Ranma and Mishika The Legend of Dimensional Walker and the Pigtail Youth Please forgive me if I made any mistake on this fan fiction. This is my first Ranma fic, and I hope it not the last. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story that belong in different anime shows. I have some hold over the made-up characters such as Mishika Towa and the Towa family because I made them up. Written by Leonardo B. Castro Prelude Of Past Long Ago, A Old Rivalry Long Forgotten… It was afternoon over the town of Nerima. A cloaked figure entered the weird town of Nerima; known for it massive battles between martial artist that made it as famous as Satan City. The person was in a dusty thick black hooded cloak, with the hood was drawn over the person’s head. The person’s face was hidden in the shadows of the hood. The cloak covered the person’s whole body, and extended down, covering the legs as well. People in Nerima stared at this person, and realized this person was another fighter. They, as they noticed that there was huge sword strapped on the person’s back as well, hurry off to continue their lives, or, to prolong them. The cloak figure looked through the window of a store and saw a map of Nerima in there. The person walked into the store and took the map and placed one small stone on the counter as payment. People backed away from the person, sense this person was dangerous. The person walked out the door. “Hey, are you trying to rip me off,” the owner screamed angrily at the figure. The owner was about to call the police when someone tugged on his shirt. He turned and saw it was an old lady. “I will pay for him or her, or whatever shim, if you give me that stone,” she said. What so important about this stone, he thought. He looked at the stone and it seemed like a normal looking yellow stone. Then he saw it start to glitter. The stone was a piece of gold. (Author: Sorry. I just wanted to put that Princess Mononoke scene into the story.) The figure looked at the map of Nerima and then at the building in front of the person. So this is the famous Tendo Dojo where the legendary Ranma Saotome trains, the person thought. I hope he still a match. Not that he was back then. The cloak figure enter the yard… Akane was chasing Ranma with a mallet. She managed to smash him into the ground before he escaped. ‘That will show him that he can’t insult my cooking.’ Akane fumed. Akane looked up and saw a cloaked man looking at them. “What do you want,” asked Akane. The person pointed to Ranma. Ranma slowly got up. “What did ya do that for you uncute tomboy?” Ranma screamed at Akane. Ranma was getting tired of getting smashed by that mallet of hers. Wham Ranma went flying over Nerima courtesy of Akane Travel Inc. Akane look at the person in front of her. “Are you another challenger,” asked Akane. The hooded person nodded. “Well since the jerk going to be delay for a while, I’ll take you on,” said Akane still have some frustration to workout. The cloak person nodded and when in to a basic defensive stance. ‘I proved to that pervert that I am martial artist too.’ Akane charged and throw a punch at the cloak person’s face. To her surprise, the cloaked character grabbed Akane’s fist. The person felt like ice. The person started to crush Akane’s fist. Akane felt pain explosion from her fist and ran down her arm. Akane screamed in pain as the cloaked person crush her hand. The person lifted Akane up by her fist, and hurled her towards a wall. Akane felt the pain all over her back and her head as she smashed into the wall. Akane mercifully passed out. ‘That was too easy, I thought she was suppose to be a skilled fighter,’ the person thought. “How dare you hurt my daughter,” screamed someone behind him. The cloaked person turned around and saw a man with huge demon head. Surprise that a demon was here, the cloaked person pulled a huge 50-pound mithril mace from under the cloak and smashed the man into the floor. The man's head shrunk back to normal size. The cloak person sensed someone running up from behind. The cloak person turn and around and saw a panda charging, engulf with rage. One swift rainbow kick to the face sent the panda flying into the wall. The person put the mace back under the cloak. Then cloaked person sat down and waited for Ranma to return. Akane slowly return back to the world of the living. ‘How long have I been out.’ Akane wondered. She got up and looked around. Her father was embedded in the ground, Genma – panda was embedded into the dojo wall. “Who the hell do you think you are Mister…” screamed Akane to the cloak person. “That Miss,” The cloak person’s words silent Akane as the cloaked woman took off her hood. Akane stared at the woman in front of her. Her skin was white as snow. She had long silver hair that flowed down her back and sea blue eyes. A few strands of her hair fell in front of her face. She had, or at least at the moment, a peace, gentle, kind face that reminded Akane of Kasumi. That face hid the dangerous person that she really was and made her look like angel. Nabiki, who was watching from afar, looked at this person with visions of yen dancing in her head. This person that who was sit in the yard was as pretty and powerful as the female Ranma. Also, Nabiki couldn’t place it, but this girl looked familiar. “I am Mishika Towa, and you are,” she said in a honey dipped angelic voice. Mishika noticed it was the girl she knocked out earlier. “Akane Tendo,” she told Mishika. Why do I feel that I know her somehow? Akane wondered. “Okay Miss Tendo, see you later. I’ll wait for Mr. Ranma Saotome to come home so I can beat him like we promised so long ago,” said Mishika in a Kasumi like voice. “What your problem with Ranma. What did that baka did this time,” asked Akane in a calm voice. She did not want another trip into the wall. Also, Akane’s hand was still hurt from the fight. She rubbed her aching hand. “Did I break it. Let me fix it. Also don’t call Ranma a baka. It’s not nice.” Mishika said with a Kasumi like voice. Before Akane could protest, Mishika was holding her hand. Akane braced for what she thought would be painful, but got something she didn’t plan for. It felt, heavenly. The way that she was massaging her hand was very pleasurable. “All done,” Mishika said. Akane moved her hand and it as nothing happened. “Where did you learn that,” asked Akane. Maybe she was related to Dr. Tofu, pondered Akane. “Sore wa himitsu desu Akane-chan,” said Mishika while she wiggled her index finger and winked at the tomboy. Mishika walked back to her spot and sat down, waiting for Ranma to return. Akane just stared at this seemly innocent monster. Ranma land in Ucchan. The okonomiyaki chef was happy to see her childhood friend and fiancée drop by. “Got into another fight with Akane, huh sugar,” asked Ukyou. “Sorry for the hole in the roof Ucchan. The stupid uncute tomboy punted me after I told her that I wouldn’t eat her instance ramen after it tried to grope me,” said Ranma. Kasumi walked into the living room and saw her father and Genma, in his human form, sprawled over the floor. “Oh my,” said Kasumi. Akane was looking out the window staring at something. Kasumi followed Akane’s stare and noticed that young woman was sit in the middle of the yard. That when Genma and Soun got up. Ranma was walking home from Ucchan’s when Shampoo found him. “Airen, wo ai ni.” Shampoo said as she ran towards him. Ranma only had a single second before Shampoo glomped him. “Shampoo, let go.” Ranma said. “Ranma take Shampoo on date, yes.” Shampoo said. “Can’t…breath…” Ranma choked out. Suddenly, the ladle lady dumped cold water on him and Shampoo. “C-c-c-c-c-c-CCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTT” Ranma screamed as she fled. Neko-Shampoo chased after him for awhile but decided to go home when she realized that she would only scary Ranma away. Ranma luckily ran over a ramen delivery boy and getting splash with the steaming ramen. Back at the bat cave, oops, wrong story. Back at the Tendo home… Genma had a headache. He felt like Ranma and Akane used his head as a practiced dummy. He opened his eyes and he realized that he was staring at the ceiling of the Tendo’s house. At that moment, Soun also revived from his pain-induced slumber. He tried to stand up quickly, but he got up at a slow and wobbly pace. He looked to his left and noticed that his friend Genma was getting up as well. Soun then looked at Akane and started to cry out a waterfall. “Waaaaa my little girl is alive,” cried Soun as tears of joy streamed down his face. Genma avoid Soun so his friend’s tears won’t activate his curse. He wanted to see this powerful warrior that beaten him in combat. To his surprise, he saw a harmless girl sitting on a cloak, the same cloak of the warrior who bested him. “Excuse me, where did you get that cloak,” asked Genma. The girl looked up at him and was about to saw something when she tilt her head back and started to sniff the air. A shock look came across her face. “You are Genma Saotome. And that Panda had your scent. Do you train that animal to attack people or did you abuse it like your son,” said Mishika. Genma was surprise that the girl knew his name and that fact that he was a panda when he attacked the cloaked person. But he never saw this girl in his life unless… When he realized whom he was talking to, he took a step back. Her sunny expression turned to one of cold-blooded predator ready to crush her prey. “Are you here to fight me again. Last time we fought, I beat you pretty bad,” asked Mishika, putting her cloak on and getting up. Genma was afraid of this seemly weak, but in reality, very deadly girl. First, she looked as innocent and passive as Kasumi. Now she had cold calculating look that would put Nibiki to shame. Her eyes expose a soul of ice. She, if wanted to, could kill Genma in cold blood and not even break a sweat. Genma heard her repeat her question. Then his eyes grew wide as she pulled out her huge mithril sword. Think Cloud’s Buster Sword, and that the sword she pulled out. Genma started to step back. “Did you forget me Genma,” asked Mishika. Mishika feel totally disgust for Genma. Genma started to panic. “Are you one of Ranma’s fiancées,” asked Genma. ‘I hope not. Akane might get killed and then I never get to live off her and Ranma’s hard work.’ Genma thought. “No you stupid moron. You broke into my home and try to steal my father’s scrolls. Then you kidnap your child, whom was my best friend. And for what, so you could beat and use him or would you prefer to call it training,” said Mishika. Now Genma remembered her correctly now. At the age of ten, this little girl beat the hell out of him and Ranma. He abandoned Ranma and came back two months later and kidnap his son. The last he saw of her was her chasing them with the police aiding her. He also remember he later regretted taking him back so soon. Ranma skill doubled within those two months. He chalked it up about Ranma learning something in those scrolls. He would sometime doubt that when Ranma would mumble something about the ‘long awaited rematch he waited for’ in his sleep. After what he saw earlier, This girl could probably defeat the dreaded master easily. Genma didn’t want to fight someone that powerful. Anyway, that what Ranma was here for. So Genma, being true to his nature, ran away from this powerful opponent. He hoped that she’d fall for the same trick twice. Genma gathered his ki and focus. Genma went into an offensive Anything Goes stance. “Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Final Attack: Run Away,” screamed Genma and he try to run back into the house. Suddenly, the flat side of Mishika’s sword connected with Genma’s head. Genma was knocked out and fell on a puddle. The fat martial artist turned into a panda. Mishika walked over to Genma’s limp body. She pulled her hood over her head. “Oh my. I see someone has visited Jusenkyo,” said Mishika. Her earlier feelings of anger and hatred were replace with pity. “Too bad for you I remembered that ‘Final Attack,’ of yours,” said Mishika. “Moko Takibisha,” screamed Ranma. A yellow ki blast flew at Mishika. Ranma Saotome jumped over the wall and landed in front of the dojo. He saw a person in a hooded heavy cloak and hold a huge sword and standing over the limp body of his father in his cursed form. He may not really care for his father much, but he wasn’t going to let this person kill the stupid panda. He gathered his ki and let out a yellow ki-blast. “Moko Takibisha,” Ranma screamed as his ki blast flown toward the person. The person ducked under the ki blast and spun around. The person faced Ranma; the person’s face was hidden under the hood. The person, much to Ranma’s surprise, darts towards him, leapt up, and delivered a powerful high front snap kick to his face two second after Ranma’s ki- blast missed. ‘This guy is fast and strong too,’ Ranma realize. His face felt like Ryoga punch him there several times. Ranma had to rely on his skills on this one. Ranma twisted his body to be able to bounce off the wall. The moment his feet touch the wall. He leapt towards his opponent and pulled back his fist. Ranma’s fist sped toward his opponent’s face when he was in range. His opponent ducked under the attack and used the free hand to grab Ranma’s fist and tried to do a judo throw. Ranma figured this out and twisted his body and latch on to his opponent hand. Ranma landed in front of the person on his feet and still hold the person’s hand. Ranma threw a swift kick into his opponent’s gut. Ranma let go of his opponent’s hand and let the person back away. “Had enough,” Ranma said. His cocky grin appeared. Mishika quickly remedy that. She went into her two-handed sword combat stance. Ranma also notice she would be using the reverse side of her huge sword. Mishika was angry. She was hit in the gut by a boy that was younger than she was, and it hurt like hell. She would make sure that this boy would pay. She reversed the blade of her sword. She went into her sword battle stance. “Had enough,” the boy said as he flashed a cocky grin at her. She darted forward and started to throw a series slashes at Ranma. Ranma dodged, barely avoiding her attacks. Then Ranma was hit in the side of the ribs and flew into the wall. Ranma got up, and slipped back into his combat stance and went on the offensive. Ranma was attacking Mishika with all his skills and power, but Mishika blocked his attacks with her huge sword. Hell, she even deflected one of his Moko Takibisha back at him with it. ‘I have to separate this guy from his sword. He is moving as fast as the Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken and I won’t be able to touch him. This guy too skilled with a sword to be able to fight good with his hands.’ Ranma decided. Ranma made two mistakes. Mishika was a woman and she was not defenseless without her sword. Ranma’s attack pattern changed. Mishika realized that the way he was throwing his fist and kicking her, he was trying to knock the weapon out of her hand. A plan formed in her mind and she allowed his attack to continue, and she loosened the grip on her sword. A good kick and Mishika’s sword flew from her hand. Then Ranma when in for the kill. ‘Now I got you,’ Mishika mentally screamed. Ranma aimed his attacks towards the sword. When he saw his opponent’s sword fly out of her hand, he darted in for the kill. ‘I got you now.’ Mishika dropped to her knees in a spinning motion and preformed a sweep. It caught Ranma off guard. Ranma’s feet give way. Before the momentum could propel him forward, Mishika complete her attack and quick spun up and delivered a knee into Ranma’s gut. Taking advantage of Ranma falling backwards, she delivered two hundred Chun Li style lightning kicks to his body and finished the combo with a reverse hook kick to Ranma’s head. Ranma flew into the wall. “That was fun, but a little easy,” Mishika yelled at Ranma’s slumped body. She turned to walk away towards Genma. “Hey, it ain’t over yet.” Ranma told her as he stood up with a smile on his face. ‘Finally, I have someone to spar at my own level,’ Ranma thought. Things were getting dull since he surpassed Ryoga. He had far surpassed Happosai and Cologne’s level. They were the only people near his level. But he rarely fought them. Now he met someone that might be his equal, and he was going to enjoy it. He got back into fighting stance, then launched himself at his opponent. “Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken,” Ranma screamed as he released his chestnut punches at Mishika. To his amazement, Mishika was blocking all his attacks and throwing low kicks to his legs. His knees buckled and he fell forward. Mishika delivered a powerful uppercut. At the same time, Ranma threw a powerful ki – charged punch on Mishika’s shoulder. ‘He stronger than I expected. Finally someone to play with,’ she thought. A smile appeared on her face. Mishika flew back into the wall and Ranma flew ten feet up in the air and land with a thud. Mishika fell to her knees and Ranma landed on his back. Akane was watching the fight from the dojo with Nabiki and Kasumi. Soun was dragging Genma into the dojo as well. Akane watched as both fighters hit each other and fly back. She was astonished when she saw both fighters get up and charged each other. Mishika was wobbly at first, but she was okay before she reached Ranma. Ranma on other hand was limping on one leg, but he seemed to be handling it well. Both of them threw out a fist and it collided with each other. Mishika threw a high front snap kick followed by a reverse hook, back kick, and three-snake style strikes. Ranma managed to dodge her attacks but Mishika last attack torn Ranma’s shirt. Ranma counter to a knee into Mishika’s face, luckily, she blocked it. Unfortunately, Ranma quickly thrust his leg outward and hit Mishika in the gut. Mishika slid back, she ignored the pain and continued her attack. The combatants continued their battle. Sometimes, one of them would miss and end up braking a wall, parts of the ground, etc. It was watching the two combatants surprising and breathtaking to Akane’s eyes. It looked like two dancers performing a sacred dance. Both fighters preformed attacks with speed and graces. At times they would vanish from her eyes only to reappear at a different spot. No one was gaining the upper hand. Both of were scoring hits on each other, but they were sacrificing the full power of the attacks for speed, or so it seemed. Akane watch Mishika and realized something. Like Ranma, she using several different styles in her fighting. It was not exactly a copy of Anything Goes, but an altered vision of her families and Ranma’s style. She even watched Shampoo fight enough to realize that Mishika using some Amazon style attacks. Then, suddenly both fighters stop in front of each other. Both glowed with blue aura as the ki engulf them. “Moko Takibisha,” screamed Ranma and released a Moko Takibisha. “Flame Shot,” Mishika screamed as nock a flaming arrow in some kind invisible bow. And then she shot a ki arrow and it turned into the shape of a firebird. Both blasts hit and exploded: canceling each other out. “Pretty good, but let see how powerful ya really are. I’m gunna at full strength, I suggest ya do da same,” said Ranma. “Okay, fine by me. But I’ll hold back for your sake,” said Mishika while brushing away some of her bangs that fell in front of her eyes with her thumb. They both charged again and disappeared from Akane’s sight. Their battle once again continued, this time, Akane didn’t even see them. She would see blurs or one of them hitting the ground or wall, but would vanish in one second. Twice Ranma flew through the dojo and one time Mishika slammed into the house. The house had a huge chunk missing and half of the Dojo was gone. This went on for half an hour. Finally, they slid to a stop in front of Akane. “You’re…a…girl,” Ranma panted. “So…what” Mishika panted. “I…can’t…fight…girls.” Ranma stated, “I…guess…it…a…draw.” “Bull,” said Mishika. She got in fighting stance as well as Ranma. Mishika seemed to flicker for a few seconds and became solid again. “You can pass out now Saotome.” Mishika told Ranma. Ranma eyes rolled up and he collapsed at her feet. Mishika picked him up and slung him over her shoulder. Then she started to walk to the house. “I guess Ranma lost. Excuse me Miss Powerful Martial Artist Woman whom beat Ranma up and hurt my family, do you want some tea.” Kasumi asked with smile. Everyone else fell down after hearing the eldest Tendo girl’s words. Chapter One Return of Old Friendships, A Student and a Teacher… “Ranma, is that you,” said a slightly damaged yet perfectly fine Mishika. She had just finish bandaging Ranma up. “Do I know you,” asked Ranma who looked like a demented three-year-old tried to dress him as a mummy and failed. Ranma was angry. He, the great Ranma Saotome, who had tore a god apart, lost, and to a girl no less. He knew that Pop and Ryoga would never live it down. And if this powerful girl turned out to be another fiancée, he would kill the panda. “It me, Mishika Towa. Your father, now panda, tried to steal my father’s scrolls, but I beat you and him up. After that you stayed with us for two months but Genma panda kidnapped you again,” said Mishika. “Ranma, I can’t believe your father has a Jusenkyo curse. Do you have one was well?” Mishika asked. “Mi-chan, is that you. But you’re a girl,” said Ranma dumbfounded, and completely ignoring her second question. His earlier anger towards this girl vanished and was replaced with respect and awe, then quickly followed with disappointment. Unlike Ucchan, Mi-chan was his rival. Mishika was the only other person that defeated him on the road other than his father during the ten- year training trip. Ranma secretly hope one day he would met up with Mi-chan again and have the greatest match of their lives. Mi-chan was the only other person that he knew that studied the Art since childhood other then himself and his father. He always thought Mishika was a boy, but Ranma stood corrected. The great battle he always wanted seemed impossible now. Ranma hope that Mishika wasn’t engaged to him also. Mishika looked at him blankly. ‘How could he not know I was a girl.’ she pondered. ‘Well, I guess I acted too much like a tomboy.’ She had come to realize. Then a faint simmer of hope came back to Ranma. She knew about Jusenkyo. She could have been a man and now was in cursed form. “Hey, you know about Jusenkyo. You must of went there and fell into the spring of the drown girl,” said Ranma, smiling because he solved the problem. “Baka, I was always a girl,” said Mishika. Ranma’s hope was stamped out. ‘Why did she come here, unless…’ Ranma was getting worried. “Mi-chan, are you engaged to anyone.” “No, I don’t remember getting engaged. Why do you ask.” Mishika asked not like where this little chat was leading. Ranma let out a sigh of relief. “Nothing Mi-chan, nothing at all.” Akane watched the two old friends talk to each. Mishika was lying on the couch, and Ranma was sitting on the floor. They suddenly started to laugh their heads off. “What going on,” asked Akane. “Hahaha. We were just remembering how Ranma used to steal food from my mother and father’s plate. They thought our cooks has put them on a diet,” said Mishika. Suddenly Genma came stomping in. “Boy, you were defeated by a weak girl. If you didn’t stop training, you would have become like a weak girl. I’m going to ahhh…” All what Genma was lost when Mishika pulled out a giant mace and started to chase him as Genma tried to flee from her. “Weak girl am I. I’ll show you what this weak girl can do.” Mishika screamed out loud as the mace descended. All the pity she felt for Genma left her and was replace with anger. Wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, wham and…wham… On the yard, lied a beaten man. Mishika went to talk to Nabiki. “That technique seems familiar.” Ranma said. “That looks like my ‘bash the pervert with blunt objects’ fighting style.” Akane said. Ranma shuddered when he pictured Akane with that huge mace that Mishika had. “Ya ain’t gunna ask her for her mace are ya uncute tomboy.” Ranma asked. “Ranma no baka.” Akane screamed as she pulled out her mallet. She slammed it down on Ranma’s head repeatedly. Nabiki was looking at her balance book in her bedroom. She was trying to figure a way to pay for the repair of their home and the dojo when Mishika opened the door and walked into her room, carrying a huge sack with her. “I am sorry Nabiki.” “Ever heard of knocking,” said Nabiki, with hint of hatred in her voice. ‘Because of this girl, we are going to be bankrupted and homeless. How am I going to pull this off.’ Nabiki thought to herself, ignoring Mishika apology. Nabiki was to busy wondering how she was going to pay for the repairs and pay the bills. “I am sorry about your home Nabiki. Here, five million yen to pay for the damages,” said Mishika. Mishika dropped the sack and yen poured out. Mishika left, hurt that she couldn’t get Nabiki’s forgiveness. Nabiki jaw hit the ground. Her book fell from her hands. Not only did Mishika pay for all the damages; they also had enough money to go first class on that vacation they were planning and still have a lot left over. Nabiki was still a little mad at Mishika, but wanted to be Mishika’s friend because it could prove profitable in the future. She got up and left her room. She went downstairs and found Mishika hanging up the phone. “Oh, hello Nabiki. That was my family’s company on the phone just now. I’ll have a construction crew to repair this place in three days. They will have this place looking like new in one month,” said Mishika, grinning. “Your…your…family’s…company,” said Nabiki. ‘This girl’s family own a company.’ “What company do your family own,” asked Nabiki. ‘Probably a small construction firm or something at that level.’ Nabiki thought to herself. “It’s Towa Inc.,” Mishika said proudly. “Nabiki, are you okay. You should close your mouth before bugs go inside,” Mishika left Nabiki alone and went into the kitchen to help Kasumi make dinner. Nabiki just continue to stare at the spot Mishika was sitting at. ‘Towa Inc. handles things like Import and Export to Military Government contracts. They have business all over the globe. Hell, they are more richer then Bill Gates.’ Nabiki remembered. ‘Mishika. She is Mishika Towa,’ Nabiki thought to herself. ‘That means that she was the adopted daughter of Hanson and Shelly Towa. She was heir to the Towa Finance Empire. She also once the adopted daughter of Trunks, CEO of Capsule Corps, and now she also the sole inheritor of Capsule Corps. Since Trunks’ other daughter refuse to do anything with Capsule Corps. Making Mishika the inheritor of two of the most biggest companies in the world.’ Nabiki realized two things. One, one of the most powerful women in the business world was in her home. Two, she had just ignored that woman in her bedroom when the said person was apologizing. All of that yen she could have gotten, gone because she didn’t want to be Mishika’s friend, or even listen to the girl. Nabiki vowed to get on Mishika good side, or she could kiss her financial future good bye. At the dinner table… Mishika was sitting next to Ranma as she joined the Tendo and Saotome clan, minus Nodaka because she was at her home even after she found out about her son’s curse, for dinner. Mishika also had a love for food and piled her plate. Genma was trying to steal food from Ranma’s plate, but was failing. So, like his son, attacked the others’ plates. Strangely, Ranma didn’t touch Mishika’s plate. Of course, Genma didn’t even think about this. Instead, he saw a free target and attacked. Before his chopsticks could touch, Mishika’s chopsticks latched on to his hand. With a simple twist of her wrist, Mishika send Genma flying out of house and over Nerima. He landed in Juuban, on a monster that was fighting the sailor scouts. When the fight was over, the scouts could only find an injured escape panda from a nearby zoo and told the keepers where to find it. Within minutes, the said panda was behind bars in the nearby zoo. Ranma and Mishika split Genma’s food and ate peaceful. “Mishika, I have a question to ya,” asked Ranma. “Shoot,” replied Mishika. “When did ya started to eat so much,” asked Ranma. “After I trained with my first adopted father Trunks and his friends.” She replied. After the meal, Kasumi cleaned the table while the other talked about what going happen. “Daddy, we have enough for that vacation we want to go on. Also school for Ranma and Akane doesn’t start in three months.” Nabiki stated. “That’s good. Too bad Genma disappeared, I hope he gets back before we are force to leave him behind.” Soun said. “ Mishika, would like to join us,” asked Nabiki. Was grinning. Maybe she could act nice and friendly to Mishika on this trip. Help Mishika everywhere and do anything, thus getting on Mishika’s good side and then maybe a high paying job. “Sorry Nabiki. I am going to train at my house I that own here. Ranma, Akane would you two like to come. It the big estate one mile away from the Nerima,” asked Mishika. Akane didn’t know what to say, but Ranma already agree the instance Mishika said his name. Akane also agreed. She didn’t trust the pervert by himself. Especially if pretty girl invited him on a training trip, she was going let him be alone with his old friend and rival. Ukyo was an old friend, and Akane didn’t trust this Mishika girl. Nabiki was sad that she wasn’t invited. She wasn’t a martial Artist and she didn’t want to train. All Nabiki wanted was a chance to get in Mishika’s favor. Nabiki thought about asking to come, but then thought against it. It would make her look even worst than before. She’ll just have to wait for her next chance to get Mishika’s favor. “Whaaaaa. My baby girl wants to spend time with her fiancée. The schools will finally be united.” Soun cried joyfully. “What? It not like that.” Akane and Ranma said at the same time. “Why would want to marry a pervert like him.” Akane said. “Why would anyone marry a uncute tomboy like you.” Ranma told Akane. “Ranma no baka.” Akane screamed as she pulled her mallet out to bash Ranma in the head. Ranma looked at the descending mallet, making no move to dodge it. He closed his eyes and waited for the blow. But it never came. Instead, of something slashing through the air. Ranma opened his eyes and became shocked. There Akane staring at the handle of the mallet. The head of the mallet fell down and vanished with the handle. And Mishika was holding a glowing rod that vanished as well. “Nice ki attack Akane, but I think a sword or mace would be more practical.