From: John C. [] Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 18:24 To: Subject: "Ranma:TTH" Chapter 25 Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Warning: This Chapter of the fanfic Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu is dark. It contains mature themes. I suggest being at least of age 16, or, very mature to read this chapter. But, if you choose to ignore this warning, dont say I didnt warn you. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 25: Bitter Tears A few days have passed since that night at the Tendos. Ranma and the rest have accepted Kasumi for who she is. Ranma even got Iori to talk to Mature and Vice to let certain Nerima Residents on board. Because he knew that Vice would be willing to help her Iori-sama in any way possible. Vice talked to Rugal, and convinced him to let some of the people work on the ship during the tournament. Vice (Has Rugal in strangle-hold): Let them on Or Ill send you BACK TO HELL YOU UGLY HAKKESHU WANNABE! Rugal (Tries to pry Vices arms off of his neck): ACK! Cant Cant breathe Getting Dizzy (Starts to hallucinate). Oooh Pretty lights Mature (Stares at the scene):  Im glad this argument is being conducted in a mature, civilized fashion So now, Kasumi works as the ships cook during the tournament, Dr. Tofu is now on medical staff, and Hiroshi, and Daisuke, two of Ranmas friends from Furinkan High, are now the commentators for the fights, so Rugal and Chizuru no longer have to do it. (------) The Fights have ended in Japan and are now on their way to China. The Black Noah sailed off from its port at Tokyo Harbor, and is no on its way through the Pacific Ocean, so it can turn around, and get to China through the Sea of Japan. It is the middle of the night where the Black Noah is positioned on the sea at the moment. Most of the fighters and staff are already fast asleep. One of the exceptions is the Emperor of Darkness Wolfgang Krauser, who contemplates about Ranma in his mind. He never forgot what he witnessed when Ranma went into the Neko-Riot. As he thinks of the delicious pain he may feel again when he fights Ranma, a smile crosses his lips and he subconsciously traces the scar across his forehead that he had received from Terry Bogard so many years ago. He chuckles to himself as he continues to think of what a fight would be like with a person that not only knows the forbidden art of Neko-Ken, but who also is of the Orochi blood-line as well. (------) Leona wakes up with a shock. She practically screams as she bolts upright in bed. She breathes heavily, and a cold sweat pours down her face. The images she saw this time were different from her usual nightmares. The ones that constantly haunt her were more vivid, and what was also there this time made her skin crawl. She stares with unfocused eyes into the darkness of her cabin, trying not to think of what she remembered from her past, but slowly, it creeps back into the forefront of her mind. She jumps out of bed and runs to her bathroom. Once in she runs to the toilet and throws up. After a half hour, she finally gets over the nauseous feeling; she curls up into a fetal position on the bathroom floor. The tears roll from her eyes as she hugs her legs to her chest. She just wants to scream out, but she cant find her voice at the moment. So she just lies there on her cabins bathroom floor. She wants to do something, but isnt sure what to do. After another 20 minutes she gets off the floor and looks at herself in the mirror. She looks like a mess. Her hair is all messy, and there are tear streaks that go down her cheeks from her red, puffy eyes. She hates the sight of herself and smashes the mirror in with her fist. As she removes her hand, glass shards are imbedded in it, and blood flow from the cuts and gashes all over the backside of her left hand. She stares at it. The sight leaves a horrible feeling in her. It is a feeling of guilt and sadness. The scenes of her parents dieing by her own hands suddenly flash through her mind. She jerks her head back, and clutches at it. It wont stop. She cant get the images of all the people in her village screaming out in fear out of her mind. She feels herself slipping. She starts to let out a wordless scream. No sound is coming from her mouth, but she hears the horrible pitch of it in her mind. Her hair turns a slight shade of red, her eyes start to pale, and she starts to cough up a bit of blood. She grabs her bleeding hand, and tightens her grip on it. The pain from her hand keeps her in reality, keeps her mind from slipping away