Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranma's Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma 1/2. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You won't be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma 1/2 manga and during the King of Fighters '98. (------) Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 32: What Goes on Behind the Curtain Ranma awakens from his sleep in a cold sweat, while in his cabin in the Black Noah. It's the same dream. Over and over again. He sits on the bed and contemplates it Ranma (Thinks): THINK RANMA, THINK! Why am I having these strange dreams? Ever since I felt that power while we were coming back to Japan these damn dreams have haunted me... Ranma's body jerks as the vision of his mother lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood flashes through the forefront of his mind. Ranma: ARGH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ranma's eyes snap open after the initial shock. He starts to breathe heavily to calm himself. He looks at his hands, and summons his purple flame. Ranma (Stares at the flame in his hand): It's because of this, isn't it? My power... Something's going to happen to Mom, and it's because of me having this power... I have to stop it! Ranma closes his hand, extinguishing the flame. He turns his vision towards the clock, and sees it's 5:30 in the morning. Feeling too tense to sleep, he gets himself out of bed, and puts on his clothes, to take a jog around the Black Noah's deck in an effort to clear his mind. Ranma slightly chuckles to himself. Ranma: I miss the days I could sleep through the end of the world, I truly do... (------) Leona is on the deck of the Black Noah, doing stretches and other menial exercises. She's always been an early riser, getting up early to get ready to start the day. She stops her exercises when she sees Ranma walk up from below deck. She runs over to him to see why he's up so early. Leona: Hi Ranchan! Ranma (Turns his head, smiles): Hi Lechan! Leona: Up early for once I see... Ranma (Smile slightly fades): Yeah... I couldn't get back to sleep. Leona (Frowns slightly): Okay Ranma, what's bothering you? Ranma: Sigh... Never could fool you, huh? Leona (Smiles): I can read you like a book. Now please tell me... What's upsetting you? I thought you'd be happy since this tournament is almost over. Ranma (Closes his eyes): Dreams... Leona (Shivers): Bad for you as well? Ranma: Yes... I keep seeing the same thing, over and over again. I know it hasn't happened and may just be a nightmare, but... Leona: But? Ranma: I'm afraid it may come true. I'm afraid my mother may get injured or worse, die, and I won't be able to do a thing to stop it. Leona (Puts her hand on his shoulder): It's okay Ranma... It may only be a dream. Ranma gives Leona and eye that says "And when has anything in my life ever been THAT simple?" Leona shakes her head. She smiles when she gets an idea. Leona: I know what will put you in a better mood. Ranma: oh? And what would do that? Leona (Smiles): A bit of training and food of course. Come on Ranchan. Let's spar for a bit, and we'll go to the Mess Hall and get something to eat... AND THIS TIME DON'T GO EASY ON ME! Ranma smiles knowingly. He has gone easy on Leona when they spar, for fear of hurting her. He knows she wants to fight him for real; so, he's going to give her what she wants. Leona gets into her fighting stance, which is slightly rocking her body back and forth on her feet, while her arms are in front of her, bent at 90 degree angles. Ranma gets into a loose kung-fu stance; similar to that of Kim Kaphwan's, bouncing slightly up and down on his toes while letting his arms hang to his sides. They are about to go at each other, when a certain duo interrupts them. Iori (With his wings): WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET ME UP SO EARLY!?!? AND JUST WHY THE HELL DID YOU SPLASH ME WITH COLD WATER!?!? I AM SICK AND TIRED OF RUINING MY SHIRTS GOD DAMN IT!!! Kima: We're going to begin more training today. Iori, PREPARE TO LEARN HOW TO FLY!!! At hearing this, Ranma and Leona drop their stances to see what goes on between Iori and Kima. Iori (Stares at Kima): ............ Fly? Kima: Yes. There seems to be a good breeze today, so I think this would be a good time. Iori: ... And how the heck do I fly? Kima: Simple. Follow me. Kima walks over to the deck of the Black Noah and looks over the edge. She motions to Iori to follow her and so he does. He looks down over the edge to see what she sees. Iori: And what are you looking for Kima? Kima doesn't answer. Instead she boots Iori in the ass, sending him falling over the side. Iori (As he falls): YOU BITCH!!! Kima (Shouts): IORI! SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND USE THE AIR CURRENT! Iori is still angry, but hears what Kima says and tries it. As his wings spread, it acts like a parachute at first, making his body go upward with the sudden friction of air smashing into them. Iori tries to manipulate his wings like a hang-glider and soon, he's up in the air, actually flying. His anger is quickly forgotten with the awe her feels at flying. He moves through the air with the greatest of ease, as if this is what he was born for. His laughter can be heard through the sky as he goes up and down on the air currents. For once, Iori is truly enjoying himself. Ranma, and Leona stare at Iori in wide-eyed awe, while Kima looks on with a smirk on her face. A sweat-drop appears on Kima's forehead as she thinks. Kima (Thinks): Wow... He actually got it on the first try... DAMN! I wanted to see him fall in. But... This is a nice sight to behold. Kima spreads her wings and flies up to Iori. She is right beside him as she talks to him. Kima: Congratulations Yagami! You got it! And I might add, on the first try, without even knowing what the hell you were doing. Iori: Yes... Thanks for teaching me... (Eyes narrow). However... (Smirks). I think you need a bath... With that Iori smiles evilly and stares at Kima. Kima gulps, and starts to fly away as fast as she can. Iori follows her, taunting her along the way. Iori (As he flies): What's wrong? Don't you think the nice seawater will clean you? Kima (Tries to fly from Iori): DON'T YOU DARE HAKKESHU!!! Iori: COME ON! What's the matter? Are you afraid of a little water, oh soldier of Mount Phoenix? Kima (Angry): BITE ME!!! Iori (Smirks): Sure, if you're asking me... I just didn't know you were into that sort of thing. Kima: DAMN IT IORI! STOP ACTING LIKE A JERK!!! Iori: Well... I suppose you would be afraid of water... After all... You used to turn into "Mallet Girl" with a splash of cold water... Kima's mind stops thinking for a second. Being reminded of when she would turn into Akane with her curse never makes a good impact on her. Her crimson fiery aura appears around her as she turns around to fly towards Iori. Kima (Pissed off royally): HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT ME LIKE THAT!?!?!? Iori (Sweats slightly): Uh oh... With that Kima does her own version of Iori's Maiden Masher on him while in the air. She claws at him with her feet and hands, she head-butts him and grabs his shoulders, sending a surge of Phoenix fire through his body. Iori falls to the deck of the Black Noah. He gets himself up. Iori (Rubs the back of his head): ... Ow... That hurt... DAMN! WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM? Kima (Lands, gives Iori the 'finger'): F*CK YOU ASSHOLE!!! Iori (To no one in particular): ... Of all the things human culture has to offer; she had to learn 'that'... Kima (Smirks): That's not the only thing I learned... As Kima shares some of the very 'colorful' language she's learned from A LOT of the fighters in the tournament, Ranma and Leona walk away in disgust, shaking their heads, as they look for somewhere else to spar. (------) Rugal sits in the captain's quarters of the Black Noah, surrounded by Vice and Mature. There, Rugal sits patiently in his leather chair, thinking of what he wants to tell Mature and Vice. He stays quiet for a minute or so to build dramatic tension. After awhile he speaks. Rugal: I know we haven't been making a good team so far... Vice & Mature: HA! Rugal (Ignores their interruption): After all, we have gotten off on the wrong foot since China and... Vice: SINCE CHINA!? ARE YOU NUTS!? Mature: More like since we first had to work for you... Rugal (Frowns): WILL YOU STOP INTERRUPTING ME!?!? Vice & Mature: No... Rugal face-faults out of his chair, landing on the floor face first. Suddenly the wind picks up and starts to blow around the captain's quarters. Vice: Auntie Em! Auntie Em! Mature: A twister, a twister... The winds die down and Goenitz appears. He stares at Vice and Mature for a bit. Goenitz: You know... I really HATE IT when you two quote the "Wizard of Oz". Mature: It seems appropriate. Vice: Indeed... After all, you make a good "Wizard", Mature and I for your "Good" and "Bad" witches, and Rugal as your "Scarecrow", "Tin-man", and "Cowardly Lion" combination. Mature: Yes. He has no heart, no courage, no brains... Vice: In addition to having no skill whatsoever. Rugal: HEY!!! Rugal and his two 'secretaries' start fighting each other in the room. Goenitz rubs the temples of his head and mutters to himself. Goenitz: Just why the hell did I bring them back? ... I really must have been desperate. Well, we will go to Ryugenzawa soon, so our partnership will end there if you want. This gets the three to stop fighting automatically. Vice (Eyes sparkle): You mean... Mature (Eyes sparkle): We'll be able to get the water from the "Spring of Life"... Rugal (Tears fall from eyes): And live true lives? I'M SO HAPPY! I WILL BE FREE FROM ALL THE IDIOCY!