Two of a Kind Written By Leonardo Castro Story - prologue A young man sits on a train heading for Nerima. He has long black hair tied into a familiar pigtail style. He had sea blue eyes. He wore a dull black pants, black shirt, and red jacket. His boots were special steel training boots. In fact, his clothes combine weighted two tons. Yet, he didn’t seem discomfort at all. He continued to stare out through the window. Next to the boy, sat a young lady. She had dark brown hair. Her eyes were deep crimson; like two pools of blood. Her blood red lips and pale tan skin made her look like a stereotype vampire, but she was sitting in daylight. But nearby people still doubted her innocence due to her fangs. Both these people were tall, but the male seemed thinner then his companion. While to have figures to die for, it was not just empty beauty. Both held great power, and moved with grace that dancers would believe that only gods were capable of. A single thought ran through their mind. ‘Genma Saotome will finally pay.’ Both had the own reason. Ranma was fighting his father in their daily morning battles. Just as he gains the upper hand, something intervenes. Three glowing daggers land in front of his father and explode, sending Genma into the wall. “Genma Saotome, your pathetic trail of crimes and dishonor end here and now.” A familiar, but dark voice said. Ranma looked where the voice came from. There, on the roof of the house stood a woman and man. Genma shot up when heard that voice. “So you come for my head, boy. Let see if you can take it.” Genma said. “Wait here Tenko.” The man said. The girl next to him nodded and sat down to watch the coming fight. The man leapt off the roof and landed in front of Ranma. Ranma was shocked. The boy looked like him, but only five years older. “I am Koga Saotome heir of the Saotome School of Crest Moon and master of the School of Masaki Kendo. I challenge you to a duel.” The man said as he changed his stance into a defensive stance. Ranma fell backwards. He was shocked at what this man said. He looked at his father. “I accept my Son.” Genma said as he went on offensive. ‘Brother. I have a brother.’ Ranma couldn’t believe it. Wait, they are about to kill each other. Ranma watch helplessly as Koga and Genma squared off. Damn honor, he couldn’t intervene. Genma was getting trashed. Koga was to quick and striking Genma, easily breaking through his defense. Genma flew back as a reverse hook connected with his head. Genma slammed into the ground. Genma rolled and went into a defensive stance. He unleashed a ki vacuum blade flew towards Koga. ‘Pops is using the forbidden Saotome Techniques. He trying to kill him.’ Ranma thought to himself. “Oyaji, what ta hell ya doing.” Ranma shouted. “Air Slash, Air Slash.” Koga said as he flung two ki vacuum blades at Genma. The two vacuum blades met Genma’s vacuum blade. Koga's two and Genma’s one cancel each other out. Genma leapt toward Koga. He preformed a flying jump kick. Koga sidestep the attack and delivered a sidekick that landed in Genma’s gut. Genma flew back and twisted in mid-air. But before Genma could land on his feet, he smashed through on of the house’s walls and smashed into Akane. Genma was up and had charged again, before Akane could do anything. Genma threw a series of attacks at Kage. Suddenly, Koga was a blur of movement. He then grabbed Genma’s arm and threw him over his shoulder. Genma twisted in mid-air again and landed on his feet. “Looks like Koga is playing with Genma.” Soun said as he as he stepped behind Ranma. His three daughters accompanied Soun. Ranma looked at them. Ranma looked at Soun. Soun was on the verge of one of his many crying fits. Akane looked, well, mad for having her morning interrupted by fighting. Nabiki was taking pictures of the fight. And Kasumi was just smiling and watching the fights. “Whaaaaaaa. My best friend is going to be killed by his eldest son.” Soun started to cry. At that moment Genma flew right into Soun, courtesy of Koga’s fist. Soun was knocked out cold but Genma just rolled up. Ranma couldn’t believe it. Against any other opponent, his father would’ve done the Crouch of the Wild Tiger. ‘What was going on?’ “Pops. Use the damn Crouch of the Wild Tiger already.” Ranma screamed. “Go ahead old man. Go on your knees so I may kick you around like a soccer ball, you tubby.” Koga screamed. Genma charged again and throw a punch. Koga caught it and threw him into the wall surrounding the Tendo home. Genma slammed the through wall. Genma sat up. “Moon Beam Blast.” Koga said as thrust his hands forward. A dark yellow beam of light flew towards Genma and impacted. He was sent flying away. Alive, but who know where he’ll land. ‘Maybe if I’m lucky, he’ll land in the lion cage at the local zoo.’ Koga thought to himself. Akane saw Genma flying away. ‘Serves that baka right using me to break his fall.’ Akane thought. She smiled as she realized what direction Genma was going. With any luck, Genma would land at the new lion cage that they set up at the zoo. “Bro.” Ranma said as he cautiously walked up to Koga. Koga looked at Ranma. “So you’re Ranma. How can you stomach that baka?” Koga asked. “Koga. You won.” Tenko screamed as she leapt off the roof and landed. She immediately dashed towards Koga and glomped him. “Hey, it not done yet. We still haven’t capture the traitor yet.” Koga said. “Bro, do ya really have to hurt Pops like that. He, um, is our father and all.” Ranma asked. “The Saotome Clan called a hunt on him. Kill him or bring him back alive for proper punishment.” Tenko answered for Koga. “Who are ya?” Ranma asked Tenko. Something seemed familiar about her. Like he had seen her somewhere. “I am Tenko Hibiki the heiress of the Lost Star School of Martial Arts. I am here also to hunt Genma and find my forever wandering cousin Ryoga Hibiki.” Tenko said. ‘Lost Star huh. Sound like a Hibiki school, all right. And she kind of looks like Ryoga. She even has fangs.’ Ranma thought to him self. “You’re Ryoga’s cousin.” Ranma stared at Tenko. “Yea. Too bad I don’t know what he looks like. Not a single Hibiki seen him in six years.” Tenko said. Ranma shook his head. Then Ryoga Hibiki walked up behind Akane and said, “Akane, what are you doing in California.” “There’s your baka cousin now.” Ranma said. “Hey P-chan come here.” Ranma called out to Ryoga. “Don’t call me P-chan.” Ryoga said as he charged at Ranma. “Ranma, stop picking on Ryoga.” Akane shouted. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It you two again.” Ryoga screamed as he pointed to Tenko and Koga. “You mean the idiot that ruin our wedding…” Koga started. “Is my cousin Ryoga.” Tenko finished. “Wedding. You two are fiancées.” Ranma asked in a surprised manner. “Yeah. Two years ago, we were about to saying our vows when moron over there shouted ’Prepare to die Ranma Saotome’ and bashed the minister on the head. Then he started to babble about how he saw the sign and he thought trying to stop a Saotome/Tendo wedding to save some girl name Akane and did not know that this was the Saotome/Hibiki wedding.” Koga answered. “Before we knew it, every Hibiki, Saotome, and police officer in the building was after him, but then he and everyone in my family disappeared. And we can’t have another wedding without most of the Hibiki clan there.” Tenko said. “Let me guess. Ya can’t find any Hibiki, could ya?” Ranma said. The Hibiki family are as lost, as Mousse is blind, Ranma amuse to himself. “Yes, the lack direction is heredity. I can’t believe Tenko herself can get lost in her computer cubical at home.” Koga said as he rubbed his temples. Ryoga nodded his head in understanding. Ranma snickered. Then he and Ryoga started to laugh for different reason. Ranma laughed because of his brother’s position. Ryoga laughed because he heard of his legendary cousin Tenko that can get lost in her sleeping bag. Tenko just glared at Koga, Ranma, and Ryoga. “Dear, I can’t believe you brought that up again.” Tenko said with a strained voice. “Umm, I’m in trouble aren’t I?” Koga said as he back away from her slowly. “You, your brother, and cousin Ryoga.” She said in a deadly tone. Her aura spring to life. “RANMA NO BAKA.” She pulled a ribbon out tied up and gagged the laughing Ranma in less than a second. “RYOGA NO BAKA! Shooting Star.” She had screeched as her red battle aura flared to life and tackled the Lost Boy and sent he flying. Ryoga collided with the wall and went right through it with no sign of stopping. “Koga no baka.” She whispered as slammed him into the ground. In the process, she fell on top of him. Then she kissed him passionately to show that she was making up. He followed her lead and they wrapped their arms around each other. “Damn, what ya know. Violent tomboy fiancée must run in the family. Too bad my fiancée is uncute one, and more violent to boot.” Ranma muttered to himself as he tried to untangle himself. Unfortunate, Akane was walking to him to help untangle when he said that. For she heard ever word that Ranma said and took it in regular fashion. “Uncute am I huh Ranma? RANMA NO BAKA!” Akane punted the younger Saotome boy out of the Tendo compound. People could swear they could hear the words “UUNNNCCCUUUTTTTEEEE” in the distance sky. Akane turn back to see that Tenko and Koga have yet to stop their make out session. Then she noted the fact that Nabiki was taking picture of them already while Kasumi went back into the house to continue with the house keeping. She snorted. She should have known. He was a Saotome after all. And all Saotome males were… To be continued… Praise me or burn me…but do not forsake me. Website