completely. Finally, the feeling of going into the Riot of Blood passes. Her hair turns back to blue and her pupils go back to normal. She lets out a small sigh of relief. Both her hands are now covered in blood, and her pajama-shirt and its sleeves are soaked in a bit of it. She feels the blood on her face, from when she was clutching her head. She looks around the bathroom. It is covered in broken glass and blood. It looks like a battle had been fought here. And one had been, but in her mind. She looks for a long time with watering hate-filled eyes at her blood Her Orochi tainted blood. She than gets up slowly, steadying herself on the sinks counter top. When she feels she can walk, she takes a few steps. When she sees she isnt falling she continues her way out of the bathroom. She opens the door to her room and closes it behind her. She walks down the hall. When she reaches the end of it, she than walks up the staircase that is there. She goes up a floor and heads down this hall. She walks for a bit and stops while in front of one of the doors. She looks at it and thinks to herself if she should do this. She than steels her nerves and knocks on the door with her good hand. (------) Ranma Saotome, of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts lies in his bed, wearing white shirt and boxers and sleeps Or tries to anyway. For the past couple of nights, ever since he felt what he believes is the Evil Force, he has had strange dreams that dont make sense to him. Hes seen what looks like a floating island in the middle of the sky, Iori stand in the middle of a desert, Rugal sit on a golden throne while he sips from a goblet of wine, and hes seen an image he cant get out of his head. His own mother lying on the ground, while blood flows from an unseen wound, as a man stands over her, his laughter one that chills to the bone. Ranma tries to run to his mom in the dream, but something he cant see holds him back. Whenever he doesnt see these strange images, all he sees in his dreams is the color purple. So, Ranma has started to stay up late and contemplate what it all means. The room is covered in a violet light as Ranma summons his Magatama no Orochi. He stares at the tainted spirit flame covering his hand. It fills him with disgust. Sure, it is powerful, but every time he uses it, his body is filled pain. He feels his body wants to reject the power, but at the same time, use it, embrace it. And as he looks into the purple flame, he sees images of his past. When he was first taken away from his mother, moving of the road with Genma, meeting Ucchan for the first time, Neko-Ken training, and other such memories from his child-hood. The flame grows slightly larger from the anger he feels for his father. After many thoughts of hurting the dumb, old panda he notices the flame is now reaching two feet in height. He remembers that the flames power is based on negative emotion as well. So he tries to calm down, and closes his hand, extinguishing the flame. He stares up at the ceiling, contemplating how his life has changed over the past couple of months. A smile spreads across his face. He knows that hes made more friends in the past couple of months than the first fourteen years of his life multiplied by three. Especially his dear friend Leona. She has been the first person to take the time to try and get to know the real him. And he in return, got to be the first person to know the real Leona. Hes been able to see past her tough exterior, to see the gentle, caring young woman who just wants to have friends, and a real life, one of her own accord and not others. And in that sense, he knows she is like him. For all he wants are friends and to live life the way he wants as well. Ranma than hears a knock at the door. He looks over to the clock to see it is a few minutes past midnight, though they could be in a different time zone. He gets up out of bed and goes to the door. He checks through the doors peephole and sees its Leona. He opens the door to let her in. Ranma (opens the door): Lechan, what are you doing up so (Eyes widen) Ranma stops in mid-sentence when he sees Leona fully. She is a mess. Her face has tearstain streaks that go down her face, her pajama top is stained with blood, and she has blood dripping from her left hand. Ranma doesnt say anything and brings her into the room. He takes her to the bathroom connected to his cabin and checks her hand. He sees that there are shards of glass in her hand. He looks in the cabinet above the sink and looks through it. He finds what he needs. A pair of tweezers and