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Vice & Mature (Stare at Rugal): ... Wuss... Rugal stops his crying of joy, and his right eye grows a bright red. He than lunges at Vice and Mature and the three are fighting again. Goenitz just covers his face with his hands, overwhelmed by the sheer stupidity of it all. Goenitz: Sigh... I REALLY must have been desperate for help... At least the New Face Team understood their orders... Anyway, PLEASE try and win the tournament in the Finals, okay? With that Goenitz lifts his hand and disappears once again, leaving Rugal in a stranglehold courtesy of Vice, and having his legs twisted courtesy of Mature. Vice & Mature: SAY IT! Rugal (In major pain, slamming his fists on the floor): OKAY! I AM A WUSS! OH PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!! Rugal's pleas fall on deaf ears as Vice and Mature continue to torture him. Rugal: WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! (------) Yamazaki lies on the bed in his cabin, while twirling his switchblade between his fingers. He's seen a lot of pain during this tournament and it excites him. The only thing that pisses him off, is that Geese isn't going to pay him this time like promised. Yamazaki thinks (if you can call it that), of ways to get paid. Yamazaki (Thinks): Hmm... I need more cash... But what the hell can I do? We already LOST! Damn Blue Mary and Billy, THEY SUCK AS TEAMMATES! I need more cash, and I need it now. Or else, how will I get enough funding to live the life-style I so love and adore? As Yamazaki continues to think to himself, there is a knocking at his cabin's door. Yamazaki: BUZZ OFF! I'M THINKING! There seems to be a chuckle with what Yamazaki said, and the knocking on his door continues. Yamazaki: BEAT IT! Once again, whoever knocks at the door continues. Yamazaki (Angry): THAT'S IT! I'M GONNA TEAR YOU A NEW ASSHOLE!!! Yamazaki runs to his door, only to have it fly at him as it's blown off its hinges. Yamazaki smashes against the farthest wall of his cabin, with the door smashing him into it. Yamazaki slaps his face to clear the dizziness. When his vision goes back into focus, he sees the New Face Team standing around him. Yamazaki (Angry): AND WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU JERK-OFFS WANT!?!? Shermie (Pouts): Oh my, such language. Yashiro: Well what do you expect from such a lowly beast as Yamazaki? Poetry? Yamazaki loses rational thought with that comment and charges at Yashiro with his Judgment Dagger attack. However, Yashiro grabs Yamazaki's wrist, and twisting his arm behind his back making him drop his blade. Yamazaki (As Yashiro holds him still): GRAAAAAAAGGHHHHHH!!! WHEN I GET FREE, I AM GONNA TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!!! Chris: Such an empty threat. Yamazaki (Eyes Chris): YOU LITTLE SHIT!!! Chris then walks up to the restrained Yamazaki and kicks him in the gut HARD! Yashiro holds Yamazaki up, and Chris gets out of the way to allow Shermie to talk to him. Shermie: Calmed down? Yamazaki (Stares at Shermie): ... Kiss... My... Ass... Shermie (Pouts): Is that any way to talk to the people whom want to employ you? Yamazaki: Huh!?!? Shermie: Listen Yamazaki a 'partner' of ours has a job for you. And he is willing to pay you seven million dollars in United States currency. And, all you have to do is get him a particular item. Yamazaki (Smiles): Really? That's a lot of money... What is it your 'partner' wants me to get? Shermie (Smiles): The Kusanagi Katana... Yashiro lets go of Yamazaki. Yamazaki contemplates what they asked of him for a moment. His serious face breaks out into a malicious grin. He looks at Shermie's hair covered eyes. Yamazaki: Tell this 'partner' of yours to make it an even eight million, and we have a deal. The New Face Team smiles with Yamazaki's answer. (------) Ranma wipes the sweat off of his brow with a towel. He had a good time sparring with Leona. Of course, Leona can't match Ranma's speed or strength, but she does have good overall strength and speed. Leona wipes the sweat off herself with her own towel. She feels a tender spot on her shoulder from where Ranma got her. Leona: Shit... This is going to be bruised tomorrow. Ranma (Frowns): Sorry Lechan... Leona: It's okay Ranchan. At least you took me seriously. Thank you. Ranma (Waves his hand): Don't