Filia. When the kiss ended Filia blushed. "I always love you, Filia. How do you feel about me," said Xelloss. Xellos stroked her tail. "I always loved you, you pervert. There are you happy. It was love at first sight," screamed Filia. Then Filia heard the mirror Filia ask the mirror Xelloss if he could repeat the words he used to propose to her. Filia picked up the mirror and smashed it. "Why did you do that Filia," asked Xelloss. "That mirror caused enough trouble as it is. I not letting you know the words that will melt me heart, you pervert," said Filia. Xelloss kissed her and she didn't kill him. It must be love, thought Xelloss. Xelloss gave Filia a nasty grin and Filia gulped. "Now that you confessed your love for me Filia, you have to marry me," said Xelloss. All Filia could do was nod. "Now we are off to Wolf Pack Island," said Xelloss. "Why," asked Filia. "To tell my mistress that she going to be grandmother. And also so you cries of pleasure don't wake up anyone else," said Xelloss. And then they disappeared.) For them the night was just beginning, but for us, it is the... End. Author's notes: I wrote this while having a coffee high and half-asleep in the middle of the night. Still I want your comments and questions. Please E-mail at Leonardo83105206@aol.com formally Leonardo2002@aol.com Can also get me at http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/animefanfiction/index.html