a small bottle of alcohol. He places a washcloth on the counter to place the glass on when he gets them out. After a few minutes he gets all the glass pieces he can out of her hand, and he than put her hand in the sink under running water. He than takes another washcloth and dabs some of the alcohol on it. He rubs it over her cuts. Leona flinches slightly with the alcohol touching her cuts, but says nothing. Ranma than looks for a smaller washcloth, and ties it around her hand. Ranma (As he ties the washcloth): What happened? Leona:  Ranma Ranma: Yes Lechan? Leona: May I use your shower? I want to clean off the rest of this blood. Ranma nods his head, and turns around to leave the room. Leona grabs his wrist. Leona: Please stay. I need someone to talk to Or at least be here I dont want to be alone. Ranma doesnt turn around, but nods his head. (------) Ranma still faces away from the tub. Leona is laying back in it, letting the hot water try to calm her nerves and get some of the blood off of her skin. Leona looks at Ranmas back. A faint smile crosses her lips. Hes trying to be a gentleman with her. He hasnt turned around once to look at her. Though some would take this as an insult, she knows Ranma does not want to seem like a pervert by looking at her while she bathes and thats why he looks away from her. She wants to say something to him, but doesnt know where to even begin. She turns her head back to the water. After awhile, she sees that the bath waters will give her no answer, so she asks Ranma for a towel, because shes done. He hands her one, while his back is still turned, and he scoots out of the bathroom. The smile on Leonas lips gets a bit brighter. Leona: Sigh Oh Ranma (------) Leona walks out of the bathroom. She has the towel wrapped around the upper half of her body. Even though her green pajama pants and underwear were still there, her pajama top was missing. So she put on the towel as a covering so Ranma wouldnt get nervous around her. Once out of the bathroom she sees Ranma handing her one of his blue long-sleeve silk Chinese shirts. Apparently he kept the blue one, even though, all through the tournament hes been wearing a black silk Chinese shirt, with the white crescent moon symbol of the Yagami clan on the back, with the long-sleeves rolled back to his elbow. She realizes Ranma must have taken her pajama top. He didnt want her to wear the blood-drenched shirt. She gladly accepts the shirt and drops her towel and puts it on. The shirt is slightly loose on her Leona (As she puts on the shirt): Thank you Ranma. Ranma (Blushes): Its okay. Its the least I can do. Leona (Smiles, and turns Ranma around to look at her): Thank you. Ranma stares at Leonas eyes. No matter how many times he looks at those shining light blue orbs of hers, he finds himself entranced by them. The way they sparkle with a cool as ice gleam, and the way theres a slight emerald tint to them that makes them seem more jewel-like. He knows that the eyes are widows to the soul. He can see the pain in them, but is afraid to ask her whats wrong, afraid of making things worse for her than they already are. So he just stares into her eyes for the longest time. As Ranma looks into Leonas eyes, she looks right back into his. They are a dark blue that seem to roll with the warmth of a tropical sea. She always loved looking into his eyes. They always have a way of calming her whenever she is upset. She notices that there is sympathy in his eyes. Sympathy for her. It makes her feel in a way she hasnt felt before. He truly cares for her as a person. Not as a soldier, not as the cold-hearted warrior that many believe her to be, but as a normal human being. Leona feels loved. She remembers how Ranma has, for so many times now, protected her, and has shown his love for her. Thats why shes afraid of telling him what she remembers now. It may make him hate her, just push her aside and go on with his life. And the thought just crushes her. Her eyes start to water again, but Ranma clasps her hands. Ranma: Lechan Whats wrong? What happened? Leona (looks at Ranmas hands clasping her own):  I Im sorry Forgive me Its all my fault Ranma is confused by the way Leona is acting. He decides that he should try to calm her down. He leads her over to his bed, and sets her down on it. He grabs a chair from the corner of his cabin, and brings it over to her, so he can sit close to Leona. Once thats done he patiently waits for Leona to tell him whats bothering her. He sees that she stares at her folded hands with unfocused eyes, as if seeing something that