mention it. I like to keep my teammates in shape. Leona (Frowns): Is that all? Ranma: And... (Grins). I love to spend time with you. Leona smiles and kisses Ranma on the cheek. Ranma smiles happily with that. Ranma puts his arm around Leona and pulls her closer to him. He's about to kiss her, when a clapping interrupts them. Female voice: Aw... I wish I brought my camera. This truly is a Kodak moment... Ranma and Leona turn their vision to the speaker. They see it is Shermie of the New Face Team. Ranma: And what do you want. Shermie: Well... It all depends on what you want. Ranma: Huh? Ranma looks at Shermie in confusion. Leona seems to get a bit angry about the way Shermie is treating Ranma. Shermie (Smirks): Well, to be honest, we need you Orochi-sama. Ranma (Interrupts): My name is Ranma... Shermie: Hmm... Very well... Ranma... But, you know you can't fight destiny. You will be the one to lead us to glory whether you like it or not. I'm just trying to give you a chance to make it easy on yourself... Besides... (Her bangs slightly part, so Ranma can see one of her emerald colored eyes). I'll make is worth your wile... Ranma stares at Shermie with a cold hard stare. This seems to make Shermie stand back. Ranma: Sorry, but I have no intention of becoming the Orochi. I have everything I possibly want, and there's no reason for me to do anything to change that. Shermie (Pouts): Phooey. You're no fun... Oh well... (Smiles mischievously). It doesn't really matter what you say. You can't fight fate. Farewell for now Orochi-sama, for we shall meet again! You can count on it. With that Shermie bound across the ship, out of view of Ranma and Leona. Ranma then turns to Leona and sees the anger in her eyes. He can tell that she hates the way Shermie tries to warm up to him. He puts his arm back around her, and is about to kiss her again, when someone else interrupts them. Male voice: LEONA! FRONT AND CENTER! Ranma and Leona turn to see Heidern standing there. He's motioning for Leona to follow him. Leona sighs, and squeezes Ranma's hand before going to Heidern. Once in front of him, she salutes him; he salutes back. He walks away and Leona follows him. (------) Once Heidern has his adopted daughter to the side, he thinks on how he should break his news to her. He's seen the way she's gotten close to Ranma, and he doesn't like it one bit. He's going to nip this in the bud before it worsens. Heidern (Turns to Leona): Leona. Leona (Stands at attention): Yes Commander? Heidern: You are in the Finals, correct? Leona: Yes Commander. Heidern: When the finals are over, I want you to report to Ikari base camp within three days time, for reassignment. I am removing you from keeping a watch over Ranma Saotome. Leona (Eyes widen): SIR! YOU CAN'T! Heidern (Narrows his eye): Is there a problem Lieutenant? Leona: ... Sir... Father, please reconsider. Heidern (Shakes his head): No. I am doing what is best. You have spent far too much time with him. You WILL go back to Ikari base camp when the tournament is over. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST, BUT AN ORDER FROM YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!? Leona just stares at him blindly. Her world has been shattered. The love she's finally found after so long is being taken away from her by the one man she can't seem to stand up to, the man that has treated her as if she was his own daughter. So she just shakes her head in recognition to what he commanded and sprints away from him, the tears threatening to break out from her eyes. Heidern watches Leona's receding form and lets out a long and heavy sigh. Heidern: Leona... You may not know it now, but I am doing this for your own good. With time, you'll get over him... You'll get over him... Heidern looks to the sky. A single tear rolls down his cheek and he wipes it away... Heidern: Why do they always have to make things so damn hard to deal with anyway? (------) Leona sits on the bed in her cabin, rocking back and forth hugging her knees to her chest. Seems like these days, she's cried more then the rest of her life. She doesn't want to leave the only person she has ever loved, but she has no choice. She is still a soldier, and her father has commanded her... She is at a total loss. Leona's train of thought is broken by the sound of knocking at the door. Leona (Dries her eyes): Who is it? Ranma (From behind the door): It's me, Ranma. Leona's feels her heart jump into her throat. She knows she has to explain what happened to him, but she doesn't know how to. She just wipes her face with her hand, then walks up to the door and opens it to let Ranma in. Ranma (Walks in): Leona is something wrong? You didn't come