Star Ocean: The Saotome Story Written By Leonardo Castro Co Written by Mishika Oda Proof-read by Mika Towa and Alexander Towa Life is never predictable, it just seem like it is so. Never think that the future is set, for doing so will cause you great pain. Live life, and never stop dreaming. Those who stop dreaming and fall into patterns, are those that Misery and myself accompany. - Quote by LOS, the Lord of Shadows and of the Forgotten - The Story - Prologue Ranma was dreaming. “Ranma, help me.” A voice said. Ranma was shrouded in shadow, seeing nothing beyond her body. “Ranma I need your help.” The voice said. “Who are you?” Ranma Saotome asked. “I am Tira, Goddess of Creation on the world Expel. That world is in danger.” The voice said. She sounds like Kasumi, but not quite, Ranma thought. “I need your help to save that world. Please tell me you’ll help. I need you to be my champion.” Tira said. “Will you return me back home after I saved that world.” Ranma asked. “Months shall pass for you, but only days shall pass in this world. I’m sorry, this is the best I can do.” Tira said. “I’ll help you.” Ranma said. Here we go again, she thought to herself. “I will teleport you there. I am sorry you will lose your memory. You’ll gain basic knowledge of Expel instead. You’ll get back your regular memory when you return. Is this okay with you?” Tira asked the youngest Saotome. “As long as I keep my martial arts skills and special techniques, I have no problem with that.” Ranma said. “Thank you Ranma. I shall bestow on you the gift of healing and magic.” The gentle goddess spoke. Ranma felt her body surge with magic. Then Ranma faded away in the real world. “Oh my. The magic I gave Ranma seemed to lock her in her curse form.” Tira said. Tira snapped her finger and there a flash of light. “At least she won’t fear the Neko-Ken anymore.” Rena Lanford was walking through the Shingo forest when a light flash behind her. Rena turned around and saw a redhead lying on the ground. Rena kneed beside her and Heal on the red head. The redhead eyes open up. Rena looked at the redhead’s eyes. She could see confusion in the redhead’s grayish blue eyes. “Are you okay Miss…” Rena said. The redhead stare at the blue hair girl for a moment. “My name is Ranma. Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts.” The redhead said. “Well, I’m Rena Lanford. Nice to met you Miss Saotome.” Rena said. “Just Ranma please.” Ranma said. “Where are you from, Ranma.” Rena asked. “I don’t remember.” Ranma said. “What.” Rena said, shocked. “I don’t remember my past. I don’t even know if I have a family.” Ranma said. Poor thing, lost and alone, Rena thought. “Come on. I see that you’re well taken care of.” Rena said as she led Ranma to Arlia. A faint glow was coming from the pendant at the end of Ranma’s necklace. Rena wonder where Ranma’s pendant had came from. Three triangle pendants haven’t been worn, much less seen since the legendary followers of Tira died out long ago. Ranma was made welcome in Arlia. And when Ranma healed someone a child that got hurt in the forest the next day, she was adopted by Rena’s mother. A year later, Ranma met Claude after he save Rena from a mad ape in the forest. The next day soldiers kidnapped Rena. Ranma knocked out two but the Alan-Tax got away with Rena. Later Ranma and Claude save Rena from Alan. Ranma healed Alan as Rena tended to Claude small, but painful injuries at Ranma insistence. Ranma smiled as she watched his sister blush as she tended to Claude. They later discover that a green stone was the cause of there troubles. Some time late, Ranma met the King of Cross again. She seemed to notice that Claude seemed nervous. It also seemed that Claude looked like the Prince. Then Ranma met Celine after she, Rena, and Claude left the castle. They became good friends when Ranma shot a mage that was threatening Celine with a Moko Takibisha. Ranma and Rena smiled when they Celine hug Chris, the Prince of Cross. They clapped Celine and Chris embraced each other, thus foiling the wedding and letting Chris and Celine be together. Ranma never understood why Chris let Celine go adventuring with them as he waited for her return. Then Ranma, Rena, Claude, and Celine departed to search Cross Cave. With a map obtained by Celine, they were led to a dead end. Ranma notice a spell on the map and read it out loud, open a doorway that led to a treasure room. One of the treasure chests was a trap, and they were attack by Gargoyles, but they easily dealt with them. Later Ranma watched as a tsunami hit a port. Ranma cried as she thought of all the children and old people that that drowned. Later, Ranma, Rena, and Dias fought off the bandits and saved the children of Mars while Celine and Claude fought the bandit leader. Ranma and co. then met Ashton. Those sad eyes and his