isnt there, or that shes trying to remember something. Leona takes a deep breath and begins. Leona: I remember Ranma:  Remember what? Leona: I remember my life before my power awoke. I remember my father Guidel. He was a tall man with a powerful frame. He had bluish white hair in a ponytail near the base of his neck. He had these dark forest green eyes. He had a golden tan from working outdoors for most of his life. He wore plain and simple clothes. And he would always smile at me. He would let me follow him almost everywhere he would go. I got to see a lot of the forest area outside our village. (Smiles). Sometimes, when Id get too tired from walking around with him, hed pick me up, and let me sit on his shoulder and hed carry me the rest of the way like that. I truly lived a happy life with them. My father would always be there for me. And my mother was there for me also. She was your traditional Japanese lady. Shed have her bright red kimono on that would be offset with her black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. I remember shed scold me a few times, when I was bad. So I tried to be a good child, and thus I wasnt scolded often. So, as you can see, I lived a pretty peaceful life (Frowns, eyes become downcast). Too bad it wasnt meant to last Ill never forget the day he came ---- A 6-year old Leona sits by the window of her mothers kitchen. She looks outside to see her father Guidel standing in front of his home. But he isnt wearing his usual work clothes. He wears a strange white military coat, white pants, thin dark red leather shoulder guards, and dark red leather boots. Soon another man with strangely colored hair, being white and gray with blond highlights on top, and black at the temples appears from out of nowhere, right in front of her father. Most of the villagers around stop whatever they are doing to look at what takes place. The other man wears an outfit like her fathers except his is dark blue where her fathers is white, and black where its dark red. He walks up to Guidel Man (Smirks): Hachitaki no Gidiar or Guidel the Eight Waterfalls I presume? My, you have changed Guidel (Frowns): What do you want here Kamikaze no Goniezuu? Its been a long while since we last talked. I was hoping I wouldnt have to see you again. Goenitz: Ah I see your still remember me That is nice indeed. Guidel (Angry): GET TO THE POINT! WHAT DO YOU WANT HERE!? Goenitz (Mock hurt): Theres no need to shout. Is that anyway to treat an old friend? Guidel (Angrier): Old friend? OLD FRIEND!? YOU LEFT ME TO DIE THE LAST TIME I TRIED TO HELP YOU, AND YOU CONSIDER ME A FRIEND!?!? Goenitz (Crosses arms across his chest): Well, I realized that we all make mistakes sometimes But, now theres a way for you to make it up to me for your failure the last time 8 years ago. Guidel (Eyes narrow): Make it up to you? Guidel: Yes. I know this village you set up here, and act as the village chief to is filled with members of the Orochi bloodline. Theres no denying that fact. Guidel: Your point? Goenitz: My point is you have been wasting your time. You Guidel are one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi. You should be out helping to free our master, not here playing Little House on the Prairie. Guidel: What I do is MY business. If you dont like it, LEAVE! Goenitz: Hmph. Suit yourself with that. Now, let me get to the point. While you have been wasting time, I have gone and corrected your last mistake. You remember that, years ago, I sent you to steal the Yata Mirror, and you failed to get it. You know that we need that mirror. It acts as the primary seal that binds the Orochi in his prison. Guidel: I know that. And as for why I failed, the mirror was too heavily guarded. I barely survived all the wounds that were inflicted upon me by soldiers loyal to the Kagura clan. And than you go and beat me some more for failure, and toss me in the middle of the forests near Hon-fu Goenitz (Interrupts): Anyway I have solved that problem myself. You know that there is another part of the seal. That the Yata clan is famous for having twin girls that Guidel (Eyes widen in horror): YOU DIDNT!?!? Goenitz (Smiles wickedly): Yes I did. I was able to kill one of them. A 14-year old girl known as Michiru Kagura. She and her sister Chizuru acted as the other part to the seal on our master Orochi. I wasnt able to get close enough to Chizuru, but her sister was dumb enough to try fight me, and You can tell what happened. Guidel (Angry): You b*st*rd You killed an innocent child Goenitz (Surprised): Innocent? She was born to bind our