“ Mishika said as she sat down again. “I have a ki attack.” Akane said. Ranma knew he should have been surprised, but he wasn’t. But he should be. “Yes. Your mallet seems to be made of ki cultivated by Anger and Hatred. Simple ki attack, but wouldn’t do good against long range ki attacks.” Mishika explained. Mishika then remembered something and face Ranma. “Ranma, are you still afraid of cats,” Mishika looked at her friend nervously. “Because I have a Jusenkyo curse too. I fell in the 'Spring of the Angelic Catgirl'” Ranma looked at his Mishika with concern and fear. Mishika grabbed a cup of cold water that was on the table and splashed her self. Mishika gain one inch and she sprouted silvery white fur, her regular ears vanished and cat ears appeared on her head. Her nail grew a few inches and then retracted. A tail raised out and hung at the waistband of her pants. Her already silver hair had grow a few inches and turned the same colored as her fur. Snow colored white wings span out of her back and tore holes into the back of her silk blouse. She transformed from adorable cute girl with huge eyes to sexy cat girl with wings in seconds. Ranma unfortunately saw a cat girl. That means he only saw a cat. Therefore, he did the only thing that he could think of. Mishika looked through the Ranma shaped hole in the wall as the cries of cat followed by a splash at the koi pond. Mishika went to the kitchen and splashed her self with hot water. A red poked her head through the hole she just made. “I-is she back to n-n-n- n-normal yet A-A-Akane,” asked a trembling Onna-Ranma. “I am back to normal Ranma,” said Mishika as she entered to the room again. Ranma noted that she was human again. “I hope you don’t mind my curse form that you don’t want to come, Ranma,” she said. “No, I do not mind that much Mi-chan.” “Ranma, is that your cursed form,” asked Mishika with an eyebrow raised. Ranma nodded. “I wish I fell in that spring.” Mishika muttered. The next day, Akane and Ranma left the Tendo’s home and followed Mishika. They were walking by the Kuno estate, when Takewaki Kuno appeared in front of them. He was about to say regular speech about Akane and the foul demon Saotome when his eyes fell upon Mishika. “Gods smile upon me that they allow me meet the beautiful and lovely Mishika Towa, the Flame Goddess of the Kendo World. I am (Kuno strike a dramatic pose) Tatewaki Kuno, the once Blue Thunder of Furinken High School, age 19 (Lightning strikes in the background.) I challenge you oh beautiful one, if you win, I shall allow you to date me.” Kuno pulled his bokken out and went into a simple Kendo defense form. “Flame Goddess?” Ranma and Akane looked at Mishika. What with all this weird titles that kendoist? “That stupid, get out of my way True Blunder.” Mishika just pulled out her bokken out of her heavy cloak and charged Kuno. Before Kuno could react, Mishika delivered swing upwards and connected with Kuno’s chin. At impact, Kuno and Mishika were engulfed in a flame pillar. Ranma could swear he heard the words “Shoryuken revise: Kendo Flame Pillar.” An ash covered Kuno flew into the air and disappeared as he flew across Nerima and land in a certain Moon Princess’s bathroom while she was bathing. Luckily, her family wasn’t home to see Sailor Moon beat the hell out of a pervert. Mishika leaped into the air as her attack continued on after she hit Kuno. The flames died out as she spiraled down. “Where did you learn that,” Ranma asked amazed at her flame attack. “Ken-sensei taught me that. I can also do it with my fist. That why I am called the Flame Goddess.” Mishika said as they continued on their way. Mishika put back the bokken under her cloak with a smile on her face. “Ayiah!” screamed Shampoo as she saw them. ‘Oh great. The Chinese bimbo here. Now Ranma going to hug her and act all perverted.’ Akane thought to herself. Shampoo darted forward. Ranma reflexes were to run away before Shampoo glomped him and Akane mallet him. But then something surprised him. Shampoo grabbed Mishika in a normal hug. “Ayiah. Why sister Mishika no visit, no call. Shampoo missed Mishika. Shampoo be too, too happy if you decide to stay for a while. Gel and Spray coming soon.” Shampoo said while still hugging Mishika. “Hey Mi-chan, you didn’t say ya were an Amazon?” Ranma asked. “I thought you were from Japan. That where you said when you met Ranma at your foster family’s home.” Akane said. “I’ll tell you guy’s later.” Mishika said returning Shampoo hug and then separating from her Amazon cousin and then terror ran across her face when she realized something. “Did you say that Gel and Spray are coming here. Now I have to run away before he tries to marry me again.” Mishika said. Then something occurred to her. “Shampoo, why are you here.” Mishika said. “Airen stay here. No can go until Airen agree to come or is dead.” Shampoo said. “Why Mishika no like Gel? He prime catch like Airen.” Shampoo asked. “I can only think of him as one of my sensei in the Eyes of the Souls. I also see him as a dear cousin even if I am not blood related. I can’t marry him. Hell, I had to challenge and defeat Elder Cologne in the rite of passage so that I can become a Amazon to void the kiss of marriage.” Mishika said. “Should be careful then. If great grandmother find adoptive sister here, she try to make you marry him again.” Said Shampoo. “I am too young to settle down. And I will never settle down with Gel. Don’t you think Elder Cologne.” Mishika said. “Is that so. Will see how you act when you see Gel again. He changed, adopted great granddaughter. He no longer act like Mousse does to Shampoo.” Cologne said as she hopped out from the tree that she was in. Yes, Mishika remembered that. Gel was suave and kind when they first met. Then he become annoying when he realized that he loved her. Anyone women from the younger generation at that time, including Shampoo, would gave near to anything for blind mage to chase after her. But, at least he actually challenged me for Marriage instead of just hounding me, Mishika thought to herself. “Hello respected Elder. I was waiting for you to get out of that tree. Elder Cologne, not matter how he looks or acts now, I will see him as I saw him four years ago when we last part.” Mishika said. “I came to tell great granddaughter that Gel and Spray are here and Mousse is talking them.” Cologne said. “All three of them together.” Mishika said. “Yes adopted great granddaughter.” Cologne told Mishika. “What is your relation to Son-in-law adopted Great Granddaughter.” Cologne said. ‘If Mishika wants him, then I might let her. Shampoo is getting nowhere with Son-in-law.’ Cologne thought to herself. “He going to train with me,” Mishika said. “Ah, is that so. So that Son-in-law will become even better.” Cologne said. ‘Well, maybe Shampoo could still get her Airen.’ Cologne mentally sighed. “That right.” Mishika said. “I have a bad feeling ‘bout this.” Ranma said. “Mishika I insist that Gel go with you.” Cologne said. The look of abject fear ran across Mishika’s face. “In fact, I sent a letter to the council and they agree with me.” Cologne said. “Agree with what Elder Cologne.” Mishika said. “That I act as matchmaker between you two and have the two best wandering Amazons back at home to settle down and teach.” Cologne said. “What. How did you even know I was here,” Mishika screamed. “There is always a possibility. Come on Mishika; let go back to the restaurant. Son-in-law, your invited as well.” Cologne said. Ranma and Mishika both knew Cologne well enough to see that look in her eyes. That I’ll see that you get marry to an Amazon yet, look. “Mishika Last Hope Revised: Flee from matchmaker elder with a scream.” Mishika said as she suddenly turned around and ran away screaming. “Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts Final Attack: Run Away.” Ranma said. He quickly spins around and ran in Mishika’s direction. Akane quickly followed suit. They could hear Shampoo screaming “Airen wait for Shampoo.” And “Sister, tell Shampoo where you are going so Shampoo can see Airen.” Of course she was ignored. When they reached outside of city, they took a break. “Okay Mi- chan. Will you tell us what that was about.” Ranma said. Akane slumped on Ranma shoulder, to tire to talk but nodded in agreement with Ranma. “Okay, to understand what going on. I’ll will have to tell you about the past.” Mishika said. Flashback: 7 years ago at the Amazon Village… A thirteen-year-old Mishika walks to the gate. “Hello, I am here to see Cologne.” Mishika said. “Who you?” One of the Amazon guards said. “I am here to see your elder to help me solve problems that occur between me and a male Amazon. Now step aside before I defeat you.” Mishika said. “Silly child. You go home now and play with doll, yes.” The other guard said. “No, don’t make me force you to go.” Mishika said. “Impatient young go away.” The first guard swiped at Mishika with the other guard watching in dismay. Children, after all, are a precious resource. Then she was shock to see the little girl dodge her fellow guard’s attack and unleashed a ten-hit-combo at her fellow guard. Her fellow guard slumped on the ground. “Will you let me pass.” Mishika said. The lone guardswoman looked with disbelief. She shouted out a warning to her fellow Amazons inside the village. A second later, Mishika tapped her sleeping pressure point and the remaining guardswoman was defeated. She entered the village unchallenged. Many Amazons rushed to the entrance to the village after the warning was shouted. They expected the worst. Herb and the Musk, Saffron and the Phoenix Mountain people, or even the Chinese military, to come barge through. No one was crazy enough to attack the Amazon village unless they were very powerful. So it was a big surprise when a young girl in an orange gi walked inside. “Are you a messager little girl.” One amazon asked in her naive tongue. “I am here to see a talking bottle of Cologne.” The child screamed in Japanese. Cologne chuckled at this. “I believe that you are looking for me. I am Cologne.” Cologne hopped in. The girl had a low ki level and by the look of her, probably starving. “Well now it make sense, “ The girl muttered, “I defeated one of your male Amazon two day ago and he insisted that I am his wife after kissing me. I left him sleeping and came to see you to see if there is a loop hole.” “What was his name, child.” Cologne asked, making sure to switch to Japanese. ‘So the child has some skill.’ Cologne thought to herself. “As a matter fact, who are you?” Cologne studied the youth more and realized this girl was masking most of her ki. “His name was Gel, and I am Mishika Towa.” Said Mishika. Mishika dusted herself a little bit. Then Mishika looked around. It seemed several were leer at her. ‘Perverts.’ She thought. “Okay Mishika. You have to become an Amazon for the Kiss of Marriage to be voided. You can be become an Amazon by marrying into the tribe, be adopted, or defeat an elder in battle in the Rite of Safe Passage.” Cologne said. “I’ll take the last one old lady. And since you are the leader, I choose you.” Mishika said with a smirk. ‘Her ki is high but no match for me.’ ‘This one seem to be very powerful.’ Cologne eyes narrowed. “Okay, let the battle begin.” Both Cologne and Mishika seem to flare their ki auras. But, Mishika showed a very small portion of her ki. Cologne leap forward, to strike and end this match quick. She thought Mishika was still weak from her travels and be easy to drop, but she was wrong. Sudden the air rushed out of Cologne’s lungs. Mishika had suddenly appeared in front of her and had slammed her fist into her gut. She quick delivered a three-hundred-forty-hit-combo before the old Amazon could move. Cologne staggered back and collapsed. The crowd was in talking in hushed tones as they stared at the child that defeat the leader of a society that was three thousand years old. “Great Grandmother.” Shampoo ran to her Cologne. “Ha. She was not even a challenge. I guess the Kiss of Marriage is now voided.” Mishika said. Mishika’s stomach started to growl. She hadn’t eaten anything for two days while looking for the village. “So hungry.” Mishika said as she collapsed. The crowd converged on the child. Then were intending on making this small child pay for insulting them and bring shame on the village. Then, unexpected saviors jumped between the child and the mob. “Stop, you heard the matriarch, she is one of us.” Young Mousse said. Young Mousse brought his sword out of his robe and went into defensive stance. “I believe my triplet brother is right.” Gel, who looked like Mousse except for the fact he wasn’t wearing glass or his eyes weren’t open. Tiny sparks flared to life in front of him and gathered to form a ball of magical energy. “Yes, she is a Amazon.” Girl who looked like Mousse and Gel said. She flared her ki to life. It was powerful than the normal child. It would even be stronger than the average amazon warrior. “The think the triplets are right.” An elder said. “It has been three hundred years since the last elder has be defeated. And the last elder was defeated by Cologne so she wouldn’t be hunted down for learn Amazon techniques from an outcast. Now let treat her accordingly.” End Flashback “I’ll tell you the rest later. Let just go,” said Mishika as she walked off. “Wait for us.” Akane said as she followed Mishika. “You mean I could got rid of Shampoo by defeating Cologne.” Ranma yelled and chased after Mishika to find out more. Ranma looked around the countryside. “When are we going to reach your estate, Mi-chan.” Ranma asked Mishika. Mishika looked at Ranma as if said something weird. “Ranma, we been walking through my estate for over one hour.” Both Akane and Ranma fault-faced. Eight Hours Later… They stood in front of a huge manor. It was one-fourth a mile long and was three stories high. “Mi-chan, you have a huge summer manor.” Said Ranma. “Ranma, this is the servants housing, that the manor.” Mishika pointed to a small mountain and on top was a manor twice the size and length of the servant’s housing. ‘Lucky pop is not here. He’ll forget about my engagement with Akane and try to marry me off to Mi-chan.’ “Nice place huh. It also has a gravity amplifier that make everything five time normal earth’s gravity.” Mishika said while waving her hand. “Don’t worry, it won’t cause any problems. It just make you heavier.” “What the purpose of that?” Akane asked. ‘What the purpose of making us move slower as training.’ She wondered. “Don’t ya get it Akane. It makes us heavy so we could move faster on normal ground. Not like a uncute Tomboy like ya could figure out.” Ranma snorted and started to walk away. “RANMA NO BAKA” Akane screamed as she bashed Ranma into the ground with her mallet. Ranma couldn’t believe it. It had a lobby, a huge kitchen with a full staff, a training center, a workout center, a combat center, a small and fully equipped and staffed hospital, an artificial beach pool that can cause waves, several hundred bathrooms, and the list goes on. There were hundreds of large guestrooms, but Mishika’s room was the size of the Tendos’ home. Her room, itself was a kitchen, a living room, a garden, it led to two huge western style bathrooms, two king size beds, hundreds of gadgets and furniture, and a fully equipped dojo. Hell, Ranma even saw a small koi pond and hut where a fake hot springs bath waited. “Mishika, I thought we were going to your room.” Akane said in awe. “We are in my bedroom,” said Mishika. “Akane will stay with me, Ranma, you’ll be staying across the hall.” Ranma entered the guestroom. He had a huge king size bed, one huge television, a small kitchen and one bathroom with hot tub. ‘Well, it not flashy as Mishika’s room, but at least I stay in a much better place than I have ever been in. I hope this doesn’t make me soft.’ “Mishika, why did you want me to stay with you?” Akane asked. ‘Maybe she not Ukyo.’ This bought relief to her. One female martial artist she didn’t have to worry about. “Oh, I want to know what kind of person Ranma grew into,” Mishika replied, “Also Akane, I can’t have you two sneaking into each others bed while I suppose to be watching you two. What would your father say.” Akane was blushing real hard. “He probably get drunk repeatedly say the schools are united.” “So, have you two done it yet?” Mishika asked. She edged closer to hear Akane reply. “Mishika.” Akane said, and blushing a deeper shade of red. This so embarrassing to be asked a question like that. The mere thought of Ranma ad Herself in the same bed made her blush. “Come on, tell me. Does he kiss real good, does whisper sweet nothings into your ears, does he scream that he loves you. Come on Akane, gossip. I won’t tell another living soul.” Mishika said. “Well…” Akane said. ‘What am I suppose to tell her. I thought I heard him say that he loved me back at Phoenix Mountain, I can’t say that can I?’ Akane thought. “Come on Akane. I know you like him.” Mishika said. Mishika smiled. It was kind of fun to tease young couple about their life. “I don’t love that pervert.” Akane snapped. ‘How could Mishika think that.’ Akane thought angrily at Mishika. “Who talking about love,” Mishika said with a grin. Mishika had ‘I caught you,’ look in her eyes. She also had a Ranma like grin on now. “Will continue this talk later Akane, I’m going to the combat center. Bye. I’ll teach you later tonight.” Mishika said as she left. Akane jumped on to one of the beds. Mishika almost found out Akane’s little secret. That Akane was growing to love Ranma. Ranma turn on the television and sat on the bed. He smiled when he saw what was on the screen. On the screen, two men were fighting. One was evil look old man who Ranma could easily tell that was the villain. The other was young, and beat up looking, man. Ranma knew this under dog was the good guy. The fighters once again attack each other. The young man was use the Crane style Kung Fu while the other man was using the Snake style Kung Fu. Ranma could tell it was fake, but still good to watch. He lay down and relaxed. Akane was practicing in Mishika’s dojo. Mishika said she will be back later tonight and she’ll teach Akane, and she wanted to show Mishika how good she was. She threw a hook kick in the air. Akane wonder how Mishika felt about Ranma. Mishika seemed to only think of Ranma as a friend. Then a thought hit Akane. ‘If Mishika teaches me how to fight, then Ranma would start taking me seriously.’ Ranma, after watching the kung fu movie, left his room after discovering there was no food. Night was drawing close and he wanted to eat dinner. He got lost and couldn’t find his way to the kitchen. He stumbled upon the combat area. It was huge, and there were massive steel doors barring the place. As he got closer, the doors open and the sounds of intense battle drew Ranma inside. As the doors closed behind him, he looked around. Ranma saw eight metal robots attacking Mishika. Then ten more flew in to the battle, then another ten, then another, and another. They just kept on coming. Ranma realized that they were moving as fast as he was, but not as graceful. Mishika, was a blur of movement? She was dodging, blocking, and wavering around their attacks effortless. As they attacked her, she was counter-attacking them. The ground around her and her attackers were covered in scrape metal. Then Mishika leapt into the sky…and stayed there. Her was aura was a bright blue and then launched hundred of ki-blast as the robots engaged their rockets and flew to met her. That wave was destroyed, but ten dozen flew towards her and she started to blast them away too. She couldn’t get them all and battle once again was dropped to hand to hand. Ranma stared in disbelief. She was holding back a lot when she and Ranma fought. She fought him on his own level. If she were fighting this good when they met, Ranma would’ve been in a full body cast. Then he remembered that Mishika seemed to flicker before his body exploded with pain and pass out during the match at the Tendo Dojo. Just then, two robots attacked him. He fought them, but was barely hold his own. He threw a Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken and dented the robot and finished it off with a kick to the gut, if it had been human that is. The robot exploded and knocked Ranma back. The other robot unleashed a laser blast and nearly knocked out Ranma as it burns his back. Ranma fell to his knees. Then seven robots joined in and bum rushed him. He threw quick attacks and managed to down three of them before the other five flew up and blasted him. The last image he saw was of them being destroyed by Mishika. Ranma woke up. He was in a white room with weird machines hooked up to him. He looked around and realized that he was on the bed. Akane was asleep in the chair next to him. He sat up and pulled off the wires that was taped to his body. The heart monitor went flat and alarms went off. Akane woke up and looked at him blankly for a few moments before throwing herself at him and crushed him in a Shampoo glomp. “A-A-Akane…can’t…breathe,” said Ranma. Akane let go and started to call him baka and stupid for getting hurt like that. Then the doctors rushed in and a nurse escorted Akane out. After the tests and the perfect bill of health, Ranma was cleaned up and led to the combat area. When Ranma entered, he saw Akane and Mishika sparring. Ranma could easily see that Mishika was fighting Akane at her own level. Then both broke off and bowed to each other. They both looked at Ranma. “Ranma, it time to see if you are skilled. You’ve been out for two weeks. Akane will be your opponent. She will be using attacks that Krillin- sensei and Ken-sensei taught me.” Mishika had to be joking. Akane was no where near his level. But then again, he didn’t like the way they exchanged glances. “Begin,” Mishika screamed. Both combatants went into combat stance. Ranma waited for Akane to attack. Then, he saw Akane’s red aura flare up. She thrust her arms out in front of her. The wrists were touching each other and the palms were facing Ranma. Her fingers tip curled in towards the palm. A blue ball of light formed in her hands. “Ka…me…ha…me…ha,” said Akane. Each word she said, she pulled her hands back. At the final word, she thrust her arms and hands forward back to the original position. A blue beam hit Ranma. This attack caught Ranma off guard. He couldn’t counter the attack with his Moko Takibisha. He managed to throw his arms up and block the attack. He was overwhelmed by the attack and nearly knocked out. The beam exploded and forced Ranma back. When the smoke cleared, he let his arms down. He saw Akane on her knees. She put a lot in her ki-blast. Ranma staggered towards her. Then stopped when he realized that Akane was gathering power from the power around her. Ranma realize that Akane was tapping into chi. Chi comes from the power around one self, while ki comes from the power that has within oneself. Ranma hadn’t learned to harness chi yet. ‘What has Mishika been teaching Akane while he was out.’ He watched as Akane cup her hands at her side. Electricity gathered in a swirling motion into her hand. Electricity ran through out Akane’s body. She thrust her arms and hands out like the same way when she did the Kamehamea, but yelled “Hadoken,” she collapsed as a blue electric ball flew towards Ranma. Ranma stared at the ball of chi as it slammed into him. All he could wonder was, ‘what the hell Mishika been teaching Akane.’ Ranma felt stiff and weak when he woke up on the dojo floor. When he open his eyes, the first thing he saw was Mishika staring down at him. He could see the disappointment in her eyes and sadness on her face. She said something, but Ranma couldn’t understand her. “What.” Mishika shook her head. “I said do you what to accept my training or do you want Akane to surpass you.” Mishika repeated again. Ranma blinked. He wasn’t sure what to think at the moment. The only thoughts that were racing through his head that Akane beat him and Mishika taught her how. “Well Ranma, will you accept my help, or be the stubborn child I knew.” Mishika offer him a hand. At that moment, Ranma shoved away all that sexiest crap that his father has been teaching him and took Mishika’s hand. She pulled him up and helped him to his feet. “What did you teach Akane.” Ranma was puzzle in how Akane gain so much power in such a short amount of time. “Oh, that would be the Krillin-sensei’s Kamehameha and Ken- sensei’s Hadoken. They are the first energy attacks I’ll teach you.” “Where is Akane.” Ranma grew concern for his fiancée. “She asleep now. The Kamehamea really drained her and the Hadoken push her past the edge.” “Huh,” said Ranma. “Don’t worry. When you and Akane master those techniques, you both will be able to shoot them all day long.” Mishika told him. “Let’s eat.” Mishika said. “Okay, fine by me.” Ranma said and they went to raid the kitchen. Later that night… Violin music resounded through Mishika’s manor. Akane woke up and looked around. She couldn’t see anyone play music. Akane went to check on Mishika. Mishika was missing in her bed. Akane looked around Mishika house sized bedroom, but not find her. Akane changed into a yellow blouse and a bright navy blue skirt. Akane went the hallway out side of Mishika’s bedroom. This haunting music always woke her up again, but this was the last time it woke her up. She after all need her rest, and she didn’t care how beautiful the music was any more. When she stepped into the dark hallway, she ran into Ranma. Ranma awoken to the sound of a beautiful, yet haunting depressing violin music. He turned on the lights and stumble out into the hallway after quickly getting dressed in his Chinese outfit. For some reason, he was drawn to this haunting music. “Akane, what’ cha do out here.” Ranma asked. “I’m going to put little miss midnight music player in her place.” Akane replied. “Why ya gunna do what for. She sounds pretty good.” Ranma said. “I don’t care if Mishika is good. I need my beauty sleep.” Akane snapped. “Ha. Like that gunna help a uncute tomboy like ya.” Ranma snapped back. “Ranma no baka,” Akane screamed as she pulled a mallet from nowhere and smashed Ranma into the floor. A second later Ranma got up muttered something about sexless violent tomboys and was mallet into the floor once more. “Akane stop doing that!” Ranma yelled at her. “Then stopped insult me you jerk. Lets go.” Akane said as she continued on her way to the stairwell. Ranma followed her, and muttered something under her breath. They entered the stairwell. It was dimly lighted so they could see the steps. Akane when up a flight of stairs, and she realized that the music got louder. Ranma trust her judgement for once and followed her. They went all the way to attic trapdoor. They pulled down the cord and the ladder descended. They were standing in front of the ladder. Akane was still trying to figure out what she was going to do. On their way there, the haunting music changed into something bright and cheerful. Akane was enjoying herself. Both she and Ranma felt no longer tired. Akane entered the attic first, closely followed by Ranma. Akane saw Mishika sitting on a stool, playing a piece from ‘Peter and the Wolf’ Surrounding Mishika was probably every instrument of music and several file cases. On a table on the side of her were a few music sheets. In front of her were a stand and a music sheet. Akane and Ranma could see her smile as they watched her play. It seemed heavenly. The notes came out at it purest form and her time was impossibly perfect. They could easily tell that she was at an expert level. Akane and Ranma looked outside the attic window and noticed that the weather seemed to change to match whatever Mishika played. But Ranma and Akane soon dismissed it. They sat there as she played several different pieces and instruments within the span of two hours. When she played her last on which was “Moonlight Sonata” on the piano, Akane and Ranma clapped. “You guys want to learn.” Mishika said with a smirk. Akane and Ranma nodded eagerly; they were still entranced by her performance. “We start tomorrow, now let go back to our rooms and sleep. Mishika was left the attic and Ranma and Akane followed, but out of earshot range. “Akane, there will be time when we’ll have to spar Mishika. But I have a plan to beat her.” Ranma whispered. “Well what is it?” Akane whispered back. Akane was actually surprise that Ranma came up with a plan. She wondered if it was any good. “Mishika, we will see ya later. Akane and I have to talk.” Ranma yelled. ‘Maybe finally I will be beat you Mishika.’ Ranma thought to himself. “Okay, see you two love birds later.” Mishika said. Ranma and Akane were blushing at that comment. ‘Ah. To be hormonal teenager again.’ Mishika thought as she continued to walk down the steps. Two Months Later… Mishika was watching Ranma and Akane spar. Ranma finally mastered the Kamehameha and the Hadoken. Mishika was also building up on his speed and strength. She was also teaching him proper grammar and mathematics, much to Ranma’s dismay. He was also learning how to play the violin and flute, but really need work on the piano. Akane on the other hand couldn’t master the Hadoken. It still took too much out of her and had to practice it on her free time. The Kamehameha, she was still in need of practice, but doing pretty good. Mishika was building Akane’s defense and speed. She was somewhat adequate and would soon be at Saffron’s level. She was learning how to play the Cello. She couldn’t learn how to play anything else without breaking it or making sound like someone scratching a chalkboard. But both enjoyed the ability of using one’s ki to fly. They were flying even when they were sparring. Mishika smiled. She remembered Ranma refuse to spar with Akane and her during the beginning of the training. To remedy that, Mishika had Akane training boosted up and Ranma’s training slightly delayed. When Akane had learned to fly and could start to land punches on him, did Ranma actually was force to spar with the girl. Something still puzzled Mishika. Akane was happy when Ranma hit her. She was in pain, but was extremely glad that Ranma was taking her seriously, what ever that means. Mishika hoped that Akane isn’t one of those people that enjoyed pain and like to be hit around. Because that just too weird for her. Mishika look at the two combatants and smile. Akane was finally learning to adapt. Mishika briefly remember yelling at Akane for following form too much, not adapting and changing like she wanted. So it took this long to drill that into her head. Ranma dodge a fury of punches aimed at his head and body. Then Akane followed with a kick towards Ranma’s head. Ranma caught her attack and counter with a low kick to her shin. That cause Akane to tilt back, Ranma took advantage of this and elbowed Akane on the shoulder. Akane let the momentum twist her body to deliver a kick to the back of Ranma’s head. Ranma fell on Akane and both fell out the air. They both would have to practice flying combat noted Mishika. It was much more different than the Anything Goes version of aerial combat. “Okay, that enough,” Mishika called out to them, “it’s time for group combat training.” “Are you going to help this time,” Akane asked. “No,” replied Mishika as she stood in the corner. Ten of the machine that beat up Ranma flew towards them. “Begin.” Akane and Ranma got up and went into fighting stance. They were back to back. All robots surrounded them expect one. That one was larger that the other robots. The circle of robots closed in on Ranma and Akane. Ranma and Akane unleashed two Kamehameha, before the robots reach them, they took down four. Two robots were trying to ram from both sides. Akane kneed down while Ranma leapt up. Akane did a split kick and hit the robots legs cause them to fall forward. Ranma also did a split kick and hit them on the chest. The two robots flew back. The other robots dodged, but one robot was caught and was destroy when the others exploded. Ranma and Akane moved quickly and each grabbed a robot. They spun it around and around quickly and they threw the robots at each other. The robots met half way and exploded. The giant robot flew towards them. It was much faster and stronger then the other robots. It launched a fury of punched at Ranma who was barely blocking them all. Akane went around the robot and attacked from behind. She delivered a kick to its back; Ranma blocked its last attack and threw a punch at its chest. It stopped its attacks as Akane jumped kicked it in the back of the head. Akane, still in the air, went over the robot, and landed in front of the robot and behind Ranma. Ranma delivered a powerful uppercut and send the robot flying. Akane and Ranma looked up at the robot and when into battle stance. The robot righted its self and shot a laser blast at them. Akane and Ranma use the Kamehameha. Akane to counter the laser and hold it at bay. Ranma to attack the robot it self and destroy it. It exploded and the laser lost its power. They went in defense stance until the smoke cleared. The sound of clapping was heard. “Pretty good, now let see how you handle a true warrior,” Mishika said as she suddenly appeared in front of them. She threw a ki fireball at Ranma. He caught, but it was driving him back towards the wall. Akane took a brief moment to glance at Ranma to see if he could handle himself. Mishika took advantage of that. In less than a second she covered the ten feet between her and Akane and sweep her. Akane fell forward as Mishika knocked her off her feet. Upon finishing the spinning motion, Mishika delivered an uppercut. Akane was sent Akane flying through the air. Mishika then sent a ki blast at Akane and it exploded on impact. It looked like Akane was knocked out of the fight. Her body slammed painfully into the ground. Mishika walked up and exam the damage that she done to Akane. ‘A damaged arm, lots of bruise, and I burn, torn, and ruin her new gi. A few days in the mini- hospital will fix her up just nicely.’ Mishika smirked. Akane at least manage to see Mishika’s attack before it hit her. Hence, Akane was improving. ‘Why didn’t she try to block.’ Mishika thought. Then she felt Akane’s faint ki level. Then it hit her. Akane was not knocked out, but she was faking it. Akane was pushing her power level way down and pretending to be out cold. ‘But why?’ Mishika asked herself. Mishika didn’t strike Akane as the lazy type. Mishika was so busy with Akane, she didn’t noticed that Ranma was free from her early attack was powering up into she sensed the build up in power. Mishika turned around and saw a Hadoken followed by a Moko Takibisha, and Ranma firing off a Kamehameha. She swatted way the Hadoken. Then she threw her arms up and blocked the Moko Takibisha. Then, it happened. Akane rolled up to a kneeling position and touched the floor with two fingers. “Bakusai Tenketsu,” she shouted. ‘The Breaking Point. When did she learn that.’ Mishika made a mental note to ask Akane later now. The floor that was supporting now turned against her. She had lost her balanced and stumbled forward into Ranma’s Kamehameha. Mishika was hit and was carried over Akane and into the wall by the Kamehameha. As the blast exploded, smoke filled the room. Akane and Ranma got into defensive stance as Mishika, covered with ashes, flew straight at them. The fact she was grinning ear to ear didn’t help matters. She flew towards Ranma…and then vanished from their eyes. They reached out with their senses, trying to locate her. Ranma sensed that Mishika was…right above Akane. Ranma turned to warn Akane, but sadly, it was in vain. Mishika dived down and smashed into Akane before she knew what happened. Akane stumbled forward, trying to stay conscious, but fail as the cold darkness claimed her. ‘She out for a hour or so.’ Mishika thought to herself. She turned to face Ranma when he discovered that he was already in front of her. ‘Damn. She took down Akane. I’ll still might win if…’ a plan formed in Ranma’s head as he lunged at Mishika. He attacked Mishika with thousand or so punches at her in five seconds. Mishika dart and weave around his attack. With the last punched he weight it in so he would lean forward and shoot a ki fireball from behind her back. Mishika cocked back her armed to delivered a counter punch. Ranma used his ki to pull the ki fireball back at Mishika. Mishika gave him a hook and managed to leap over the attack in a single moment. Ranma dodge out of his own attack’s way. Mishika landed ten yards away and muttered so thing under her breath and she split into five parts. Then they attacked Ranma. They were moving slow so Ranma could dodge with easy. But he couldn't hit the real one; all his attacks were pass through each Mishika. Ranma realized that one of the Mishika were standing away from the others. Ranma charged to hit that one. He ran through all the others as if they were wisp of smoke. He threw punch at the Mishika that was standing away from the rest and land…then fell through. As he past through the illusion, he saw a ki-blast an inch from his body and heading his way. “Shit,” was the only thing he could say before his body was engulfed in pain and the world around him fell into the darkness. Ranma awoke on the floor of the dojo. “Pretty good Ranma. You and Akane almost won. If I had actually been at that power level, I would have lost.” Ranma heard Mishika tell him. He got up and look in the corner. Mishika, in her regular T-shirt and shorts, was sitting by Akane. Akane was dress in her regular long skirt and blouse. Akane also had a bandage wrap around her head and her arm in a sling. “How is that you took more damage yet Akane the one in bandages.” Mishika said, somewhat amused at Ranma ability to heal quicker than the normal human. “So, why are we in the dojo.” Ranma asked. “Well, because I am going to teach you and Akane new technique my once and future Rival.” Mishika said with a smirk. Ranma hated when she reminded him that she had surpassed him and was teaching him so that they could be rivals again. “Okay, Mishika-sensei.” Ranma said and went to sit by Akane. He looked down and for the first time he noticed that he was wearing a gi. It was orange gi with a blue under shirt. It also had a red sash around his waist. He also noticed that it weight clothing. He was also wearing heavy blue boots. His bracers were still there, but they seemed heavier. (Author: Hey, Ranma will rarely wear this, but wouldn’t be cool to see Ranma dressed like Goku.) He noticed he had a small emblem in the front and huge emblem on the back of the gi that showed the Saotome Anything Goes school name. “What this?” Ranma asked. “It weight training clothing, the only one I can get. Uncle Krillin delivered it yesterday, after the fight. I had sewn your school name on it since you’ll with be my Rival, one-day. You are improving your Art by learning from me, right, so I can consider you my student, but you are a master of your own Style, hence your school’s name. You can also fight in it. It takes a lot to damage it. I also replace your bracer with some thing similar, but heavier and stronger.” Mishika said. Ranma nodded. He was honored. This was the first time anyone has done this for him. “Thank you, Mishika.” Ranma said. “No problem. Now for you to learn that technique, my pupils. It called the Hurricane Kick…” Mishika said. A week later… Ranma landed after the fifth spin in the air. Akane of course, landed in the third spin. But all in all, they were learning the Hurricane Kick fast. ‘I guess all that training in aerial combat helped.’ Mishika thought to her self. She looked at Akane fall on her butt. ‘She still need some practice on the landing.’ Mishika took a mental note. “Okay, that eight hours. Rest up and clean up then go to dinner. I’ll met you there.” Mishika said as she left. At the dinner table… They were all eating peacefully at the dinner table. Well if you count two human vacuums inhaling food and a certain tomboy muttering about proper manners in the background peacefully. On the table was a wide assortment of food. Ranma was trying to enjoy this while he can, for in a few days, they were going to leave. When all the food was gone, they all got up and left the dining room. “Ranma, Akane, have you two finished packing yet.” Mishika said. “Yep Mi-chan.” Ranma said. Mishika just glared at him. “I mean, yes Mi-chan” Ranma said sheepishly. “Ranma, Twenty laps around my estates with your gi on because of bad grammar.” Mishika said. Ranma hung his head. This was the tenth time today. Ranma jog out the manor and went his twenty laps. ‘At least it wasn’t the usual forty.’ Ranma relaxed. He would be back in an hour. Mishika watched Ranma leave before talking to Akane. “Okay now that he gone, Akane. Tell me. Why do you mallet Ranma a lot.” Mishika asked. “Because he deserved it. By the ways, I don’t mallet the Pervert a lot.” Akane replied. Mishika just pulls out a remote control from nowhere and press the button and a panel on the wall slides out, revealing a huge television. The screen turns on and showed at least forty clips of Akane attacking Ranma with a mallet. “See, not as much times here as we are at home.” Akane said. A huge sweatdrop formed on Mishika head. “Well anyway, I have another question for you. When did you learn the Bakusai Tenketsu Akane?” Mishika asked. “You see, Ranma planned the whole thing.” Akane said. “He actually planned something.” Mishika was shocked. Maybe Ranma will be her rival again some day. “Well anyway, Ranma taught me the Bakusai Tenketsu after the night when you said that you were going teach us how to play music. We did it past midnight when you were asleep. Ranma and me just go into the garden so we wouldn’t wake you up. It took only a month for me to learn it.” Akane said. “Aa so desu ka?” Mishika said. ‘That would explain why my servants asked to replace my rock garden.’ Ranma was running through the countryside. He had one more lap to go. He was slightly winded. Then from out of nowhere, a person walked right in front of Ranma's path. They both collided. The person was slammed into the trees. Ranma barely felt anything. He stopped and went to the person to see if the guy needed help. He saw the person. He knew who he was even when the said person was in the shadows. The said person got up, dusted himself, and then lunged himself at Ranma with a umbrella. “Prepare to die Ranma.” The person said. Chapter Two: Old Rivals Come Back and A New Art Revealed… Ryoga attack Ranma with his umbrella. Ranma deflected it with his bracers. “I see that you got faster than last time we met, but that wouldn’t save you.” Ryoga said. ‘I wish I could see the look on his face when he finds out that I can move twice as fast without the weight clothing on. Or the fact that I going slow for him.’ Ranma smirked at the thought. “Stop smiling you bastard.” Ryoga spit as he lunged at Ranma and try to thrust his umbrella towards Ranma’s chest. Ranma casually swat it out of Ryoga’s hand. “What the problem now P-chan.” Ranma said. God this was fun, Ranma thought. Ryoga was so easy to piss off and it made him sloppier. “Don’t you ever call me P-chan. Because of you I’ve seen hell.” Ryoga screamed as he took another shot again at Ranma. Ranma dodged out of Ryoga’s attack easily. “What wrong Saotome. Fight back you coward.” Ryoga screamed as he threw another punch at Ranma. “Okay P-chan.” Ranma caught Ryoga’s fist and pulled him forward. Ryoga saw Ranma cocking his other arm back, the next second Ranma’s fist connected with Ryoga’s face. ‘Ouch. What the hell was that? That hurt a lot. I know I have been feeling Ranma’s punches for while now but that was painful.’ Ryoga was dizzy. He staggered back and then when into battle stance. “You give up pig boy.” Ranma said. “Never.” Ryoga charged once again. Ranma disappear in front of him. Ryoga skidded to a stop. He was shocked. No blur like the last time. One second Ranma was here, next he was gone. ‘Did he teleport.’ Ryoga wondered. “Pure speed. I traveled so fast that the only way you can see me is if you were watching my ki or aura.” Ranma’s voice said…from right behind him. Ryoga spun around in time to see Ranma attacking. One punch to the gut and Ryoga fell to his knees. “Good night P-chan.” Ranma said. Ryoga, who was looking at the ground and gasping for air, saw Ranma’s foot coming towards his face. Ryoga flew back and slammed into a tree. He was out cold before impacting the tree. Ranma just walked over and pick up Ryoga and carried him over his shoulder as he walked back to the manor. “Dammit Akane. No you can not cook breakfast tomorrow since Paul is not working tomorrow. After that incident with the fry noodles groping me, you think I let you back in the kitchen.” Mishika screamed. “It wasn’t groping you, it was just being friendly.” Akane screamed back. “The point is that it not suppose to move at all.” Mishika shot back. “Good point.” Akane smile sheepishly. Just then Ranma carrying Ryoga enter the Lobby where Akane and Mishika were. “Ah. It an uninvited guest. I see that you greeted him properly Ranma.” Mishika said sarcastically. ‘Strange. I sense a strong curse upon this boy.’ Mishika thought as she exam Ryoga more closely. “Oh my Kami, Ryoga. What did you do to him you baka.” Akane said. “Hey, it ain’t my fault. He jus’ attack me an’ I knock him out.” Ranma said. “Ranma take Ryoga to a guestroom and then do forty laps in your weight clothes and carrying two buckets of extra cold water for bad grammar. And don’t spill a drop or I make you do it again.” Mishika said. Ranma let out a groan. “Oh my that sixty laps. To make up for the twenty I left out last time.” Mishika said. “Dammit, this ain’t fair.” Ranma said. “Hundred.” Mishika said. Ranma hung his head in defeat and went to drag Ryoga by the feet up stairs to a guestroom. ‘Why did that boy looked so familiar? Where have I met him before?’ Mishika pondered. With that thought, started a chain of events that will bring great pain and danger into Ryoga’s life. “So Akane. Tell me who is this ‘Ryoga’ is.” Mishika asked. Ryoga felt himself being thrown on top of a bed. He glanced around while trying to stand. That when he realized that his head was still swimming from Ranma’s attacks. He fell back into the bed. “Careful P-chan. Ya might hurt yourself trying to walk around.” Ranma said smugly. “Damn you Ranma. What the hell are you? You can’t have improved so much in such a small amount of time. And don’t call me P-chan.” Ryoga screamed. “Not like ya could anything about it P-chan.” Ranma said. Ryoga saw red. He rolled up and lunged at Ranma. Somehow he past thought the air Ranma was at and held aloft by Ranma who was holding him by the ankle. Ranma tossed Ryoga back into the bed. Ryoga tried to get up, but slumped back into the bed as his head started to swim again. “Honestly Ryoga. You are what now, just below Happosai level. Akane surpass him just a long ago. She could beat you blind folded. What make ya think that ya could beat me.” Ranma said. “I’ll beat you yet Ranma. I just have to find what made you so powerful. Then, I’ll beat you.” Ryoga shouted. “I doubt it P-chan. And it a who, not what. And that person name is Mishika Towa, my Rival.” Ranma said. “Not yet.” Mishika said in her creepy ghost like voice. Ranma leaped and cling to the ceiling. Ryoga looked to where the voice originated. There stood a fragile looking girl staring amusedly at Ranma. “This is your Rival. A weak little girl.” Ryoga laughed out loud. Suddenly he stop laughing as Mishika picked him up with one hand and looked into his eyes. Her eyes promised pain as they glared into his own. “You are coming with us. I say you be fine by the time we leave and you can fight this weak girl.” Mishika said as she bent him and shaped him into a pretzel. After finish shaping Ryoga she stomped away angrily. “Whoa, I wonder if she related to Doctor Ono Tofu.” Ranma said. Ryoga let out a squeaking noise. Onna-Ranma walked step back into her room. “I’ve been waiting for you.” Akane said. “I know.” They had been planning this for a week now. Then both sat on the bed. Ranma opened her mouth to say something, but then she was interrupted. “Ah ha. I caught you two.” Mishika said as she burst into the room. “Akane, I didn’t know that you swing that way. Maybe it would be it would be better if you stay with Ranma. Who know what you’d do to me in my sleep.” Mishika joked. “Mishika. You know that not true.” Akane said. “Yeah. If I wanted to do anything with Akane, I’ll be in guy form.” Ranma said. “So you admit that you want to be romantic with Akane.” Mishika said with cat like grin forming. Akane face changed to a deep crimson color. Ranma slightly shuddered when he saw Mishika’s grin. “That not what I mean.” Ranma said. “So you want to be romantic with someone else.” Mishika said. Akane started to get mad at Ranma. “No.” Ranma screamed. “So you lust for Akane.” Mishika said. Akane started to blush again. She though, looked angry. ‘At least he acting like a pervert towards me.’ Akane thought. She slapped herself on the head when she realized what she just thought. “No, I don’t lust after her.” Ranma said. “So what? I’m not good enough for you pervert.” Akane said pulling out her mallet. “No, it just that I feel more for you then that.” Ranma said. “So you love her.” Mishika said. “Yea-“ Ranma started to say when she remember something. “Why are you here?” Ranma asked. “Why am I here? Oh that’s right. I caught you two in your lesbian acts and came to stop you.” Mishika said bluntly. “WHAT.” Akane and Ranma screamed in unison. “Mishika, I am not a lesbian.” Akane said. Mishika pulled out her remote control out of no where and press the one single red button on it. A panel slid open on the wall revealing a Television. The screen flicked on and showed Akane. “I hate boys.” Akane shout as she ran towards a crowd of boys on the television. The Television quickly turned off and the panel slid close again. “So, you care to explain that.” Mishika asked. “Well, I, um-. It a long story Mishika-sensei.” Akane said. “Well I leave you two lesbian lovers in each others’ embrace. Just don’t come and try to involve me in a lesbian orgy. I don’t swing that way.” Mishika said as she left to the room. “WE ARE NOT LESBIANS!” Akane and Ranma shouted at Mishika. Ranma got up and closed the door. Then she sat on the bed. “Good, she didn’t find out.” Ranma said. “So, it Mishika’s birthday in three weeks. What are we going to do? She has a uncanny way of finding things.” Akane said. Soon, the piece ‘Hungrapsody’ play through out the manor. Ryoga heard the lovely piano music enter his room. ‘I wonder who playing music.’ Ryoga thought. For a moment, he succumbed to relaxation brought by the music. Then quickly, he pushed all thoughts of rest when he asset the situation. One, Ranma became more powerful in a short time. Two, this Mishika girl was his sensei. Three, the girl could probably beat Ranma and now he was going to be fighting her soon. Four, this place belongs to the girl. ‘So that means the girl is rich, powerful, and an enemy.’ Ryoga came to conclusion. ‘Maybe. Maybe I might learn something from her.’ Ryoga thought. ‘I wonder why she looks familiar? ’Ryoga thought. Then he started to relax. So, he fell back to sleep. The next morning Ryoga woke up. It took a moment to remember that he was a guest at someone’s manor. Well, an uninvited guest who has to fight the hostess in a short while. He got up and stepped outside. He roamed the hallways until it led to a door at the end of the hallway. He stepped in and slipped on something. He fell on his face. When he opened his eyes noticed that the floor was in white tiles. He sat up and looked forward to see Akane and the hostess staring at him. Their eyes wide open in shock, and then their faces showed a mixture of anger and shock. Then their face just showed anger. Ryoga wonder what he did wrong as he tore his gaze of there glaring eyes. His eyes fell upon their towel-clad bodies then realized where he was. A gush of blood escaped his nose. The war cry of “Pervert,” left Akane’s and Mishika’s lips when they charged. Ryoga luckily passed out as their fists descended. Ranma, hearing their outraged cries, ran to the woman’s sauna. He saw Mishika and Akane finish beating Ryoga and then they looked at him. Once again, the cries of pervert echoed through the manor. It was shortly followed by screams of a certain gender changing martial artist being beaten to an inch of his life. Two days before school starts… Ranma and Akane had packed everything they got and waited at the front gate. Akane looked at the Manor with a little sadness in her eyes. This manor her home for over two months and she was going to miss it. She was eager to see Kasumi, Nabiki, and her father, but she’ll miss being treated like a princess. Also, Mishika’s Manor will always mark Akane’s first and only victory over Ranma. Ranma also gaze at the Manor with sadness. He didn’t what to return to the place of madness known as Nerima. He didn’t want to go back to the chaos where crazed martial artist tried to kill him, where a worthless father ruined his life, and crazed fiancées chased after him. No tried to kill him there, well except Akane. And there was no one to ruin his life. And with the exception of a few crushes from the manor’s maids, no was chasing after him. In a sense, this place has been a safe haven, protection from the storm known as his life. He will miss the peace and quiet that this manor gave him. Now, unfortunately, he was setting sail under the storm that was his life in the ruthless and cold sea known as Nerima. “Prepare to die pervert.” Mishika screamed she flung her self at Ryoga. “Whoa. Now, I am sorry I called you we-“ What ever Ryoga was going to say was lost when Mishika fist connected with his face. Ryoga’s body flew back into the combat room wall. He slid off the wall and landed with a thud. He managed to open his eyes when he saw Mishika’s fist descending. “I wonder how Ryoga doing.” Akane asked. “Well since Mishika said that she wasn’t going take it easy on him for insulting, then peeking on her. I say that Ryoga near death now.” Ranma replied. As if cued, Ryoga limp and unconscious body landed in front of them. “He’s lucky that I didn’t kill him.” Mishika said as she land in front of them. Ryoga got up and stumbled towards them. Mishika just ran up to him and punt him towards a tree. She causally picked up the lost boy with one hand. “Okay. Now I am no longer stressed. Lets go.” Mishika said. Mishika throw the unconscious Ryoga over her shoulder and took off to Nerima. Akane and Ranma, while carrying their packs, soon followed. In less than an hour, they were soaring over Nerima. They landed in front of Tendo home. Akane rushed in to see her family, leaving Mishika and Ranma to carry her things in. “Kasumi, I missed you.” Akane said as she hugged her sister. “Oh my, Akane. You’re finally home.”