bad luck on attracting weird things seemed to draw Ranma closer to Ashton. Not before long, Ashton asked Ranma out after he decided not to destroy his dragons. She agreed and since then Rena been keeping a close eye Ranma and Ashton to protect her sister from the unlucky dragon warrior. Ranma meets a very sick girl in a port city. Ranma and Ashton get a miracle cure for the girl, while Rena saved a sailor. Ranma and co. had met Precis as she chase Bobot in the town. Something about that machine was familiar. So, through the action of Rena and Claude, Precis had joined the team. Ranma sometimes wished that she been watching Rena instead of barrel watching with her boyfriend Ashton. Sometime that girl was annoying and Ranma could easily tell that Precis was after Rena’s Claude. And Ranma put to much work to get Rena and Claude together and she wasn’t going to let that redhead ruin it. Later, Ranma and Rena work healing spells on Claude after Dias beat him. It was a shame. Claude almost won too. At Hilton, Ranma and co. met Opera Vectra and followed her back to Cross, where they eventually team up with Opera to find her lost boyfriend, Ernest. Precis introduce Claude to Bowman, and after a stupid quest to prove themselves to Bowman, Bowman joins the team and leaves his wife to tend to the store in his short absents. They also discover the dark secret of Monster Graveyard. Stumble upon Leon’s project and get rope into help him at the Hoffman Ruins where they met the Ernest and he joins too. Order to defend at the outpost, Ranma and others are fighting off monsters until Leon came with his secret weapon that can level small islands. Dias joins the team. The secret weapon was a bust and they were forced on to El. Ranma and team assault the tower and discover the masterminds of the monster armies. It seemed that only Ranma could hurt them as she glowed with a faint blue aura. Ranma was defeated leaving Claude and the others to fend off the evil Ten Wise Men. Ranma and team were teleported to Nedi along with the Ten Wise Men. The Ten Wise Men decided to leave Rena and Ranma alone. What could two girls do to them? Rena met the Mayor of Central City and The Star Ocean Team was sent to find the jewels of Nedi. But first a trip to South City to pick up transport. The creature goes wild and destroys and rampages. Claude, Ranma, Celine, and Ashton destroyed the creature. Met Noel at the Nedi Forest and he joins. Follows Chisato back to Central City Press and convince her to join the team instead of following them. Upon see the jewel of intelligent, Ranma see a black pigtail boy talking to brown bobbed cut hair girl and she charge the boy some thing called yen. Upon reaching the jewel of strength, she sees the black pigtail boy fighting against a bandanna-clad boy. The bandanna-clad boy was stronger but the pigtail boy won’t give up. Upon reaching the jewel of courage, she sees the pigtail boy fight a winged man to the death. Ranma is convince that these are images of her brother. Upon reaching the jewel of love, Ranma sees a angry girl with short hair, then was replaced with a image of Ashton. Ashton proposes to Ranma she screams yes. She is practical leaping off the walls. All are clapping as Ranma shows off her ring. The failed battle at the Wise Men Fortress City and the death of Claude’s dad. The discovery of the Nedi secret weapons designs and Rena’s past is discovered. The quest of Lea Metal and creation of the anti – matter weapons and spheres. Hard training at Fun City. Then the destruction of three of the Ten Wise Men at Fun City and Armlock due to the anti – matter weapons. On the beach, Claude and Rena met in secret. Then they got to go and attend the Ranma and Ashton Wedding. Assault on the Fortress City. Upon the encountering the Last Surviving Wise Man… Everyone is down but Ranma and Claude. Both of them are visibly angry. They leap over the wise man’s wave attack and hit him. Claude use Mirror Slash while Ranma use her new combo, The Shocking Chestnut Combo as her fist and feet conduct electricity. The last wise man is destroyed but the Crest of Destruction is activated. Ranma and the others are teleported back to Expel as Nedi is destroyed. Ranma and Ashton hold another Wedding since their records of the first are taken in a place that no longer exist. Ranma hears from Claude while on her honeymoon. Claude had propose to Rena. She also discovered that Celine married Chris and is now the new Queen of Cross. Ranma and Ashton accidentally stumble on Noel proposing to Chisato in Mars. Ranma attends Claude and Rena’s wedding as the bride’s maid; Ashton was the best man. A week later, Ranma gives birth to Ranko. Ranma and Ashton find an injured dragon on a mission in El. Ranma insist on taking care of it. Ranma and Ashton now have the first tame dragon in the world. Ashton can communicate with it even though it is a lesser dragon bred. She then attended Chisato and Noel wedding. Ranma and Ashton settle down at Arlia with the occasion save the day adventure. A few months later, she has another baby on the way when she attends the Heroes Reunion at Cross Castle held for her and the team. Upon reaching there, she startled everyone by bringing eight months old baby named Ranko. Also with the fact that she one-month pregnant again, made her the talk of the party. Soon the party will come to a halt as the Goddess Tira has decide that she will come to sent Ranma back to Twentieth Century Earth in Ranma’s original Reality. “Noel, how are you?” Ranma asked. Noel gave a slight nod to acknowledge Ranma’s existence before slumping into a nearby chair. Chisato must keep him busy. It looks like he has slept in day, Ranma noted on Noel’s condition. Then Chisato came walked up. She too looked weary from lack of sleep, but not as much as Noel. “How are you Ranma. Is that Ranko.” Chisato asked. Chisato then made some weird noise and some faces at the giggling Ranko. Ranko enjoy the antics of the Nedian. “Yes she is.” Ranma said. Ranma loved her child very much. She hoped her next one was this cute. “She so cute. Just like you, except for her eyes. Those are Sapphire colored eyes instead of your grayish blue eyes.” Chisato stated. “I know. I hope the bad luck isn’t heredity.” Ranma said. Chisato and Ranma started to giggle. “What are you two talking about.” Rena said as she walked up behind them. “Bad luck.” Ranma said. “So you two are talking about Ashton.” Celine said as she walked up. “I heard that you and your darling Ashton have another on the way. Is this true Ranma darling?” Celine asked. Ranma blushed as she nodded her head. She was so bombarded with question and suggestions from her friends. “Hey Ashton, how have you been.” Claude said. “Tired.” Ashton stated. “What? Ranma been keeping you up late at night?” Bowman asked with a snicker. Ah, to be young married couple, Bowman thought to himself. “No. Ranko been waking me and Ranma up late at night.” Ashton said. He said as he pointed to the dark rings around his eyes. “I hope that doesn’t turn out for me when Rena starts giving birth.” Claude said. “Ouch. Must be murder on the love life.” Bowman said to Ashton. “Maybe it not good to be a young married couple, Bowman thought. “No, actually we have another on the way.” Ashton said. How he manage time between Ranko, Ranma, and exploring, was too hard for Ashton figure out. “You old dog.” Bowman said. Bowman looked at Ashton and saw that Ashton was studying a barrel again. “Barrel. Pretty barrel.” Ashton said. The others slowly inch away. Leon was playing tag with two children. Precis was working on a new Bobot version. “Hey Leon can you help me here.” Precis asked. “Don’t worry, with my help, it only take a few minutes.” Leon said. Leon turned to his friends and said, “sorry. But I got to help my other friend.” The two children nodded and went to play tag elsewhere. Leon goes over to help Precis. Leon’s father and mother decided to help their child as he studies Bobot Dias sits alone in the corner. Thankfully that Precis decide to work instead of bothering him. He had a bad feeling about this party, though. Opera is finishing mug of root beer as Ernest is working on some notes. Ernest pencil snapped as Opera mug becomes slightly cracked. They looked at each other and nodded. This was a bad sign. Suddenly, Tira appeared in front of Ranma and Ranko. Behind Tira, a blue portal pulsed with energy. “Your mission is done my champion, you no longer need to stay on this world. “Who are you?” Ranma asked. This woman seemed familiar to her, but Ranma just couldn’t seem to place the face. “I am Tira, Goddess of Creation. I sent you here to save this world. Losing your past was an unfortunate side effect when your new magic powers mixed with the fairy magic that coursed through your veins. This time, you shall contain your memories.” Tira said. This is what she wanted in the past. But now she had a home here and a family that need her. What to do? Ranma didn’t want to leave, but she wanted to know her past, and the family she lost. “Thank you Ranma Saotome. Now enter this portal and you can go home. You’ll slowly get your memories back.” Tira said. “Will, I be able to come back.” Ranma asked. Maybe she can just say goodbye to her old family and friends and then return. She might even visit them. “I am sorry. This is a one – way trip.” Tira replied. She wanted to help her champion, but even a goddess had their limits. She could just give that kind of power to a mortal. “I’m afraid that I might like to stay. Thank you for the offer.” Ranma said. “What about your fiancée, Saotome. Or is it Anchors now” Tira said with a smirk. “It’s Anchors now.” Ranma said before she realized what Tira said. “I have a fiancé. Sorry but can you tell him that I ---“ Ranma started to said. Tira just shook her head. “Her. Your fiancee is female.” Tira said. She was almost amused by the response. “I WAS A LESBIAN” Ranma screamed. “SHE CAN’T BE A LESBIAN. I’LL VOUCH FOR HER ON THAT!” Ashton screamed. “Papa. What is a lesbian?” Leon asked his father. Leon was very curiosity about this. He never heard of a lesbian before. Was it some kind of monster or title? He wondered. “Something a married woman is not.” Leon’s papa replied. Inwardly, Leon’s father was wondering if he start talking about the birds and the bee with Leon. “So does that mean Precis is a lesbian.” Leon asked. Precis wasn’t married. Opera wasn’t married either. Maybe both were lesbian, Leon thought. “No.” Precis said and glared at Leon. How dare that little cat brat suggest that she was a lesbian, Precis fumed. If Leon wasn’t a little kid, she would’ve smashed him with her Bam - Bam attack Ranko giggled in Ranma’s arms. That seemed to bring Ranma and Ashton back to Expel. “Sorry, about that outburst Great Tira.” Ranma said. Ranma mentally berated herself for yelling at a goddess. “Forgiven. I think that I can help you.” Tira said. She had a wonderful idea on what she could do. “Please tell us Great Tira.” Ashton asked. He wanted to help Ranma solve the mystery of Ranma’s past anyway he could. “I’ll leave the portal open for one year. You decide if you want live in this world, or you’re your old world in your old Reality. With the time stabilized and all, it will be safe. Anyone can go through it now.” Tira said and she vanished. The portal left behind. Ranma started to grin like a cat that swallowed a canary. “Who up for a adventure.” Ranma shouted. Two days later, after everyone said they good byes and promises of return, the Star Ocean team stands before the portal full packed and armored with their weapons and armor from Nedi. Ranko, who was in Ranma’s arms, started to cry. “Just wait you guys. Can’t have Ranko visiting her grandparents and possibly her aunts and uncles hungry.” Ranma said. She loosened her armor and stated to breast feed Ranko. She and Ashton fell behind everyone else. Then they entered the portal, and left to a New World. Chris watched as they venture into the unknown. He then posted guards at the foot of the portal. At the Cat’s Café, Cologne was studying the portal that open up in the Shampoo’s room. Shampoo was certainly startled by this and with the miss of her Airen; Shampoo was in no mood for perverts from another reality. Then Cologne sensed that something was coming through the portal. “Shampoo, Mousse. Come here now.” Cologne yelled. Shampoo charged battle ready. She had a feeling that this had to do with Airen. Mousse was not far behind, always ready to protect Shampoo. “Be weary. They are of great power.” Cologne said as she could sense the great power that was coming to them. Suddenly the Star Ocean team landed in front of them. Cologne couldn’t believe it. In front, Three elves, or she thought they were elves. One elf with blue hair, the other elf with blonde hair, and the last elf had red hair. Behind the elves were three swordsmen. One of the swordsmen had two dragons on his back. Then came a man and woman with three eyes. Then was some boy with cat ears, and redhead girl with a metal arm and mallet strapped on her metal shoulder pads, and man who was dressed like a doctor with metal arm bracers. Just behind them, was oddly dressed girl with a floating ring around her shoulder blades. In the back, she knew the person. It was son-in-law. But what he, or now she was doing puzzled her. Ranma, in some red dress with a black fur cape was breast feeding a young babe. Of course Shampoo and Mousse ignored this fact. “Saotome, how dare you come here to steal my Shampoo. Die.” Mousse screamed as he shot his chains toward at Ashton, but he mean to shot them at Ranma. “Ranma. Shampoo save you from weird people.” Shampoo cried as she charged. Ashton disappeared in a swirl of leaves and appeared in front of Mousse. Dias slashed the chains to pieces. Ashton attacked Mousse and relieved the embarrassed Mousse of his weapons, and of his clothes as well. Rena cast Press on Shampoo and Shampoo fell through the floor with an anvil. Celine cast curse on Cologne and Rena immediate threw a delay on Cologne. Noel cast Energy Arrow on Cologne and she was blast through the wall. She, like her great-granddaughter, was knocked out. Claude leapt forward and smashed Mousse’s head with the butt of his sword. Mousse slumped over and fell to the floor. And all these action were done in the span of four seconds. “Goddess. Did those people wanted to kill me because they thought I want to steal their hair care products? By the Goddess, this world is strange.” Ranma stated. The other nodded in agreement. Ryoga saw Ranma and bunch of people leaving the Cat’s Café. Ryoga lunged towards Ranma. “Ranma, prepare to ---,” Ryoga forgot what he was saying as he saw Ranma’s bare breasts that Ranko sucking her milk from. Ryoga stumble forward and his face landed on Ranma’s soft chest. “Pervert. Rapist. Ashton save me.” Ranma screamed as she slapped Ryoga. “Die you bastard.” Ashton screamed as he lunged at Ryoga. Ashton proceeded to bash Ryoga into the ground. Ashton spit on Ryoga beaten form before returning to Ranma. Ashton held Ranma as she cried into Ashton’s chest. “That monster tried to rape me.” Ranma cried. The whole team was angry with Ryoga and started to add more injuries to Ryoga’s beaten form. They were walking through the streets of Nerima. Celine was already planning to send an army to punish this perverted and insane world. Everyone mirrored her feeling. Ranma was clearly shaken up. She was consistently challenge and hit on upon this trip. She was wondered what kind of person she was. Was she a pervert and evil person like everyone else was on this crazy world. Akane was angry. Ranma has been gone for eight days and the morning fights begun again. Kodachi, Shampoo, and Ukyo sometimes assaulted her for driving Ranma away. Ryoga that pervert turn out to be P-chan and had perverted crush on her. She remembered all the clues Ranma gave her. Calling Ryoga P- chan. Calling P-chan Ryoga. Attacking the pig and trying to change him while Akane protect him. I won’t tell him thank you, though, Akane thought. He could at least give me a more direct answer. She missed Ranma, even though he was a jerk at times. Ranma come home. Then, she saw him of the gate to the house. Ranma was in his cursed form. And Ranma was in the arms of another man with dragons on his back. “Ranma you pervert. Where have you been you baka? And why are you seducing men, you pervert.” Akane shouted at Ranma. “Do I know you?” Ranma asked, sobbing. “I’m your fiancee you jerk.” Akane screamed. “Fiancee? You’re my fiancee?” Ranma asked. “Yes you pervert. What wrong with you.” Akane shouted. “Watch what you’re call my wife.” Ashton said in a low voice. For as long as he known, Ranma was nice and tidy. Maybe little bit adventurous but pure in mind and soul. Not a single perverted or selfish thought was in Ranma’s head. Claude and Dias step in front Ranma and act as a shield. Ernest, Opera, and Chisato were ready for a counter attack. Precis moved behind Ranma and Dias ready to grab Ranma and Ranko and run, in case. Leon, Rena, and Celine had battle spells ready while Noel moved behind Leon and had healing spells ready. Ashton clutched Ranma and Ranko closer. “RANMA MARRIED A MAN” Akane screamed. Akane shortly fainted. Panda waving a “How dare you dishonor me boy,” sign leapt off the wall and tried to attack Ranma. Three seconds later a burnt, beaten, but still living panda was lying embedded on the street with Ashton grinding his heel into the panda. Then Kasumi carrying groceries walked up to Ranma undetected and look at the baby in Ranma’s arms. “Oh Ranma. She is so cute, Ranma. What your daughter’s name?” Kasumi asked. Kasumi was pretty sure that was Ranma’s child, it really looked like her and Ranma was breast feeding the little baby. Kasumi wonder where Ranma was hiding this child, but said nothing because Ranma probably kept this a secret for a reason and was going to explain later. Ranma, on the other hand, looked at Kasumi. Did she finally found the one sane person in this insane world? “Ranko. Her name is Ranko Anchors. She only eight months old.” Ranma said with a Belldandy like smile. The others turned around when they heard Kasumi voice. How did she get past them unnoticed, they all pondered. Kasumi and Ranma started to talk about recipes and cleaning tip. “Oh Ranma, can you help please. I seemed a little late and need help making dinner.” Kasumi said. Ranma smiled. This Kasumi, seemed to know her so well, that she was invited into her home. “I’ll be glad to Kasumi.” Ranma told the eldest Tendo girl. Ranma frown when she realized that Kasumi led her into the house of her supposed fiancee. They walked into the Tendo Household with the others in close range. After they see Ranma, with Ranko sleeping in one arm, and Kasumi putting the foodstuff away, They relax in the living room while Ashton watches over Ranma and Ranko. They could relax if wasn’t for that man crying his eyes out over a board game. “What wrong sir.” Rena asked. “MY SON-IN-LAW MARRIED A MAN. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Soun cried, and cried, and cried. Rena cast a sleep spell on him and Soun fell asleep. Poor man. Well if there lesbian here then their must be gays as well, Rena reasoned. To Be Continued… Email me to complain or praise, please.