master into his prison. SHE DESERVED TO DIE! Anyway, after I killed her, the seal was indeed weakened, almost broken But Guidel: But? Goenitz: But the Orochi isnt responding. I need your help. We will gather energy, and over time, we shall have enough to awaken him, and thus the world will be cleansed of the disease known as humanity and the world will once again be pure, filled with wild-life, and plant-life. And we of the Orochi bloodline shall have it all to ourselves. To do with the world as we please. You can expand yourselves beyond the rainforests, into other parts of the world! Wouldnt you like that for our people? Guidel (Without hesitation): No. Goenitz: WHAT!? Guidel (Calmly): You heard me Divine Wind. I refuse to help you. The people here and I have lived peacefully for a long time now, and we will not return to the violent ways of the Orochi. Goenitz (Angry): YOU CANT POSSIBLY BE Guidel (interrupts): Serious? I am. Now leave Goenitz. I can make no promises to how the villagers will take to this Goenitz looks around. He sees there are farmers, and workers with assorted tools use for agricultural work, poised for use as weapons. A deep frown adorns Goenitzs face. He is seething with unbridled rage at the way these weaklings dare to stand up to him. Goenitz is about to disappear again when a little girl comes running out of Guidels house; followed by an older woman. Leona: DADDY! Guidel: Leona, get back. Goenitz (Eyes Leona): Daddy? (Looks at Guidels wife). You And a HUMAN!? ARGH! Guidel, that is low! How DARE YOU CONTAMINATE THE OROCHI BLOODLINE WITH FILTHY HUMAN BLOOD? (Eyes widen with realization). Orochi blood And human blood (Smiles wickedly). Hm hm hm Just remember this. The Orochi does not forgive traitors to the cause. With that Goenitz gives Leona one last look, raises his left hand, and disappears in a strong gust of wind. Most of the villagers just shrug it off and go back to what they were doing. Guidels wife goes up to him and takes his arm in hers. Leona glomps onto her daddys leg. Guidel looks at Leona with a sense of sorrow. (------) It is now the afternoon. Leona sits on a downed log. She notices theres a bad feeling in her stomach, and her head starts to hurt as well. She folds her arms around her stomach, trying to ignore the pain. Guidel walks up to her. He is back in his everyday clothes. Guidel (Worried): How are you feeling Sweety? Leona: My tummy hurts. And so does my head Guidel (Frowns, places his hands on her shoulder, and looks into her eyes): Leona, listen to me Leona: Yes daddy? Guidel: Remember these words Leona. Sometimes you have to fight destiny, no matter how cruel and sad it may be. Leona stares at her father, wondering what he means with that. He shakes his head and walks back to his home. Leona just stares at his receding form. The pain gets worse. (------) Night falls. All is calm, except for Guidels home. Leona has gotten worse. Her head is killing her, and she has a high fever. Her family began to worry for her. Soon Leona started coughing up blood. Guidel was shocked. He was well aware of the signs of the Riot of Blood. He knew that Leona was never taught to control her power from the Orochi blood flowing through her veins, and that the consequences would be terrible if she went into the Blood Riot. Soon, some of the other villagers came to his home to try and calm Leona down. It was no use. Soon, Leonas eyes were lost, and it happened. Leona went into the Riot of Blood, hr Orochi Power awakened for the first time. She became a savage beast. There were screams of horror, blood, and soon Nothing. Villagers tried to get away, but Leona easily hunted them down, killing all that had lived in the hidden village, which was more than 200 people. Soon the Riot of Blood receded from her. She was left in the center of the destroyed village, alone, scared, and covered in blood. Goenitz appears and starts applauding her for a job well done. Goenitz (laughs for a bit, claps his hands): BRAVO! EXCELLENT! I couldnt have done better myself. (Walks up to Leona, puts his hand on her head). Dont worry about the destruction. Think of this as a dream. A delicious prelude for what is to come. For now Let me give you a more pleasurable memory to cherish. Goenitz throws Leona to the ground, his shadow looms over her. ---- Leona sits on Ranmas bed. She had her legs up to her chest again, and she holds onto them for dear life. Ranma sits at the edge of his seat, sickened, and in all out awe but the events Leona has told him. Leona begins to cry again. The sight saddens Ranma. He