to breakfast like you suggested we do after we sparred. Leona (Avoids Ranma's eyes): I... I'm not hungry... Ranma (Frowns): Look Leona.... I can tell when something's bothering you. So please, tell me what's wrong, and I'll see what I can do to help. Leona: You can't help me with this... Ranma (Raises an eyebrow): Oh? Why? This because of something I did, isn't it? (Slightly panicked voice) Tell me what I did wrong, and I'll do what I can to make it up to you, I SWEAR! Leona (Looks at Ranma, the tears start to fall from her eyes): NO! DON'T SAY THAT! You didn't do anything wrong! It's just... I... I might never see you again... Ranma (Surprised): What? WHY!?!? Leona (Calms herself enough to speak): My father... No... My commanding officer Heidern wants to reassign me to another mission after the tournament. So I will have to leave you... Ranma (Hold Leona by her shoulders, tears start to form in his eyes): PLEASE! ISN'T THERE SOMETHING WE COULD DO!? There has to be... Right? Leona doesn't say anything but cries. Ranma hugs Leona tightly to him, not wanting to let her go. As Leona cries into his chest, the tears fall from his eyes as well. They hug each other tightly to give comfort to one another. Their love, which started out as such a beautiful thing, may end so abruptly. It's unfair to both of them. (------) Outside Leona's cabin, Iori had listened in on their conversation. He was curious about Ranma's behavior in Mess Hall during breakfast. He noticed that Ranma barely ate anything, and had seemed to be waiting for someone. When Ranma got up, Iori followed to see what was bothering his cousin. Now that he's heard about what happened, he boils with rage. A rage that almost rivals his hate for Kyo Kusanagi. Iori stalks off to find where Heidern may be. After ten minutes of looking, he finds Heidern at the bow of the Black Noah, staring at the sky. Iori calls out to him. Iori: HEY! CYCLOPS-MAN! Heidern turns around just in time to see someone's fist connect with his face. ! Heidern's field of vision becomes blurry, with lights flickering across it. Heidern readies himself to attack whoever punched him. He stops when he sees it was Iori Yagami that punched him. Iori (Points to Heidern): How dare you? HOW DARE YOU!? HOW DARE YOU DESTROY SOMETHING AS BEAUTIFUL AS WHAT THE TWO OF THEM SHARE!? Heidern (Frowns): THIS DOES NOT CONCERN YOU YAGAMI! Iori (Face hardens into a deep frown, stare becomes as cold as ice): Doesn't concern me? DOESN'T CONCERN ME!?!? WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE KIDDING!?!? Ranma is like a brother to me, and Leona I see as a good friend. You are trying to tear them apart. Why? WHY DAMN IT, WHY!?!? HAVE YOU NO FEELINGS FOR YOUR ADOPTED DAUGHTER!? DO YOU WANT HER TO GO THROUGH THE PAIN THAT YOU DID WHEN RUGAL KILLED YOUR WIFE SANDRA AND YOUR DAUGHTER CARLA!? When Iori mentions his dead family, Heidern's stomach goes into knots. He remembers their deaths quite clearly, and they are the reason he has sworn vengeance upon Rugal. He remembers how he was in such a horrible state of mind, until he found a light at the end of the dark tunnel of his depression. A light called Leona. She brought back to him a feeling of usefulness. A feeling of reason for being. That is why he doesn't want to give her up, but he also does not want her to go through the same pain he did. And he knows Yagami is right about that. She will. With a heavy sigh, Heidern focuses on Iori. After a few minutes he speaks to the enraged Yagami. Heidern: I'll think about it... Iori scoffs and walks away, thoroughly disgusted by the man. Heidern looks at the ground, not wanting to see anything else around him. (------) It's night. Goenitz floats high above the Black Noah, contemplating the goings on. Goenitz (Thinks): Soon... It is almost upon us... All I need now is the final Sacred Treasure of the Shingi Trioca, and then the fun will begin. And thank you Heidern, for truly confirming what I wanted to know. For now I am one hundred percent sure on how Ranma feels for Leona. She is his power... His pleasure... (Grins evilly). His PAIN! With that Goenitz once again disappears into the winds. The next time he surfaces, all will set forth into action... (------) End Chapter 32 Next Time: LET'S GET READY TO RUMMMMMMBBBBLLLLLLEEEEE!!! THE FINALS ARE HERE! THE ANYTHING GOES TEAM, THE SHINGI TRIOCA TEAM, THE HERO TEAM, AND THE RUGAL TEAM, ALL IN ONE INCREDIBLY PACED MARTIAL ARTS MELEE OF EXCITEMENT... And... An unexpected 'guest' decides to drop in. Send your questions and comments to either RedPriest17@aol.com or Ryutsurugi@yahoo.com This is RedPriest17, signing off. Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire.