Ranma's Rough Christmas Day Songfic By Leonardo B. Castro, the Lord of Shadows (I can't stand to fly) Ranma panicked as Akane launched him into the air again with her mallet. On second thought, maybe it was better than staying to eat the rest of Akane's cooked meal. (I'm not that naive) He saw the ground rushing up to greet him and he closed his eyes and braced. (I'm just out to find) Ranma dusted himself off and leaped on to a roof and started to leap across the roof tops. He spots an Acting Theater. (The better part of me) Ranma trains in silence in a empty lot. His body moves in Katas as his mind moves through memories. (I'm more than a bird) Ranma leapt up a forms an aerial stance (I'm more than a plane) He throws several attacks before gliding unaturnally down (More than some pretty face beside a train) A train passes next to the lot. He sadly watches as men and woman, children and elderly watches him like he was some kind of pretty urban display. There pointing and gawking made him feel awkward. (It's not easy to be me.) Ranma lets out a sigh of breathe. Ryoga came at him from out of no where. (Wish that I could cry) Ranma leaps over attack aim at him. The four fight today at it was only 2 P.M. Sunday are the worst days. (Fall upon my knees) Ranma felt a lucky blow from Ryoga hit him on the chest. He was sick from Akane's "Lunch" and just wanted to give up there, and let his life end there. But he just got up and threw six kicks into Ryoga's face. (Find a way to lie) He didn't want this life. It was forced on him. Why should I be, Ranma Saotome, A goal to reach for. Not Ranma Saotome, a normal human being. (About a home I'll never see ) As Ranma desended he could swear he could see Saotome home. But it wasn't there. In a instant it was once again a wreckage that his fiancees reduced it to. A wounded Ryoga, coming for more, filled his vision. It was time to end this. (It may sound absurd:but don't be naive) Ranma finally made it back from Juuban. After a few battles with random Youma and the Kunos that were visiting the district. He walked with his head held high and looking normal dispite what his now shabby battle torn clothes spoke. (Even Heroes have the right to bleed) Ranma feel warm liqiud drip down his back. Blood. Those Youma hit hard. He could till taste the copper flavor in his mouth. (I may be disturbed:but won't you conceed) People at first felt concern about his appearance, but then quickly swept it away. He was the famous Ranma Saotome. He can't be hurt. (Even Heroes have the right to dream) Ranma looked foreward as he walked. He noticed Daisuke walking along with Hiroshi. They wave at him and continue on down the street while talking about Hot Girls in Tekken 4. Soon they were joined with other high school kids that converse and joke with them. (It's not easy to be me.) Ranma watched as as Daisuke and Hiroshi walked away, with normal lives. A life he can never even hope to obtain. With a sigh he continues on. It was getting late. (Up, up and away:away from me) Ranma-chan escaped to the rooftops to get away from Neko-Shampoo in the pouring rain. (It's all right:You can all sleep sound tonight) Ranma knocked Happosai into orbit before the said pervert could sneak into Ukyo's home. (I'm not crazy:or anything: ) Ranma-chan screamed, "I AM A MAN!" at some tourists that were making disgusting advances at her. (I can't stand to fly) Ranma-chan was leaping on her way home across the rooftops. She was almost there. (I'm not that naive) She look left and right to make sure that there was no traps setup to get her. She ducked as a near blind duck launch knives at him. (Men weren't meant to ride, with clouds between their knees) Ranma-chan stomped on the duck driving into into the soft mub of the Tendo Yard. and leaving Mousse dazed. With that she walked inside the house. (I'm only a man in a silly red sheet) Now male, Ranma stripped the red silk rag that was once a his shirt while standing in the Kitchen. (Digging for kryptonite on this one way street) Was it worth it. He could leave, never come back. He should leave, and find a place where he could have a normal life. (Only a man in a funny red sheet) Ranma turned around to see Akane. In her arms, a red silk shirt. A fancy one, and more expensive than the one the rag formerly had been. (Looking for special things inside of me) "Merry Christmas." Akane said as she handed him the shirt. Ranma smiled as he reach into his back pocket and pulled out two wet and dirty tickets to a play in Juuban. "Merry Christmas Akane" (It's not easy to be me.) Ranma frowned as Jack Frost kidnapped Akane to become the new snow queen. Nabiki Let out a uncharactistic laugh at the situation while Kasumi stated "Oh my.". The Panda waved signs around while Soun bawled his eyes out. Once again Ranma was out to save Akane.