has always seen Leona as a strong person that has a good heart, and to see her crying tears his heart to pieces. Leona looks up at Ranma with tear-filled eyes. Leona: Im sorry I wasnt able to stop him He was too strong Ranma: For what? What did he do? Leona breaks her gaze with Ranma. She cant stand to look at him now. She knows hell probably hate her for letting what happened to her to happen. Leona cant stop the tears from flowing. Finally, she musters the little courage she has left to lift her eyes to meet Ranmas gaze and tell him what she remembered after so many years Leona (Voice barely above a whisper): He raped me Leona sees Ranmas eyes widen in horror. She breaks his gaze from his face and cries into her knees. She knows its now over. Hell never want to speak to her again. Not after learning this truth about her. To her surprise, she feels Ranma get on the bed with her, and hug her tightly. Ranma: Lechan Im so sorry I never knew. Leona drags her sight from her knees and looks at Ranma. His eyes are also filled with tears. He feels pain and sadness for her. This makes Leona feel even guiltier for making Ranma cry. Leona (Voice barely above a whisper): Ranma Im sorry Ranma (Places his right index finger on her lips): Its okay Lechan It wasnt your fault any of it happened. Im just sorry that it did happen. Ranma than moves his finger away to go back to hugging her. Leona is about to ask why he is so forgiving to her, but she doesnt get a chance as Ranma silences her with a kiss. The kiss is the light at the end of a long dark tunnel for Leona. She has had a hard life, and she has finally found someone that is willing to accept her for who she is, and whats happened to her. The tears pour from the corners of her eyes. Ranma feels the tears as they hit his face. He breaks the kiss and wipes away her tears with his finger. Ranma (Smiles): Leona For what its worth, I do love you. No matter what has happened to you. To me, you will always be my Lechan. Leona (Eyes water, smiles back): Ranma Leona than engages a kiss with Ranma. She is so happy that he is very understanding and accepting of what has happened to her, and what shes done. She feels like shes sailing on Cloud 9. After a while, they finally break the kiss. Ranma looks at the clock on the wall of his cabin, and sees it is now 3 in the morning according to his clock. Ranma: Lechan, you better get back to your cabin and go to bed. Well have to get up soon. Leona (Hugs Ranmas arm): Cant I stay a bit longer? I dont want to be alone. Ranma (Thinks a bit before answering): Hmm Okay, fine. Ranma gets out of the bed, and places the blanket over Leona. He intends for her to sleep in the bed, while he goes to sleep in the chair. Leona grabs his wrist. Leona: No Ranma. Ill sleep in the chair. This is your cabin, so you take the bed. Ranma (Shakes his head): No. Youre the guest here. Youll take the bed, and Ill take the chair. Leona: How about a compromise? Ranma (Lifts his eyebrow): Compromise? Leona: Yes. Well both sleep in the bed. Ranma is about to break out into so many reasons of why they should not, but he sees her eyes. He can see the hope in them. She has a lot riding on this gesture. Ranma doesnt want her to feel rejected, after finally feeling good about herself again. So he nods his head in agreement, and calmly gets into the bed with her. Leona holds onto Ranmas arm for dear life as soon as hes in the bed. This spooks Ranma slightly. Ranma: Lechan, whats wrong? Leona: I just want to know youre there. Ranma smiles. Apparently, he is whats keeping her happy. So he pulls the blanket over them and they stay there for a bit. Leona falls to sleep soon, tired out from her emotional drain earlier, with her arms still wrapped around Ranmas and her head on his chest, a faint smile on her face. Ranma looks at Leonas sleeping form and he thinks of how angelic she looks while sleeping. A smile crosses his lips again as he thinks of how, to at least one person, he is a good person. Soon sleep claims him as well. Neither of them bothered by their usual bad dreams for once. (------) End Chapter 25 Next Time: Repercussions of the night before. What happens when certain people get the wrong idea. And finally, the new destination is reached for the fights. CHINA! Authors Note: Sorry to all Leona fans out there. I know I was harsh on her, but I felt that it was necessary to make this chapter good. So all of you Leona fans out there please accept my apology and understand this was needed for the story. Thank you. Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!